Chapter 629 Anti-kill the enemy
There are ten people on each of the three flying boats. The highest level of cultivation is in the late stage of Void Refinement, and the lowest is in the early stage of God Transformation. Everyone is expressionless, swinging their swords to attack the defensive cover of the moving mountain, and they will not stop until they break the defensive cover. posture.

If Hao Meng from the Hall of Nine Evil Spirits were here, he would find several of them were monks whom they met once in the Xianlai Inn in Tianquan City.

These people fell behind Hao Meng all the way, and finally stopped after Hao Meng met Jian Jian with three high-ranking powerful monks.

This group of people sold their souls to the Zerg and became the spokespersons for their travels.

The previous "blood worms" were sent everywhere, allowing this new type of worms to parasitize selected people in exchange for more cultivation resources to achieve the purpose of improving cultivation.

Before, they chased Hao Meng all the way according to the signal left by their companions, hoping to rescue them or kill them directly to keep their secrets.

However, Hao Meng pursued closely, the strength of the people they pursued was inferior to that of Hao Meng's team, so it was not easy to act hastily.

When their helpers arrived, Hao Meng had already obtained important information with the help of Jian Jian and the other three, and their companions had also been killed, and then decisively led them away from Tianquan City.

Hao Meng's burning feeling was that the opponent's high-ranking monks had arrived and were about to intercept and kill their monks from the Nine Evil Palace, but Hao Meng slipped away quickly and escaped the catastrophe.

They had no choice but to withdraw. There were high-ranking monks in the Tianquan City territory. They were also afraid that if they were inadvertent, they would directly trap themselves in the Tianjianzong territory. At present, they do not have the strength to challenge the Tianjianzong, and they will not be reconciled in the end. withdrew.

At that time, Liuli had reminded them that they believed that these people who were watching were coming for the people from the Hall of Nine Demons. After Hao Meng led them away, these people also withdrew, so they didn't pay attention.

Today, they followed Bi Shu all the way because they found out that Bi Shu had left the territory of Tianmo Palace, and wanted to kill this Zerg traitor.

The moving mountain trembled a little under the continuous attack, Mosu's fair face showed no expression, and he just ordered the black-robed guard beside him:

"Moyi, speed up! Just hit out of their encirclement, take them for a while, try to disperse them, and kill them with the attack talisman of the fusion stage."

"Yes, your lord!"

After Moyi received the order, he turned around and went to the control room of the moving mountain.

"Mosu, it seems that you are well prepared!"

Mo Yi stood aside with folded arms, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he spoke bluntly.

"Well, the last time you brought Bi Shu back to the sect, you encountered an attack. This time you left the territory of the Tianmo Palace, I was worried that they would do something again, so I went to exchange for a few attack talismans. This time, it can't be cheap. them."

Mo Su explained, and at the same time a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk! As soon as Bi Shu made a move, they chased after her like a cat smelling fish."

Mo Qi was dressed in a red robe with dark patterns, still wearing a high ponytail, sitting at the jade table without getting up, and while speaking, she glanced at Bi Shu, who was bowing her head aside.

Bi Shu felt a tyrannical consciousness, and scanned herself from head to toe, as if to confirm whether she had been tampered with.

"Bi Shu, tell me yourself, did you tip off the news and wait for them to rescue you?"

Mo Qi directly aimed at Bi Shu.

"Bi Shu doesn't dare, they have already regarded me as an enemy, and they want to get rid of them quickly, how can they save me!"

Bi Shu anxiously defended herself, and even raised her head to look at Mo Qi who was speaking.

"Then how did they find you so accurately?"

This time it was Mo Yi who asked the question.

Bi Shu secretly glanced at the big Mo Yi, lowered her eyes, and then replied:

"The insects bred by the same female insect as me can sense each other. The closer the distance, the stronger the induction. I am no longer a complete insect race, and their sensing is not very accurate."

"Oh! That is to say, if you are slaughtered now, they will not be able to track you!"

Mo Qi's joking voice rang in Bi Shu's ears.

Bi Shu immediately raised her head and said weakly:

"My lord is merciful, Bi Shu is still useful, aren't you going to take me to find a new type of Zerg? I will definitely do my best!"

"Puchi..." Mo Qi laughed outright, it was really cowardly, but she stopped playing around with Bi Shu.

After questioning and answering, several people basically confirmed that this group of people came for Bi Shu.

At this time, the moving mountain was under the control of Mo Yi, and directly smashed away from the encirclement of the flying boat.

Mo Yi manipulated the moving mountain to hit the flying boat among the three flying boats, the flying boat with the higher cultivator. After hitting the opponent, he turned in one direction and accelerated to leave.

Seeing that they were about to flee, the remaining two flying boats ignored the knocked flying boat, but immediately turned around and followed them.

When the moving mountain was moving fast, Mo Yi left the flying boat alone and went straight to the flying boat that was knocked into the air.

The lone flying boat had just stabilized its body, turned its direction, and was about to continue tracking, when they found a giant tower-like Mozu appearing in front of them.

The late-stage cultivator on the flying boat waved to his companions behind him, ready to take Mo Yi down.

Mo Yi didn't even say a word, and as soon as he turned his hand, he held an attacking jade talisman at the fusion stage in his hand. This was given to him by Mo Su when he left the moving mountain, and asked him to fight quickly, although he I really want to fight this late-stage cultivator.

"not good!"

The late-stage cultivator on the flying boat realized something was wrong the moment Mo Yi started to attack the jade talisman, and immediately took out a high-level teleportation talisman, crushed it and teleported it out of the attack range of the jade talisman.

The rest of the cultivators were not so lucky. The moment they fled when they attacked the jade talisman, they and the flying boat were all annihilated. After the wave of attack power dissipated, there was nothing in front of them.

"It's pretty fast to escape!"

Mo Yi pursed his lips, scanned with his divine sense, and found that there was no trace of the cultivator who refined the void, and found that there was no omission, so he just dodged and left the place.

The other two flying boats chasing Mosu felt the energy fluctuations in the distance at the same time, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and the two flying boats stopped one after another.

Before the people from the two flying boats converged, Mo Su and Mo Qi had already left the mountain peak, standing in the sky, blocking in front of the two flying boats, without saying a word, they directly activated the attacking jade talisman in their hands, and within five breaths, they would The monks on both ships were all killed.

Mo Yi also rushed over, and after the three met, Mo Yi said:
"I ran one over there. I don't know where it was teleported."

"It's okay, I want to see how many senior monks they can send to hunt us down."

A sternness flashed across Mosu's fair face.

"We'd better get to the Heavenly Sword Sect's territory as soon as possible. If they continue to send high-level monks to intercept and kill them, we can't always use attacking jade charms to fight against the enemy."

Mo Qi raised her eyebrows and said to her two juniors.


Mo Su answered one word directly, and the three of them returned to the moving mountain in an instant.

As soon as the demon saw that all the three lords had returned, he immediately readjusted his direction and flew towards Tianjianzong.

And the late-stage cultivator who crushed the teleportation talisman appeared in a mansion, and before he could calm down, he was urged by the people beside him to meet their master.

Cultivator Lianxu reluctantly went to meet the so-called master, and then a second wave of fit monks set off to intercept and kill the group of Tianmo Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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