Chapter 630 Daily Cultists
Tianmo Palace accelerated all the way, heading towards Tianjianzong, and Tianjianzong has been relatively lively recently.

Because of the early opening of Huang Jue's secret realm, the Nascent Soul cultivators in the sect are all gearing up to enter the secret realm to find their own opportunities, so talismans, pills, and arrays have all become popular items.

The disciples of Law Enforcing Hall were also moved. Those who had no missions wanted to go to the secret realm to find their own chances. Meng Zhonglun of Zongtang had just recovered his cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying, and had also registered to enter Huang Jue's secret realm.

Because Meng Zhonglun discovered the "blood sac" in the mortal world, he was almost taken away by an evil cultivator pretending to be a national teacher. After the evil cultivator's soul entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he was polluted by evil energy, and his cultivation base dropped severely.

Fortunately, Jian Jian made a timely move. After recalling the opponent, he used his own golden light of merit to clean up the evil energy on Meng Zhonglun's body.And because of his meritorious service in eradicating evil cultivators in the mortal world, he specially rewarded the other party to go to the "Advanced Hall" to restore his cultivation, and he just left the test not long ago.

Meng Zhonglun knew about Huang Jue's secret realm, so he reported it to the head of the "Trace" Hall, wanting to enter the secret realm.

"This time your cultivation has dropped so badly that you could have hit the late Nascent Soul stage, but now you can recover your cultivation. The opening of the Huang Jue Secret Realm this time is indeed your chance. It just so happens that Zongtang's Zhang Xuefeng has just advanced to the Yuan Dynasty. Baby, the two of you go together, and you can also be companions."

The hall master of Zongtang in black robe said.

"Yes, hall master, I will prepare right now."

Meng Zhonglun withdrew from the hall and went to prepare himself.

Jian Jian also resumed a relatively fixed daily routine. He began to teach the three disciples every day at Chen Shi, and then carried out effective planning according to the progress of personal cultivation.

The rest of the time is used for refining. In order to refine the magic weapon of the trial as soon as possible, it is basically carried out in the space, and the flow rate of the space is adjusted.

On this day, Maodou and Zongfan were drilled by their master again, this time to kill sea beasts in the sea, they flopped about in the sea for a whole seven days, and finally were swallowed by a whale shark , ended the trial.

When the two opened their eyes, they still saw the smiling face of their master.

"How does it feel to fight in the water this time?"

While shaking his round fan, Jian Jian asked his two apprentices.

"We haven't built a foundation yet, so we can't switch to internal breathing. The time to hold our breath is limited, so we are very passive."

Maodou was the first to speak.

"Whether it's casting spells or swinging a sword in the water, it feels different from that on land, and there will be deviations."

Zong Fan also analyzed carefully.

"That's right, the two of you have found out the reasons why you were killed from the aspects of yourself and the environment. Then, the teacher will assign you a new task."

"Yes, Master!"

The two were very happy to be recognized by the master. After saluting, they waited for the arrangement of the master.

"Without foundation building, you can't turn to internal breathing. You can wear a water-proof bead to solve this problem temporarily. Of course, the way to solve the problem fundamentally can only be to improve your cultivation."

"As for attacking under special circumstances, I will adjust the weight rings of the two of you to the weight that you can bear in the early stage of foundation establishment. From today onwards, you will swing your sword a thousand times a day under the waterfall on the east side peak."

"Yes, Master."

Although the two of them didn't show anything on their faces, they were crying in their hearts. Master's attack was really ruthless, which began to increase the difficulty of cultivation.

"You are senior brothers, so you have to set an example for your little junior sister. Xueru has only been practicing for a long time, and now she is at the fourth level of Qi refining."

Simply waving his round fan, said this lightly, and then waved his hand to readjust the weight rings on the two of them, and then let the two go back to the east side peak to practice.

Maodou and Zongfan bowed their hands to salute the master with some difficulty, then slowly adapted to the new load, and walked towards their own stone house on the East Side Peak without using any light body skills.

"Tsk tsk! Don't dawdle, when will you go back? Use the lightness technique to inject spiritual power into your hands and feet."

Simply speak out to mention my two idiots.

Only then did the two of them come to their senses, run their spiritual power, and when they felt that the weight-bearing ring was not so heavy, they immediately used the lightness technique to leave the peak where Jian Jian was.

When the two left, they happened to meet Xueru who had finished practicing body training boxing, and immediately put on the appearance of a senior brother, greeted Xueru, and then left at a faster speed.

After obediently bowing her hands to the two senior brothers, Xueru carried her iron-wood sword on her back and swung it under the banyan tree.

Nodding simply and satisfied, Xueru never needs to urge her to practice, and can complete the training tasks assigned by herself every day, and sometimes adds some by herself.

As a master, simplicity is naturally gratifying, but I don't want Xueru to practice too much, so I specially rubbed a copy of the jade slips of the introduction to the four arts of cultivating immortals, and gave them to my disciples.

"I know that once you are able to cultivate, you work extraordinarily hard, trying to make up for the time you haven't cultivated, but cultivation doesn't happen overnight.

The cultivation tasks assigned to you by the master can just stimulate your potential and are within the tolerance range of your body, so there is no need to overweight yourself.

This is the introduction to the four arts of immortality, namely Dan, Qi, Talisman, and Formation. After you complete the cultivation task, you can take a good look at it, determine a skill you are interested in, and then study it in depth. "

"Thank you, Master, Xueru took it."

Xueru took the jade slip respectfully, put it in her storage bag, and then raised a smile and asked her master:

"Master, I have completed my cultivation task today, can I go to the East Side Peak to see the two senior brothers?"

"Go! I know you miss your new cave!"

With a simple look, I can see through the apprentice's little thoughts.

"Hee hee! Thank you, Master!"

Xueru jumped up and down, and went to find her two senior brothers.

Jianjian also entered the cave, and after the restriction was dropped, he began to refine the remaining cubic space magic blocks.

The next day, after a simple examination of the homework of the three young disciples, Lu Se immediately stepped forward to report:
"My lord, Wei Zhengrong asks to see you."

"Hmm! Let him come, probably because he is thinking about Xueru."

Simply gestured to Lu Sedao.

After a while, Wei Zhengrong stood in front of Jian Jian:
"I have seen Master Jian Slaughter."

"Well, are you not on duty today?"

Wei Zhengrong was obviously in a good mood, with a smile on his face, he replied respectfully:

"Your Majesty, I went out to do some errands. I just came back, and after I finished answering my words to Your Majesty, I went back to the Law Enforcement Hall."

"Let's talk, what's the good thing? But the 'Wind Spirit' has disappeared?"

Jian Jian recently ordered such a thing to Wei Zhengrong, so it was easy to guess.

"Yes, thanks to your blessing, I bought 'Wind Spirit' back at a fairly reasonable price."

Saying that, he took out a sealed jade box from the storage ring and presented it to Jian Jian.

After simply taking it over and inspecting it, I inspected it and found that there is no problem with the item, and it is the "Wind Spirit" that has just given birth to consciousness.

"Has the Hua family asked you about anything else?"

"They were very concerned about how I obtained the Hua family's keepsake. They inquired about it from the side, but I prevaricated it, and only said that it was borrowed from the seniors."

After listening briefly and nodding, Wei Zhengrong continued:

"In addition, I found the latest news about Du Yanran from the Hua family. She was surrounded by monks from the Yin Yang Sect, but she escaped."

As soon as Jian Jian rolled his eyes, he knew that the other party had escaped with the help of the Magnolia space. If it is used so frequently, someone with a heart will definitely notice the clue.

"In addition, there are rumors that Du Yanran has a living space, so she can avoid hunting and rounding up again and again."

(End of this chapter)

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