Chapter 633 Combination struggle
The fight here has alarmed the nearby monks, because it is close to the territory of the Heavenly Sword Sect, the pair of mobile inspection teams sent by the Heavenly Sword Sect in the area under the jurisdiction of the sect found something wrong at the first time, and quickly moved to this side.

Jian Jian let go of his hands and feet this time, used his five swordsmanship one by one, and fought a tie with the two fit monks.

It was only then that the two realized that this female cultivator was a sword cultivator, no wonder her tone was so loud.

When Jian Jian fought against the two, he also found that although the two were at the middle stage of the fusion, their attack power and destructive power were not as good as his own at the early stage of the fusion. It's not as meaningful as I imagined.

The two found that scattered attacks couldn't hit Jian Jian, and they had no advantage in the opponent's domain, so they started a double attack instead. The sword light sandwiched the mace shadow, presenting a spiral shape, attacking Jian Jian.

"Moxi, open the sword field!"

Simply waved the Moxi sword No. [-] out, met the opponent's attack, then held the Moxi sword with both hands, swung the sword instantly, and opened the sword field.

The two fit monks saw that their attacks were scattered by the opponent's natal sword, and immediately organized a second wave of attacks. The attack wave formed by the sword light and mace shadow collided with the simply opened sword field.

The sword spirit of Mo Xijian did not lose the chain this time, frantically absorbing the massive amount of spiritual energy in Jian Jian's body, scattered the second wave of attacks with a strong sword force, and spread the sword area to the opponent's feet.

The two of them took two steps back after being hit by the sword, and they also noticed the extraordinaryness of the natal sword in Jian Jian's hand.

At this moment, Mo Xi Sword No. [-] also returned to Jian Jian's hands, and Jian Jian, who held the sword in both hands, showed a creepy smile to the two of them.

"If you want to attack my natal sword, it depends on whether you have the ability."

"Nine moves of the Heavenly Sword!"

Simple and direct slash with one sword, although it is only one sword, but it is the effect of nine swords superimposed together, directly bombarding the opponent's vital point.

The two wanted to leave the original place, but unfortunately they were restricted by the sword field, and they only teleported one step before being teleported back to their original location, and they took the attack of the nine-style attack of the Heavenly Sword.

The sword and the sword, the sword and the mace all sparked, and the inner breath of the two of them was a little disordered, but Jian Jian took the opportunity and directly launched the move "Thousands of Swords", and Moxi Sword No. two people.

The fighting here was fierce, and the cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Palace did not give up. The huge goshawk that attacked them lost many feathers, and it still hovered tenaciously to attack several people.

"Senior sister, there is something wrong with this goshawk. It knows it can't beat us, but it's still attacking us."

"I saw it a long time ago, didn't you notice it? It has already led us away from the shuttle."

"Hee hee, it turns out that everyone has noticed it, so what's the deal with him? Just pull his hair off and see how he flies."

This seventh-level goshawk obviously understood Mosu's words, and immediately screamed, then waved its huge wings, and its feathers turned into golden arrows, overwhelmingly attacking the four people standing in the sky.

Mo Su swung his poisonous dagger, Hanyue Blade, and with a move of "Ice Needle Volley", faced the attacking arrows.

Mo Yi was still hitting ten times with one force, and the huge ax shadow had already slashed towards the rain of arrows.

With two swords in hand, Mo Qi swung the "Double Moon Dance" with a swipe of the sword's light, and also faced the attack.

With the blessing of the new natal sword, Jianhou's attack power is no weaker than that of the three people in Tianmo Palace, and the "Nine Swords of Heaven" are frequently swung out to fill in the gaps at any time.

The forces of the two sides collided, and for a while, the golden sword light, the ice-blue knife shadow, the brown ax shadow, and the red sword momentum in the sky dyed half of the sky red.

And the shuttle, which was already away from the four of them, was caught by a huge yellow claw that fell from the sky. The black-robed guard reacted quickly, and immediately left the shuttle to attack the other giant claw.

"Boss, they deliberately lured the lords away so that they could attack us."

Mo Jiu said.

"Honorable Lord can't take care of us now, we will try our best to attack, and don't let Bi Shu be taken away."

The sword in Moyi's hand kept swinging out, and at the same time commanded everyone to attack together.

Groups of demonic energy surged, attacking the huge claws that grabbed the shuttle from all angles.

It's a pity that the opponent didn't love to fight. After grabbing the shuttle, he immediately retracted his claws to the clouds, and at the same time let out a shriek, as if to inform his partner that he had already succeeded.

The Goshawk, which was surrounded by four people, was a bit overwhelmed. If it wasn't for the advantage of flying, it would have been killed by four people.

At this moment, the goshawk also chirped interactively, flapped its wings, left the encirclement of the four in an instant, and joined its companions. The eagle's cry seemed to inform the two fit monks that they had succeeded, and then quickly escaped into the air and disappeared .

A trace of doubt flashed across Jianhou's pretty face, and he asked Mosu directly:
"Aren't we going after it?"

"No, they didn't take anything with them."

Mo Su explained, then waved to the black robed guard, and everyone turned their attention to the field of white magnolia flowers blooming in the sky.

"The space boundary on Jian Slaughter is three points similar to the space barrier of Moyue."

Looking at the huge space boundary, the careful Moqi suddenly said.

She hadn't come out of the seclusion before, and she had heard Mo Yi's words about Master Jian Slaughter, and this was the first time she had seen this Lord Jian Slaughter.

The four of them turned their heads suddenly at this time, and saw a group of nine people led by the cultivator Lianxu, moving quickly towards this place.

The opponent was very vigilant. After seeing the black-robed guards, they had already formed an attack formation during the march. If something was wrong, they would attack immediately.

Jianhou swept over with his spiritual sense, and found that the team of monks who came was from the Heavenly Sword Sect, so he immediately rushed to meet them.

Mo Su didn't follow, but motioned to the black-robed guard standing aside:
"Moyi, have you seen the formation of their group?"

"The subordinates saw that the battle formation was close behind, and the offense and defense were integrated. Their reaction was very quick."

Mo Yi is currently in the late stage of Distraction, having experienced the Battle of the Valley of the Dead, which made his fighting consciousness sharper.

"Learn more!"

Zhan Tao led the team to inspect the mountains outside Yaoguang City. He found that the spiritual power fluctuations here were abnormal, and he judged that there were monks fighting.

The Magnolia Boundary that rose shortly after was the logo on the Sword Slaughter Zun of this sect, and Zhan Tao immediately rushed over here with his people.

"My lord, I am a disciple of the Law Enforcing Hall, and Lord Jian Slaughter is fighting against the fit monk who raided the Heavenly Demon Palace."

Jianhou stood against the sky, facing the Zongmen squad, and after saluting, he briefly explained the situation on the scene, and showed his Law Enforcement Hall ink pendant.

After Zhan Taoyan looked at Mo Pei, he waved to the monks of Tianjianzong behind him, and everyone resumed the queue.

Under the leadership of Jian Hou, Zhan Tao's team joined the monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace. After the two parties greeted each other politely, they turned their attention to the three combined monks who were fighting.

After the crowing of the eagle just now, the two fit monks were also a little anxious, because they had achieved their goal of intercepting the flying boat of the Heavenly Demon Palace, and they could evacuate, but now they were stopped by this female cultivator, and their attacks became more and more frenzied .

With a cold snort, five colors of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and then he swung the Moxi sword and started to attack. The five elements of sword light in the sword field continuously attacked the two fit monks in the sword field from bottom to top.

(End of this chapter)

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