Chapter 634 The Enemy Is Saved
After the two combined monks in the realm scattered the sword lights around them, they teamed up and started to attack Jian Jian. If they didn't defeat this female cultivator, they would still be unable to escape.

Simply stepping into one's own sword field, almost no need to allocate spiritual power to move, the heart moves at will, like a ghost, appearing around the two, and then starts to swing the sword to attack, leaving no chance for the other party.

The two fit male cultivators hated in their hearts. What kind of monster is this female cultivator? fell shame.

It's simple but no matter how much they slander, in her eyes now, there are only the traces of the two swinging their swords and wielding their maces, and then swinging sword shadows at a predicted angle, resolving the attack and at the same time counterattacking with all their strength.

"Woman, close the boundary! Quick!"

Liu Chuan's anxious sound transmission came to Jian Jian's ears. Without any hesitation, Jian Jian withdrew his sword and stepped back, waving his hand to instantly withdraw the Magnolia flower realm.

The surrounding crowd were also stunned. The two sides hadn't decided the winner yet, so why did Admiral Jian Slaughter withdraw the sword field?

Jian Hou reacted the fastest. Based on his understanding of Master Jian Slaughter, since the other party opened the boundary, it is impossible to let the two fit monks go, so something must be wrong.

"Everyone retreat quickly!"

Jianhou uttered his voice at the first moment. Although everyone didn't understand, they still instinctively followed suit. They quickly left the position of watching the battle and retreated a hundred miles.

Zhan Tao frowned and said:
"Does your lord need support, I will send out a signal for help now!"

After all, it was a battle between high-level monks. They couldn't help, but they didn't want to hold back.

"Wait! If you can't handle it, Your Majesty will ask for help."

Jianhou said firmly.

As soon as his words fell, a huge fist protruded from the sky and hit the place where Jian Jian and the three were.

It is estimated that the opponent originally wanted to smash the simple space boundary, but the simple reaction was too quick, and the boundary was immediately put away.

The moment she simply retracted the realm, she felt the coercion of Mahayana above her head, and she could clearly see the opponent's change of move midway.

"Marshmallow! Get out of the opponent's attack range."

"Yes, Master!"

Marshmallow instantly released a white mist, covering the three of them in an instant, and then led its master to leave the range of the big hand in an instant.

The big hand only grabbed the two fit monks, then retracted into the clouds, frowning simply, he was here to rescue the two fit monks.

Suddenly, the clouds surged, and a giant black palm fell from the clouds. This time, the giant palm slapped Jian Jian.

"Good come!"

Simple does not dodge or dodge, after merging the two swords, holding the sword in both hands, the yin and yang Taiji disk in the dantian rotates rapidly, and a large amount of chaotic aura passes through the meridians and pours into the Moxi sword in Jianjian's hand.

"Chaotic world, open!"

A huge gray sword shadow directly faced the big palm, the two forces collided together, the sword shadow was broken, but the giant palm was also shattered, the sky was full of wind and clouds, and a vacuum zone appeared for a while.

Simplicity was also affected by the power of the Mahayana period, flying backwards.

Marshmallow immediately wrapped around its owner and blinked to avoid the aftermath of the Mahayana attack. The little silver armor was also melted a lot by the attack wave, and the magic robe was also damaged, but they were still tenacious, protecting the simple dantian and heart veins.

After simply swinging this move, the spiritual power in her body was still there, but the qi and blood surged by the power of the Mahayana period, when she stabilized her figure, she could no longer feel the breath of the giant palm just now.

Jian Jian didn't dare to be careless, who knows if the other party will appear again, he stretched out his hand and directly took out a small porcelain bottle, and drank the top-quality spiritual spring water inside, this is Jian Jian specially prepared for himself when he was in the space, so as to deal with it This situation.

"Liu Chuan, has the other party withdrawn?"

Simply transmit the sound to Yanagawa, because he was the first to remind himself to put away the space boundary, preventing himself from being severely injured.

"Let's go! You are lucky. The other party probably didn't want to lose those two fit monks, so they rescued them from the air. Are you not injured?"

Although Liu Chuan always likes to pour cold water on simplicity, he is still very reliable at critical moments.

"I'm fine, but my spiritual power is overdrawn. Fortunately, you reminded me in time, so I didn't get hit hard."

When the breath on his body calmed down, he simply ordered Marshmallow:

"Marshmallow, take me to join them!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Shinjia, go back and rest."

At this time, upon hearing the master's order, the Shining Armors rushed back to the pendant like a tide.

This is the first time that the silver beetle has been injured so badly. It is simple and distressing, and the best spiritual spring water is added to the pendant to let them recover first.

In the distance, the monks of Tianmo Palace and Tianjianzong all saw the scene of the battle between the two sides just now, and they were all terrified. Even at such a distance, they all felt the coercion of the Mahayana period, not to mention the simplicity of the battle center.

Mosu was more direct, he flashed to Jian Hou, flipped his hand with clear joints, and a black jade talisman appeared in his hand. It can also help everyone escape.

Mo Yi and Mo Qi on the side saw their teeth sore, and Jian Hou's face was a little unnatural, and then he returned to normal, and said to Mo Su:
"Don't worry, Your Majesty can handle it."

At this time, simplicity has been brought to everyone by cotton candy.

In the process of teleporting, Jian Jian had already replaced the damaged robe, and put on the robe of the Heavenly Sword Sect, wearing a moon-white dark-pattern robe, which made Jian Jian, who had just experienced the war, look even colder. After the cloud and mist dispersed, it appeared in front of everyone.

"Greetings to Master Jian Slaughter!"

The monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect stepped forward to salute neatly, with a look of excitement on their faces. Your lord is indeed the most powerful in the fusion stage, and even the attack of the Mahayana stage was forcibly broken. They are proud of you, especially It was in front of the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Jian Jian nodded with a smile, glanced at the leader of the inspection team, and asked:

"Are you patrolling around?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, we were inspecting the mountains of Yaoguang City, and found that there was a fight here, so we rushed over here."

He briefly glanced at the opponent's cultivation base, nodded, and then ordered:
"I rushed here after receiving a message from the Heavenly Demon Palace. Now that the matter has been resolved, you can continue your inspection mission, and check the nearby mountains as well."

"Yes, my subordinates take orders."

With a wave of Zhan Tao's hand, he led the people into the mountains below, and began to carry out the simple tasks.

Then Mo Su took Mo Yi and Mo Qi to greet him:
"Greetings to Lord Jian Slaughter! Thank you Lord for your timely help this time!"

"You're welcome! Jianhou was worried about you, so he went to find me directly. Fortunately, I didn't retreat at that time."

A simple reply with an undiminished smile, teasing the two of them by the way.

Jianhou was standing behind Jianjian at this time, without making a sound, with an expression of a well-behaved subordinate.

"How many waves of attacks have you suffered? What is the opponent's purpose?"

Simply go straight to the topic.

"Two rounds, the cultivation level is getting higher and higher. Last time it was a cultivator who refined the void. I directly used the attack jade talisman to kill the person sent by the other party, but there was a fish that slipped through the net, so this time they sent a fit cultivator. It made us very passive, and we had to contact Jianhou for help."

Mo Su paused at this point, and then said:

"Their goal should be Bi Shu."

(End of this chapter)

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