Chapter 639 Arranging the New Home
The group from the Tianmo Palace stayed in the guest reception hall with a heavy heart. When Jian Hou brought the group of distinguished guests, Lu Se brought Yunjuan and Yunshu and the two had already arranged everything properly.

Lu Se led several people into different caves, left the cave's prohibition card, and then left.

Mo Su directly left Jianhou in his cave, saying that it was to reminisce about the old days, but in fact the two had nothing to say, they communicated with the jade slips on weekdays, and they knew each other's situation clearly.

Mo Su brewed a pot of spiritual tea, and handed it to Jian Hou beside him:

"Try it, this is the spiritual tea I brought from the Heavenly Demon Palace."

Although Jianhou had no expression on his face, he still picked up his teacup and took a sip.

The light blue tea soup entered the mouth, and immediately filled the mouth with a faint tea fragrance. After swallowing, there was still a hint of sweetness between the lips and teeth.

Jianhou nodded his head in a rare way, and said two words "good tea".

There was some smile in Mo Su's eyes, and he took out a sapphire tea pot from the storage ring, and pushed it directly in front of Jian Hou.

"Since you like it, you can drink these first, and I will bring you something else next time."

Jianhou didn't refuse, so he put the tea pot into his storage ring, and then looked at Mosu, the meaning in his eyes was very clear, do you have anything else to do?

With a smile in Mo Su's eyes, a magnetic voice sounded:

"I can't chat with you if I have nothing to do? It's not easy for me to see you once. I have been busy for several days in a row, helping the master to finish all the palace affairs before I can get away."

"Didn't you escort Bi Shu to Tianjianzong to identify blood worms?"

Jian Hou frowned and asked.

"Yes, I came to see you too."

What Mosu said was straightforward, but Jianhou was a little embarrassed.

"What do you want to talk about, tell me!"

In this way, the two began to chat with each other.

The above is the picture sent back by Liu Chuan, which makes the teeth sore for a while. This wave of dog food is scattered.

"You continue to monitor. As long as they don't do anything outrageous, don't interfere. If they do, please contact me at any time."


Yanagawa lazily accepted the task.

At this time, Xueru, who went to the east side peak together with the moon, had almost arranged the place she chose.

This is thanks to the help of the two senior brothers. The location Xueru chose is not very far from the stone house of the two senior brothers. In this way, if there is something to say, they can come to help, not only have their own independent space, but also can respond to each other.

Xueru's stone house was built with three floors, one floor more than his two senior brothers. Zong Fan said that the courtyards of the female cultivators in their family are very large, with gazebos, ponds, flowers, plants and spiritual plants. Xueru is already here. Very concise.

But Xueru is very satisfied. After all, she has her own place. She opened up the first floor as a practice room and living room; The study room and the place where talismans and arrays are made.

Because Xueru is a wind spirit root, she won't be able to achieve much in alchemy and weapon refining, so she uses talisman seals and formation disks as one of the four arts to assist her in her cultivation.

Simple and very supportive, I deliberately passed on my talisman experience to Xueru, and didn't rush to teach her. I just let her be familiar with the process of making talismans. The first step is to learn how to make the talisman paper for drawing talismans.

Recently, Xueru completed the training task left by her master, and started to learn how to make blank talisman paper. The first-level talisman paper is relatively easy to make. The first-level star grass is easy to collect, and one hundred star grass can make ten ten pieces. Hexagram talisman paper, and then cut it.

For this reason, the two senior brothers specially opened up a place behind the stone house to boil the materials for making talisman paper, and put an ordinary copper tripod on it. The miniature fire vein rented from the affairs hall is just suitable for the operation of Qi refining disciples.

Around the stone house, there are various kinds of spiritual plants planted, attracting spirit butterflies and spirit bees, flying around, beside the stream, near the stone house, there is a weeping willow, the willow branch swings lightly in the breeze, the green willow Ye Rushang's fine jasper makes people feel happy when they look at it.

The moon turned around and felt that Maodou and Zongfan's planning was good, so he added some small items.

The moon patted on the storage collar in front of her chest, and first arranged the living room for Xueru:
"Xueru, this is the place where you want to entertain guests. The decoration can't be too casual, but it's well-regulated and doesn't suit your age. Let's make it brighter."

Immediately, a set of tables and chairs made of red coral was placed in the middle of the living room by the moon, and a huge luminous pearl was inlaid on the top of the hall, and then a set of fine sapphire carved tea sets were placed on the table, and the moon took out I bought three jade boxes of tea.

"This is the tea that my lord likes to drink on weekdays. One box is Qingye Maojian, the other box is cloudy and misty, and the other box is peach blossom tea. The first two kinds can be used for entertaining guests, and the last one is scented tea, you can use it yourself .”

The moon explained sternly.

"Yes, Xueru wrote it down."

Xueru's face was blushing, and her eyes had already turned into crescent moons.

Then the two went up to the second floor one after the other. Moon looked at the bedroom first, and saw the century-old iron-wood bed that the two senior brothers helped Xueru to make. With a disgusted expression on his face, he said to Xueru beside him:
"Put this bed away."


Xueru responded simply, then put the iron-wood bed into her storage bag, and then looked at the moon with bright black eyes.

With a wave of the moon's little hand, a thousand-year-old cold jade bed was placed directly. On the ice-white bed frame, shimmering silk gauze was hung, and it was obvious at a glance that it was not ordinary.

"This is a thousand-year-old cold jade bed. You can meditate and practice on it every day, which will help your aura to solidify. Even if you rest on the cold jade bed, you don't need to deliberately perform exercises. To resist this cold air, you will also Slowly run the exercises on their own.

Over time, a pattern has been formed. Even in daily practice, the exercises in your body are running, which is equivalent to your non-stop cultivation. "

"Thank you, senior Yue Yue, for the gift. Does Master have any?"

Xue Ru star-eyed, but still thinking about her master, asked hastily.

"Naturally, Your Majesty's bed is a ten thousand year cold jade bed. It's useless for her who is a thousand years old."

The moon explained proudly.

"However, you must know that wealth should not be revealed, and you should not publicize it everywhere on weekdays. This cold jade bed is nothing to your lord, but it is also a treasure to some low-level monks."

"Yes, Xueru knows."

"Hey! This is a protective array, placed directly in your bedroom, it's best not to let outsiders enter here."

"Oh! The two senior brothers can't do it either?"

"Well, they are male cultivators. What are they doing in your bedroom? Although they are all monks, there are still differences between men and women. Remember!"

Moon's tender little face was full of seriousness, and she explained to Xueru seriously.

"Yes, Xueru wrote it down, thank you, Senior Moon, for reminding me!"

"Well! Be good! Let's go to the third floor to have a look."

The two went up to the third floor again. This time, Yue Yue bought some books and jade slips for Xueru, so that she could learn about the customs and customs of the entire Lingyun Continent through the books while practicing.

Xueru likes these books very much, after carefully sorting them out, they put them on the fir bookshelf specially made for her by the two seniors.

The other room was used for drawing talismans and making formation disks. There were only futons, first-order talisman paper refined by Xueru for the first time, and nothing else.

Moon took out two jade boxes from her storage collar, and pushed them in front of Xueru:
"This is a gift from Your Majesty to your new home."

(End of this chapter)

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