Chapter 640 Contract Wind Spirit
As soon as Xueru heard that it was given to her by the master, she immediately took it respectfully, and then opened it carefully.In one of the jade boxes is a talisman pen, and in the other jade box is a carving knife.

Yue Yue sat cross-legged on the futon, and after calling Xue Ru to sit down, she explained:
"This hollowed-out Green Bamboo Talisman Pen is of the second grade. The pen barrel is made of green jade bamboo, and the nib is made of the hair of the second-grade edelweiss mink. It is very suitable for beginners like you. You can see the hollow on the pen barrel. Are you there?"

"Yes, got it!"

Xueru also liked this talisman pen very much, she rubbed it in her hand and examined it carefully.

"When you run the spiritual power drawing talisman, whether the spiritual power is uniform and coherent when you write, you can see it in the hollowed out part. It is normal for the beginner to have uneven spiritual power. It can help you control the output of spiritual power well."

"Master is really considerate."

Xue Ruxie put away the talisman pen, took another silver palm-length carving knife in her hand, and looked at it over and over again.

"This carving knife is also used by beginners. It is used to carve the formation plate. It is made from the bone of a second-level silver python."

"Thank you, Senior Moon, for clarifying my doubts. I want to thank Master in person."

Xueru put all the things into the storage bag that her brother gave her, and then suggested to the moon.

"Hmm! We're almost done buying things, let's go back together."

"Where are your two senior brothers? Haven't seen them?"

The moon asked Xueru.

"Hee hee, the two senior brothers should be swinging swords under the waterfall right now! There is no time to see Xueru."

After hearing this, Yue Yue also narrowed her dark eyes, it seems that His Majesty has already begun to overweight them.

Then the two left the East Side Peak one after the other, and went back to meet Jian Jian.

At this time, Jian Jian was thinking about how to make better use of Bi Shu to solve the current predicament, and the moon and Xueru came back hand in hand.

"Meet Master!"

Seeing Jian Jian, the moon jumped over immediately, turned a small somersault in the air, and then returned to the shape of a raccoon beast, and landed lightly on the shoulders of his statue.

"But everything is arranged?"

Simply holding Xueru up with spiritual power, he asked with a smile.

"Xuerute came to thank Master. Xueru likes the talisman pen and carving knife you gave me very much. I will definitely practice more."

"Okay, cultivation is not a one-day achievement. I want you to learn these. First, you must master the four arts of immortal cultivation. Second, it allows you to better control your spiritual power and exercise your spiritual consciousness. I hope you can understand."

"Yes, Xueru understands that Master's arrangements are all for Xueru, I will listen to you."

Xueru has a pair of bright eyes, looking at the simple, full of admiration.

"Your brother found this for you, and you will make a contract today."

While speaking, a sealed jade box appeared on the simple round fan. It was the "Wind Spirit" that Wei Zhengrong bought a lot of spirit stones from Hua's family.

Xueru took the box and didn't open it recklessly, but just looked at the master, waiting for the answer.

Jian Jian nodded with satisfaction in his heart, he had a calm personality, so he opened his mouth to explain:
"This is a 'wind spirit' that gave birth to spiritual consciousness. If it is cultivated in a suitable place, it can transform into form after ten thousand years. It's just that the place where he is located has been destroyed, so it was captured by human cultivation, and your spiritual root It just happens to fit him, you make a contract with him, and you will promote each other, which is a good result."

"Yes! Xueru understands."

Simply throw a trap and say to Xueru:

"You enter the formation, open the seal, and let 'Wind Spirit' come out. Don't think about forcing a contract. You are the ultimate wind spirit root, which is a great temptation for 'Feng Ling'. He gets close to you, and he will naturally form a contract of life and death."

After a simple and detailed explanation, the formation was opened.

"Master, this disciple understands."

Xueru also made a serious face, she knew that contracting "Wind Spirit" would be a great help to her practice, her elder brother must have spent a lot of thought for this opportunity she was looking for, let alone let her master and her husband down. Brother's hard work.

Holding the jade box, Xueru bowed to the master, took a deep breath, stepped into the formation, sat cross-legged on the formation, and nodded solemnly to Jian Jian.

She simply gave Xueru an encouraging smile before closing the formation, and the rest was up to Xueru herself.

"My lord, I see that Xueru is about to break through the fifth level of Qi refining."

"Hmm! If she contracts with 'Wind Spirit' this time, her cultivation will probably be longer."

"Your Majesty, this is a male cultivator who raised Xueru as a daughter, and I don't know which one will be cheaper in the future."

"It's still early, but you have reminded me. I want to give Xueru a good foundation early. Don't let the male cultivator say a few sweet words. If you sacrifice your life to save him once, you will secretly agree! Cultivating ascension is the right way. There are so many young talents!"

Simply thinking that the little cabbage that I have worked so hard to cultivate with gold rims is about to be humiliated by pigs, and my mood is not good in an instant.

The moon listened to the words of the lord, and the hairy smile was shaking. Forgive her for not understanding the relationship between men and women. Watching the lord walking all the way, beautiful alone, is not the same nourishing and comfortable.

In addition to frequent missions and frequent fights, she seriously suspected that it was because of this that the so-called young talents in the cultivation world were discouraged.

Wei Xueru who entered the formation, after the master put down the formation, first performed a Zhou Tian exercise, so that his spiritual power was abundant and his thoughts settled down, and then he carefully took off the seal symbol on the jade box and opened it. Jade box.

The moment the jade box was opened, a ball of white air the size of a ping-pong ball rushed towards her front, but was avoided by Xue Ruyi.

Then before Xueru could react, she gave up on her and rushed out, only to be blocked back by the formation.

"Feng Ling" did not give up, and continued to charge against the wall of the formation, even attracting Feng Li to attack the formation with him.

When Xueru saw it, she didn't care about other things, she closed her eyes and began to practice the exercises, and slowly the wind spiritual power formed a wind circle around her, and then slowly spread to the surroundings.

"Wind Spirit" subconsciously stopped attacking the formation, and began to float in the wind, circling around Xueru in circles, but not getting close to Xueru.

Xueru kept in mind Master's instructions, and was not in a hurry to make a contract with the other party, but continued to use the exercises to gather more wind spiritual power around her. With the addition of more blue wind spiritual power, Xue Ru slowly sank. Put your mind down and enter the cultivation state.

Originally, Xueru was about to break through the fifth level of Qi refining, but now there happened to be a "Wind Spirit" next to her, and the gathered cyan-colored wind spirit power spots were more and purer, entering from the skin little by little, and then into the meridians, according to the energy Fa begins to cycle through the sky, and finally enters the Dantian.

With a sound of "Boom", the barrier of the fifth floor of Qi Refining was broken, and the wind spirit power swarmed in. Among them was the curious "Wind Spirit". He wanted to see what place these companions were scrambling to enter.

What Xueru was waiting for was this opportunity. When Fengling entered the meridian, she did not take any action, and continued to follow the route of the exercise, absorbing spiritual energy, and strengthening her cultivation. When "Fengling" entered the dantian along the meridian, Xueru Only then did he imprint his own spiritual consciousness on the center of the light sphere.


From the doubts of Feng Ling, he then came to Xueru's spiritual root, saw the clear blue wind spirit root, and directly entrenched in it happily. He likes this place.

With the combination of wind spirit and spirit root, Xueru's spirit root became thicker visible to the naked eye, while the spirit root became more transparent, and wind spirit moved up and down in the spirit root column.

"Bobobo" sounded three times in a row, the barrier was broken, and Xueru's cultivation directly broke through to the eighth floor of the Qi refining period.

(End of this chapter)

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