Chapter 641 Make Good Use
The movements in the formation can be seen clearly at a glance, and Xueru's boldness is also directly supported.

This child, let her go with the flow, not let her directly incorporate the other party into her dantian without a contract. Fortunately, the result is still good, "Wind Spirit" has already been contracted, otherwise her cultivation base will not be good. Promoted to three levels in a row.

Xueru has been promoted to three levels in a row, and she feels that her body is much more relaxed. When she looks at her body, the meridians in her body have widened again. It is not obvious, but it contains more aura.

Looking inside the dantian, two-thirds of the aura inside has been stored, and when the aura in the dantian is full, it will be able to attack the foundation.

Looking at his spiritual root again, some black impurities were actually precipitated on the spiritual root, and "Wind Spirit" was still swimming back and forth in his spiritual root, and with the swimming, impurities leaked out of the spiritual root.

This discovery surprised Xueru, but she still calmly waited until the "Wind Spirit" stopped moving, returned to the depths of the spirit root and settled down, and then withdrew her inner gaze.

Xueru used a cleansing technique to tidy herself up before she stood up from the futon and walked out of the formation.

Simply waving to open the formation, Xueru stepped forward with a smile on her face, bowed and saluted:
"Thank you, Master, for protecting me. I have signed a contract with 'Feng Ling', and my cultivation level has been raised by three levels. Now I am at the eighth level of Qi Refining."

"Well! Not bad, but there are other strange things?"

Jian Jian had noticed that Xue Ru frowned for a moment when she looked inside her body, so she asked this question.

"Yes, Master, I looked inside my body, and found that there was something abnormal in my spiritual root at the place where the 'Wind Spirit' was entrenched."

Xueru knows the problem that she can't explain, the master must know, and immediately confessed the discovery just now to Jian Jian.

"Okay, let me explore your spiritual roots as a teacher."

Simply condensed a hair-thin spiritual power, entered Xueru's meridian, and arrived at the spiritual root in the next moment.

The "Wind Spirit" that was originally entrenched in the spiritual root seemed to be aware of it, and immediately swam in the spiritual root. This time, no impurities leaked out.

And simply directly rolled out all the impurities precipitated from Xueru's spiritual root, Xueru instantly felt a lot more relaxed, and then immediately comforted "Feng Ling" with her spiritual consciousness.

Simply twist through the impurities, and after a short smell, you know that this is the remnant of "Gu Ling San", but I didn't expect it to be found in the root of the spirit.

Xueru was still waiting for Master's answer, and said with a simple smile:
"You're lucky this time, you contracted Fengling, and Fengling settled down at your spiritual root, he removed all the impurities in your spiritual root, and now your spiritual root is the real top-grade heavenly spiritual root .”

Xueru's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she saluted again:
"Thank you, Master, for clarifying the confusion. It turns out that Xiao Sa is so powerful?"

Hearing the name simply, he raised his eyebrows lightly. This was Xueru's name for "Feng Ling".

"Master, this is Xueru's name for 'Feng Ling'."

Xueru bared her teeth and said embarrassedly.

"Well! As long as you like it. You have been promoted to three levels in a row this time. Don't rush to practice in the near future. You should focus on body training and sword training. By the way, let's get started with talisman making."

"Yes, Master!"

Xueru answered loudly.

He simply raised his hand and adjusted the weight ring again before sending Xueru away.

Xueru was in a good mood, bouncing back to her cave, ready to communicate with her contracted wind spirit.

The next day, Jianjian refined the three-dimensional space of the Rubik's Cube in his own cave, and Lu Se reluctantly lifted the restriction on his own cave.

"What's the matter?"

Simply step out of the cave and ask.

"Your Majesty, to disturb your cleansing, Hall Master Jian Li told me to ask you to sit in the Law Enforcing Hall."

This time it was Wei Zhengrong who came to invite simplicity.

Everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall knew that Wei Xueru was practicing under His Majesty's seat, so no one competed with him for the errands at Tianyue Peak. He would run a few more times and always see his little sister, so he could feel more at ease.

At this time, Xueru had finished soaking the body training decoction, and was doing body training boxing. Although she saw her elder brother, she was not distracted at all, and she was serious about her boxing skills, while running exercises along the meridians.

Wei Zhengrong just glanced at it, and he could see that his little sister had already refined the eighth level of Qi. How long has it been?

While Wei Zhengrong was relieved, he was also amazed. This kind of cultivation speed is basically the speed of a top genius, and he still has the ability.

While feeling happy in his heart, he forgot that he was the one who found "Wind Spirit" for his little sister.

The above was just a momentary thought of Wei Zhengrong, but he simply knew that he also came to see Xueru by the way, and without revealing it, he nodded and said in a low voice:

"I'll go with you to meet my brother."

Law Enforcement Hall

"Brother, what is it for this time?"

Simply entering the main hall familiarly, after saluting, he sat down consciously and asked Jian Li with a smile.

"Well, I have something to discuss with you."

Jian Li rubbed his eyebrows, put the jade slip in his hand back on the table, took a sip of the spiritual tea that Qi Hua brought, and then said:
"Bi Shu, a hot potato, is now in Tianjianzong, and may not be able to leave for a while, do you have any ideas?"

After listening to it simply, he pursed his lips and smiled:
"Senior brother, you don't even ask about the meaning of Tianmo Palace, but you just put your idea on little friend Bi Shu. What if Tianmo Palace doesn't like it!"

"Why don't you like it? If you didn't make a move, they would never return this trip."

Jian Li said it simply.

"Okay, junior sister understands."

Jian Jian also took a sip of spiritual tea, and then said what he was pondering yesterday.

"Since Bi Shu's live insect detector is in Tianjianzong, let's sweep the Tianjianzong's territory first, and use high-level monks to clean up our territory. If you can catch the second blood Worm, it proves the value of Bi Shu, and the sect sent high-ranking monks to escort them back, which is equivalent to repaying the loan of Bi Shu from the Heavenly Demon Palace."

"Of course, if the monks of the Heavenly Demon Palace can invite their true master, they can go back directly from the Heavenly Sword Sect. However, as the senior brother said, we have the grace to help us, so we have to clean up our territory before leaving. .”

"How is the ratio of high-level monks suitable?"

Jian Li continued to ask.

"Still following the old rules of our Law Enforcement Hall, one is bright and the other is dark. In the open, we use the fit monks, and in the dark, we need the Mahayana True Venerable to come forward."

"What you think is roughly the same as mine, as for the candidates."

As Jian Li said, he glanced at Jian Jian, who immediately understood:
"Brother, don't look at me, I have already fought against them, they know my strength, and, recently, I have to refine a magic weapon, and I can't get away."

"Do you have a suitable candidate in mind?"

"Jianxu, Jianmao, and Jianjing are all capable of this task. As for the true venerables, you can only go and invite them personally. If any true venerable is free, then they will go out to the sect for activities."

Jian Li listened and nodded, the people mentioned by his junior sister were all powerful sword cultivators, they were good candidates, as for the real venerable, he wanted to go there in person and report the whole story to the real venerable.

"Okay, I'll listen to my junior sister about this matter, as for the Tianmo Palace"

"I'll go talk to Mosu."

There is always one thing to do, otherwise there is no way to leave the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall.

"In this way, there will be Junior Sister Lao."

"Share your worries for senior brother!"

The simple official was polite and left the Law Enforcement Peak.

Jian Li recorded the whole story and the guesses of several people in the jade slip, and then went straight to the back mountain.

Back Mountain Forbidden Area
This time, the four True Venerables Tianyun, Tianhong, Tianzhen, and Tianyu are all present, and they are practicing the technique of combined attack.

(End of this chapter)

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