Chapter 642 Reaching a Consensus
A few people also watched that day, and simply fought against their nine squadron captains, and felt that they had to practice the technique of combined attacks. To fight.

When Jian Li came to the back mountain and entered the forbidden area, he saw the four True Venerables using their spiritual power to form a battle formation in the air.

"Jian Li pays homage to all the True Venerables."

"Jianli, is there something wrong?"

The four of them waved their sleeves to dissipate the spiritual power in the air before asking.

"It's a tricky task that needs to be done by the real venerable, please take a look."

Jian Li handed the jade slip to his master, Zhenzun Tianhong first.

After scanning Tianhong's spiritual sense, he handed the jade slip to Senior Brother Tianyun. After the four of them read it in turn, Tianhong was the first to speak:

"I'll go this time! It was Tianlong last time, so it's my turn."

The corner of Jian Li's mouth twitched when he heard this, it seems that the master also wanted to leave the sect for a while.

Tianyun Zhenzun said with a smile:
"Is this Jian Lu's idea?"

"Yes, I discussed it with my junior sister. She suggested that she be responsible for persuading the Heavenly Demon Palace."

Jian Li told the truth.

"It also looks like her style of doing things."

The several True Venerables all smiled, they would naturally not refuse anything that was beneficial to the sect.

"Okay, just follow your ideas, we also want to meet the secret true venerable."

"Yes, the disciple will arrange it now."

Jian Li felt much more at ease, and the True Venerables agreed, so his pressure was much less.Immediately, he took out the purple-level True Venerable Mission Order from his storage ring, and offered it with both hands.

Not surprisingly, it was directly taken into the hands of his master Tianhong, and the other three did not compete with him.

Seeing that the matter had been settled, Jian Li gave another salute and left the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. He had to go back to arrange the mission order of the blue master of the fit monk.

He simply left Law Enforcement Peak and went directly to the welcoming hall at the top of his own peak. When the light came down, the guard stepped forward to salute, and then let him go directly.

Although the Welcome Hall is called a hall, it is actually a small mountain attached to Tianyue Peak. In the courtyard, Jian Jian saw the three Mosu people sitting together, and the black-robed guards were guarding him. Seeing Jian Jian coming, Immediately stepped forward to say goodbye.

"I have seen Master Jian Slaughter."

"You're welcome, are you still used to being here?"

After simply sitting down, he started the conversation first.

"Everything is fine, I dare not bother Your Majesty to ask personally."

"No trouble, where's little friend Bi Shu?"

simply asked with a smile.


Mosu coughed and said:
"She was a little frightened. She stayed in her room and didn't come out."

"Tsk tsk! It's already the Nascent Soul stage, and you're still so timid, you should practice more."

Simply said with a smile.

Immediately, he directly explained his purpose of coming. After hearing this, the three of them looked at each other, but did not express their opinions immediately.

Simple and not in a hurry, he explained softly:

"Bi Shu is in the Heavenly Sword Sect's territory, we will definitely keep her safe, and whether she can identify the monk possessed by the bleeding worm has not yet been proven. Instead of going back to the Heavenly Demon Palace to verify it, it is better to verify it here by the way." Fan, you can explain to Zongmen when you go back."

Mo Yi touched his nose and whispered:

"There will be no delay in verifying after going back."

Jian Jian was not angry when he heard it, covered his lips with a smile, and said:

"When you came, you were almost left behind by two fit monks, and I blocked you back. Then I can assure you that the next time they make a move, it will definitely be the Mahayana True Lord. Can the three of you handle it? Or do you want to invite the Heavenly Demon Palace? Mahayana True Venerable came to our Heavenly Sword Sect as a guest?"

The three of them listened to the simple words, although they didn't want to admit it, but they did have the grace to help, and the speculation was reasonable.

"Then kill Bi Shu directly."

Mo Qi gritted her teeth.

It is simple to know that the other party said this, not to confront himself, but just a little angry.

"That's not impossible. It's best to kill those people in front of them, otherwise they will think that you are hiding people deep and will keep staring at you."

After briefly speaking, he looked at the faces of the three of them and continued:

"You saw that blood worm. I caught it in Tianquan City under the Heavenly Sword Sect. My Heavenly Sword Sect already has a parasitic blood worm. Will your Heavenly Demon Palace have it? Then I am so sorry for you demons. The title of the head of the door."

The simple implication is that there are blood worms lurking in Tianjianzong, and so is your Tianmo Palace. Now that you have killed Bi Shu, you can indeed get rid of the pursuit, but you have missed an opportunity to find potential blood worms. I keep a disaster for myself, I don't know when it will explode.

"The blood worms I caught this time were parasitic on the best wood spirit root disciples of the Wei family in Tianquan City. Their family is based on cultivating spiritual plants. If a war breaks out, the supply of spiritual plants will be directly related to the pills. supply, I don’t need to say more about the rest, you should know better than me.”

"What Your Majesty said, we understand. Just as His Majesty said, we will accompany you from Tianquan City to verify Bi Shu's ability, only after leaving Tianjianzong."

"Don't worry, the Law Enforcing Hall will escort you all back to the sect, and the True Honor of our sect will accompany you all the way."

"So, we will wait for His Majesty's call."

With the simple goal achieved, he stood up and prepared to leave, and said to the three of them:

"This time, I have other missions, so I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you, but the Law Enforcing Hall will definitely arrange missions for the high-level monks of the sect. In addition, I will try my best to let Jianhou accompany me to facilitate communication between the two parties. How about it?"

"Everything is subject to His Majesty's arrangement."

This time Mosu answered very simply.

Mo Yi and Mo Qi on the side rolled their eyes.

Simply leaving the welcoming hall, he sent a message to Jianli directly:

"The Heavenly Demon Palace agrees with my proposal, and senior brother can arrange it as soon as possible. Suggestion: let Jian Hou accompany you to restrain Mo Su."

Jianli nodded after receiving the communication talisman. The efficiency of the junior sister's work, I just sent an inquiry message to Jianxu, Jianmao and Jianjing. Good advice.

Just after reading the simple message, the three communication talismans were sent back. At present, only Jianmao is free and willing to take on this task.

Jian Li waved his hand directly, and sent Qi Wei to send the blue mission order to Jian Maozun.

After seeing off the three people who simply left, they sat down again, and Mo Qi said:
"This Master Jian Slaughter is well-founded in what he says and does, and he is impeccable. He used our little Bi Shu, and in the end we have to accept their escort, really."

"Who says it's not! Whoever tells others is telling the truth, and the countermeasures proposed can be considered a win-win situation. Anyway, I don't have the face to send a message to ask Master for help."

Mo Yi spoke more directly, and then turned his attention to Mo Su, after all, this was his decision.

"It's okay, it's just a waste of time, as long as the goal is achieved, everything else is easy to talk about. Among them, the selective parasitism of these bloodworms is something I care more about."

Mo Su was obviously more calm and said what he cared about.

"Your Majesty said just now that he was cultivating the children of Lingzhi's family, so which monk will win the first prize on the Mo Dao side?"

Mo Yi was also lost in thought, going through all the families in Tianmo Palace in his mind.

"My lord's words just now reminded me that what we need most when a war breaks out is what the Zerg will definitely wreak havoc on!"

"Junior brother is right. Talisman seals, formation disks, pills, and spiritual weapons are all very important supplies."

Mo Qi analyzed along this line of thought.

"Also, the most important thing is a monk, a monk with strong combat power."

(End of this chapter)

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