Chapter 643 Inventory Tasks
"Junior brother means that they are likely to attack our monks?"

After thinking about it for a while, Mo Qi understood what Mo Su said.

"Hmm! Or heirs of high-ranking monks, or monks in more important positions. In short, they are monks who are convenient for them to control and can affect the battle situation in the future."

"Mosu, this is your guess, and it cannot be confirmed at present, so we don't have to worry about it."

Mo Yi said, then raised his eyebrows and said:
"I'm afraid you were led in the wrong direction by what Master Jian Slaughter said."

"I can't see that you are so awake."

Mo Qi said directly.

Mo Yi touched his nose, then continued:
"Sir Sword Killer said that it was the worst possible outcome, but it was just her deduction, combined with information from many sources, so it is highly credible.

In addition, we are now in the territory of other people's Tianjianzong. Since the matter is already like this, why don't we follow their wishes and repay the grace of help, and can guarantee us a smooth return to the sect without disturbing the true venerable? Bring back accurate news. "

"I can't tell, Junior Brother Mo Yi is the one who is wise and stupid, and he sees the most clearly."

Mo Qi said with a smile, and poured a cup of spiritual tea for Mo Yi.

"Mo Yi's analysis is quite correct."

The corner of Mo Su's mouth also put on a smile, agreeing with the senior sister's remarks.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, unifying their next actions.

Only Mo Qi frowned, seemed to be talking to herself, and seemed to be asking the two juniors:

"Don't you think that Lord Jian Slaughter is somewhat similar to Mo Yue?"

"Moyue is much more flamboyant than her. Master Jian Slaughter has a good temper. If not, when you said you wanted to kill Bi Shu once and for all, he would have turned his back on you."

Mo Yi looked at Senior Sister Mo Qi and said.

"That's why I doubt it. It doesn't make sense for high-ranking monks to be so good-natured. And when I was in the main hall of the sect yesterday, the action of Jian Luzun putting on the dumping ring seemed familiar to me no matter how I looked at it."

Mo Qi frowned while thinking, and said to the two of them.

"It's just a small gesture, and it doesn't prove anything."

Mosu said bluntly.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much."

Mo Qi finally let go of her guess, but planted a seed of doubt in her heart.

The conversation between the few people was conveyed verbatim by Liu Chuan to the simple one who had already returned to Tianyue Peak.

After a brief touch of sweat, the female cultivator was more delicate in her mind, and because of her usual movements of turning the storage ring, she suspected that she had fallen on her.

"Tsk tsk! Take it easy, don't be ripped off by someone from the Heavenly Demon Palace."

Yanagawa's timely reminder was simple.

"I know, I will pay attention to it in the future, after they come, my round fan will no longer be used."

"That's good."

After this incident, Jian Jian basically stayed in Tianyue Peak's own cave, mainly refining weapons and teaching the three apprentices.

Law Enforcement Hall

When Jianmao's tall figure appeared in the Law Enforcement Hall, Jianli put away the seriousness on his face, got up and greeted him, and bowed his hands in salute:

"I've seen Brother Jianmao, but I haven't seen you for a long time."

Jian Mao also bowed his hand and said with a smile:
"Since you took over Jianjun's position as hall master, we haven't seen each other very often. I didn't expect that although you are busy with affairs, your cultivation level will not drop."

The two had known each other for a long time, and Jianli led Jianmao directly to the side hall. After the two sat down, Jianli poured out a rare bitterness:
"The affairs of the Law Enforcement Hall are complicated, and I only realized it after taking over. I usually see that Senior Brother Jianjun handles it fairly easily, but I was busy for a long time at the beginning.

I didn't advance so quickly, but this time I was entrusted with the blessings of Senior Brother Jianxu and Junior Sister Jianlu, and I was dragged by them to advance. "

"I remember that when you were promoted, it was Junior Sister Jianlu who was in charge. She couldn't stay idle. During the time when she was in charge, she went out several times. We returned to the sect together after we eliminated the evil cultivators hiding near the Yunhai Sect. .”

Jian Li shook his head helplessly after hearing this:
"Junior Sister Jianlu handles these affairs with ease, much better than me, but she doesn't like being tied up. On the first day I left the customs, she sent back the token of the Law Enforcement Hall, and returned to Tianyue Peak in a chic manner. Yes, it is said that it is to teach apprentices."

Jianmao smiled and had a deeper understanding of simplicity.

"Some time ago, Jian Jing went out with her to relax and gained a lot. Recently, she is obsessed with refining weapons."

"Really? I also arranged a task for Junior Sister Jian Slaughter, asking her to refine a test magic weapon and integrate her unique dream test into it. She is busy with this recently, otherwise I will not do this task. Please trouble brother."

The two chatted casually before turning the topic back to this mission.

Jian Li handed over a jade slip of information, and said to Jian Mao:
"What happened is in the jade slips. Senior brother has a look at it. If there is anything unclear, you can ask Jian Lu."

"it is good."

Jianmao took the jade slips, swept away his consciousness, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then he understood the cause and effect, and said to Jianli beside him:

"I heard about Jian Jing and them catching blood worms, but I didn't expect there to be such a half-human, half-worm thing in Tianmo Palace, and now it has become a favorite. It's Jian Lu's quick response. Now that it’s on our territory, let’s make the most of it.”

Here Jianmao is sure to take over the task, and the next thing will be easy to handle.

Jian Jian received a mission order from Jian Li at Tianyue Peak.

Brother Jianmao received the blue mission order to become the leader of the team, and Zhantang was asked to transfer a small team to accompany him, plus Jianhou, and the secret Tianhong Zhenzun, it can be regarded as a top-notch staffing .

Simple, I know my own family affairs. Because of the dream test last time, the team members advanced and repaired their bodies. Only the Tianyue team and the Tianjian team are fully staffed.

Simply call Captain Tianyue directly to transfer them to complete this mission.

"You have followed Master Jian Maozun's arrangement this time. The reason why you are accompanying us is to prevent the monk from running away when we find a monk possessed by blood worms, leaving us with disaster."

Simply throw a jade slip to Team Leader Tianyue and order:

"This is mission-related information. You and your teammates have to pass it on to make sure nothing goes wrong. Afterwards, I will take you to meet everyone in the Heavenly Demon Palace."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

Captain Tianyue first checked the information on the jade slips himself, and after putting away the jade slips, he asked:
"Master, do we need to cooperate with the Heavenly Demon Palace?"

Simply listening to Captain Tianyue's questioning, he knew what the other party was worried about, raised his eyebrows and said:
"Responsiveness, it is beneficial to our sect, cooperate with them when necessary, but don't put yourselves in danger, maintain the minimum harmony with the Tianmo Palace, so that people can feel more comfortable when they are investigating the Tianjianzong territory , do you understand?"

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

"In addition, follow Senior Brother Jianmao's orders in all actions. When he is away, you take advantage of the situation at that time. The True Master is assisting in secret, you must cheer up, don't mess up this mission, and lose our battle hall. Face."

"Yes, I will definitely not embarrass the hall master."

After listening briefly, he nodded in satisfaction, sent a message talisman to Jianhou, and took Captain Tianyue to the welcome hall at the side peak.

The simple message talisman made him feel lonely, because Jianhou was with Mosu, and after receiving the message talisman, Jianhou went to the gate of the welcoming hall to greet Jianjian.

When Jian Jian came slowly, he saw Jian Hou who had arrived one step earlier, so he was not surprised at all, so he simply explained the matter and asked Jian Hou to take Captain Tianyue to meet everyone in Tianmo Palace.

 Feng Ling was confused by the code words, and found that today is Valentine's Day, I wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day ~ love is sweet!

  There will be an update tomorrow, so stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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