Chapter 645 Take Back the Jade Pendant
"Your last stroke of spiritual power was a bit vain, so you let a good talisman come to fruition."

"Master, I deliberately control the uniform output of spiritual power, and the last stroke of spiritual power seems to be a little unstable."

"Well! Not bad, I can find out what my problem is."

Simply ask Xueru to take the drawn talisman, let her look at it, and then correct it:
"You honest child, using spiritual power to draw amulets does not mean that you should use all your spiritual power."

"Isn't the power of that kind of talisman stronger?"

Xueru opened her big eyes and asked suspiciously.

"That's for the attack talisman, the most common dedusting talisman, which doesn't need so much spiritual power output."

Explained with a simple smile.

After hearing this, Xueru suddenly realized, went back to the jade table, grabbed the talisman pen, settled down, and began to draw talismans.

"My lord, Wei Zhengrong asks to see you."

Listen to the wind and report simply.

She simply nodded, motioning for him to come in.

"Your Majesty, I have received news that Du Yanran is currently hiding in the Ziyu Mountains."

"Really! She can run quite well."

"Since the news that she has a space has spread, there are other monks who followed her besides the Yin Yang Sect. She escaped in a panic. But every once in a while, the Hua family will lose her track, and then they can track her again. .”

"If there is no accident, she should be hiding in the space."

"What your lord said is in line with our 'Xun' hall's guess."

"Okay, keep paying attention, and report to me if there are any changes."

"Yes, Your Honor."

As soon as the conversation between the two of them ended, Xueru held the talisman seal she had drawn for Jian Jian to look over.

"Master, the talisman drawn by Xueru this time is very successful, it is a top-grade dust removal talisman."

Sure enough, this time the talisman seal was a first-rank top-grade piece because of the even distribution of spiritual power and coherent writing.

"That's right, keep drawing. When can I draw a hundred first-grade top-grade dedusting talismans in a row, and then practice the next type of talisman."

Jian Jian immediately assigned Xueru the task of drawing talismans.

"Yes, Master!"

Xueru responded straightforwardly, and handed the first-order talisman seal that she had successfully drawn to her brother.

Wei Zhengrong narrowed his eyes with a smile, put away the talisman, and prepared to go back to show his parents, before leaving Tianyue Peak happily.

Xueru continued to draw her first-order dust-removing talisman, and after simply swiping the attendant back, she tore apart the space and left Tianyue Peak.

Ziyu Mountains
Du Yanran fled here purposefully all the way because she knew that in the last life here, a treasure of heaven and earth was born here, which caused a riot of monsters in the mountains.

She wanted to take the first step, collecting the Shouyuan Fruit into the Magnolia Space, as a guarantee for herself, and it would benefit her if she used it for herself or sold it in the future.

Du Yanran came to a pool in the capital, caught a lot of silvertail fish in the pool, put them into storage bracelets, used them to lure away the guardian monsters, and prepared to leave the pool.

Suddenly, without any warning, Du Yanran felt a numbness in her scalp, which made her sensitively realize that something was wrong, and immediately dodged, ready to enter the space, but she seemed to be locked in place, unable to move. The next moment, the simple figure appeared Now in front of her.

The astonishment in Du Yanran's eyes flashed away, and then she gritted her teeth and said:

Simply being called out by the other party, he didn't respond at all. He glanced at the other party and asked with a smile:

"Is the space I gave you okay?"

Du Yanran felt a turmoil in her heart. It turned out that the other party was also reborn as she had guessed, so since she entered the cultivation world, she finally had an explanation for the reason why she was not going well in any of the paths she took.

Because she knows the chance, and she knows it simply, and what she does, she knows nothing more than simplicity.

Jian Jian didn't care about Du Yanran's reaction at all, raised his hand, and brought back the Magnolia pendant that Du Yanran had already recognized as the owner.

"No, it's mine!"

There was madness in Du Yanran's eyes, she knew that once she simply retracted the space jade pendant, it meant that she might not be able to avoid the pursuit of all parties.

"How could it be yours? After you exchanged the jewelry I deposited with you, it became your own, and it became yours?"

Said simply and jokingly.

The black air on Du Yanran's forehead began to surge, and her eyes began to turn red, she simply knew that the other party was in a hurry.

But Du Yanran's body couldn't move half a point, let alone shot at Jian Jian. If eyes could kill, I believe Jian Jian would have died hundreds of times.

In front of Du Yanran, Jian Jian waved his sleeves and directly crashed Magnolia.

Du Yanran's consciousness was forcibly destroyed, and she spurted a mouthful of blood, but she was still unable to move.

Jian Jian flipped her jade hand lightly, and the round fan was held in her hand. She slapped it casually a few times, smiled at Du Yanran, turned around and disappeared in front of Du Yanran without saying a word.

"No! Don't go!!!"

Du Yanran had already woken up from the act of simply destroying the space jade pendant, she scolded angrily, and rushed over, only grabbing the fragments of the jade pendant.

And her roar not only startled a few low-level birds and beasts, but also attracted some high-level monsters that followed the scent of Shouyuan Fruit and moved towards Du Yanran's position.

Du Yanran found that her body could move, she didn't care about wiping the blood on her lips, she got up and rushed towards the direction where Jian Jian disappeared, but with her current cultivation level in the early stage of transformation, how could she catch up with Jian Jian in the fusion stage.

The hatred in Du Yanran's eyes deepened, and the eyeballs almost turned crimson. It was her chance, so why should she snatch it away.

She had long forgotten that in her two lifetimes combined, her opportunity to cultivate immortality was given to her by Jian Jian, and it is understandable for Jian Jian to take it back now, because the cycle of cause and effect has its own definite number.

In her previous life, Jian Jian didn't know the dangers involved, so she gave Du Yanran the opportunity to cultivate immortality, and raised her ambitions, but in the end she was cannon fodder. In this life, the two were reborn one after another. Du Yanran still wanted to steal from Jian Jian and exchange for Magnolia jade pendant.

In fact, if Du Yanran was smart, she would either completely replace simplicity or stay away from simplicity at the beginning, maybe she would not have such a miserable life.

She ascended to the Immortal Realm, and was killed by the first generation head of the Jian family by the Huaxian Pond. At that time, she should understand that she should not take things that are not her own.

In the next time, there will be monks in the Dharma-ending Era. For the sake of balance, the law of heaven does not allow one side to dominate, and neither of them can do anything to the other.

The two entered the realm of comprehension one after another, and because of the simple and multi-faceted layout, they gradually destroyed and disintegrated all her support step by step, making her embark on a completely different path from her previous life.

As a result, Du Yanran narrowed her path of self-cultivation, and could no longer contend with simplicity, even if she had a monstrous hatred, she could not vent it.

When Du Yanran was still mad, a group of monks from the Yin Yang Sect approached her, and Jian Jian came to the Shouyuan fruit tree and had a friendly "negotiation" with the guardian monster, and used the Shouyuan Pill In exchange for the Shouyuan fruit tree, he planted it directly in his own space, and then tore apart the space and left the Ziyu Mountains.

After all the simple actions, it took less than half an hour to return to Tianjianzong, and then teach Maodou and Zongfan.

Maodou and Zong Fan came to see Junior Sister the day before yesterday, and found that Junior Sister had reached the eighth level of qi refining, and immediately felt a sense of urgency, and her cultivation became more and more arduous.

Jian Jian naturally knew the two people's little thoughts, so he specially found them and explained:
"It's better for you to cultivate steadily and steadily, don't disturb your rhythm. Xueru advanced so quickly because her brother found an opportunity for her, and her cultivation improved by leaps and bounds."

 Dear friends, today is the fifteenth day, I wish all readers a happy Lantern Festival!Family reunion, career, love, and family are all happy, and everything goes well in the Year of the Tiger~
  Fengling sincerely presents [-] chapters of dry goods for everyone to enjoy watching. I hope everyone will continue to support Fengling's works.I also hope that everyone will vote for recommendation and monthly tickets, support me to stay on the Xianxia homepage for a longer period of time, and make a list!thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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