Chapter 646
Maodou scratched his head honestly, and Yu Zongfan smiled shyly, admitting that the two of them were a little impatient.

"Since the two of you are in a hurry, I will give you another training in spells, and practice the five-element spell until it is instant."

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Both of them agreed.

"Start practicing the spells that correspond to the attributes of your spiritual roots, and then practice the others after you are proficient."


The two brothers received a new mission and went to practice.

In this way, the days of teaching disciples and refining magic weapons began simply, and occasionally he was invited to the Law Enforcing Hall to assist Brother Jianli in handling the hall affairs.

After the members of the battle hall team left the customs one after another, they simply took action and practiced it themselves, which raised the battle hall's combat power to another level.

And on this day, Wei Zhengrong came over in a hurry and asked Jian Jian to go to the Law Enforcement Hall, saying that there was important news, and Senior Brother Jian Li must let her go.

Since he was in such a hurry, he simply did not delay, put down the cube that was being refined in his hand, and walked to the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Brother, why are you in such a hurry?"

Jian Li raised his head from the jade slip when he heard a simple voice, and said in a deep voice:

"Bi Shu found a monk possessed by bloodworms in Tianquan City."

"Oh? It seems that Bi Shu is still useful, which monk is it from?"

"the Kongs."

Heard that it was the Kong family, simply smiled,

"What a coincidence? Who is the Kong family?"

"Kong Xingkun!"

"Tsk tsk! God wants to accept him."

Simply said gloatingly.

"Actually, strictly speaking, Kong Xingkun was not the first person to be parasitized by blood worms. It was on one of his concubines at first. The concubine was sent by a small family to please the Kong family, Shui Linggen."

The rest of Jianli didn't continue to say, it was easy to guess.

"What they gave was a cauldron, and the female cultivator is pretty, and she is a virgin, so Kong Xingkun took a fancy to it!"

"Indeed, that's why he was parasitized by blood worms."

"So what's the situation now?"

"Kong Xingkun has been brought under control, but the Kong family does not agree to force the blood worm out. If it is forced out of the body, Kong Xingkun will be completely hopeless."

"That's not what he did."

Simply listening to a little bit of sympathy doesn't give birth to it.

"So, they're at a bit of a stalemate right now."

"Zhenzun Tianhong didn't show up?"

Simply keep asking.

"Master is the most impatient to deal with these matters, so he definitely didn't show up."

Jian Li helplessly spread his hands.

He knows the temperament of his master better than others, if there is a fight, Zhenzun Tianhong will definitely be the first to rush out.

"The senior brother asked me to come, besides telling me about this matter, what other orders do you have?"

Asked simply and unhurriedly.

"You and Jian Jing caught the blood worm last time. Do you have any good ideas?"

Jian Li was not polite, and directly asked Jian Jian to come up with a solution.

"Do you want to keep Kong Xingkun? Or give up?"

Simple and straightforward, let yourself make up your mind, and always make it clear where the bottom line is.

"How about keeping it? How about giving up?"

Jian Li looked at Jian Jian and asked with a smile.

He simply turned his white jade storage ring, stared at Jian Li, and said:
"Keeping it down, just like the Wei family, pulling out the soul, taking the house and being reborn."

"It's easier to just give up. We don't want to be villains. Let Bi Shu communicate with the blood worm. We have already discovered it and are going to kill it. It will naturally absorb the essence and escape from the body."

It's simple and straightforward, and I spread my hands directly, and then added a sentence:
"If you think the Kong family is still useful, choose the first one. If the Kong family will be unfavorable to the sect in the future, then just take advantage of this opportunity to teach the other party a lesson."


The two words in Jianli's mouth turned around, and continued to ask:
"Are you afraid that they will hold back the Zongmen during the Zerg war?"


Simplicity did not avoid people, and continued:

"You know the blood worms caught this time. I lent the Soul Cultivation Orb to Yao's family and saved Yao Bin. Kong Xingkun, a mouse feces, successfully got to Yao's family. Yao's family has accepted me." hints, will gradually leave the Kong family."

"Junior Sister, has this been planned long ago?"

Jian Li was not surprised at all. After leaving the customs, he took over the affairs of the Law Enforcement Hall again, and sorted out all the decisions made by Junior Sister Jian Kill.

It can be seen that all her decisions are based on the interests of the sect, and she has gathered all the major sects on the Lingyun Continent together, and now the Tianmo Palace is also involved.

"To tell you the truth, since the Kong family gave up on Kong Qiankun, they have already entered my sight."

Simple blinked his eyes and replied with a smile.

"The Yao family is very good at planting spiritual plants, and the Jin family is good at alchemy. That's why I took advantage of Jin Ai's affairs to explicitly intervene."

"It's because they themselves did not stand upright that they gave the Zerg a chance. What do you have to do with Junior Sister?"

"Yes, brother is right."

Simply pursing his lips and smiling, he knew that Jianli was picking himself out, but he didn't care, he would bear the consequences of what he did.

Before the two made a final decision, the sword around Wei Zhengrong's waist vibrated one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the simple hall master's token also vibrated.

Finally, Hall Master Jian Li's sword vibrated almost at the same time.

Scanning with simple consciousness, it contained a message sent to him by Team Leader Tianyue.

"Master, the blood worms in Kong Xingkun's body suddenly left the body, and began to frantically attack the monks of the Kong family, absorbing the essence of the body. It was Jianmao who rescued the monks of the Kong family in time. insect."

After briefly reading the news, the corners of his lips curled up. It seemed that there was no need for his senior brother to embarrass him, Bloodworm made his own decision.

After Jian Li read the news, he raised his head and looked at Jian Jian, knowing it in his heart.

"My lord, Kong Xingkun has fallen, and the ancestor of the Kong family was very angry, but because Tianhong Zhenzun came forward, he could only hold his teeth and endure it."

"Hmph! If it wasn't for Tianhong Zhenzun's action, their entire family would be nourishment for blood worms. He should be grateful instead of angry."

Simple whisper.

Although Jian Li didn't make a sound, he obviously agreed with the simple statement.

"Zhengrong, arrange for someone from the Law Enforcement Hall to take over, and follow the clues to find out who sent this thing into the Tianjianzong's territory."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

Wei Zhengrong received the order and immediately went to mobilize the manpower.

Confucius Hall
Zhenzun Kong's face was extremely ugly, and Zhenzun Tianhong was sitting beside him, playing with the blood worm that he had already controlled.

Jianmao and the members of Tianyue's team were seated under Zhenzun Tianhong. Everyone adhered to the principle that silence is golden, and no one spoke.

But Bi Shu completed the task, her heart was still trembling, so she was protected by the three of Mosu and went to a teahouse near Kong's house.

Mo Qi looked at the pale Bi Shu, poured her a glass of spiritual wine, and said with a smile:
"Bi Shu has done meritorious service this time, how do you feel?"

Bi Shu picked up the wine glass, drank it all in one gulp, then took a deep breath, calmed down, and then replied:
"It's scary! This blood worm has successfully parasitized. He has half the memory and strength of that monk, and he is trying to control me."

After listening to Bi Shu's words, Mo Su and Mo Yi, who were silent all the time, cast their gazes over.

Bi Shu felt the consciousness of the two lords sweeping towards her, and immediately straightened her body again.

"So, you disturb the other party and let the other party escape from the body!"

(End of this chapter)

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