Chapter 647 Bloodworm Reappears

Bi Shu's small face was a little pale, but she still nodded, looked at the three of Mosu and Jian Hou beside her, and continued:
"I didn't want to do this at first, but he actually wanted to control me through the resonance of the Zerg race. He read part of my memory and knew that we were here to catch him, so he left the body quickly."

After speaking, he let out a long breath before continuing:
"Bi Shu is a human cultivator now, I don't want to be controlled by the Zerg, and I don't want to become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats me."

After listening to Bi Shu's words, several people looked at each other, smiled and said nothing.

Confucius Hall
Kong Wei entered the hall, and after bowing his hands to the two Zhenzun at the head, he said to Kong Zhenzun:

"Old Ancestor, Xingkun has already fallen. The clan was attacked by that monster this time, and 25 members of the clan fell."

After Kong Zhenzun heard this, his face became more gloomy, but he still said in a deep voice:
"Do the aftermath well."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and let Kong Wei arrange it.

Zhenzun Tianhong glanced at the ancestor of the Kong family, stood up and said:

"Since it's over here, don't disturb Fellow Daoist Kong."

The Confucian Master stood up immediately, cupped his hands and said:

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Tianhong, for your help this time, otherwise the Kong family will be in danger!"

True Venerable Tianhong nodded, accepted the other party's thanks, turned around and disappeared in the seat.

Jian Mao also stood up, bowed to the ancestor of the Kong family, and left the Kong family with the team from the battle hall.

After everyone from the Heavenly Sword Sect had left, Zhenzun Kong family waved his sleeves and directly turned the chair made by Zhenzun Tianhong into fly ash.

And to appease the clansmen, Kong Yi, who returned to the living room, saw this scene, his pupils shrank, and he immediately said:

After Kong Jiazhen respected Xin and sat down, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Too deceiving!"

Patriarch Kong Wei was startled, and immediately stepped forward and said:
"Old Ancestor, calm down. This time, the Yang family sent Xing Kun a cauldron. This strange insect should have possessed that female cultivator, and Xing Kun was killed."

"Go and investigate, Xingkun can't die in vain."

"Don't worry, Patriarch, I have already arranged for the able-bodied children of the clan to investigate."

After listening to Kong Wei's report, the face of the ancestor of the Kong family softened.

"Tell me about today's events in detail."


Kong Chen stroked his train of thought before talking about what happened.

After the monks from the Heavenly Demon Palace brought Bi Shu to Tianquan City, Bi Shu had a slight sense and led everyone to the commercial street.

"My lords, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Bi Shu's originally shy face, after such a series of tossings, all the shyness on her face was put away, and she became much more stable.

"But sensed the blood worm?"

Mosu asked directly.

"My lord, I'm not sure."

Bi Shu rubbed her face and said to everyone.

"Don't worry, if you feel it, it proves that the other party is not far away."

Jianhou had been with Mosu all the time, and after hearing Bi Shu's words, he comforted him, and then sent a message to the Tianyue team.

Tianyue's team, who followed behind them, immediately raised their vigilance.

After Bi Shu was comforted, she calmed down, and continued to wander around the commercial street relying on her senses.

On the other side, Kong Xingkun repeated his old tricks, sneaking out of the clan without any attendants before he finished thinking about his mistakes facing the wall.

Kong Xingkun went straight to the "Glutton Feast" restaurant, ordered a good spiritual meal on the table, and ate happily in the private room.

Yang Naiwen, who just entered the restaurant, saw a figure from behind.

Yang Naiwen is a Golden Core cultivator, who is the best at drilling camps in the Yang family, and the Yang family has long wanted to hook up with the Kong family. This time when he saw Kong Xingkun alone, he immediately sent the news to the family as soon as he rolled his eyes.

After a while, the Yang family sent a Nascent Soul female cultivator over. The other party was Shui Linggen with a spirit lock ring on her hand.

"Really, this is what the owner asked me to send."

A guard of the Yang family bowed and saluted, pushed the controlled Nascent Soul Nvxiu to Yang Naiwen, and then left.

Yang Naiwen straightened his white robe, and took the nun to pull the restraint of Kong Xingkun's box.

Kong Xingkun found out that he was not a monk he knew, and after opening the restriction, he asked quietly:

"Who are you?"

"Yang Naiwen pays homage to Venerable Kong. It is my honor to meet you here. This is my cousin."

With a sly face, Yang Naiwen pushed the Nascent Soul Nuxie to the front of Kong Xingkun.

Kong Xingkun glanced at the Nascent Soul Nvxiu, and found that the other party was the water spirit root, and the Yuan Yin was still there, and his appearance was also charming, which was the type he liked. And when he saw Yang Naiwen, he knew that the other party was the same as those monks from the small family. Climb up to their Kong family.

Moreover, both of their cultivation bases were lower than his own, which also made Kong Xingkun relax his vigilance, let them enter the box, and the ban fell again.

The moment the restriction came down, the Nascent Soul female cultivator turned into flying ash in front of the two of them, and Yang Naiwen who was at the side was also startled, and wanted to run away immediately, but before he opened the restriction, Kong Xingkun stretched out his hand to pierce through it. his dantian.

A red light flashed in Kong Xingkun's eyes, and the blood worm had transferred from Yuanying Nvxiu to Kong Xingkun.

At the same time, Bi Shu sensed that it was the time when she felt uncomfortable, and it happened to be the time when the blood worm left the nun.

And when the blood worm entered Kong Xingkun's body, she vaguely sensed it, and led the monks from Tianmo Palace and Tianjianzong to track it all the way.

As for Kong Xingkun, who was possessed by bloodworms, after disposing of Yang Naiwen's body with a fireball, he adjusted his robes, walked out of the box calmly, threw off the spirit stone, and returned to Kong's house swaggeringly.

Kong Xingkun, who was rushing back to the family, happened to be seen by the patriarch Kong Wei, and after stopping him, he said:

"Why did you leave the family privately? The ancestor knew about it and wanted to reprimand you. For your sake, the ancestor has already recruited all the people from the Qiankun lineage from the Heavenly Sword Sect."

Kong Xingkun's eyes flashed slightly, and he saluted Kong Wei, and walked towards his courtyard without saying anything.

Bi Shu led the people from Tianmo Palace and arrived at the gate of the Confucian Mansion just in time.

"Are you sure you're here?"

Mo Qi glanced at the guards of the Kong family who had noticed them, and asked Bi Shu directly.

"It's here, I followed the breath."

Bi Shu answered in the affirmative this time, suddenly, Bi Shu's expression changed:

"It found me!"

Jian Hou immediately injected a spirit energy into the ink pendant around his waist, and then said to Mo Su:
"You guys leave first, and the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect will take over the rest."

Mo Su nodded. After all, this is the territory of Tianjianzong. It is not suitable for them to have a direct conflict with the Kong family.

Bi Shu was a little flustered, her small eyes turned wildly, and Jian Maozun had already appeared beside her.

The guard of the Kong Family saw that he was a high-ranking Heavenly Sword Sect monk, and immediately stepped forward to salute:

"Greetings to the seniors, I don't know the seniors"

Jianmao was originally tall, but now he showed up with Bi Shu and Jianhou, and the Tianyue team that assembled later, what the guards said afterward was a bit unfavorable.

"Meet your family head."

"Yes, seniors, please."

As soon as the word "please" was uttered, Kong Xingkun appeared at the gate, staring straight at Bi Shu, the red luster in his eyes flickering non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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