Chapter 649 Adjusting Defense
Everything that happened in the Kong family has been reported back to the Law Enforcement Hall by Jianmao. After Jianli looked at the jade slip, his eyes were a little unkind, and then he handed the jade slip to Jian Jian who hadn't left yet.

After scanning the incident with simple consciousness, a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, he was really a white-eyed wolf.

Obviously it was the true master of Tianjianzong who made the Kong family stop the loss in time, but they were not grateful, and they even vented their anger.

"Huh! If Master knows the attitude of the ancestor of the Kong family, he will definitely not help, and the Kong family will definitely suffer heavy losses."

The good-tempered Jian Li said a rare word of anger.

"Senior brother, calm down! There is no need for Zhenzun Tianhong to know about this kind of thing, but I think the Kong family's sect should make arrangements early, and be on guard, and don't stab us in the back then."

Simply don't take it seriously, there are many families like this in the cultivation world, but a family style like the Kong family will sooner or later drive him to a dead end.

"I know, Junior Sister has already done tricks in advance, and I will make good arrangements here. Aren't all the monks who spread your rumors in the Kong family have been recalled! I will arrange the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall to visit their caves. A second Jianyu appears."

Simply hearing Brother Jianli mention Jianyu, his eyes turned slightly, and he asked:

"Brother, has her soul lamp been in the law enforcement hall?"

"Yes, since you checked last time, I have arranged to place it alone, and have been paying attention to the changes of the soul lamp."

After listening briefly, he subconsciously turned his white jade ring, and asked:
"Her soul lamp has stabilized now!"

"Hmm! It was very weak for a while, and it slowly became stronger until recently."

Jian Li did not hide it, this matter was handled easily, and she has always been very concerned about Jian Yu's life and death.

"Brother, to be honest, I always think Jianyu will be a disaster. Although the Fu family is gone, she has practiced in Tianjianzong for a hundred years and is familiar with every plant and tree here."

This is Jian Jian's second mention of Jian Yu, and Jian Li still attaches great importance to it. He knows that his junior sister has a terrible intuition, and if she can say that she is a scourge, there must be something wrong.

"Junior Sister, if you have any thoughts, you might as well talk about it."

Jian Li recruited Wei Zhengrong, Qi Wei, and Jin Liuli to his side, motioned them to make records, and then put on an air of willingness to hear more about it.

With a simple smile, he said directly:
"I asked Jiancheng to investigate before, and we all know all her actions and things on the surface, but we don't know what's going on in private. I speculate that she should have obtained the evil cultivator from the evil cultivator Haiyan. Cultivation techniques and cultivation bases can advance by leaps and bounds, and then they can assist the opponent's layout step by step."

"She is missing now, not falling, so if she knows all the news about Tianjianzong and evil cultivators, she may be used in the future, so that the Zerg can successfully capture Tianjianzong."

"The distribution of the mountain peaks, the opening of the guardian array, the division of the guards, and even the strength of the combat power are all very useful news for the Zerg who have just entered the Lingyun Continent."

Simple here, stop to look at the faces of everyone, and sure enough, everyone is not very good, and then continue:

"Whether it is Jian Yu's active or passive disclosure of these news, it is very detrimental to our Heavenly Sword Sect."

Having simply said this, I stopped talking, and I also thought about it several times in my heart. I don't know if Jian Yu's handwriting was involved in the rapid decline of Tianjianzong in the previous life.

Because in the last life, there was no news of Zerg infiltrating through the secret realm, so it is simple and bold to guess that Zerg should have quietly entered the Lingyun Continent, slowly began to infiltrate, and controlled some families and even some high-level monks.

That's why he was able to take the lead in the battle, caught Lingyun Continent by surprise, and began to defend passively.

However, Tianjianzong, without guarding against problems within the sect, mobilized the main combat power of the sect to fight when the space node it guarded was broken, leaving the sect empty.

Let the Zerg and evil cultivators lurking in the sect have an opportunity to attack from inside and outside, and they must have failed to hold the space node in the end.

The Demon Sect probably fell into the battle of the Valley of the Dead, so they couldn't take care of themselves, so naturally they didn't have the extra energy to help the Dao Sect, and the Yaozu must have been plotted by the evil cultivator Haiyan, so they aimed at the almost infiltrating clan weapon found in the Yaozu clan's land. The blood sac in the center of the earth can explain everything.

And the evil cultivator Haiyan should be locked by the way of heaven just like in this life, unable to leave the Lingyun Continent through proper channels, and can only find opportunities in the space nodes, which can be regarded as indirect cooperation with the Zerg inside and outside, breaking the boundary of the Lingyun Continent , the subsequent opening must be torn bigger and bigger.

And Du Yanran was able to ascend because of the blessing of her own Magnolia space and the halo of the heroine. In her previous life, Du Yanran must have robbed her of her luck, otherwise she would not ascend.

And she and Du Yanran were reborn one after another, and the reminder she got was to correct the mistake, which meant that the appearance of Du Yanran was not simple.

After being reborn, Jian Jian has also thought about why Du Yanran can recognize the magic weapon of the Jian family. In addition to the protagonist's aura, there is another possibility, that is, Du Yanran is the blood of the Wu family. Jian Xi and Wu Dao had a son and a daughter. One was named Wu Fan after his father's surname, and Du Yanran was probably Wu Fan's descendant.

"What good advice does the junior sister have?"

Jian Li looked at the pensive simplicity, wanting to hear her opinion.

Simply pulling back his thoughts of running away, he said cautiously:

"Brother, I'm afraid it will take some effort. It's best to discuss this matter with Sect Master Jian Chong, and redo all the current defense arrangements of the sect."

After hearing the simple words, Jian Li also raised his eyebrows, the junior sister really dared to speak.

"If you want to adjust the defensive deployment and formation of the whole sect, this matter must be approved by the real lord, and the movement must be not small."

Simply playing with the round fan in his hand, he was not surprised by Jianli's reaction at all, this is normal.

"So, I'm just suggesting that it's up to Senior Brother Jianli to do the rest. Before that, I asked the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall to sort out all the peaks of the sect. First, I was afraid that there would be monks possessed by black beetles. Those who are also afraid that some souls of evil cultivators will infiltrate the sect, and the movement is not small."

Jianli Miao understands the simple meaning. For the cultivators of the various peaks, it is not necessary to change the defense, but just as a daily maintenance. Adjusting slowly and slowly can avoid some interested people from exploring, so it is easier to operate.

"Junior Sister, I understand!"

Jian Li considered for a moment before continuing:

"This matter cannot be completed overnight. I will first report to Zhenzun, and then let the Zongmen Affairs Hall and the Law Enforcement Hall join forces to adjust the formation before starting to implement it."

"Well! We still have time, and we should be able to finish it before the space node is broken."

Said simply and firmly.

And in the insect nest outside the boundary of Lingyun Continent, Jian Yu is really still alive and is being parasitized by an intelligent insect race. One person and one insect are merging, and this intelligent insect race is reading about heaven in Jian Yu's sea of ​​consciousness. All the news about Jianzong, the whole black beetle was trembling with excitement.

If the Zerg knew the shortcut they had found and was simply blocked, I don't know what they were thinking.

Jian Yu, who was in a coma, was being parasitized by the Zerg, and the damage caused by the pulling of the space on her broken body was healed by the power of the Zerg, and the sword-shaped phantom behind her had slowly turned into a black beetle.

(End of this chapter)

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