Chapter 650
After Jian Jian finished what he had to say, he went to Tianjianfeng's affairs hall. Yu Yuanhai happened to be on duty, and when he saw Jian Jian slowly entering the main hall of the affairs hall, he immediately greeted him.

"Greetings to Master Jian Slaughter!"

"Well, Mr. Yu, please exchange some space stones for me."

Simple. Recently, I was refining the Rubik's Cube to test the cube of the space. The space stone was seriously consumed. I happened to stop by here to replenish some.

"Yes, my lord, I will help you get it later."

Yu Yuanhai respectfully took the purple jade sword that was simply handed over, and turned to go to the back hall.

Jianjian is not the first time here, and he is not in a hurry, so he sits down at the jade table on one side.

After a while, Yu Yuanhai came back holding a storage ring, and handed both the storage ring and the purple jade sword to Jian Jian.

After simply confirming that there was no problem, he put the storage ring back into his sleeve pocket, and hung the purple jade sword around his waist again.

Looking at Yu Yuanhai, he said:

"Zong Fan has already reached the tenth level of Qi refining, and his cultivation base is still solid. He should be able to try to hit the foundation building stage before I retreat."

Jian Jian walked out of the hall while talking about Yu Zongfan's cultivation situation.

Yu Yuanhai followed behind Jian Jian, and at the same time sent his lord away, he also learned about the current situation of his nephew.

"Let Your Majesty take the trouble to teach you. If Zong Fan does something wrong, you can reprimand him."

Simply smiling and nodding, it is the common psychology of every parent, while the cultivation world pays more attention to the disposition of the disciples, and respecting the teacher and respecting the way is the first priority.

For the next three years, Jian Jian basically spent time in his own cave, refining magic weapons, and carefully teaching his three apprentices.

Mao Dou is already 21 years old, he has lost his childishness, and looks more stable, he looks like a responsible senior brother, and his cultivation has also advanced to the twelfth level of Qi Refining.

Yu Zongfan is 19 years old, under a simple upbringing, he is a modest and noble son, and his daily practice is basically the same as that of Maodou, and his cultivation is also on the twelfth level of the Qi refining stage.

Zong Fan's spiritual pet is in vain, and he lives happily on the east side of Tianyue Peak. He is occasionally recruited by the Law Enforcement Hall to find natural treasures, but he has accumulated a lot of property for himself.

Every time Baibai sees the moon, he has to come forward to say hello, and the cold moon flicks his tail as a response.

Because of the contract with Fengling, after being simply suppressed and consolidated her cultivation for a period of time, Xueru smoothly advanced to the tenth level of Qi refining, and her cultivation was considered smooth.

Previously, Yueyue didn’t go out because of the simple refining of magic tools. Yueyue felt that she was useless, so she jumped up and down in the sect by herself. She knew almost all the spirit beasts at the top of the peak, and was finally taken by Jianjian to the Law Enforcement Hall to pick them up. A clearing task.

"Recently, you have searched the Inner Nine Peaks and Outer Nine Peaks of the Zongmen. Did you find the evil soul's split soul and parasitic black beetle?"

"No, I acted together with the monks who adjusted the formation. With their cover, my investigation went smoothly. I checked all the monks in the sect."

The moon wagged its tail and replied crisply.

It turned out that Jianli had gone to the back mountain to meet the True Venerable Tianyun since he briefly shared his thoughts with Hall Master Jianli that day.

Because Tianhong Zhenzun went out and did not return, what Jianli saw was Tianlong and Tianyun Zhenzun.

After Jian Li saluted the two True Venerables, he explained his intentions.

After hearing this, Tianyun and Tianlong both pondered for a moment, Tianlong stroked his two mustaches, and said with a smile:

"This is definitely the second Jianjun, and he has inherited [-]% of his ability to prepare for a rainy day."

Tianyun smiled and said:
"So, Jian Lu was dragged into the Law Enforcement Hall by Jian Jun early on."

Then he sucked the jade slip in Jianli's hand, read it carefully, and asked casually:

"Is this the Zongmen's defense array readjusted by your Law Enforcement Hall?"

"Yes, this is the responsibility of Zongtang Meng Congjian. This is just a preliminary adjustment. There are still some details. After the Zhenzun approves, I will inform the suzerain Jianchong and refine it."

"I see that you are making a lot of noise. You have almost adjusted the secondary formation eyes of the defensive formation."

After Tianyun finished reading the jade slips, he handed them to Tianlong beside him.

"Yes, Junior Sister Jianlu said, Jian Yu has been in the sect for a hundred years, she must be very familiar with the ups and downs of the sect, so if you want to change it, you have to make big moves and make small troubles, which will not be effective."

"Hmm! Jian Lu's concerns are right. With her cultivation level in the Void Refinement Stage and the support of the Fu family behind her, understanding these situations is not difficult, but it is not difficult."

Tianyun thought about it, and said:
"Since it is necessary to move, it should be more thorough. Move the main formation eye, which was originally placed behind the main hall of the Tianjian Peak suzerain, to Tianyue Peak."

Jian Li was startled when he heard this, Zhenzun moved so thoroughly that the eyes of the main formation moved.

The adjustment of the defensive formation he originally formulated did not move the eyes of the main formation.

"Zhenzun, if this is the case, the adjustment plan for the defensive formation I formulated will have to be readjusted."

"Okay, you can handle this matter, and let Jian Chong participate in it. Moving the eyes of the main formation is not a trivial matter. Tianyuefeng will directly ask Jian Lun for help. Anyway, she also proposed this matter."

With a word from Tianhong Zhenzun, Jian Jian put down the magic weapon that was being refined, and after a busy year, he adjusted the entire defensive formation of the entire sect.

When Jian Jian first received the mission order from the Law Enforcement Hall, he wanted to roll his eyes. Zhen Zun was too straightforward to move the main team to Tianyue Peak. It must be because she came up with the idea.

Gritting his teeth simply, he took over the task, and at the same time he fished up the moon, and was busy with himself, anyway, the moon was too idle to panic.

The moon was simply assigned a task, that is, to cooperate with the general hall, and let the moon turn over all the big and small peaks of the sect when adjusting the defensive formation.

Finally, under the auspices of Jian Chong, the main formation eye of Tianjian Peak was moved to the bottom of Tianyue Peak's simple cave with the order of the suzerain.

Jian Jian almost re-dug her own cave, and therefore sent Xueru to Dongside Peak's cave in advance to let Xueru be independent, but still sent Yunjuan and Yunshu to take care of her daily life.

After adjusting the formation, it can be regarded as completing an important task, so I took a good vacation for myself, confirmed that the moon task had been completed, and urged her to retreat and advance.

"Moon, I won't be going out to do business in the near future, so hurry up and retreat, and try to break into the seventh step."

After listening to the moon, she scratched her little ear and said:

"Then what if you go to Zixiaozong when the moon advances?"

"I will take you with me when I go to Zixiaozong."

Simply touch the moon's head and promise with a smile.

"Okay! Then the moon will work hard and try to hit the seventh step."

After discussing with Jian Jian, Yue Yue prepared to go to retreat, and reported to Jian Jian before leaving:

"Your Majesty, I will go to Medicine Peak to say hello to my brother, and then I will come back to retreat."

"Okay, let's go!"

On weekdays, Jane has always been free from the moon, she comes and goes freely.

Yue Yue went to see his elder brother and asked about the current situation of the ancestor in Yaozu by the way.

Xing Xing said in detail how Ancestor Xing Chen rebuilt the clan land in Yaozu.

(End of this chapter)

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