Chapter 651 Three Years
"The ancestor has already gained a firm foothold in the monster clan. With the help of the patriarch of the Xiaoyue wolf clan, he has gradually integrated into the monster clan. The newly born raccoon beasts in the clan are all healthy, but it is currently impossible to see whether they have awakened their talents. Skill."

"Is that brother planning to go to the Yaozu clan?"

Xingxing flicked his tail, thought for a while before saying:

"The old ancestor said that they only activated a small part of the clan, and they don't need too many people at present, so let me stay in Tianjianzong for the time being."

"Well! The ancestor must have his own considerations, we just follow the arrangement."

The moon also answered with a flick of its tail, and then became concerned about his brother's cultivation.

"Brother, when will you be promoted?"

"I just advanced to the fifth level, and I may not be able to advance to the next level in a short time. I see the moon and you are about to break through again."

The moon smiled proudly and said:

"I have borrowed the blessing of the lord, because the lord advanced quickly, which also drove my cultivation base."

"After I came to see my brother this time, I'm going back to retreat. Your Majesty has arranged a task for me to hit the seventh step as soon as possible."

"Okay, Moon, you have to work hard."

After the moon and the stars said goodbye, they reluctantly returned to Tianyue Peak, entered the practice room that had been set up long ago, closed their eyes and fell into a deep sleep, and began to practice.

After simply checking that there is no problem with the state of the moon, he dropped the restriction, entered the space, and continued to refine his own space cube.

Every once in a while, Jian Jian will leave the cave for a period of time to teach his apprentices how to practice, and occasionally go to the Tongzitang to give guidance and guidance to Yu Jiajia, Zhao Yunhai and other little guys, adjust the body training soup at any time, and receive law enforcement by the way All the news from the church.

In the past three years, the disciples of Tongzitang have basically entered the late stage of Qi refining, and they can be regarded as high-level monks in the Qi refining stage.

After a brief look at this situation, a temporary trial came directly, and the little ones were pulled into a dream for trial, but they suffered a lot, but the rewards were obvious.

The cultivation base in the late stage of Qi refining has basically been consolidated, and if the spiritual energy has accumulated enough, it can enter the peak of the Qi refining stage.

This time Jianjian didn't make any hard requirements, but just told the little ones to do what they can, and to practice more to advance more smoothly.

Afterwards, the simple focus was on the refining of his magic weapon. Twenty cubic spaces were refined one by one. It is more complicated, and the loss of spiritual consciousness is also more severe.

Simplicity can only slow down the speed, striving for a refined cube space can be successful at one time, and three years of simplicity are spent here.

In the past three years, Tianhong Zhenzun led the Tianyue team to complete the investigation of the blood worms.

Except for the unlucky Kong Xingkun of the Kong family who found a blood worm, there was no trace of the third blood worm found in the area under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Bi Shu was frightened all the way, and was finally sent back to the Heavenly Demon Palace by Tianhong Zhenzun and Tianyue team.

Mo Su was very cautious along the way, and also sent the news of the blood worm back to Tianmo Palace. After Mo Lie received the news, he blamed him for being too careless, and then he was relieved when he knew that Tianhong Zhenzun escorted them back.

There is also a small episode in this, when leaving the territory of Tianjianzong but not entering the territory of Tianmo Palace, the two combined monks who had fought with Jianjian before appeared again.

This time they went straight to the killer, trying to kill the monks in the Tianmo Palace in one fell swoop, and then take Bi Shu back, but unfortunately the two of them were directly stopped by Jian Maozun. Zhen Zun repeated his old tricks and shot directly.

This is the moment Tianhong Zhenzun was waiting for, a "Heaven Breaking Thunder Slash", the purple sword shadow pierced through the opponent's giant hand, and a scream came to everyone's ears, the two fit monks saw that each other had Mahayana Zhenzun secretly Protecting him, he was stabbed by Jianmao's sword, smashed the Wanli Teleportation Talisman, and ran away.

"Tsk! You run very fast!"

After this fight, a group of people successfully entered the range of Tianmo Palace, Tianhong Zhenzun directly sent a message to Moyan Zhenzun, and left with the monks of Tianjianzong to return to the sect.

Mo Su looked at Jian Hou's long gray hair, his eyes were gentle, and he didn't dare to waste too long, and whispered:
"Chen Feng, you have repaired a lot of damage along the way, but you haven't fully recovered. After returning to the sect, you still need to continue to repair."

As he spoke, he took out a bead the size of a green baby's fist and handed it to Jian Hou.

"This is the pure Yin Qi that I extracted from my body. After you go back, according to your own situation, extract the pure Yin Qi inside to practice, and you will recover faster."

Jian Hou listened to Mo Su's words, nodded, took the Cuizhu, put it in his storage ring, bowed his hands to Mo Su, and left the Tianmo Palace with the monks of Tianjianzong.

"Don't look, your eyes are almost glued to him."

Mo Yi stood beside Mo Su, watched the group disappear into the air, and joked.

Mo Su ignored the other party's ridicule, and waved to Mo Yi of the black-robed guard's "Mo" squad, and ordered:

"Take Bi Shu and start to investigate the territory of Tianmo Palace. I'll go back to the sect and ask Zhenzun to help."

Then he said to Mo Yi and Mo Qi:
"Senior sister and Mo Yi, please accompany me. I will go back to the sect first and ask the ancestor to help."

"it is good."

Mo Yi and Mo Qi knew very well that Mo Su was worried that something like the Kong family would happen, so he was anxious to ask Zhenzun to take action.

After arranging everything, Mo Su hurried back to Tianmo Palace.

In the past three years, Du Yanran was the most unlucky.

After simply taking back the space pendant and destroying it in front of her, Du Yanran almost went mad, and finally broke through the siege of Yin Yangmen monks by using the monsters that surrounded her, and escaped from Ziyu Mountain.

With injuries all over her body, Du Yanran hid in the courtyard she had rented earlier, escaped the catastrophe briefly, and then hid again.

But the Hua family discovered that Du Yanran, who had been planted with a flower seal by them, would not disappear for a while for no reason, but could clearly sense the other party.

Hua Lei told her sister Hua Xi about this discovery, and Hua Xi touched her chin and said:

"It seems that the rumor that she has a living space is true."

"Then why isn't she hiding in space now?"

Hua Lei asked.

"How do I know this! Maybe there are some restrictions on entering the space, or the limit has been reached. Wouldn't it be better for us to track it?"

"Will the news of Du Yanran's current location be released?"

"Let's go! It won't dirty our hands anyway."

"I know eldest sister, let her recover from her injuries first, and then I will reveal the other party's location to Yin Yang Sect."

"Tsk tsk! Younger brother, you are such a waste of nothing. It is very suitable for you to be the master."

After hearing what his elder sister said, Hua Lei immediately changed the topic.

Because of a word from the Hua family siblings, Du Yanran began to run away exhausted.

Tianyue Peak of Tianjianzong
Simply arranged for his three apprentices clearly, the moon also went to retreat, and the Zongmen's defensive formation has also been adjusted.

Simply refine the magic weapon with all your strength, and after all the cubes are refined, assemble them in the space.

Simply take out the refined central shaft first, and use spiritual power to activate the pattern on the central shaft.

This time, the chaotic spiritual power was simply input. With the input of chaotic spiritual power, the patterns on the six sides of the central axis began to light up one by one.

The patterns on each side began to connect, Jian Jian did not stop the input of chaotic spiritual power, and still slowly poured spiritual power into it.

The patterns are also getting brighter and brighter, Jian Jian almost poured all the spiritual power into his body, and the central axis is activated.

(End of this chapter)

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