Chapter 845

Tianyun waved his hand and opened a path leading directly to this place. Jianli and Jianjun came to the two True Venerables one after the other, bowed their hands and saluted, not surprised to see the simplicity.

After the ceremony, the two turned to Jian Jian and said:

"Congratulations to Uncle Jian Slaughter for being promoted to Mahayana."

Because the current cultivation level of the two is lower than Simple, but both of them have masters, and the masters are both Mahayana True Venerables, so they call Jian Lun Master Uncle.

"You guys should still call me Jianlu, I'm old if you call me uncle."

Simply said with a smile.

The two of them were not hypocritical, and readily agreed, because they were both very confident that it was only a matter of time before they were promoted to Mahayana.

"You two come together, but what's the matter?"

This time it was Tianhong Zhenzun who was asking the question, because Jianli was his disciple, and Jianjun's master was guarding the space node, so he couldn't teach Jianjun all the time, so Tianhong taught them together on weekdays.

"There is indeed something important to tell. Jianli and I have been sorting out all kinds of news we have received over the past few days, as well as the news I brought back from a corner of the fairy world, and let us know together. Sword Slaughter added."

Jian Jun was now wearing the Lord's robe, with a handsome face, her hair tied with a white jade crown, her height was not inferior to Jian Li's, her speech was still gentle and polite, but her voice was loud.

He simply heard that there was still his own business involved, then turned his eyes and thought, probably because of his own resources here, and some guesses that coincided with Jian Jun, so he left in no hurry.


With a wave of Tianhong's hand, this time the chessboard was put away, and what appeared was a white jade table with five carved and hollowed-out white jade stools. After each poured a pot of "Bodhi Qingxin Tea", they pricked up their ears and listened to Jianjun's report.

Jianjun first briefly explained what happened to his group, who entered the space crack and arrived at the corner of the downed fairyland. He reached an agreement with the Tan Song family, severely injured the Yutao family, and was subsequently placed under house arrest. And pass.

He kept talking about the meeting with Jian Jian, and then Jian Jian relayed what happened next. Of course, Jian Jun did not dare to hide the serious injury of Jianjun, so he said it directly.

"Is it all right now?"

Tianhong frowned, and his divine sense immediately swept over.

"Thanks to Jian Lun's blessing, my injury has healed, and my cultivation can still go up to a higher level, but I want to take care of everything properly before retreating."

Jian Jun smiled slightly and explained.

Afterwards, Jianjun informed the two True Venerables of the star map, the jade slips engraved by the Tan Song family, and their guesses.

"After discussing with Jianli, I feel that the news about Zerg should be spread out as soon as possible, not only within the sect, but also the families affiliated with the Heavenly Sword Sect, as well as the Taoist and Demon Sects.

Because the Yaozu is the place where we borrowed the way back, the news in this jade slip has also been recorded and handed over to the Nine-tailed Demon King.

And those who came back with us, Zixiao Sect, Qi Sect, Yin Yang Sect, and Sanxiu Alliance all burned jade slips. I believe they will present them to their respective suzerains after returning.

As for the remaining sects of Taoism, we can sell our favors. "

After Jian Jun finished speaking, she looked at Jian Jian, as if asking for her opinion.

"I agree with Jianjun's approach. This is something that is beneficial to the entire Lingyun Continent."

She approves of this.

"Well, let's do this in the name of the sect and leave it to Jian Chong."

Tianyun directly assigned the task to the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and it was more appropriate for him to do this.

"Three monks from the outer continent came back with us, Hou San and Sister Bai.

Hou San is good at spying on news, his cultivation base is in the late stage of becoming a god, and he has accumulated some resources with us this time. There should be no problem with the impact and distraction. Now he is practicing at my peak. I recommend him to enter the "Xun" hall, so he can go out Collect news.

The Bai sisters are poison cultivators. They were excluded in their own continent, and they were sent to a corner of the fairy world by their families to avoid disaster. At the stage of refinement, I want them to cooperate with Jin Ai to continue to develop poisons that can kill insects. "

In a few words, he explained the situation of the three people he brought back clearly, and at the same time asked for everyone's opinions.

"Jian Kill planned ahead and did a good job, but why are you so obsessed with using poison to kill Zerg?"

Tianhong took a sip of tea before asking.

"Save trouble, save time, and save effort. In the future, we will face Zerg races that are hundreds of times stronger than us. This is a very effective method. After all, not every monk who fights against the enemy has the cultivation base of the Mahayana period."

In a simple sentence, Tianyun, Tianhong and Jianjun all savored it for a while before nodding their heads in agreement with her statement.

"That being the case, let the three of them enter the Law Enforcement Hall according to your plan."

Zhenzun Tianyun directly made a decision, and then ordered Jian Li:
"According to the standards of the law enforcement hall, test their character, and don't leave hidden dangers for the sect."

"Yes, Majesty."

The two true venerables have already arranged everything that should be arranged, and the simple explanation is over. She was thinking of handing over the resources obtained from the corner of the fairy world, and then went back to retreat, but Jian Jun turned to her and said with a smile :

"Uncle Jianlu, there is something I don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice."

Jian Jian felt that her eyelids twitched, and the other party's smile gave her a very bad feeling, but she still said calmly:

"I can't tell you, please tell me, and I'll help you refer to it."

(End of this chapter)

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