Chapter 846 Tracing the Origin
Jian Li raised his eyes and took a simple look. He knew that the main event was coming, so he quietly stood aside as the background board.

"I sorted out all kinds of news about Tianjianzong in the past hundred years since I left, and found an interesting thing."

Simply and very flatteringly asked:

"What is it?"

"Every major event that happened in the sect, including the events in the Tianmo Palace, and several influential events in the Lingyun Continent, seems to be able to see your shadow."

"You mean, I moved my hands and feet behind."

She simply raised her eyebrows and asked, she would never admit it.

"No, Uncle Master didn't do anything, it's just that you just happened to appear there every time and promoted the development of the whole thing."

"Oh? Like?"

Simply keep asking.

The two talked to each other, although there was no verbal confrontation, and even the words were very polite, but Tian Yun, Tian Hong and Jian Li, who was the background board, felt the dangerous and tense atmosphere.

"Let's not talk about the matter of Tianyun Zhenzun, the Kong family and the Hua family were eliminated by you indirectly, and the Fu family was directly shot by you, the battle of the 'Underworld' in the Tianmo Palace, and the matter of Heifengao , the evil cultivator of Yun Haizong, the warship you replaced, the appearance of blood worms, and this time entering the space crack."

After listening briefly, I realized that I had done a lot of things, and then said with a smile:
"So? Things got worse because of me?"

"No, this is where I struggle, you seem to know something we don't."

After Jian Jun finished speaking, she looked straight at Jian Jian, as if she wanted to see something from her face.

Simple is muttering in his heart, as expected of Jianjun, he is so sensitive. If he didn't know his identity as Moyue before, he might not be able to discover this, but after he knew it, he linked what Jianlu and Moyue did. Naturally saw some clues.

"After I was a fellow practitioner of Dao Demon, I re-shattered the pill and became a baby. After the Nascent Soul Tribulation Thunder, the Heavenly Dao bestowed a dream of transforming into a baby. After that, I changed my cultivation method and went to the Heavenly Demon Palace."

"Dream of Infant Transformation."

Jian Jun grasped the point and immediately asked, although she didn't finish her sentence, everyone understood what it meant.


This time she gave a simple answer in the affirmative, and now this is the best excuse. The fact that she came from the lower realm and was reborn must not be told truthfully.

"I am indeed a member of the Jian family of the hermit family. Shan Yunzhu is me, and Jian is my name after my father's surname."

Several people seemed to have expected this, so they were not surprised.

Jian Jun thought deeply for a while before asking:

"Has the Heavenly Fate True Venerable fallen?"


"I went to explore the cracks in the space, but I didn't come back in the end?"


"Where's Jian Li?"

"Disappeared from the Heavenly Sword Sect!"


"Successful parasitism turned the entire Lingyun Continent upside down. Dao and demons fought, monsters were pinched, and the three parties fought. The flames of war even spread to the mortal world. There is no pure land."

"Jianzong that day?"

"Seriously injured, since the fall of the True God of Fortune, it has rapidly declined, fell from the top sect, and was eaten away!"

"What about you?"


As the two asked and answered, the faces of the remaining three became more and more serious. In a few short sentences, the fate of the entire Lingyun Continent was already revealed.

There was a long silence after that, and after half a stick of incense passed, Jian Jun said with difficulty:
"I asked Jianli, it was you who insisted on going to the space crack of Zixiaozong, to find me?"


"You are sure to find me, that's why you went?"

"It wasn't there originally, but when we entered that space rift, the space rift was quickly closed, which made me think."

Speaking of this, he simply pointed upwards, and then continued:

"It's specially reserved to give you a chance. If you were here, I believe that the Heavenly Sword Sect would not end up like that."

"So, you can always appear appropriately when things turn around?"

"Do my best, otherwise wouldn't I have failed that dream of turning into a baby."

Simply said with a smile.

Jian Jun and Jian Li were in a delicate mood at this time, some were admiring, some were grateful, some were happy, some were frustrated, it was all complicated.

"Jian Lu, you did a good job."

Tianyun said lightly.

He simply pursed his lips and smiled, and then said directly:

"There is only so much I can do alone, and the rest is up to everyone."

Then he bowed his hands to the two True Venerables and said:
"The monks who came back alive will share some of the resources we found this time, and I will keep the rest. Just as everyone is there, I will directly take them out and discuss how to deal with them."

Then he simply waved his sleeves, and piled another pile of resources like a hill in front of the cave of True Venerable Sky Luck, and then waved his sleeves again, and placed ten storage rings on the jade table.

"This is the storage ring of the fairy world that we found. The space inside is unlimited, and it can hold living things. These ten rings contain some special resources, such as three types of armor, weapons, and ores from the fairy world. , array disks, thunderstorm bombs, etc.”

Then simply continue:

"Jianjun is very clear about the various resources and uses here, so I won't explain them one by one. You can worry about the rest of Jianli. I believe Meng Congjian is the happiest."

When Tianyun, Tianhong, and Jianli picked up the storage rings on the table, they simply said goodbye, and she wanted to go back to consolidate her cultivation.

The corners of Jian Jun's mouth twitched, he was very sure that Jian Lu just wanted to be the shopkeeper and was afraid of trouble.

"I know you're impatient with this, so I won't stop you, but it's thanks to you that these resources can be brought back. When I go to the affairs hall to change the sword, I will ask someone to transfer the Zongmen points to you. What you need can be exchanged by yourself." .”

Tianyun has always been straightforward, directly and clearly arranged.

"Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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