Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 11 Too Gentle

Chapter 11 Too Gentle
Stadium seating.

See the screen loading Summoner's Rift.

Li Hao, who recently fell in love with LD's offensive rhythm, took a selfie, posted it in the circle of friends, put away his mobile phone, and focused on the live broadcast screen.

The audience was deserted, less than one-tenth of the audience, but among the small number of fans, there were actually more fans of LD than fans of EDE——

This can also be seen from the number of cheer cards that everyone is waving.

In the new season, LD, who changed his style of play, played really well. Among the teams that were slow to finish the game, LD could not help but stand out.

At least, watching its games, you won’t feel so bored that you’ll feel like you’ve watched 10 minutes of last-dash games, and the game-watching experience is at least a level higher than your peers.

It is precisely because of this that Li Hao pays attention to the LD team, which also makes him full of expectations for the LD game.

The game started soon.

He really saw LD players actively looking for opportunities to compress the development space of each other.

But EDE is too stable, especially AJ, not only withstood the pressure on the line, but also tp a bot lane, protect the golden horn, and kill the disjointed ice girl.

The game went on for 10 minutes and only one head broke out.

"AJ is too wretched, don't you eat this thread?"

When AJ returned to the top of the road, he inserted his real eyes one step ahead to make sure that he had no vision around, and Xiao Yu's Leopard Girl was ambushed in the triangle grass.

Kabe's Poppy started to control the line and was not in a hurry to push forward. At the same time, Twila retreated, out of sight and up.

"This wave of AJ is a little dangerous."

"No, AJ seems to realize that it wasn't two people crossing the tower, but three people crossing the tower. He pinged the triangle grass, maybe knowing that the Leopard Girl arrived early, he just didn't eat this wave."

From the perspective of God, the LD encirclement has not yet been formed, and AJ's troll hid in the autistic grass first. This awareness and stability made Li Hao can't help but cry out for this Hong Kong island.

He is indeed the captain of EDE, the core of the team, and he has the style of a general.

You must know that LD has often been able to open up the situation in the early stage, because many times the opponent is not allowed to calculate the double-team attack of LD, and it is easy to make a wrong judgment, thinking that he can operate under the tower and does not need to lose troops.

Every so often, LD can give the enemy a surprise.

"We're driving the vanguard, I'm here." Green Mao commanded.

Forcing back AJ, everyone is here, if you don't take anything, you will be sorry for the loss of the middle and lower lines.

"Let it go."

Jinjiao pinged the signal a few times, AJ was making up for the remaining soldiers entering the tower, and he didn't want to fight at all. Not to mention that he could win if he didn't fight. If he wanted to fight, he would lose too much.

Afterwards, no matter how LD made a move, EDE would not answer.

Xiaolong, let;

outer tower, let;

In the middle of the tower, let;

Want to bring troops into the highlands?One big female gun or one big Lux will be taken away directly.

Relying on this trick, the game went into 27 minutes, although the economy of both sides opened to 2000+, but less than 5 people broke out.

LD's behavior of raising his arms and clenching his fists hit the cotton. What's a little bit bad is that the development of the golden horns was not damaged at all, and even because Lux consciously let the economy in the middle stage, he had already made up for the advantage of the opposite position. He, the equipment is much better than the Y4.

"The fourth little dragon is refreshed, and LD has finished pushing the middle route to occupy the position."

"EDE is also approaching the river, and they don't want to let it go."

During the Xiaolong pulling battle, the 5v5 group finally made the commentator's tone intensified.

"The troll is an icicle, hit the leopard girl, and the light rain will punish."

"Dragon, who is the dragon!"

"The excavator got the dragon, and the troll's position attracted too many people's attention. The excavator hiding on the side of the dragon pit found an opportunity to tunnel through it and grabbed it for him."

EDE got what he wanted and slipped away, only paying for a flash of the excavator.

After watching the replay, the commentator blew a wave of cooperation between the excavator and the troll, and the two sides entered the boring development stage again.

At 35 minutes and 20 seconds, when the fifth dragon was about to refresh, the situation turned.

The five EDEs were in the arms to deal with the line, and the trolls stood at the front in a meat suit. LD did not dare to open them randomly. Instead, they let them occupy the dragon pit first and set up their vision.

Because of the line of troops, Y4's plane took some time to deal with. As a result, under the cover of the fog of war, everyone in LD did not know the formation of EDE, so they could only rely on it slowly.

"The excavator has a resurrection armor, and EDE did not choose Kailong for the first time."

"LD doesn't know, they are exploring along the river."

"The excavator is well positioned."

The narration is exciting.

As a strong operation team, EDE does not know the danger of exploring the field of vision.

The green-haired titan stood beside Kabe Poppy, at the front of the line.

"Come here, LD is very careful."

In such an instant, the word "careful" has not yet echoed, and the troll directly pushed a pillar into the middle of the LD formation, tearing the front and back line of defense.

"The troll sucks, it sucks Bobby, it's meaty."

"Thresh pushed Poppy, Y4 is looking for the output position, he is not good at output, the plane can't hit the back row."

Taking advantage of the troll attracting all the firepower and sight of the other party, the excavator pinpointed the opportunity to divide the wall tunnel and supported the leopard girl.

The troll opened the w, relying on his own flesh, and moved to the excavator regardless. This time, the five LD people didn't know who to attack at all.

"The Leopard Girl is dead, and the excavator can still be resurrected. Lux... Lux... Lux has controlled the Ice Girl, and the Ice Girl is forced to make a big move to avoid damage."

"It's over, the female gun's big move is pressed to get up, the ice girl is also killed, LD can't fight anymore, and has to retire."

"How many can you walk? The trolls are still sticking."

"The Titans can't escape either."

Seriously poor vision, after a wave of advance and retreat, EDE0 changed to 3, and they took advantage of the trend to win their second dragon, and the economy overtook.

"My, my, I didn't pay attention to the excavator." Xiaoyu blamed himself. The excavator cooperated with Lux's big move, and his leopard girl made a second trip.

No one responded, and LD's team's voice was extremely silent, except for the tapping of the keyboard.

"LD is not easy to play. Lux's lottery and Thresh's hook can easily cause attrition."

"The golden horn equipment is very good. I have four and a half pieces in hand, and I almost paid for it. The Y4 aircraft has just arrived the fourth piece of equipment, and it is about a big piece."

"As long as EDE doesn't make mistakes, it should be won. The lineups on both sides reached 10 minutes, and the troll team battle sucked Poppy. It was too strong, but Poppy couldn't hold it."

"LD's chances of winning are very slim. They are a little bit lacking in damage. The current AP damage of Zhongjun is not stable."


Li Hao watched EDE take down the big dragon, and pushed forward without a solution. The Leopard Girl slapped Thresh in the dark without much pain, and knew that this one was gone.

He stood up, muttered a few words, and left the venue in disappointment.

This game is really "fusion segmentation" and "ugly".


Everyone on the coaching staff, including Shinichi, was in a bad mood.

The team obviously has an advantage in the early stage, but the feeling of not being able to grasp it is really uncomfortable.

The main crystal was pushed. This is a familiar scene in the past two weeks, but the loser has become himself.

"Xiaolong's control is very problematic, and the fourth bar will be refreshed after nearly 30 minutes. If we are faster, we will have more initiative, and the opposing force will continue to be delayed, amplifying the pressure.

However, compared to this rhythm node, our dragon group handled it even worse, and it didn't cause any difficulties to the female gun of the Golden Horn. "

3:8 on the scoreboard seems to be an annotation to the game.

Qin Ming could see clearly from the backstage that EDE's ability to seize opportunities when the strong lineup began to reverse was the key to their victory.

Especially the two points of Lux and the female gun, the processing line after 6 is a big one, and LD can't push the line no matter what.

Of course, it's not that EDE didn't give a chance, but LD didn't take it very well.

Wu Cheng was still discussing the gains and losses, and Qin Ming was very irritable:
"There is only one reason for losing, and that is that we did not do well enough, and the pressure we gave did not overwhelm the opponent."

Wu Cheng stopped talking, and Li Xunyang turned his head to him.

"Everyone is a professional player, let alone which one is very high, there are no single kills in several positions, and we still have an advantage in the middle and jungle during the laning phase.

Opposite BP decided to mix lanes, do they have a stronger offensive desire than us? "—

Single finger top half.

Xinyi and the others shook their heads. To be honest, after playing the double-team tactics for so long, LD must be the most familiar offensive team in the A-League.

Looking at EDE's favorite hero selections and game lengths, you can see that this team has long been accustomed to the opponent's mistakes, and actively organizes attacks until after three or four sets.

"Is this kind of gameplay of EDE unbreakable? Delay it to the later stage and end the game in one or two waves?"

The new class continued to shake their heads.

If you choose a late-stage hero for the core C position, and you can win with guaranteed output, then EDG, which can operate better than EDE, is not a winner. Shouldn't the Korean team's style of play not break the golden body?

But everyone knows that the wild card, the Lightning Wolf, and the "European and American Lobby Team" have all defeated the operation team by attacking.

Picking late-stage heroes is easy to be in a weak position on the lane, which in turn leads to the loss of the jungle area and the compressed vision. The confrontation brought about by this lineup feature is based on the game between the two sides.

Even if there is a gap in the players, it is not an insurmountable ditch for the "weak team" to play the "strong team", and the advantages brought by the equipment economy and the initiative of the lineup are enough to erase these.

However, operations can relatively avoid risks and reduce mistakes.

LD lost, not because of tactics, but because LD was not aggressive enough.

at the channel.

Lu Mao and others hugged the peripherals and returned to the lounge with their heads lowered.

Wu Cheng and Li Xunyang patted this, patted that, comforting and cheering. If a loss affects morale too much, it will not be friendly to the following games.

Do you want to play with the complete victory, whoever wins will be the first in points, although we are not the first, but losing to the strong team of EDE can still be forgiven;
The second is also not bad, definitely can make the playoffs.

Some people thought so in their hearts, and they acted like this.

"You think you played well and need to be praised?"

Sighing and complaining to each other, Twila even discussed with Xiaoyu what to eat back home.

Just as he was packing up and preparing to leave, Qin Ming's heart was unnamed.

In the past and present, many professional players Qin Ming met in the e-sports circle did not have the spirit, such as the spirit of traditional sports, without a strong sense of honor, nor the ruthlessness that is willing to give everything to win.

Look at these people, 18, 9 years old, everyone around is instilling the theory that games are useless, just play.

In other words, their sense of honor is not even as strong as Qin Ming's coach. Anyway, in order to keep his job and seek better development, Qin Ming has made efforts to arrange more and more suitable tactics according to the players, and propose training tasks according to the version. .

As for them, if it wasn't for the "treatment" of players in e-sports events getting better, they would definitely be the kind of people whose parents are very troublesome——

Playful and unrestrained, most of them have bad personalities due to the backlog of cultural literacy and hostility.

Even so, many e-sports players are confused about their career plans and future life. When they leave the game, they are like outsiders, and it is difficult to even feel the stigma of "not as good as others".

Qin Ming was very angry, Xiaoyu and the others stopped, and their hands were no longer attached, and the surrounding air pressure suddenly increased. Feeling all this, the lounge that was a little noisy just now suddenly became quiet.

"Can you be a little unwilling to fail, can you?"

Qin Ming paced and walked past several players, "Tell me, have you tried your best, have you played well, ah? Don't you think you're good after winning a few games in front of you?"

Qin Ming was really angry.

Losing a game has to look like a losing game, but he didn't see it at all.

"Twila, you come with me."

In the deadly silent lounge, Twlia, who had lost his ability to think, followed Qin Ming in the surprised eyes of some teams who had not left.

The footsteps stopped abruptly, and the two stopped.

Twila lowered her head, unable to see the expression on the coach's face.

"You really don't take what I said seriously."

Qin Ming looked at him, suppressing his anger, "5 minutes for the river wave, 10 minutes for the down road, 32 minutes for the Longkeng wave...

Evaluate your Ice Girl yourself, how well has it been played, how long has it been, and have you been proficient in playing as a hero?Which wave you have started, most of you will not play it. If the formation is not good in the first time, will you not be able to play? "

Twila didn't expect the coach to say that to him, he was very dissatisfied, raised his head and bit his lower lip, "I'm really staring at people, Lax Ribbon purification, the second female gun makes up a small amount of mercury, the opposite hand is long, and Thresh, I got a control, and if I was touched, I had to pay the university to protect myself. Can I blame me?
I also want to start a good team and limit the opposite side. I started the wave in the bottom lane, did my teammates keep up? "

"Then you think you're playing well, and you're playing okay?
The troll is bright tp, you are out of touch. If you go back and deal with the troll first with the plane, there will be losses in that wave?
Twila, what we see is the game screen, you ice girl is playing Lux and it is on the line, and you still think you have the right idea?Not to mention that teamfights make you mark people, you should take a good look at your lineup. If your teammates don’t organize attacks, you won’t find opportunities by yourself?Have to waste the hero's power. "

"Is this hero good for Lux, what can I do with it."

"Why do you dare to talk back to me? I didn't say it when I was selected. Why did the Ice Girl you play follow Lacus? Answer me, is it because Lacus has no teammates? Or does it play a bigger role than you in the early stage? You are good at seizing opportunities.

I'm surprised, Lux is a soft mage with low fault tolerance. It has purification to protect itself. Do all its teammates also have purification. What is the hero skill mechanism you play, do you want me to read it for you? "

Qin Ming suddenly raised the volume.

"Wandering, every wave of roaming is my own loss, I can't stay in the middle, I have to cooperate with my teammates to build an advantage, whether I can't beat the opponent, or am I worse than the opponent, give me a demon Ji, I killed it long ago."

Twila's temper also came up, and her tone increased.

"Huang Tingwei."

Qin Ming shouted his name and slapped the wall hard, "Look at yourself, am I being too gentle before, or are you rebellious, can't tell? You're just playing shit, and you can't accept any criticism at all. . This is the whole team..."

Before finishing the tactical arrangement, including the following words, Twila interrupted, "A game of five players, you only said one of me, did I send it? Which group did I not have?"

"I said that other people play well, it's all shit, you are the most shit, this also needs to be compared, and this also needs to be unbalanced."

After a pause, looking at his immature and unconvinced face, Qin Ming silently took back some anger and held back his anger, "It's too focused on personal gains and losses, this is a team game, you don't have a late-stage hero, you'll lose a little in the front. What, I helped my teammates to set up the rhythm, and used the equipment advantages and strong lineup to play the team, and we also won so many."

"I can't play this kind of hero."

"Whether you can't play or don't want to play, don't practice."

"Qin Jiao, go."

Not far away, Wu Cheng was shouting.

Qin Ming compares four fingers,
"After three days of rest, I told you that you played less than four heroes, so it's not good to practice so hard.

Talented rookie, the editors are used to blowing.

You don’t really think that c is a little bit better, the team’s resources are given to you, and the proportion of dazzling output is very strong, right? The best mid laner of the year, if you play LSPL and blow you a few words, you will not know the direction.

Twila, let me tell you, if you want to stay on the secondary stage all the time, if you want to be like a lot of people who leave the professional arena in obscurity after the rookie period, and no one pays attention to where you are going, just keep your mouth shut.

I'm a coach anyway. If I leave this field, it's not a part-time job. "

 The captain is absolutely amazing, he really considers himself a support (T1vsNS).

  PS: In the past, SKT's play operation was to pull the battle line and gradually nibble away the victory. I guarantee that I will not suffer. The current T1 operation is called pure release of resources.

  In addition, compared with a game in the LEC this spring, Rekkles' Senna is only over 180 layers, just like Na Lianhe, playing LOL as CS:GO, whoever shows up will die, as did the previous A Shui, and the result is that the captain is 300 Layer Senna, the final output 2W5, wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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