Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 12 You Are Serious

Chapter 12 You Are Serious
The atmosphere on the bus continued the solemnity of the lounge.

At this moment, Y4 wanted to take out his mobile phone to read the posts, but he didn't dare, and even slowed down his breathing, for fear that Qin Jiao, who had been gloomy in front of the seat, would notice.

No one understands why Qin Ming is so angry.

Don't you just lose.

Since the reorganization of the new season, their team's performance has not improved, Y4 feels extremely comfortable, and played the highest light of his career——

Not needing him to gain an advantage in the laning phase makes Y4 a lot less pressured.

After all, in SHR, if he was crushed under the tower and fell behind in the counterpoint, he would definitely be scolded, scolded and scolded, and he would not be able to play the game.

Just like in LD, his teammates in the early and mid-term will help him resist, he only needs to develop with peace of mind, which makes him play very relaxed and naturally perform well.

Including Lumao, Xiaoyu, and Kabe, all played their own style in this system.

They may not understand the technical and tactical arrangements that much, but they can really feel the progress in data and fit their personal style.

They are all professional players, and even if you play rank, you will know whether the lineup selected is suitable for you, not to mention the game.

Therefore, they all recognize the bishop's coaching ability, and their morale is higher than a day. They feel that they will be more powerful after playing according to the tactics arranged by Qin Jiao, and they will become more proficient and cooperate more tacitly. Continuing to hang out in the secondary league, it can be said that the more you play, the more confident you will become.

Even now, they are still very confident, Y4 thinks about going back to practice ez, if he is more skilled and has a higher priority, he can liberate Lu Mao better.

"Okay, let's replay, always know where we are not good enough. League of Legends does not have the most perfect tactics, but the most perfect execution."

Qin Ming stood at the door of the conference room and urged the team members to enter.

The last person to pass by him was Lumao, who didn't play very well after choosing Titan. Maybe he was still reminiscing about the game that had ended, maybe he didn't dare to touch the thunder, his expression was very serious, but he was suddenly photographed by Qin Ming. He tapped on the shoulder and went in with the others.

"What are you doing with your heads up and your heads down? Watch the game carefully and see your choices from God's perspective."

Qin Ming raised the volume and encouraged: "Eating a piece of money grows wisdom, I hope this loss will bring us progress, rather than pretending that nothing has happened, nothing has changed, and we can't recognize the change after losing. "

With such a roar, all the players, including Shinichi, raised their heads unconsciously, and re-watched the match from the screen.

Qin Ming dragged the progress bar to 10 minutes and 07 seconds.

There is a wave of river encounters on the right half of the map ahead. If the middle road supports it, the light rain can kill it, instead of forcing the excavator to dodge, but it came too suddenly, and it is understandable that there is no support.

"In this wave, the line of troops is well handled, the team is facing down, the decision is right, and what you have done in the past is fine.

So far, the trolls have displayed their TPs and passed them on to the soldiers, which obviously blocked our position. It was originally a four-rush formation, and they could kill them if they rushed into the tower, but they were separated by two TPs.

Then here, how did you do it, the Ice Girl moved to the front, the Leopard Girl was half a position behind, Y4, your plane and the green-haired Titan were supposed to keep up, but this tp is very uncomfortable for you, So back and wait, how did you discuss it? "

"I said to watch the trolls and watch the trolls, so I stopped, and went deeper. The trolls came down and chased me and bit me, and I had to die if I crossed." Y4 said first.

Lumao: "The first thing I thought was that the trolls came down and got close. I'm weak and my skills have been given to the female gun, and I want to fight by plane."

Xiaoyu: "I crouched over from the grass on the line and planned to encircle with the ice girl, but we both got on the plane and the plane didn't. As a result, Thresh gave the ice girl a weakness, and moved to block me, and was charged. The female gun that lived with the residual blood didn't make any damage, and then the ice girl was set on fire by Thresh and the female gun. I couldn't beat it, so I retreated."

Then there's Twila in a bad mood, who complains: "It's been said before that the femme fatale gun, I went through the wall, flashed and got it under control, then the trolls came down, all three of them ran away, and I was sold already."

Finally, Kabe, who did not participate in this wave of attacks: "I was pushing the lane, and I was going to push this wave of soldiers into the tower, but halfway through the push, AJ teleported, and the action came too fast. If I couldn't interrupt, I planned to follow. They, they said no, I didn't pass it on, I plan to eat some money and develop more."

"Who ordered this?"


Lumao raised his hand, "I feel like 4 on 3 can fight, the two of them are fast, and the ice girl was thrown into the tower by Thresh, taking damage from the tower.

If you go back and kill the troll first, it will be completely fine. The female gun is already in bad shape, and it is difficult to follow. If you reflexively pack the troll, it will be at most four of us hammering stones and two trolls. Basically, you can kill one. Its life for the development of female guns. "

Knowing the players' considerations and taking into account the game, Qin Ming stretched out his hand and pointed at the Summoner's Canyon,
"In this wave, turning back and killing the trolls is the best solution, followed by cover and running, the last is to force the female gun, the leopard girl rushes to the tower to kill, the two heads are replaced by one, delaying the development of the female gun, rather than handing it over. So many key skills, but very little.

Ladies and gentlemen, double-teaming is to nibble on the development of the opponent and compress the counterpoint space, and it is not necessary to force kills.

Let’s just talk about this wave, even if we go back on the road and give them a retreat, we will at least be comfortable on the road, AJ is forced out of a tp, go back and go online again, at least two waves of soldiers are lost, the tower will also lose some health, and the experience will be more backward. do not talk.

Although the mid-lane support loop also lost, but with the TP difference of the top order, we can reorganize our work around this TP later. After careful calculation, we still earn.

I have said many times that the best result that many tactics can get at the operational level is to get more things when our own development is not interrupted. In every wave of games, we must first consider exchanging ourselves not to lose. Then think about what to get.

Remember, the offense launched by using the lineup characteristics is still a team economy in essence. Don't care too much about personal gains and losses, and you must be flexible and changeable, don't be rigid, and do what you want.

Lu Mao, in the future, your command will be clearer. If you think it is appropriate to protect ad and give priority to trolls, you should shout a few more thoughts. If you don’t say it, how can everyone think about it in such a chaotic situation. "

The board still hit Lumao, and the commander should take the blame. Although it seems that Twlia is too aggressive, the lack of response has led to serious disconnection, and even this wave of Leopard Girls has not played any role, but it has been pointed out before. Qin Ming just hoped that he could listen to his question.

Coaches can't count everything.

In the game of League of Legends, the role of coaches is mostly in player training, meta understanding, BP games, and tactical arrangements.

When you really enter the game, especially when the laning phase is over, the role of the coach will be infinitely reduced. On the contrary, player handling, teamfight coordination, and command decision-making will be infinitely magnified.

In other words, after all, it is still up to the players to perform on the spot.

Four 10 minutes passed.

Qin Ming clapped his hands, "Okay, let's go to training."

Watching the team members get rid of their arrogance and enthusiasm, standing behind the crowd, watching them play rank, no longer giggling like usual, playing with mobile phones in the gap between games, and my mind is not concentrated at all.

Wu Cheng suddenly felt that getting angry and scolding was not necessarily a bad thing. At least, the original impetuousness in the team was gone.

Beside the coffee table, Qin Ming watched a few LPL games, wrote down something in his notebook, checked the time on his mobile phone, and was about to go home when Wu Cheng came over, lowered his voice and smiled, "Tonight, they are very happy. serious."

Qin Ming turned his head, knowing that the team members didn't pay attention to this side, and there was a smile on his tense face.

"Just a few days."

That said, people are not clockwork and machines, and they can't always be taut. Besides, Qin Ming is not at ease with this group of e-sports teenagers who don't have much self-control.

However, just like tonight, with proper criticism, as long as people who are not hopeless will change their attitudes more or less.

Wu Cheng grinned, "You can spur them if they are too relaxed."

"Catch the sheep, right?"


"I'm not so worried about the others."

After making a joke and relaxing for a while, Qin Ming looked at a certain figure——

Many immature children are extreme in their hearts, easy to go to the horns and rebel against authority. Twila has such a mentality in his heart.

"You need to help me pay more attention to Twlia and talk to him more.

The reason why we played more proactively this season is that he made sacrifices in the mid lane, but his temperament is not like Kabe. Kabe is used to resisting pressure to keep the two of them talking. Qin Ming has told him to some extent that he is not so willing to play in the early and mid-term. Hero, think of yourself c, these most real thoughts can't deceive people.

Again, let a mid laner who has controlled Raiden in the secondary league reduce the attribute of "loneliness", make him more team-like, and somewhat overwhelm his style of play.

"I can't do it. In the game, there are always people who have to sacrifice. Y4 sometimes stays alone in the bottom lane, isn't it also sacrificing his development?"

This is still Qin Ming's theory to Wu Cheng. He doesn't feel sorry for anyone. In order to win, Twila doesn't have the talent to crush the opponent, so what else is there to say.

In the field of e-sports, even people with outstanding talent can also be distinguished from each other. If they are not strong enough to suppress the line, they can only make up for it from other places.

"How is Shinichi, recently?"

"It's okay." Wu Cheng asked curiously: "What's the matter? Do you have any arrangements?"

"I still want to sharpen Twila's temperament."

"Uh, is it possible that you still want to hit a new mid laner, press Twlia to the water dispenser to calm down."

Wu Cheng was joking, but he suddenly realized that Qin Ming didn't laugh, but considered it very seriously.

"No way."

(End of this chapter)

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