Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 322 Versions with Added Variables

Chapter 322 Versions with Added Variables

On the screen are the materials that Qin Ming has sorted out over the past few days, and the special training tasks designed for the version.

In general, from the beginning to the end of MSI to the opening of the summer split on June 6th, the fine-tuning of several versions has been brought together in such a period of time, which has greatly changed the ecology of the canyon.

This major update is divided into three categories.

One category is heroes, such as Xia, Luo, and Prince Q Armor Breaking Effect and W, which start to calculate their own armor's holy shield, pig girl's pig skin, and the frost effect attached to the melee attack within the range of the hero with E skill, Zac's ultimate move From bouncing balls to silt wrap, Ice Maiden enhanced Q, Ryze re-cuts the jump range of her ultimate move, and other less important tweaks, such as Amumu W enhancement...

The second category is equipment.

The abyss scepter is enhanced, the magic resistance attribute is increased to +65, and the CD is reduced by 10% (2800); the coin is enhanced; the electric knife is enhanced, the damage of the filling effect is increased to 60-160; the slag is enhanced, and the damage calculation method is increased to 11 per second +1*level, the effect on wild monsters is increased to 200%, the resurrection armor is changed to the synthetic route, the pickaxe is added to the long sword, and the cloth armor (total price 2400);
New equipment: adaptive helmet (2800), gargoyle plate armor (2500).

Fists are pissy.

Except for the new equipment, some people complained about other fine-tuning actions, so it tried to secretly give some attributes. For example, the Abyss Scepter is completely inferior to the Time Rod in the same ecological niche, and no half-meat mages including tanks are produced, so Give some enhancement;
Auxiliary equipment is either a holy shield or stealing spells, so the coin explosion rate is increased, and more gold coins can be exploded or mana can be returned;
With the cannon, no one except Yasuo can look down on the damage of the electric knife, so the electric knife is enhanced;

The Resurrection Armor doesn't even come out as a tank, and now it's completely turned into a physics-based equipment;
The fighters in the wild area are awesome. Herbivorous junglers have to run when they see male guns and praying mantises. They have poor confrontation and slow brushing, so they can strengthen the slag effect. In addition, the impact of tanks on the situation is too concentrated in the mid-term 2 and 3. There are about [-] sets, and lack of defense against French machine guns, so I simply made a big one.

It's just that Fist doesn't know, so many fine-tunings added up, the effect is that the French machine gun directly falls into the dust, and the dog doesn't even play.

The adaptive helmet and gargoyle cost 5300 yuan in total. It takes 19 minutes to be naked without these two pieces. It can directly kill all heroes including Dazui, Ryze, and Snake who rely on the continuous effect of skills and team battle kites. Knives together.

Adaptive is not so buggy for Burst Assassins. After all, the effect is that after four seconds of damage from the magic system, the damage is reduced by 15%. , People are starting to recover blood, not to mention scraping, a lunatic has recovery attributes, tanks, tanks can still recover blood!

After introducing these, Qin Ming looked directly at Xiang Guo, "You have been in Hanbok for the past two days, what do you think of the wild area?"

"The life of the herbivorous hero is much better, huh, the slag is so cool, playing F6 and stone beetle is much faster, and the efficiency of clearing the wild has improved a lot." Xiangguo complained.

"Yeah." Qin Ming nodded: "In the future, when playing grass-eating jungle, basically after the jungle sword is combined, the first outfit will be a gargoyle. Not to mention cheap and easy transition, the metallization and stone skin show that Fist is to encourage herbivorous heroes to start a team, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to start without teammates or not being able to sustain the first round of focus fire (the negative effect of gargoyles with a 60% damage reduction, it’s a big deal for tanks, who expects tanks Huge output)."

Qin Ming continued to talk about the wild area: "In terms of confrontation, if we want to suppress herbivory, then the vanguard must fight—"

The third category.

The Canyon Herald has been revised, no longer providing one-time damage, but turning into the Eye of the Herald, crashing the defense tower.

The canyon is born in 10 minutes, with an initial blood volume of 4000, which increases with time, and the maximum blood volume is 6400. The damage value of the collision to the defensive tower is based on 150 + 25% of the current death blood volume limit of the pioneer. If the vanguard is eaten, it can cause 1150 points of damage to the defense tower. If it is stocked, it can reach a maximum of 1750 HP.

What is the concept?
One tower has 3500 blood, and one tower's economy can help heroes get out of equipment quickly.

When Qin Ming mentioned this, he directly used the formula to calculate the economic accounts for everyone: "If the first wave of pioneers wins and can seize the opportunity to kill people and take towers, then it will be the money of a head plus the money of a tower plus at least 2 waves The money for the pawn line can easily be rolled out for [-]+, if the vanguard is not dealt with, the second head will be knocked out..."

Speaking of this, Xiang Guo was surprised: "How could it be possible to hit so many times, I played rank for two days, and sometimes I couldn't even hit a tower."

Qin Ming smiled: "Of course you can't hit 2 on 1. What if the bot lane duo followed the jungler in the first half in about 10 minutes? Then the opponent didn't return to defense in time and was hit more or less, killing people and losing defense What about strength? Can the four of you break down the road, protect the vanguard and continue to collide?"

Qin Ming pointed to the map of the canyon, and everyone's eyes were more attracted.

"As I said just now, the upper limit of herbivore in the jungle has been increased, and the general environment in the early, middle and late stages has improved, but its weak resistance has not changed, and there are still gaps to catch in the wild.

In addition, the rhythm of tank equipment production has improved, and the ecology of tanks on the road has also improved. In 10 minutes, if we have a money-making hero on the top road, and the opponent uses tanks to resist pressure as usual, can we create a tank at this point in time by relying on the pressure knife? It should be possible to break the pieces into pieces, right? "

The crowd nodded.

Letme has a great say in this aspect. When he is under pressure, 10 minutes is mostly the economy of cloth armor shoes with a small slag and real eyes. If a soldier is naked with straw sandals, the more expensive ones such as dilapidated and black cut They can all afford it, not to mention that if something happens on the road and loses their heads, the difference in combat power in about 10 minutes will only increase.

"So, around the improvement of vanguard and tank ecology, I roughly divided some decision-making points."

Already have points?

Everyone was shocked.

Qin Ming pointed to the canyon map and expressed his understanding.

[-]. In the case of consistent bottom lane confrontation, rely on the upper half to snowball against the vanguard;
Second, in the case of inconsistencies in the bottom lane confrontation, the handling of the upper half;

[-]. The bottom lane is the same. It’s hard to say which one is stronger and weaker in the upper half. Compete for downsizing, see-saw and linkage of soldiers;

Fourth, the bottom lane is the same, and the situation is confronted from 9 minutes and 40 seconds to about 10 minutes;
Fifth, give up the pioneer and mobilize manpower to stop losses;
Sixth, delay the vanguard when the confrontation is certain, and mobilize manpower to stop losses;

Seven, purely rely on the lineup to delay the curve and avoid the peak;
Eighth, release the vanguard, defend the vanguard, and defend against the main strategic attack point.

After listing the above inflection points, Qin Ming continued to explain.

Being able to select the bottom line to grab the line, use the support of the middle and the field, gain some ground against the bottom tower 10 minutes ago, and switch lanes in advance to obtain the vanguard position. This method is enough to overwhelm the disadvantage of the top lane;
It is a good strategy to be able to fight against the same bot lane, about 9 minutes and 40 seconds, relying on the linkage of the three lines of troops, deploying control in advance, forcing the team to reduce personnel or rush the vanguard, and looking for opportunities to destroy the tower;
If you can give up the vanguard, come down and change towers, and use the mid-to-late lineup to avoid collisions, you can also win.

Puppy and the others were fed so much information, and while they were enlightened, there were some things they couldn't comprehend.

Qin Ming waved his hand, "To put it bluntly, it's the economy and lineup. If you think you can't beat it in 10 minutes, you should change the dragon and the tower to stop the loss, and then try to make the vanguard unable to hit anything. The vanguard's eye can interrupt , even if it is released and the defense is timely, the risk of forcibly jumping over the tower still exists;
If we think we can play well, then we will fight for the vanguard, and try to make enough profit after we get it, make more use of the number difference to do things, confuse the opponent more, and tear up the defense;
If you feel that you can fight or not, you can try to compete, delay as much as possible, make your opponent not easy to play, and put pressure from other aspects. "

"In short, it is enough to do enough correct things with the support of the lineup and the situation. The vanguard is just a prop to advance the game."

"in this regard."

Qin Ming looked at everyone: "Puppy, you must master the new AD hero as soon as possible, Xiao Ming, don't forget to practice the new support, and other things, after the gargoyle strengthened and activated the prince's W, the big bug's big move overflowed. Count it, if this piece of equipment is used well, it is no less important than redemption's change in team battles."

"It's useless to talk too much, let's have a special training."

The players got up one by one and went to the training room to master the challenges of each hero and vanguard node according to the requirements of the coach.

In training.

Other routines are good, and the team's cooperation has not caused jerky communication due to the holidays these days, which makes Qin Ming very satisfied.

Next is the Hanbok rank.

Qin Ming came behind the puppy.

On the screen, the puppy controls Xia, and it is more difficult to play.

The little dog didn't know there was someone behind him, so he just complained habitually: "This hero doesn't have long hands, and the opponent's combination is stronger, so he can only rely on Q to make up the knife, stupid, good trash, and the line is not as good as the policewoman, Kalista, Lucian, mixed lane is not as good as ez, ice, middle and late stage is not as good as small cannon and mouse, and the position is not flexible enough. I will go and die again. What kind of garbage damage..."

The little dog said brokenly, he was fighting against Verus on the line, and in about 10 minutes, he had been pressed 16 times and died 2 times.

Until the end of this round, the puppy had no game experience, and Xia, who was at a disadvantage, was lower than the lower limit of Ice!
Just as the puppy was thinking so, he was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

It is the Qin religion.

"The training effect is not good?"

The puppy nodded, "I can't find a position, I feel that there are too many heroes who can win better than him."

Qin Ming grinned and said: "The proficiency has not improved, of course you will think so."

Seeing the puppy's disbelief, Qin Ming called Xiao Ming and asked the two to start a custom.

Before the test, Qin Ming said persuasively: "Don't be unconvinced. Any hero has advantages and disadvantages. If you are unhappy with the game, it's because you didn't find its instruction manual. Come on, let's try the damage limit of Level [-] Xialuo first."

Xia and Luo lock.

"Tap W, don't worry about the pawn line, just attack when you occupy the grass."

Xiaogou and Ming listened to Qin Ming's words and followed the silly robot being carried away by Luo. The characteristics of W made the two of them deal 3+ damage in 400 seconds when they focused on one person.

"Bring a ignite, and the cross flash will be full of blood if it slows down."

"In addition, the E skill can produce a huge burst. It is calculated based on the number of feathers penetrated. Someone provides control. Its burst is definitely higher than most ADs. It is one of the few shooters with AOE and limited skills."

After one experiment after another, Xiaogou finally got a certain understanding of Xia, but he still didn't feel that this hero was particularly strong, but he changed from a third-rate hero to a second-rate hero, and the problem of short hands still existed. Still pretty low."

"Single play is not that powerful, but don't forget." Qin Ming pointed out another point, "It has a strong self-protection ability, its ultimate move can deceive and control, and it can also use flash to complete key games. Try R flash and E flash more, Don't you think feathers are too intuitive? Flash can add suddenness.

And to choose Xia, you can match a variety of lineups to achieve the corresponding goals, you must practice well. "

Qin Ming issued a military order, "I have a lot of tactics that need to use this couple. Whether it's a single or a combination, do you understand me?"

Thanks to his trust in the coach for many days, Xiaogou finally suppressed his negative impression of the new hero and promised to practice.

Bottom road is proficient in Xialuo, and the four brothers in the upper middle and wild are even more excited.

"West grass, metalized real TM plus damage."

If you don't try, you don't know, try the next jump.

Big Chongzi’s big move will have a logo mark when it enters the killing line. If the first-level killing is 330, the hero will only have a logo when it enters below this blood volume. When Gargoyle is turned on, the blood volume of 400 is all How much help can be provided for the operation of the big bug if you are bored with a mouthful and do mental calculations but don't care!
You know, many professional players are dancing on the tip of their knives. Most of them are trying to hit the output crazily before the blood volume reaches the killing line. They try their best to contribute their strength and then pull away. However, the gargoyle is absolutely there, and the upper limit is suddenly raised by a bit. , It is impossible to guard against, making it impossible for people to grasp the blood line to carry out operations.

Letme looked at the coach with respect.

It's been less than 2 days since the new equipment came out, and you've already explored so much. Are you afraid you won't be able to adapt to the summer split?

At least, he doesn't know how to do these things, and he doesn't even think about it at all.

After all, being able to use the real damage will not be reduced by the gargoyle to reduce the output, so as to use the changes in health and body shape to increase variables. How many people have turned around such cumbersome numerical details!
The enhancement of the prince is okay, the W effect is calculated based on the affected enemies, and the gargoyle can be guessed when it is activated and the shield is added. Who can think about the big bug?Even if you open it and take a breath, you won't guess the damage increase.

Through special training.

Everyone quickly gained experience, and their considerations and games against the Pioneer Group became more and more flexible.

And just when RNG was quickly adapting to the new canyon ecology, the big melon in the transfer period was coming to an end.

From Crystal joining JD, joining VG, to all kinds of unreliable speculations, SN revealed a photo of the championship trophy, implying something, and another champion member Doinb, after all the disturbances, the information gathered by everyone Probably guessed the whereabouts——

Posture and statelessness have tried out one after another;
Clid said that the summer game will work hard;
Doinb responded to Clid in the air.

The story of SS being dismantled was further staged, attracting everyone's attention.

Even though Zuo Wu is still saying that this is impossible, more and more details show that - Doinb stopped live broadcasting for a long time.

Many people have speculated that this partnership has come to an end.

Without Qin Jiao, Snake Team is no longer that Snake Team.

Until the morning of the 6th, Zuo Wu was clarifying, but his tone changed to actively considering staying in the team, but at night, JD directly announced "Welcome the champion mid laner Doinb".

When Doinb, who used to fight in blue SS uniforms, changed into red and white JD uniforms, and the background of the photo was JD's club logo, SS fans were outraged and helpless.


Fans have good reason to complain about all this.

In the spring, Qin Jiao and Xiao Ming left, and Crystal was criticized for not being strong enough. In addition, Crystal deleted all Weibo after the playoffs, which already made people foresee something, but what the Snake fans didn't expect was that there was no news of leaving the team The inclined Doinb will also find a next home so happily.

Some passers-by can understand.

After all, Doinb has only signed for one year, and he has the contract and live broadcast rights in his hands, so he can decide to stay on his own.

speak up.

The conditions given by JD cannot be refused.

With a maximum salary of 2 million a year, he helps the live broadcast platform to build momentum, and his jungler is a good brother Clid who often queues.

For Doinb, who won the S crown, honor is not that important. In addition, the Snakes have no subordinates. Instead of renewing the contract, it is better to change teams and get a big contract.

In the final analysis, Boss Shuang couldn't come up with more important terms than JD.

Team Snake was demolished again.

Qin Ming chatted with Flandre for a few words and was about to go to sleep, when suddenly a WeChat voice call came.

It is a fragrant pot.

"Coach, Manager Sheng suddenly asked us to sign some live streaming contract."

"What, I didn't hear you?"

Xiangguo, who was hiding in the toilet and calling secretly, said anxiously: "I don't know, it's one o'clock, I'm going to bed, and Manager Sheng suddenly asked us to come to the meeting room. Ms. Bi is also there."

"You tell them not to sign, wait for me to come over."

Qin Ming quickly put on his coat, Weng Ruman was surprised that he went out in the early morning, Qin Ming said anxiously: "There is something wrong with the club."

After finishing speaking, he hurried downstairs.

On the road.

Qin Ming made a phone call with a lawyer he was familiar with, and when he got to the club, Qin Ming realized that the fight was not small.

Ever since the league announced the home league franchise plan, Bai Xing has been interested in it. After the foreseeable financial resources will be invested in this field, Bai Xing also has a headache for the players who will increase in value when the MSI champion returns.

To put it bluntly, it's just a little bit, I don't think it's worth it, and I want to deepen the bondage.

With the interference of the incense pot, Qin Ming comforted the ignorant team members, and looked at the irritating old woman opposite.

"Ms. Bi! I told you! Talk to me about anything!"

"It's a win-win."

The voice is low and not confident.

"Win-win? Okay, my lawyer will be here soon."

Hearing this, Ms. Bi and Manager Sheng's expressions changed drastically.

But no matter what, Qin Ming insisted on waiting for the lawyer to come over.

After half an hour.

Lawyer Zhang invited by Qin Ming glanced at Manager Sheng who was smiling awkwardly, and whispered to Qin Ming: "On the surface, it's true that the live broadcast contract is right, and it's also right to help promote and build popularity, but the ambiguity above is that the live broadcast cooperation The number of years is controlled under the main body of the club, rather than a one-on-one contract between individuals and entertainment companies."

Qin Ming laughed angrily, "That is to say, the player's competition contract expires, but the live broadcast contract does not expire, and the affiliated relationship still exists?"

"Well, it's very vague, and there is basis for everything."

There are yin and yang contracts in the entertainment industry, and the e-sports industry learns really fast.

After debunking it, Manager Sheng and Ms. Bi were thick-skinned, "It may be that the terms are not clear, after all we don't understand this either, Liu Shiyu, Jane is proud, just believe that we won't harm you, so that's it, I'll let the higher-ups deal with the contract again." Change it, make it clear, both Dousha and Humao welcome you to settle in, and they have promised to offer the best conditions.

We'll help you choose the best of the two. "

A farce is over.

Bai Xing hid behind the scenes, and the blame was taken away by the management, only saying that there was no malice, that he did not write clearly, and that he was not careful.

The value of the MSI champion is enough to exchange for a good live broadcast contract. It’s true. Dousha and Humiao are willing to offer. Chilling.

Qin Ming was very tired.

At four o'clock, seeing the concerned eyes of the players, he waved his hand with exhaustion, "Tomorrow, we will divide into groups and have a good rest."

The team members are victims after all. When the interests are beyond their control, the second generation who have been exposed to upper-level thinking are far more able to use capital and laws than ordinary people.


Qin Ming walked out of the club gate.

It's almost dawn.

 The little butterfly continued to fan and fan.

(End of this chapter)

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