Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 323 In the Name of Eggs

Chapter 323 In the Name of Eggs
after tonight.

An absurd thing has not happened in this world.

If it weren't for Qin Ming, it would be hard to guess whether the players could tell whether it was malicious or good intentions under the big stick of the management and coaching staff.

Everyone has their own interests.

From the perspective of the players alone, before they fell out, Xiaogou, Xiaohu, and Letme had already enjoyed the image and public relations bonus of RNG. Among them, only Xiangguo's contract "child labor" was a little bit, but it was definitely within the scope of interests. It's just that he is not upset that the puppy's salary is so high and the team has a lot of say.

The world of adults is more gray than black and white.

Qin Ming didn't rest well all night.

Back home, after Qin Ming lay down, all he could think about was that afternoon, the empty training room, the picture of Xiaohu sitting alone in front of the computer honing his skills.

He hated the club, more than once.

Qin Ming doesn't think he's a good person, he's just disgusting and eats people without spitting out his bones, even if he's a good eater, right? If you give him some money, he won't shudder, not to mention that before the contract expires, the rights and interests of the contract are given by the platform.

of course.

The club must have something to say, without me providing an opportunity, can you achieve results and gain popularity?No popularity, willing to spend money?
I can't figure this out.

Qin Ming just felt that since he was the bishop, it was necessary to protect the team members under him. He repeatedly emphasized that he should be careful when signing, and if he didn't understand, he would find someone who understood.

Don't say it yet.

In the middle of the night, using the saying of live broadcast and win-win to win over is just bullying the young players. When encountering such a thing, they signed it in a daze!

The business war in the novel is to mobilize funds, and there is no smoke. The business war in reality is all about stealing official seals, underworld threats, poisoning and deceit.

Do the biggest thing with the least effort.

It can only be said that Qin Ming's pride does not allow him to be a part of the entrapment of players, even though he knows that the interests of many coaching staff and management are the same.

Didn't sleep for hours.

With red eyes, Qin Ming came to the base.

On this day, Mr. Bai didn't show up.

Qin Ming also didn't care what Boss Bai would think of him.

Anyway, the contract has been signed, and if he resigns, he can get the money, and he can rest for half the summer and return to freedom——

Big deal, let’s learn how to be a guest commentator with barbecued pork. He has added a lot of wechat for commentators. Of course, the commentators came to ask him for a friend.

In a somewhat strange atmosphere.

It's always quiet up there.

In the afternoon, Manager Sheng took an executive from Humiao to discuss the settlement in earnest.

It's over.

Each club rushed to reveal the big list before the grouping ceremony.

Among this.

RNG, WE, OMG, IM, and VG have not changed in the main team.

Among these five teams, the reason for not moving is either that the coaching staff thinks that their own play system in the spring game is sorted out well, and they don't feel that they are particularly weak in any aspect and have the strength to sprint, or the transfer market is not interested. to try a new run-in;

The second is EDG, IG, LGD, and DAN with minor personnel changes.

Among them, EDG added a substitute top laner Audi, added an AD.Iboy (because the age is still a month behind, Zet is still the first), IG added two ADs, JackeyLove (also a few weeks behind), West, and a A jungler, former YM main force Ning;

LGD let go of a large number of people. It was confirmed that Jinoo, the sword fairy, was the first to start, but he was in no condition when he bought it. Wei Shen temporarily retired due to illness.

Of course, saying so, Wei Shen's message on Weibo can be said to contain resentment.

But for LGD, the Spring Split gave so many opportunities to prove that the stats played are all in the middle and lower reaches, and the spirits are bound all the year round. In this version where the intensity of confrontation in the middle lane has weakened, LGD has a very difficult time. Besides, it has already Sliding repeatedly on the edge of relegation, there is no ability to compete at all, why should such an expensive mid laner be raised.

There are ways to save money.

In the new season, the first team to start is LGD.

DAN, who has just joined the LPL, bought the original GT substitute Moyu, and the head coach White Crescent.

At last.

There are three teams with relatively large changes in the framework.

JDG made big signings of Doinb, death declaration, Clid, former LD team AD.Xubin;

SS signed Ohq, former RYL assisted Ley, and former JD mid laner;
SNG bought former RNG substitute jungler Hacker, former SS champion AD Crystal, and former WE support Zero.

Some of them are frustrated, such as Zero who was snatched from the starting lineup by Ben, and some are temporarily unable to appear on the LPL stage, such as Jin Gong, Wu Xin, Funny, Ye Sheng and so on.

In short.

Before the summer split officially sounded the horn, the clubs either reinforced, cleaned up, or rented or transferred under their respective season goals. Unlike the sense of accomplishment of buying, clearing the traces always has a cold taste.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the lottery will be broadcast live.

Taking advantage of the transfer, some people are happy while others are worried.

"RNG rush!"

"Please, don't be in a group with RNG."

"Woo, my home is gone."

"JD, come on!"

Fans of Team Snake and LGD are depressed, VG and DAN have very few supporters, just lay flat, SN and JD exchange harsh words for the glory of e-commerce, RNG, EDG, WE, OMG have begun to ignite the flames for the playoffs .

In the eyes of the audience, the pattern is very clear.

Especially in the summer game, EDG announced the return of the factory director. With this news, countless piglets overturned their coffins, and they were very active——

Based on speculation about the lineup strength of the summer split, EDG directly defeated OMG, IG, and WE, and once again became a strong contender for the Silver Dragon Cup.

According to the piggies, the grass-fed meat tank version is better than the factory manager!

Everyone believes that EDG will be able to restore its dominance under the leadership of the pig farm manager, and will not lose consecutively to WE, OMG, and RNG like in the spring split.

Why confident?
The S6 script repeats!
There is no factory manager in the spring competition, and the championship was lost. In the summer competition, the mentality returned and the slaughter was immediate. After all, the most criticized point of the piglets in the spring competition is that apart from the team battle in the bottom lane, the biggest problem is the confusion of goals. Now the command system With the factory manager in charge, he can share the pressure of the younger sister, and can he continue to be weak?

Some calmer piggies are still very afraid of RNG.

Just after MSI, RNG showed two important things: [-]. BP is very good, and all kinds of new things are at hand; [-]. RNG defeated SKT with stability. Whether it is team battles or pawn line operations, the rhythm is smooth and can be suppressed SKT beat, execution and discipline are among the best.

"I'm coming."

"Draw lots."

Amidst the host's series of announcements, Qin Ming, Bai Yueya, Nofe and others sat down to watch the excitement.

On the central movable column, there is a glass box filled with small balls.

The rules are very simple. It is the same group confrontation mode as the spring game. In Group A, RNG defends the competition, and in Group B, WE defends the competition. Three to six EDG, OMG, IG, IM, and the last few JD, SN, LGD, VG, are still the same. Divided into groups A and B by lottery.

On the commentary stage, the doll said solemnly: "No.1 has been divided, and then we invite our guests to touch the ball less coldly."

The camera was shown, and young master Leng in a suit was captured as required.

"Let's see which lucky one is assigned to Group A?"

Seeing the color, Miller immediately smiled and said, "Haha, Group A, EDG!"

Abu, who was sitting two places to the right of Qin Ming, frowned. OMG coach Mingzhe was overjoyed. After EDG went to Group A, they would be the next one to touch them. There was no need to meet RNG for two rounds. okay.

As the groups progressed one by one, everyone communicated with each other with great interest.

On the side, White Crescent had just chatted with Abu, seeing that his team was assigned to Group A, he immediately smiled at Qin Ming, "Be merciful, our team is all newcomers."

"Rookies are motivated. LPL needs fresh blood like DAN."

Qin Ming didn't mean to belittle him.

"Looking at it this way, is the intensity of Group A very high?" Mingzhe spoke from the side.

Their B group is either WE or JD, VG. Compared with it, the intensity of A group is much higher.

White Crescent said earnestly: "For us (DAN), wherever we are assigned is the death group, we must break through."

In the words, there is quite a barefoot mentality that is not afraid to wear shoes.

"After the final selection, the remaining VGs will be assigned to Group B."

The grouping is complete.

Group B WE, OMG, SS, IM, JD, VG
Tomorrow's opening match of the first day has been set: WE vs. OMG, EDG vs. SN.

The reason for this arrangement is purely that Tengjing appropriately postponed RNG's game day in order to take care of RNG, giving them a little more time to train and explore the version.

The same enthusiasm, RNG's games are all arranged at 16 o'clock, starting from the [-]th, fully occupying the prime time, enough to see the degree of support of the alliance.

These preferential treatments can be seen from the matchup table. Compared with it, DAN is very tough. He plays 2 games in a row, and it is usually at 5 o'clock. This kind of schedule waits until RNG joins the round. The schedule becomes normal.

Of course, for the audience, they may not care about the meaning of this, but the clubs competing on the same stage understand it very well. Just like when EDG was at its peak, the game scheduling is also good. There are seven points. Give it at seven o'clock, and give it to Saturday if there is a Saturday, which is convenient for selling tickets and traffic.

The next day.

The summer split kicked off, and RNG continued to train.

When time passed a week.

Some teams started to emerge, and of course they slapped the crowd in the face.

On the first day of the match, WE beat OMG, and SNG beat EDG.

The former has nothing to say, and the latter is that Abramovich doesn't think highly of the new team of SN. Even though SN has Crystal, EDG's starter directly arranged for Audi and Ai Luoli to play, and simply didn't bring the factory manager.

While the piggies were crazily complaining and playing with their emotions, the combination of wolves and hackers tyrannized Audi and loli-loving Ueno, leading EDG by 11 in [-] minutes. The rhythm of the hackers was very good. Next, when Ai Luoli was still planning the wild area, the upper and lower roads were already split and the vanguard was lost, and the tower could not be defended.

Such a crisp 2:0 let everyone see the charm of the pioneer.

Relying on Qin Ming's prediction of the situation in the first half, the hacker seized the rhythm, let the wolf move slowly to suppress, and used the vanguard to liberate the bottom lane, and the linkage was fairly smooth.

The second day was even better, the newly-appeared DAN came back to LGD and SS rough and won VG.

Compared with the first day, these two BO3s played back and forth, but even so, DAN still overturned LGD 2:1 by relying on a more desperate style of play. In this, two topics were born, one It is Sword Immortal's four kills, combined with the jungler's 2 shows and 2 shows, and it is on the Top highlights. The second is that even if Sword Immortal is so good, he lost to DAN.

On the 2nd consecutive day, the team overturned, and the media began to exclaim that the wolf is coming.

as predicted.

Day three.

DAN faced IG, and a topic was born again. In the case of dying first, the four of DAN stole the dragon in 22 minutes. IG didn't think about this, but relying on the buff of the dragon, DAN successfully reversed the situation. When they were 2 behind, they counterattacked directly.

Except for Qin Ming, no one expected that DAN could win 2 games in a row.

In this way, the prestige of the dome resounded through the LPL. White Crescent's use of heroes such as the prince, pig girl, and barrel made people talk about it. The fierce fights and desperate stealing dragons became the biggest labels of this team.

It has to be said that the audience just like this kind of script where the weak overcome the strong.

When more attention was paid, Cat's post-match interviews were more daring than other players' face, and he quickly gained a certain reputation.

"When you meet EDG, it will be DAN's first defeat!"

The start went a little beyond expectations.

But the piggies still feel that DAN is mediocre, and the factory manager will start the show next week, and the "egg" will be destroyed by horses.

In general, the small explosion of SN and DAN has also begun to make people care about whether JD will follow suit and push down the old faces above. From the paper lineup alone, the value of JDG players is higher than that of SN and DAN .

Week two, day one.

In the first game, WE defeated LGD lightly. The only shot Jianxian contributed was when he was taken care of by Kandi. He found the opportunity for 957 greedy line to replenish equipment. He played level 6 at level 7 and completed a wave of line kills. He could face PYL and send super ghosts The record, Sword Immortal soon lost his voice.

After that, the factory manager appeared on the stage, and the piggies were gearing up, and the barrage was instantly submerged, with 777 sounds.

But to the disappointment of the piggies, EDG spent so much effort to shape the drama of the return of the factory manager, which is obviously unsatisfactory——

No one expected that DAN would become more and more fierce in the battle, with unreasonable punches, the factory manager was stunned in the first round, and then they performed their special tricks in the second round, stealing the big dragon at a disadvantage, and starting the team higher and higher, 2: 0 took down EDG.

after the game.

Zeyuan commented on this DAN team in this way, "It is different from the picture that many of us imagined that a new team will be educated by the old team. There are a series of small problems such as stability, slow line change, etc., but they can use offense to grab the most efficient means of advancement in nodes regardless of advantages or disadvantages.

It can be said that Cat and their jungler Karin are the absolute engine of the team. All the moves are initiated from Nosuke. A brief summary of the role of the two is: they will try when they see an opportunity.

The tough start of the team and the cruising on both ends of the offense and defense, and then use the rhythm of the shot to intensify the confrontation, which made many teams who are used to being slower and waiting for skills flustered. Using this panic, they played a good team battle coordination... In short, I'm looking forward to DAN continuing to surprise us. "

"Who is DAN's next opponent?" Doll asked.


"Oh, this game should be the one that can really test whether DAN can gain a firm foothold in the LPL."

"Yes, let's see tomorrow, whether it is RNG's success in defending the competition and maintaining the glory of the old club, or the new team DAN will continue their winning streak and continue their dark horse status."

(End of this chapter)

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