Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 326 Stripping DAN's Clothes

Chapter 326 Stripping DAN's Clothes

Very frustrated.

feeling bad.

Get zero seals.

The game ended like a headless chicken, Cat pulled out the damage panel, saw the extremely abrupt 0 on the head bar, and woke up his drowsy thinking.

How come it's like this?
Why? ! (Deng Chao pats the table).

I don't understand.

I really don't understand.

To say that he has no confidence in his team, Cat definitely thinks someone is talking nonsense.

After the three-game winning streak, the atmosphere of the team is so good, and the attention and enthusiasm they are dazzled by is something they have never received in the secondary league after playing for so long.

But to say they are particularly confident would be bullshit.

Looking at the LPL, no club dares to say that it will kill RNG.

But more or less... right, after all, I was looking forward to something.

It seems that many people will set up and down goals for themselves. For a newly promoted horse like DAN, the lower limit must be relegation. Don’t return to the original position after playing for a season. What is the upper limit? Those with feet are not afraid of wearing shoes", after defeating EDG, it is inevitable to look higher——

After this so-called psychological height was repaired by RNG like a breeze blowing over the hills, I really felt uncomfortable.

Everyone is a professional player.

Can you not understand the difficulty of "boiling frogs in warm water" and pushing a team to the ground without any turning point?

What's more, we are still opponents!Be a witness!
Qiuqiu wiped his sweat.

He finally understood that sentence: I haven't played against Uzi (the state of the game), so I don't know how much pressure I can give.

He also understands why the North American master likes to be a dog. This nima is playing Verus and is replaced by ez. Doesn't he look like a trash if he doesn't play?


Qiuqiu thought to himself: Labor and management will also join the dog blowing team in the future, won't they save some face for themselves?

Thinking of this, Qiuqiu suddenly felt a huge psychological gap.

I wanted to step on the Uzi to become famous, but I didn't even have the chance to touch it, and I was eaten by others, so I didn't see any threat to the puppy.Uh, is planning to make the dog's hands sore?

Players need confidence.

And without a doubt.

At this moment, Qiuqiu's self-confidence has been deprived by Uzi. In the cold weather, he felt as if he had been stripped of his clothes and stood in the snow, shivering non-stop, so that on the way back to the lounge, his teammates continued to fight under the organization of Cat. Sharing his feelings, he just kept his head down.

Rubbing, rubbing, on the smooth floor, rubbing.


The lyrics have already summed up the operation performance of the first man, the game is not over, and the friction does not stop.

Even after resisting, he was rubbed even harder.

The sad thing is that I can't feel the indignation of saving face at all.

There is a good saying: recognize the reality.

The opponent Zet was pressed, Qiuqiu was unconvinced and didn't care, and the loss was very small;
Being pressured by Uzi, Qiuqiu doesn't want to be convinced, doesn't want to care...what the hell.

It’s not that Verus can’t beat ez, the prince won’t be caught at level [-]; it’s not that the prince fails to gank at level [-], Leopard Girl won’t be so comfortable, and if she isn’t so comfortable, she won’t be able to grow while not falling.

All of this, whether it is the commentator or the audience, understands that DAN's early lineup did not make much noise. The biggest reason is that when the wild area fell, the confrontation strength of the bottom lane was not at the same level.

There isn't much to this game.

Moyu and Lies are fighting each other, the situation is not right.

Karin is also irritable.

He doesn't feel that his style of play is wrong. He is completely following what the coach said, actively looking for opportunities to start a team. Performance.

After talking all the way, I didn't sum up the key to what can be changed.

RNG didn't work hard, and DAN collapsed by itself. What needs to be summarized?
White Crescent saw more clearly, the problem before him was still the same: the team didn't really have a boss.

Even if there is pressure, I don't know which direction to break the situation.

To put it more clearly, if it is difficult to play, strong teams will fight hard for their thighs, such as SKT. If the situation is slightly wrong, everyone's eyes will be on Faker, such as IG. If something is wrong, it depends on whether Rookie can turn the tide and operate around the thighs.

But where does DAN have such a boss?

Not to mention that the three roads are pits, it is certainly no better than pits.

Once the rhythm is wrong, knowing that the probability of losing the game is slowly increasing, you can only sink deeper and deeper.

Dan was caught too hard by Qin Ming, the more they couldn't beat him, the more they wanted to fight, there was no other way to go.

Zeyuan complained that DAN didn’t even care about the development of the basic soldier line when the dragon was respawned. It’s because DAN is too superstitious about this way of breaking the game—DAN is smarter than the Lightning Wolf, who is indecisive and pushes the dragon. The reason is that their bet on Dalong is more absolute, more advanced, and more willing.

These thoughts imprinted into the experience are reflected in DAN's game against Dalongkeng, that is, once a move is made, few "pat Dalong" are ready to retreat.

All are superstitious about experience.

And rightfully so.

DAN was able to start from the mid-level of the secondary league and suddenly became enlightened in the playoffs, broke through three levels in a row, and defeated GT, relying on "not afraid of taking the blame".

and so.

DAN has a disadvantage in the early stage, but the dragon control rate is not low.

A very strange set of data.

In the early stage, can you control the dragon?
You can tell from Karin's third-level prince's move to cooperate with the extreme dragon stealing in the middle lane. If you catch me, I will give it away.

EDG Club.

Abu watched the live broadcast in the training room, his eyes moved slightly.

Not only him, but many coaching staff who have never studied DAN are watching this game. Similarly, they got a lot of things in the duel.

"DAN's active hotspots in Longkeng are unusually high."

"If there is no eye at the intersection, you must ensure that Longkeng has eyes."

"It's still not good for laning. If we didn't get stolen that day, there is absolutely no way for us to lose."

"The laning level of this bot lane is only second-rate, but this support, the hero pool is quite wide, and the command is relatively bold."

"RNG has already played out everything. It can be stable in the mid-term and not be driven by DAN. It is too rough to operate them."

"Blocking Zach is better than blocking the prince. I feel that Karin's prince's proficiency is average, but Zac is quite eye-catching."

a time.

Many analysts are taking notes.

It is conceivable that the researched DAN is already half naked.

There is not much time left for Baijiao to adjust.

In fact, he didn't know how to adjust.

In an all-round crushing round, there are too many points that need to be improved.

White Crescent sighed.

It seems.

He is still more pragmatic, and first promises that he will not have to play in the relegation match.

Commentary seat.

Zeyuan boasted: "Many viewers, including me, were a little worried about RNG's poor state before the game, but after the first game, no one would have such worries."

Miller: "Look at the second BP, how will DAN change. I think it is a bit too difficult for them to rely on the early offensive lineup to suppress RNG."

"It's worth noting that the second red side that RNG asked for was replaced by zoom on the top lane."

Qin Ming said to the team members: "This one, we will advance around the vanguard, and we may even grab the prince on the first floor opposite."

As Qin Ming expected.

DAN banned Lucian, Lulu, and the policewoman in one round. The slightly different thing is that the priority of the policewoman was increased, and Shen was released.

Qin Ming followed suit, and Zac, Barrel, and Rambo released Syndra to make more confrontational heroes in the middle.

"There are a lot of OP heroes left outside, let's see what kind of exchange the two sides will make, prince? Dan is not affected by the top game, and still grabs the prince first."

Zeyuan answered, "It seems that DAN still thinks that the lagging behind in the jungle is not the most important point."

Karin is a Korean aid, and the communication is not very good. In order to allow him to better integrate into the team, it is most appropriate to grab the team point. After all, it is far easier to keep pace than pulling.

"RNG snatched Blind Monk and Shen with a backhand, and Shen may also be swayed." Miller said with a smile: "Everyone knows that Xiao Ming can assist Shen."

Relying on the pressure from the puppy, Xiao Ming was able to move closer for support, and there was no accident in the next lane.

"Syndra, Thresh? Locked."

Cat was not happy about being robbed of the hero, and Thresh's ability to respond to the undisplaced c-position was the guarantee for this round. When the coach asked, Cat confidently asked him to take it first.

As for Syndra, it is a complete replacement for Jess.

Moyu still wants to grab the line.

Speaking of which, White Crescent's sense of smell is not keen, but his copying ability is good. He likes to learn the style of play of strong teams, and then walk his own way. As for whether he walks steadily, that's another matter.

Qin Ming locked Enchantress on the third floor, and then banned ez.

Judging from the lineup that has been revealed, Baijiao knows that the opponent wants to order food to make trouble. The demon girl's fight against Syndra is completely a matchup of personal abilities. Shen who didn't indicate which way to go, White Crescent simply bet on Zoom's ability to play, and blocked Xiafu.

"Verus and Tam are banned, and RNG will finally send Kled to the ban position."

"Gemstones on the fourth floor? Oh, could it be the combination of Kalista and gemstones again." Zeyuan was a little excited when he saw this option.

Not only him, but the puppy himself was also eager to try, fiddled with the talent page, and clicked on war.

To put it bluntly, the top player is still not fun enough to bully the opponent.

After seeing the reality of the opposite side, the puppy felt that he could press more.

So far, there is no way out.

White Crescent clearly understood that he could play very few cards, and even when Jess released it, he didn't dare to take it. The reason was that he didn't trust Lies' Jess.

"Take a front row. Qiuqiu, you add some control. In this way, with big trees and ice, let's fight for resource groups."

Under the hero lock, DAN can attack, retreat and defend, and the curve is quite calm.

The main idea is still Nakano.

The last counter bit of RNG is as expected by the commentator.

After all, gems can only be paired with Kalista, which can best combine the advantages of the two, otherwise the glare of gems is too stupid, and naturally there are few individuals in the lane.

"This bot lane is wonderful. Kalista will definitely grab the lane when she takes it out." Zeyuan is looking forward to: "Let's see if DAN can survive this level—the laning intensity in the bot lane is increased, can it last? live."

"I think it's okay, the puppy's purification for the safety belt, and the treatment for Xiaoming's belt are not so fierce."

Miller foreshadowed some good words.

In case he doesn't hit too many things in the next lane, he can help round it back.

Zeyuan didn't think so, and believed that the puppy Jiaming could beat the cat ball violently. "Let me tell you, this combination will be very powerful after the second level. To be honest, the LCK side has become more popular. Basically, it is necessary to consider taking it in the first round." If you don’t take Kalista, even if you don’t have gems, if you use it with Thresh and female tanks, it’s a T1 combination.”

There are several treasure management colleges.

The information he provided is correct. In the S7 Summer Split, Kalista suddenly emerged. With the increase in the frequency of team battle collisions and excellent dragon control ability, she became the darling of the bottom lane in one fell swoop.

Even if the censer hasn't been valued by all the staff now, the playing rate has surged.

Of course, Calista's operation threshold is not low, and some people also have proficiency problems.

enter the game.

The lineup for both sides is as follows:

DAN (blue) Prince Karin, Cat Thresh, Moyu Syndra, Lies Big Tree, Qiuqiu Hanbing

RNG (Red) Incense Pot Blind Monk, Zoom Shen, Little Tiger Demon Fairy, Xiao Ming Gemstone, Puppy Calista

First level position.

RNG quickly relied on the hidden vision to invade in groups and forcibly exchange wild areas.

There's nothing DAN can do about it.

The defensive eye given in advance is to see RNG coming, but it is relatively scattered, and the flaw of Moyu's early exposure in the middle gave Xiangguo the determination to command.

At 1 minute and 39 seconds, he was born with a red buff, and the duo will most likely help the prince open the field. RNG sacrificed a little time for Xiaohu to drive away the opponent.

"DAN didn't consider it very well. Moyu didn't follow the jungle all the time, resulting in a short-term difference in numbers."

"RNG is still too experienced. They have done too much in this year's first-level design."

Cat was actually a little hesitant, but Karin was so frightened by the incense pot that he didn't dare to punish him at all.

Is it okay to give up the red buff?

Nothing more than a waste of time and efficiency.

But if you call Syndra and play [-] v [-] hard, and Syndra comes over, the red buff must have low blood volume and you have to fight hard.Blind monks with deceleration at the second level must not cooperate with Kalista's flexible pursuit, and directly blow their heads.

At this point, it is not a matter of whether the flash can survive.

Karin was terrified and frightened by the incense pot.

Cat muttered that he didn't want to fight, and the wild area was lagging behind, so he had no choice but to go online.

He is very confident in his Thresh, like a demon possessed.

Just settled down, due to the amount of advance, the dog will go online for 2 seconds tomorrow.

There were only 2 remaining blood soldiers left in the front row. Xiao Ming used the shield of the sacred object to make up one, and the puppy ate one. Taking advantage of the gem, Cat card made up the gap and stole the gem.


take advantage of you.

Hey, after A, hide grass and get stuck, come and hit me, come and exchange blood with me, idiot.

Out of the grass, into the grass, because the puppy focused on the counterpoint of the ice pad knife, Cat stole the A gem A very cool.

What is the use of first-level gems?

In order to help the jungler on the opposite side, a line-grabbing combination fell down after going online. Cat did not expect it. He thought that the opponent would follow up with the jungler and play the jungler alone, and control the second in the bottom lane.

But that's fine, it seems that Qiuqiu and I can get to the second first.

Cat didn't notice the psychology of his partner Qiuqiu at all.

After being taught a lesson in the last game, ez still beat Verus, jumping the tower and killing solo, which made him want to back down.

The soldiers in the back row put their swords on the blood, the puppy jumped forward with a basic attack, touched the ice, and jumped back. In this process, the stolen ball subconsciously released W, but unexpectedly the puppy had already hidden the soldiers in the back row After that, draw the spear and slow down.

It's better to cheat on the other side...

The puppy kept looking at the pad knife on the opposite side, and felt that the opposite side was more "chaotic" than the top one. Although he didn't know why this happened, it didn't mean that the puppy would not use this to make a fuss.

In the game between masters, the state can be seen basically from the contact of the last knife.

And as a contestant, Puppy can put himself in his shoes and think about the reasons——

Could it be that he was scolded by the coach?

The puppy thought that if he was Verus, he would not be able to beat ez by grabbing the line, and he would definitely feel uncomfortable.


The evening line is required by the coach.

The puppy knows the purpose of doing this.

If you think about it, you will know that Kalista goes online in advance to pad the knife (disables multiple minions A, and draws spears at the same time), and the ability to grab the second is second to none in the world. When the line is coming, withdraw in advance. If there is less pressure, let the opponent imagine that they can go up to 2 without missing a knife, so as to create opportunities.

Xiao Ming is also a ghost spirit. After recruiting a small soldier, he would tease Thresh who was occupying the grass from time to time to slow down his pawn speed.

And all this was revealed in the pawn line, that is, when the second wave of pawns came, DAN had an extra pawn in the back row, and Han Bing touched the second wave of pawns first.

7 knives, 8 knives, and immediately 9 knives, Xiao Ming pressed forward, and the puppy who was already behind by 2 knives stepped forward to steal a point. Because of his passiveness, his body position was one step faster.

"Hit! Slow down and stay!"

Cat is still helping to grab the second one, and all the shields of the holy relics have been used up, but seeing Calista dare to be brave, I feel very excited.

From his point of view, Qiuqiu can decelerate the kite, and if the two of them eat another back row soldier during the pull, they will be able to advance to the second level and chase, let alone force a flash.

But from the ball's point of view, shooting ten thousand arrows is not a skill that is guaranteed to be hit by the very flexible Calista.This B can jump back.

After hesitating for a moment, or because she was too afraid of being shown by the puppy, Kalista shot a spear and ate a minion, and immediately pressed another minion to half health, and then took a step closer.

There are no evasion objects around Calista at all, so Qiuqiu takes W to slow down;
Thousands of arrows shot at the puppy and lowered the blood volume of the soldier. Cat saw the right time for the soldier A to be promoted to the second level, and the pendulum flashed.

At the moment of his action, Xiao Ming's knife was pushed down by the dog to lower the blood volume of the soldier, the shield of the holy object was triggered, and the two followed to the second.

The light of the upgrade made Qiuqiu's heart tense.

As soon as he knocked down the shield given by the gem, Xiao Ming has already clicked E, and the short-inch glare that came out chased him at a slight angle.

Thresh's control time is not low, Q must be hit in E, and the ball bites his teeth hard.

"The glare is stunned, and the bottom lane fights. Xiao Ming is on the ice at A, and the puppy quickly gathers fireballs after he escapes from the trap."

The passive energy of the gem adds 2 basic attack damage. Before the ball reacts, the puppy sends AQA, first general attack pulls the body to adjust the angle, and then takes advantage of the trend to send Q to penetrate the minions and hit Hanbing.

Qiuqiu will be in a hurry.

There are 2 more spears on the body, and the blood volume has dropped to half, can you not be in a hurry.

"Cat is weakened, and the puppy is purified in seconds. The two sides fought fiercely?!"

When the situation changed again, Kalista steadfastly continued to insert the spear to control the distance, and did not give Han Bing a chance to easily get out of range.

At this point in the fight, Calista's blood volume did not gain the upper hand, but Qiuqiu judged that he could not fight, and the spear on his body increased his pressure greatly.

The ball flashed, and Xiao Ming shouted: "Thresh, kill Thresh!"

As soon as Han Bing ran away, the puppy quickly shifted its firepower to Cat who was not flashing beside him.

If Puppy and Dodge hit two basic attacks at most, the damage is not enough, and at most they can draw a spear to force healing, but Thresh without Dodge is different, there are too many ways for Puppy to stay.

Touch the Thresh, wait for Cat to withdraw to the back row of soldiers, the puppy has finished laying the knife, one pulls the spear to eat the pawn, refreshes E and slows down by the way, and then inserts the spear at the distance.

Looking at Cat who was about to be inserted into a hedgehog after chasing to the tower, Zeyuan said: "Why are you fighting this wave? And you don't fight to the end?"

The explanation is strange.

Cat is also asking: "What are you running for? It's okay to fight for one!"

Qiuqiu made no sound.


Cat sighed, he'd already given one blood.

"Forget it, let's watch the team fight."


Qiuqiu replied.

(End of this chapter)

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