Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 327 Perfect Debut

Chapter 327 Perfect Debut
The me I am today is not the me I used to be.

— Ball. Trotsky. Bazahei. Ball.

Entered from the edge of the fire pit once, in order to prevent the opponent from playing poorly (Xiaogou and Ming took [-] blood to send the line back to the city, he stayed on the line, Cat will be unlucky in the next wave), so after eating the tower sword, Qiuqiu also Stop pushing and go home immediately.

But what can I buy when I go home?
Straw sandals, real eyes.

There is no improvement in combat effectiveness. On the other hand, Calista, who has taken a blood, already has two long swords in her hand.

"Here comes the line of soldiers, DAN is a bit difficult to deal with, and has another AQE."

The puppy predicts where to go, first puts the knife 2 times on the left soldier, forces Han Bing to pull to the right, and follows the melee soldier in the middle of A to focus fire (the line of soldiers naturally focuses fire), and AQ pierces the spear at an oblique angle to connect to E, killing The minion on the left consumes ice to refresh E at the same time.

This kind of operation is simply routine for Xiaogou, but it is a new blow for Qiuqiu. He clearly feels that the opponent wants to Q the left pawn.

That's hard to beat.

Cat couldn't resist marking the little soldier. It doesn't matter if it is consumed, but the knife still leaks. So, what is the reaction?
Qiuqiu was confused, "What?"

"No, pay attention, don't be exchanged."

"I'm paying attention!" Qiuqiu, who felt offended, said, "I have the ability to hide, and it's TM's puppy who plays well."

Such a silky Calista, why don't you try hiding?
Although everyone thinks soloking is a joke, those players who were beaten badly by Kalista don't think so.

"I know you're moving, but you have to exchange blood for development, or retreat without making up the knife. You came here and were consumed and didn't make up pawns. I'm really anxious."

Cat complained.Qiuqiu is embarrassed to directly petrify.

This wave of confrontation highlights a person who wants everything and gets nothing.

"Look at me."

Just when the bottom lane shrank the tower and didn't dare to exchange blood at all, Lies sent a signal from the top lane.

Inexplicably, after finishing a Shen skill, he was still entangled.

There are a lot of people playing top laner Dashu recently. Since MSI, RNG has developed top support swings, and it is generally believed that although Dashu’s frankness has been cut, it is not easy to use multi-player control with his ultimate move, but it is used to start a team in advance to force a position It is excellent, the more the terrain is relatively inconvenient for activities, the more useful the big tree is to force the position.

and so.

Take this hero against Shen, usually pull QA a few times on the opposite side, he backhand WA returns blood Q to interrupt the retreat, can force to kill the line, few times can't do it back and forth, but it happened at 3 minutes and 42 seconds , after Shen was repelled by Q, he had to turn E over to exchange blood, withstanding the damage of minions.

The problem is, he smashed the medicine bottle, his blood volume is quite healthy, and he has done a good job in mana control.

There was a confrontation on the top road, Lise retreated while fighting, zoom continued to chase, and missed two swords in a row. From the perspective of the pawn line, Shen must have pushed faster than Dashu.

"In the fight on the road, Xiangguo blocked the prince in the river, and Tianyinbo fought a set, forcing out EQ."

Zeyuan commented on the situation on the field, "Still familiar with the riding face, Karin didn't expect the opponent to appear here. From the perspective of God, we know that Xiangguo ate the red and F6, and did not brush the blue zone, but ate again. My own F6 came to the river, but Karin didn't know this information."

Karin wanted to cry.

The red buff was exchanged, and the blue buff was activated by one person. After finally eating the toad, he came to fight the river crab and was caught again. Blood.

Eat the last can of mung bean cake.

Only then did Lies realize the other party's intentions.

He estimated the time for the soldiers to enter the tower, looked at his blood volume which was less than half, and then looked at the signal in the blue zone, and hurriedly greeted, "Can you save it?"

"I can't make it through."

The confrontation in the middle lane is also dangerous. Moyu has to ignite it in order to match up. This time he will have to rush to the top lane.

can't go.

Lies thought so.

This wave of 2v2 can be operated, and I have all my skills. If I last a little longer, I might be able to fight back!

If it works, I, Lies, will be the one who extinguishes RNG's offensive fire.

What is your dream to be in the LPL?
Isn't that what it means to be famous?

If you are in a group, you will lose, and you will not be able to exert your full strength at all. Come on, come on!I am here!
Lies has a lot of mental activity.

He watched fiercely as Shen led the line into the tower, watched Shen acting in Tower A, the triangle grass, the blind monk who ate the toad really showed his head.

Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, if you want to lie to me, first A to attract the firepower of the soldiers, if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move!

Lies seemed to have forgotten that he wasn't the only one near the first tower.

The big tree kept pinging, and Karin had to defend under pressure. If he didn't, wouldn't it be troublesome for him to lose the game and hold a meeting.

As a Korean aid, Karin knows how to take risks without a teacher, and it is far easier to push the pot than give up "sensibly".

"Here, Xiangguo touched his eyes and patted the floor to slow down, and caught the prince who came over. Karin's blood volume was turned to EQ, and then turned to dodge to avoid Tianyinbo."

The prince was persuaded to leave.

Lies' face is a little dark.

It seems that the script shouldn't be opened like this, shouldn't you do something to me?

"Xiangguo is very smart. You can't get your prince to trade skills. If this is the case, it will be difficult for Dashu to escape after the skills cool down."

Waves and a half of soldiers line, Shen A tower, big tree huddled and did not make a move at the first time.

"The line of soldiers came over, Xiangguo helped to get stuck, zoom pulled Q to resist the tower, and the big tree hadn't turned in W, so he taunted him directly. If this is the case, the head will be taken by Xiangguo."

zoom first general attack skills, after realizing that Dashu W is pinched to death, he immediately taunted in the opposite direction, pulled to the front of the tower, and then Xiangguo and Q, Dashu barely played a set of skills at Shen to eat the red buff, no What blood volume was restored, and died tragically in front of the tower.

Zoom knew that he didn't have much health, so he chose the most stable time to jump the tower. He only took 2 towers, and with the help of E's displacement, he was enough to get out of the range before the third time.

Zeyuan praised: "This wave of Ueno 2v2 collisions, I can only say that DAN's reaction was a bit hesitant, while Xiangguo and zoom played better.

You see, when fighting for river crabs, fight first on the road and force a change of blood. When Xiangguo cripples Karin, he comes to double-team. Karin wants to save him, but he gets stuck and gets beaten again, completely losing his combat effectiveness.There's something about this fit. "

"Excellent. 4 minutes more and more off the road. In addition, Xiaohu's enchantress also played well, and it was a small profit in exchange."

The camera cuts to the middle, just in time to see Cassindra Q, the little tiger. Ryze's E skill is not too different in nature, and it can also fight cattle across the mountain), and then return to W to avoid Syndra's W.

It's been a while since Xiaohu beat Syndra with the Enchantress.

It's just that Moyu's Syndra didn't give him any pressure, relying on corruption to exchange blood, the opponent couldn't exchange at all.

"It looks like this one started faster than the first round."

Zeyuan in the commentary was "worried" that the match would end too soon.

RNG's mid-game lineup is more violent than the last game, and there are more opportunities to find opportunities. The enchantress and blind monk are heroes who are good at creating opportunities when they are leading.

The incense pot came out in a wave.

Go straight towards Xiaolongkeng.

As he expected, the first thing the prince did when he returned home was to steal the dragon, even if the first one that spawned was a water dragon, he would steal it.

"Xiangguo has already reacted, and I feel like I have to help out with a part-time job."

"Take the position first, don't rush to play Q, the prince is very dangerous, but fortunately Thresh's lantern came to save his life."

Xiangguo wanted to keep Q to force EQ, but he didn't expect Cat's support to be in time, so he could only watch the half-blooded prince leave and turn around to take over.

"Once Xiaolong takes it, he can also be forced in the bottom lane, and Han Bing's blood volume is already bad."


Qin Ming watched the match and felt relaxed.

The three lines are all suppressing DAN, the prince can't cooperate with the line to do things, and the opponent can only wait for resources to fight hard.

Guess what DAN can do.

Before preparing for the team battle, Xiangguo quickly set his sights on Dashu.

"Come here, Xiaohu, go on the road for a show, and go back to the city to let him clear out."

At 7 minutes and 13 seconds, Xiangguo reversed the field and rose to 6. He squatted on the side of the triangle grass wall in the blue zone and spoke to give instructions.

Although he killed him once on the road, the big tree was a big tree, and he was still very comfortable. Fortunately, he did it again.

Hearing this, zoom no longer controls the line slowly, but pushes the speed a wave, hides the grass and goes home.

Shen disappeared, Lies was not in a hurry, after slowly eating the tower knife, a new wave of soldiers had arrived, and seeing that Shen still didn't show up, he reckoned that the opposite side went home to replenish equipment.

This kind of back push line couldn't be controlled, he threw a tree son to grass on the river, and pushed towards the red side with warning.

"Lies didn't even realize that he was in danger. Xiaohu was coming, and Moyu gave the signal."

Lies didn't back down very aggressively on such an upward route. When the enchantress came from the river, he immediately pulled towards the line.

Xiaohu cut off his retreat, a section of W entered the grass, and a shield appeared on his body, which was Shen's big move.

Lies was not in a hurry, watching the enchantress ate the tree and his son slowed down, the moment E came out, W evaded, and then pulled back;

Xiaohu's big move copied the second stage E, the purple chain was shot, Lies flashed and pulled back against the wall, and the backhand big move was called out with vines.

That's it?

Want to catch me?
can you!
It's also double-teaming, and the upper limit of Dashu's operation after reaching the sixth level is much higher. Even if Yao Ji is so beautiful, what can I do if I can think of cooperating with Shen.

Although forced to use skills, Lies knew that he had suffered a disadvantage, but he was still happy in his heart.

This wave, this wave is called a narrow escape!

"There's someone behind!"

Cat's shout interrupted Lies' imagination.

Just when he thought he had a clear mind and would definitely be able to run, a blind monk appeared from behind the tower.

"Not only to kill this big tree, but also to force a flash before killing."

Murderous, Miller sighed.

The skills are all forced, Lies can only watch the blind monk W touch the eyes and QR kicks, sending him flying to Shen's face.

When the zoom landed, it blocked the vines, but it was a good deal to catch one book three times.

"It's mocking, Dashu still wants to struggle. If it's a human head, Xiangguo stops and gives it to Xiaohu."

"The development of Supplementary Fairy will undoubtedly increase her combat effectiveness in the mid-term."

The big tree fell to the ground and ignited the barrage again.

At this moment, there were a lot of viewers watching the live broadcast of the game, some were watching the excitement, and some were familiar with the team, but no matter who they were, they would still be a little surprised to see this wave of imaginative deception.

"People are sitting in the middle, and the bad news comes from two directions-Syndra."

"Good guy, Xiaohu goes home with a revolver and a vampire's scepter."

The standard equipment of this version of the enchantress is a technology gun, a ghost book, and a void staff. In the later stage, depending on the situation, the hat or the golden body will be replaced. What she will play is the battery life harassment flow, more in and more out, and relying on QE to suck blood into the field, although it does not look like a Assassin, but if you catch a single, the advanced demon girl can still perform the blood bar disappearing technique.

Moyu's expression is wonderful.

He couldn't beat him in the first place, but Xiaohu played very slipperyly. Now, he hit the opponent directly in the face, and he didn't need to hide his skills at all.

"Xiaohu stepped on the face with W, and Syndra backhanded QE, and broke the chain by moving. However, Xiaohu is definitely happy with this exchange of blood."

Syndra's blood volume goes down, and she really eats corruption supplements, and the demon girl's blood volume goes down, and she can clear the line and return to blood.

8 minutes.

The blue buff was refreshed, Xiaohu ate the blue, and immediately followed the incense pot.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I think the other side wants to fight too, just wait for me to seduce you."

The puppy found that Thresh was quite ready to move, not as cowardly as before.

"Both sides are here, to act."

The situation is already very bad. In this wave of Ice rising to 6, no matter what, Cat will fight.

He is very calm, constantly using the position to test.

During the laning phase, he played a total of 5 Qs, 2 were blocked by minions, and 3 were empty hooks. He has never completed the important task of counterattacking under the tower. In other words, the opponent's positioning awareness is very good, which requires more patience .

In addition, Calista's position is kept at an oblique angle. If she goes first, it will be too obvious. Those who often play the bottom lane position know that a quadrilateral mutual marking, as long as one point moves, the sense of abruptness is very strong. .

Also, purification is a hassle.

You have to act, you have to wait, and you have to let Kalista take the initiative to consume.

The prince was already hiding by the wall, holding his big move.

The pawn line came step by step. At this time, it should have retreated, but Qiuqiu seemed to press the wrong one and lost a W, and failed to slow down to the puppy in the pawn line.

There is still one pawn short of rising to 6.

The puppy came up, and the gem moved accordingly, the plan was successful!

Can you stand this? !


Both sides shouted at the same time.

Thresh played Q, and finally hooked the gemstone. When the Q was pulled in the second stage, the lantern was thrown behind the wall;
The puppy immediately set fire to Thresh, watched the prince pull the lantern W to slow down and was caught by Xiao Ming in Q, he deliberately stood beside the prince and in front of Han Bing, keeping the general attack to hit the soldiers without letting the ball be too fast Ok keep up with the output;

Xiao Ming was at half blood, pulled the dazzle light to stun the prince, and the puppy pulled the dazzle light to chase Han Bing. At this moment, the prince EQ got stuck on the jumping point of the puppy and picked up Kalista. His purpose was always It is to limit AD, not to give all the damage to a support;
Qiuqiu A's minion moves, turns off the glare and raises to 6, don't rush to make a big move, first cooperate with the slowdown, and want to wait for the puppy to dodge before following the big one, and kill him.

"The puppy crosses, the prince builds up, Dan got caught."

Flashing away, Karin was eager to move, and when the big move was covered, he was temporarily out of touch with Bing Bing and Thresh.

"Grass, why is Nakano here?"

Cat watched helplessly as the gem presses down to heal, another Q, Kalista with one-third of health is protected by the blind monk W again, and the enchantress rushes in the face.

Qiuqiu had no choice but to make a big move to stun the enchantress who came from W.

"The prince is very sad, lack of damage, Xiaohu wakes up, the second stage W goes to find Thresh, Cat still wants to move, the chain hits steadily, similarly, Xiao Ming ignores the very safe puppy, and comes to stick Thresh."

As soon as the prince fell, the ultimate move disappeared, Cat barely ran into the tower, the puppy stretched, cooperated with the gem to fly, and hit the second dazzling light, the head was taken by the enchantress.

"A wave of zero-for-two, in the early 8 minutes, RNG has already led by 2K, and the linkage between the two sides is not at the same level at all."

Make more mistakes.

Strong teams are used to colliding, seducing and fighting. These judgments and experiences require continuous improvement of individuals.

Unless the opponent is bad, or playing very carelessly, this kind of seduction and counter-seduction will always be the mainstream of the game. It is hard to say who can take advantage of it.

The live broadcast room replayed a wave of cooperation between the middle and lower fields, which made the audience feel more comfortable the more they watched.

"The gap is too big."

Even bystanders from other clubs think so, and it seems that there is no chance to catch them if they are placed on DAN, who is constantly at a disadvantage.

The maturity of RNG is visible to the blind!

"The vanguard will be refreshed soon, and I feel that the two sides will still compete."

The more disadvantaged DAN is, the more competitive it is, and they don't want to sit and wait for death. RNG's superior side is even less likely to be cowardly.

At 9 and a half minutes, RNG controlled the river crab ahead of time, and Xiangguo threw a back eye to the blue zone.

From the point of view of the army line, they have an absolute advantage, and they are all enchantresses, and Shen Neng will move first.

It is worth mentioning that.

In the past 2 weeks, Pioneer's control node is not considered fast. Many teams still regard Pioneer as a prop to control the line and field advantage to find opportunities to control it, or to stop losses and steal chickens.

Before RNG, they played a total of 13 rounds. More than half of them were controlled by Ueno for about 15 minutes.

In other words, large-scale mobilization is the heresy of the pioneer game in the S7 Summer Split.


Those who eat the vanguard choose to shoot quickly, none of them. Many people are greedy for the vanguard's enhanced return to the city and increased efficiency.

These are easy to understand.

For a new business, how to form the most accurate logic requires someone to take the first bite, and the effect is really good, so that everyone will actively follow up.

Many version evolutions are not accomplished overnight.

With an absolute advantage in the line of soldiers, at 9 minutes and 45 seconds, the puppy was only three rear soldiers away from sending the line into the tower, and Xiao Ming returned to the city one step ahead of schedule;
At 9 minutes and 50 seconds, the puppy pulls towards the river and gets closer to the middle. Xiao Ming makes up his real eyes and walks towards the red zone;
At 9 minutes and 57 seconds, the puppy appeared in the middle, which surprised Moyu and hurriedly called his teammates.

"Can you take it?"


All fools know RNG's intentions, although they feel that the other side is a little too aggressive——

Pioneer can hit the tower, but can only hit half of it. The labor and management are actively defending the tower, and it seems to be no problem to be hit on the head.

In fact, Qiuqiu wanted to greedy the pawn line. The puppy went to the middle lane, and if he sent it down the lane, he would get back some extra damage.

"Xiangguo moved very decisively. Pioneer just refreshed, and immediately woke up with Q."

The blind monk's second-stage Q, went around the back, and waited for the pioneer to charge forward foolishly, knocking out the back eye.

Karin is at the intersection of the blue zone, and the eye position is given, and he sees the situation of the dragon pit; zoom comes from the upper side, and helps to drive the vanguard. Soon, Xiaohu gives up his position in the middle to threaten, and a three-person drive is formed for a short time. Pioneer, the puppies are at the top of the center line.

"The big tree didn't even need the tower knife, and it went around the triangular grass, and stepped on the explosive fruit. Dan wanted to hit it. Thresh and Han Bing came from the intersection of the second tower, and they had to split into two breads to clamp the big dragon's mouth."

Don't look at RNG leading the economy, but such a team battle has too many uncertain factors.

Cat has been staring at the puppy in the middle, will he move closer?

Will do!

"Don't worry, don't worry, look at me, the pioneer can give it, let's open the group." Cat repeatedly marked Calista, who was clearing the line, "He didn't dodge and was purified, put some pressure on the front, and attract it."

Last wave was deceived by acting skills, this wave is when I get back to the stage.Confident Cat is booted.

No reason not to open.

I have flashes and big moves, and the big move of Qiuqiu has been improved, the prince is next door, and Syndra is facing up, and can't lose a single AD in seconds?

"The big tree hits the explosive fruit and goes down the wall, the prince EQ looks for the enchantress, Ueno then rushes to the big dragon pit, the vanguard still has 2 blood!"

Xiaohu had been guarding the prince at the intersection, and suddenly Ueno appeared on his face, so he could only dodge the EQ second company and distance himself from Dashu, but as soon as Xiaohu retreated, the Ueno duo in Longkeng were completely exposed to the threat.

Dan is doing things according to plan, and they seem to have forgotten that there is a support gem in their memories.

"Pull it up, take the vanguard first, and kick the prince away."

Xiao Ming will also make arrangements.

Pioneer immediately brushed out his back eyes, Lies looked at Cat again, saw him squatting in the grass, Kalista came from the middle, Moyu was about to move, quickly W blind monk, and opened the sideways;
The raptor swung its tail and kicked the prince away without giving any chance to fight; the vines bound the incense pot and spread to the middle, Xiaohu subconsciously hid in the area where the blind monk blocked a section of vines, and set fire to the big tree.

Miller stared at the screen tightly. He knew very well that the next scene was the only chance for Dan to gain chips in the team fight.

I've waited a long time for this moment.

I didn't hit a few hooks. Maybe everyone thinks I'm a bad guy. I'm sorry, but this is the moment I've been waiting for.


The puppy "ignorantly" realized that he was in the direction of the big tree's big move, and just pulled it to the right, trying to stand on the same line with the enchantress.

This is the place to go!

A golden light flashed, and a dark green figure appeared, but the puppy seemed to be an AD that couldn't be described as "mediocre".

Facing Thresh who suddenly appeared in front of him, he didn't even pause, but stuck to his original intention of moving abruptly, and turned to the left.

Puppies have too many similar changes of direction.

Just a pain in the ass Cat.


In Zeyuan's passionate shout, Thresh E was empty, Q was empty, and R was empty.

It should have been E, Q followed by R to slow down, a perfect three-in-a-row.

Calista stood there, watching him perform, the chain of control in Cat's imagination was a mistake from the very beginning, and what's even more wonderful is that Qiuqiu believed in the ambush of his partner too much, after all, the grass in the pass had their real eyes.

The crystal arrow hit, missed the target by a little bit, but still hit.

The puppy purifies in seconds, A pulls his body, avoids the vines, and regains a straight line with the enchantress.

"No, it's all empty!"

"It's so twisted!"

Two different voices came from the commentary stand, and the audience could still feel the same shock from the tone of their voices.

Since it was Huang Xing Sanlian who shocked Mao Mao, the scene was very embarrassing;

It was also after the shocked puppy twisted around, it quickly counterattacked.

Calista just went around the Thresh to explore the intersection, Moyu was in a hurry with the ball, the ice flashed W and slowed down, before Syndra found the distance and pushed E, the gem appeared, the glare was forward, and the puppy changed The bit then sends flat A and jumps to the wall;

And behind him, the big tree has been carrying it for so long, the incense pot has already eaten the vanguard, and there is no time to pick it up. He cooperates with Xiaohu to continue to output, and zoom uses the big gem to follow Xiaoming to play on the flanks.

Cat was still immersed in an indescribable daze, Xiao Ming opened up, hard top damage, took the initiative to eat the cage to slow down, and at the same time, Shen landed as a taunt.

"Zoom enters the arena, Dan is going to blow up, and the puppy makes another Q, and pulls back to the grass. Both of them can't run, and Moyu can only sell."

When the crisis is resolved, the puppy comes down from the wall and continues to insert the spear;
Thresh's blood volume dropped to one-fifth, and the dog pulled out his spear to stick to the ice, and then added two general attacks and E to get a double kill.


Zeyuan complained: "DAN picked up the treasure, this operation, ordinary people really can't do it."

"Brothers, this is too much."

Xiangguo caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eye, and was also very happy. Then, in the midst of his joy, he helped the enchantress harvest the head of the big tree, and turned around to pick up the pioneer's eye.

A wave of 0 for 3.

RNG turned its head and ran up, which confused Abramovich.

"Isn't this hitting the middle lane? There is a middle tower."

The assistant next to him was also ignorant. Logically speaking, a Syndra wouldn't be good at defending the tower, wouldn't it be hard to make mistakes?

RNG's move caught the eyes of everyone who followed the game.

Dan, who didn't win the team fight, marked the middle tower crazily. Moyu had already planned to exchange a tower for the vanguard, but when the prince was in place, the opposite side didn't show up.

When there are 1600 blood left in the previous tower, put the vanguard in the incense pot.

At this time, the Pioneer's Eye still has more than 2 seconds of stiffness, and the interruption is gone.

Of course, no one was around, and the danger was swept away.

Pioneer successfully knocked out the defensive tower with 1400 blood saved, and at the same time, the puppy was already eating up the new wave of soldiers.

At this time, DAN's reaction was still a little slow, or they thought that the matchup still had to be restored, and the result was: Qiuqiu was resurrected and went down immediately, and when the middle field reacted to support the road, he was caught in the blue zone. In the stuck situation, Moyu and Karin spent more than 10 seconds going around to the high ground, but at this time the upper two towers were demolished, RNG covered the vanguard, knocked out the third head, and immediately went from the blue zone to double-team the middle.

Such involvement directly confused DAN.

"I feel that this is the real use of Pioneer. The ability to involve is too strong, so you don't just ignore it!" Zeyuan calculated the economy in his mind, "From winning the team to changing the line, at least more than 2 economy has been rolled, have you seen it? , except for Qiuqiu earning money in the bottom lane, Syndra and the prince spent a lot of time in the middle lane, and didn't develop much at all."

Yao Ji ran fast, and Xiaohu was the first to clear the line.

At this point, how can DAN not understand the routine.

Moyu rushed back to the middle in a hurry, but unexpectedly there were still people ambushing by the wall.

"In the incense pot Q, pull out the glare, this E is hit!"

The sudden attack made Moyu panic for a second, and finally pushed away before the second-stage Q hit his face, but the blind monk couldn't get close, and the gem E attached to his body was used to control it.

The prince was rushing, and after Cat helped to defend the high ground, he also came to the middle.

"Little Tiger is chasing her. Syndra doesn't have any control skills, so she stepped on her face with a second W."

The chain hit, and Moyu knew he couldn't escape, so he quickly threw his ult move to the blind monk who was fighting against the tower. In the next moment, Karin came out, EQ passed the wall, and the ult move caught Nosuke. , Syndra was beaten to blood by Xiaohu, and the puppy came and accepted it with a QE.

"Sindra swapped with the blind monk, how will the prince run away? Cat gave a lantern to rescue him."

After Zeyuan's comment was over, Miller answered, "Then, DAN is still losing money. Heads are nothing, and it's a loss in the first tower."

"Qiuqiu can't even come back if he wants to. Shen teleports down the tower, but he didn't earn anything."

"Already behind 5K, very exaggerated snowball ability."

2 minute later.

"Xiaohu, Xiaohu's development is too terrible. Cat ate the puppy's QE, and the enchantress directly jumped over the tower and WQRQE ignited for a second."

In order to make it easier for the ball to make up the knife on the top line, Cat died well.

And once Thresh fell, Han Bing couldn't live either.

At 15 and a half minutes, the lower tower was broken, and Xiangguo controlled Fenglong.

"There's no need to fight, the enchantress can't control her anymore, Syndra dare not even look at her, the other brothers are under a lot of pressure."

Immediately after the prince was caught by the Xiangguohong District, Xiaohu made another set of arrests, and it seemed that DAN's death sentence had been pronounced.

The final head ratio of this game was 2:23. Xiang Guo Chong's front teeth took Thresh's big move to slow down, and then took Syndra's set of skills before sending out the second head. RNG's use of pioneers and DAN's The crushing made many people see the "weakness" of this new army.

As for building all of this, it seems that the understanding of the version is no worse than that of all teams, which can only make them continue to be afraid of Coach Beggin.

2:0, a perfect debut.

(End of this chapter)

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