Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 345 A loud noise in the sky

Chapter 345 A loud noise in the sky

"The other side is going to invade."

"Give me a back in the grass and let them in."

"Yes, let's see what's going on first."

Beyond went out with the scanner and retreated to the F6 grass, not panicking at all, he was prepared for RNG to come in and check the location.

As everyone has researched, when RNG gets a lineup that is easy to retain at the first level, they like to do some small tricks.

There are 20 seconds left for the jungle to refresh. He is still waiting. He thinks that the opponent should not change the jungle. The hero Zhumei really has no desire to change the jungle. It's too slow, and the ability to kill is very strong, so it shouldn't be so risky——

If he forced his way in, the female policewoman on the bottom road would be blocked on the way back, and it would be fine for him to sacrifice a little time to clear the jungle.

Based on the research on RNG's game style, the RNG quartet walked around the red buff for a while, and then retreated the same way, leaving only a fake eye on the side of the F6 intersection.

It was given by Xiaohu.

"Come, come, share some experience."

Beyond's judgment is right, the opposite side wants to see if there is a chance to get something out 20 seconds before the buff is refreshed, because it is difficult to return to the city due to blood consumption during this time period, and it will lose online time.

"The wine barrel cooperates with the bottom lane duo to remove the eye. It seems that the wine barrel needs to be opened by one person."

A Q is thrown to the F6 camp, and the next road is on the way back to the line.

"Our words are Lankai, it should be that we are not going to grab the second place."

Puppy and Ming help Zhumei to fight blue. With W, Zhumei is in good condition, knocking on the blood bottle to beat Lan.

After eating Lan, Xiangguo kept the coach's task in mind, and got the information that the opposite bot lane was the first to go online. Immediately clicked Q, went up from Xiaolong, and hid in the grass.

The barrel is hitting red, and after 3 seconds, red is only half full.

"look at me."

The incense pot is exposed, W is thrown away, Beyond encounters a level 2 face riding, and quickly calls his teammates.

"The wine barrel's health is only half, first pull it out to make way, and the incense pot W will take over to attract hatred, and pull it into the grass."

The wine barrel had no eyes, and was anxious. Seeing that the clockwork was moving first, the old cow turned around and looked into the grass decisively, but found that the pig girl did not attack Hong. Seeing him coming in, the pig girl who lost the pig skin continued to retreat, the wine barrel After taking over, Xiangguo once again forced position A to red. After changing hands three times, Xiangguo continued to pull wild, and directly wiped out the hatred.

In front of Clockwork, Xiangguo lights up a team logo, and Q goes down the wall.

Did he earn it?


It's just that Beyond is a little angry.

Although I have seen a lot of games like Xiangguo, but the video and face to face with myself are completely different things.

"Xiba, it's really disgusting."

Familiar with the opening, for some reason, half of the worries in the audience's hearts were put down.

"It has to be the incense pot, so I'm not used to it, alas, it's just disgusting, I slap each other on your face."

"Haha, the wine barrel was so angry that I didn't dare to fight hard, and the blood volume of the wild monsters was afraid of reaching the killing line, so they pulled back and forth, and the front was useless."

"According to the theory of canyon relativity, the efficiency of clearing wilds on both sides is not high, which means they are both very high!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Gonima too!

If Beyond hears it, he will definitely be upset.

"Be careful on the road." Lan reminded.

Zhumei really left, and Lan saw Xiangguo passing by swaggeringly, heading for the red zone when Lan returned to the line.

Beyond spent a lot of effort again, punishing and eating red, and confessing 2 bottles of blood medicine, he managed to maintain 8% of the blood volume. He knew that the pig girl was almost as miserable as him, but he felt a little regretful in his heart. If he When he took over, it would be fine if he fought decisively, but he was afraid that if he didn't fight, the pig girl would fight back.


There are many scruples in my heart.

The way of playing at the expense of others is easy to give away the head if you are not careful-after all, it is an invasion, and the speed of others is faster, and the distance of running the map is shorter.

so disgusting! ! !
He had never thought about riding on the face to play a pig girl, otherwise the wild monster would be pulled to the left, and the pig girl would not be so convenient to take over.

Xiba Zhumei, Xiba Xiangguo, Xiba 2nd level fight.

The wine barrel ran to the blue zone in a hurry.

off the road.

When the node is upgraded to 2, the puppy will withdraw first.The line passed slowly, 2 bloody soldiers, stuck in A's processing thinking when the policewoman came, Maha moved forward passively to the right, surpassed the bull's head, slipped 2 steps, followed by a Q shot, the puppy interrupted and raised his hand to go Retreating, although the Q hits, Luo simultaneously predicts and misses the Q.

The basic attack distance is not enough, Kalista hits the minion with A, and is about to pull out the spear, the puppy turns around and throws Q, E and Q take effect within half a second, Kalista loses a lot in exchange.

"This taste is very right." Miller said again and again: "Jungle depends on the position, and online does not suffer."

With Luo's reply, the puppy accurately grasped the opponent's movements and counterattacked.

Failed to achieve the expected HP advantage, Maha was a little anxious, and the top road was also affected by the details of the laning.

In the early stage of the prince's blood exchange, it depends on the control of Q and the pull of the passive general attack. There are 7 Qs in the third level. If half of the tower is hit, you can still fight back, but if you can't do half of it, then the prince will be dominated.


At 3 and a half minutes, when the wine barrel signaled the river crab, ADD only hit 4 Qs, and Qinggangying's state was not bad. Using W's reply, he didn't suffer at all in the lane.

What is the idea of ​​zoom? It would rather miss some knives, and have to hold on. If you can twist it, you can twist it. If you can't twist it, you can use the vacuum period of the passive shield card dragon to pull back the gap in blood volume.

"Help me, I'm 5 seconds short of punishment."

The prince's line did not advance, and he had to support the river. The reason was that when Xiaohu took advantage of the harassment and seduction of the incense pot, he rose 2 earlier than the clockwork, and then punched for a wave of blood. This would make him move first, and the clockwork position was not good.

"Do you want to fight? No, Xiangguo chose to retreat, it seems that he wants to control the river crab."

"The situation is frozen, and Galio will have a chance to fluctuate next."


Analysts at MVP are a bit concerned.

He didn't expect RNG to rely on Xiangguo's unplanned brushing method to liberate Galio a lot, and smoothly transitioned the advantage of the blood exchange before the third level of the clockwork, and after the third level, it is not good who wins the blood exchange in the middle. , Lan is also afraid of the control chain of the opposite middle field.

Such battlefield information is enough to make people frown for the South Korean division that emphasizes the rhythm of the lineup curve.

The river crab was eaten, the wine barrel invaded the stone beetle, and Galio continued to disappear.

"The middle road is gone, don't cross it."

zoom Shrunk behind the tower, watching the two front row soldiers being eaten by the tower, which is just a distance away from exchanging blood for the prince. The mirror image is that the incense pot ate the river crab and also invaded the stone beetle. Kalista dared not continue to suppress, Afraid that the position is too deep, this can be controlled by a puppy for a while.

The early rhythm of the MVP was stalled, and the barrel returned home in a wave, and immediately went to control the first fire dragon, and successfully obtained the lane right with the help of the bottom lane.

At this point, the movement of the wine barrel within 5 minutes is clearly visible.

"It (wine barrel) eats the second wave of F6, and it should come. You guys go back to the city in this wave. You don't have much blood. The bull's head goes first, and I can't come."

Xiangguo reminded Xiaogou and Ming to take advantage of the opposite side to control the line again and go home to resupply, and the wine barrel was empty.

"Okay, very good, keep this rhythm, and we will be in our active round soon."

Miller became more and more happy. After Galio clicked on the big move, the coverage of the quick support was there. Whether it was top lane or bottom lane, it would be difficult for the prince and Calista to become arrogant.

As Miller thought, MVP is not a fool. If the opponent doesn't give him a chance, are they going to take the initiative to give him a chance?

Under the dispatch of RNG, Xiaohu and others began to control the situation.

"The tactical sweep slows down, the E wall flattens A and presses forward, the prince pulls away with EQ, and dare not fight back at all."

Galio has just been promoted to 6, and Qinggang Ying moves first.

"You drag me to catch it."

ADD couldn't wait for his teammates to support him, and he was given up again. Beyond caught the sign of Xiaohu's upward movement, and only wanted to go down the road in exchange for the loss of the pawn line.


Without waiting for Qinggangying to send the thread in, ADD went directly to fight the toad. Anyway, Galio could only disappear for 20 seconds, and the clockwork was already pushing the thread out.

"Can you know the location of the prince? I have an idea, Xiangguo is looking for it."

on the map.

Xiangguo Q went up to the wall, but didn't see anyone under the tower, and quickly went around the wall.

"ADD, go!"

Following the Korean commentator's immersive roar, the pig girl sprang out from behind the wall. After catching the prince, W slowed down and punished the toad. ADD crossed the wall with a 2-layer mark, but was locked by the zoom hook that was reminded Near, the big move is to sit still.

next moment.

Here comes justice.

Taking off at the intersection of Galio's blue zone, the super heavyweight colossus landed extremely powerfully, knocking all creatures on the ground into the air.

This wave, this wave is Qing Gangying, Galio's lock-in instant kill, there is no wronged soul under Hex's ultimatum.

2 seconds later.

The prince was caught by the pig girl, and Qing Gangying pulled him up with an A. The prince of Demacia fell to the ground slowly, but the flag stood up.

A blood is born.

Miller hadn't had time to be happy.

The camera cuts to the bottom lane.

"Xiao Ming Q holds the old cow E to hide from Calista's Q, the wine barrel wraps around his back, the puppy pulls the trap and throws it in front of him after handing over E."

In such a tense comment, the wine barrel rushed to Luo, and the old cow was ready to go, but Xiao Ming pushed forward and lifted the old cow to the ground and smashed the ground, and the two ate and controlled together;
Calista was dealing damage, and received 2 spears. Xiao Ming used this position to avoid the E of the wine barrel, and quickly dodged the second E to return to the policewoman.

"Huh, good job! Xiao Ming's idea of ​​escape is very clear. As long as he doesn't die in battle, he can already make a lot of money on the road."

Receiving ADD's helpless report, Lao Niu really wanted to find opportunities, but Xiao Gou and Ming saw his tendency.


"Good job."

"Labor and management have said it all, you have to trust RNG."

With the death of the prince's part-time job, the ADD teleportation line supplemented the development, and Qinggangying was one TP ahead.

It doesn't work if you don't return, unless the prince likes to fight at level 6 at level 8, otherwise the wave of soldiers under the tower must be cleared, because Qing Gangying cut off the line of soldiers after killing people.

The first step was successful.

The lineup that Qin Ming came up with did not allow the barrels to do things in the early stage, and pulled the rhythm after the sixth level. All the ideas were based on this purpose.

Otherwise, Xiangguo would be so stupid to waste the efficiency of wild farming.

After that, the wine barrel was upgraded to 6, and Zhumei was only 3 levels away from 5 groups of wilds, but she was still actively looking for the position of the wine barrel in the upper half, and let Xiaohu use her real eyes to help lock the intersection in the lower half.

"Encounter on the upper river, the wine barrel turns to punish the second river crab, the fragrant pot W slows down, the wine barrel turns to E to fight back, if this is the case, the pig girl Yongdong triggers the colossus, and the two of them have nothing to do with each other, so they just pull away. "

Xiangguo is really a wild meat grinder, a killer of weak heroes.

Qin Ming doesn't know how the team members are feeling now, he's pretty happy anyway, the herbivore version in the wild area is greatly reduced in confrontation, which is really good for harassment by riding faces. If the mainstream version is male guns and leopard girls, I'm afraid Encounters are not good.

Xiangguo is overfulfilling the task given to him by the coach, he only needs to find a position and compress the movement space of the wine barrel.

Beyond has no chance to do anything, so he can only remove and row eyes.

At 7 minutes and 55 seconds, Zhumei helped Xiaohu get the first blue queen, ate the three wolves to advance to 6, came to help Xiaohu push the line, and the two disappeared in the upper half.

"The river has eyes, but ADD still dare not stay under the tower."

Protecting Qinggang Ying, he stocked up a large wave of lines and entered the tower. Xiaohu returned to the center, and ADD carefully followed the new wave of soldiers to eat the tower knife.

"The incense pot is nearby, lock the zoom hook to make a mark, and hold the incense pot QR."

It's really a dog.

ADD looked at the lower half of his HP, came out of control, framed 2 with his big move, and ran away with EQ.

"The damage is a bit worse. After all, Qinggangying's big move is still more than ten seconds away, and the opponent is a top lane prince, who is quite fleshy. But if this is the case, the prince will lose another wave of tower knives. Haha, zoom started to cut the line of soldiers again. Force you to come."

This wave of princes didn't have a T, and they didn't choose to go home. The barrels who had gone to the red zone to fight wild had to go back to defense. They didn't know if the pig girl would continue to guard.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The crisis in the top lane was resolved, and the prince was already 25 knives behind. ADD felt that he was very hard-pressed, and the opponent seemed to know him very well, and he succeeded many times.

His perception is good.

Because he doesn't know Qin Ming's evaluation of him, otherwise he would understand very well - "It's very similar to Ah Guang."

The heroes on the field are Rambo and the captain, but now they often play in the front row, resisting pressure and stabilizing the line.

Case solved.

ADD is called Aguang in South Korea.


ADD Thain has good driving skills, but Ah Guang is not good at driving?
do not care.

Anyway, Xiangguo is very familiar with Ah Guang, so he can guess ADD's thinking in disguise.

The top lane matchup is no longer normal, which makes MVP more urgently need a means of breakthrough.

As Galio's ultimate move improved, the upper and lower sides slowly subsided, and the wine barrel had to move closer to the upper half to prevent the prince from being killed again.

"The incense pot wants to catch it, but the wine barrel is nearby. This wave is not easy to catch, and the pig girl retreated on her own initiative."

In 9 minutes, the prince cleared the tower knife and went back to the city, and went home to play the wine barrel. After brushing the stone beetle, he covered the road and pushed the line.

"The MVP has an idea for the pioneer and wants to rely on it first."

Entering the bottom lane, RNG did not attack the bottom lane. The trio removed Xia Caozhenyan and turned to the top as a whole.

"The little dog wants to clear the pagoda knife, and Xiao Ming is the only one who goes there alone. Do you want to try four-for-five?"

Xiaohu shrinks the tower ahead of time, and the center line is held by the MVP again. Zoom can only slow down the line, ready to pull back at any time.

"I don't want to give up, Xiao Ming is following the incense pot to explore the field of vision, the prince is coming from the blue zone, and Max's bull head is forcing us to take our place."

At 9 minutes and 55 seconds, all MVP members gathered, and the puppy had just cleared the next route, but it was too late.

Knowing this, MVP disconnected the vanguard, and there were three people in the dragon pit. Calista stood inside the dragon pit, her body was enough to pull back to the wall to mark the bull head of the pig girl, and the prince ran to the left to watch Qinggang Ying. .

"Xiao Ming W lifted the bull's head, and he was also smashed by the ground."

The vanguard has half blood left, RNG took the initiative to test, trying to pull the battlefield to the red zone and interfere with the opponent's vanguard, but the MVP was also very decisive. The prince directly EQ the triangle grass to pick Qinggangying, and the Longkeng trio continued to play the vanguard.

3000 blood, 1500 blood, 1300 blood, Lao Niu was beaten out of permafrost, knowing that the pig girl is pinching Q, Max’s ultimate move is released, WQ two pig girls, bypassing Luo, buying time for the Longkeng trio, MVP is not special Note that the policewoman has already brought the line in and started to touch the tower.

"The incense pot was blocked by the bull's head, the vanguard has been punished by the wine barrel, the MVP is about to be withdrawn, and the Calista elf ball has taken back the old bull."

The MVP was about to leave, Xiangguo Q threw a big move in the air from the wall, and controlled the AD.

"Do you want to keep the incense pot? Xiao Ming follows, RE goes down the wall, and triggers acceleration."

Miller's tone was a bit strange. Taking advantage of the wine barrel to pick up the vanguard, Nosuke went down the wall to freeze the AD, but who will make up for the damage?
The MVP's double cs start a counterattack. On the flank, Qinggangying sits on the prince and bites the ADD. Luo Gang triggers the second stage of acceleration. Before the old cow comes out, E holds Qinggangying, and W lifts the prince away;

The old cow knocked the pig girl into the air, and the clockwork and the wine barrel rushed in to exchange, and a halo of light appeared on the pig girl.

The incense pot has attracted the positive, and Xiaohu has no reason not to save them. For them, as long as this wave of groups does not lose money, everything in the next lane is pure profit.

They need bottom lane gains to fill possible vanguards.

"Galio got three big ones! When he landed and got ridiculed, there were three more! The pig girl W slowed down the bull's head (mixed with flat A) and hit a three-layer mark, and the bull's head will fall!"

Before Miller finished yelling, the pig girl had one-third of her blood. Before it could freeze forever, Maha purified the ridicule, slid to the outside, rolled up two clockwork big moves, the wine barrel followed E to Q, clockwork Make up another W, and the pig girl will fall first.

"Too much control, Max is not dead yet, can Xiaohu follow?"

Seeing the bloody old cow dodge and distance himself, Miller said anxiously.

On the flank, the prince also couldn't hold it back. Zoom was under the cover of the front, and after harvesting the heads, he noticed a gap between the wine barrel and the back row with sharp eyes. EE flashed to predict Calista who was slipping.

"Zoom! Kill AD, kill AD! The opponent has no skills."

The situation changed.

Xiaohu punched the wine barrel and stuck to the front row, Xiao Ming flashed down the wall, weak AD;

I ate a set of controlled Maha before, and my condition is no longer good. This will be a quarter of the blood and just withdraw. Xiaoming W keeps up. Max sees that this is not good. The old cow lost its remaining blood and ate it to pieces, and Maha immediately fought back.

"Skateboards are slipping again."

Operation and counter-operation.

While the wine barrel in the dragon pit was entangled with Remnant Xueluo, he blew Qinggang Ying to the wall with his big move.

"It's kind of bad."

Just as Miller sighed, and was about to be reaped by the MVP double c, Xiaohu flashed W to taunt Xiafu, and punched Lao Niu hard.

"still have a chance!"

Due to the lack of power, the skateboard shoes quickly escaped and pulled away to the right along Galio's body.

One click, two clicks, three clicks, the clockwork in the dragon pit has been solved, Qinggang Shadow E flew out, the skateboard shoes suddenly stopped and twisted left, and a slide was followed by tearing and slowing down.


The executive officer of the spring, Xiangguo, sighed.

Xiaohu had no choice but to try to kill him but failed, so he had to run alone and sell Qinggangying.

3 seconds later.

Qing Gangying fell to the ground, surrounded by the dead body of the pioneer, and fought 3 for 2.

But before the MVP could relax, Max complained in a low voice: "Xiba, most of his health was worn out when he went down the tower."

When they came back to their senses, they realized that this group had been entangled for a minute and a half, from the trial of more than 9 minutes and 30 seconds to the end of the group at 10 minutes and 52 seconds. They lost a lot of money and handed in a lot of skills.

During this period of time, the policewoman was basically Suqing and Tower A, and she ate 3 waves of soldiers by herself.

"Our economy is still leading, let's see if we can get this one-blood tower first."

The MVP harvested the vanguard, but he couldn't relieve the pressure, and a shadow was cast in his heart.

RNG voice, the discussion atmosphere is very relaxed.

The situation has never been off course.

"I have TP patched the line." zoom.

"Well, go, you don't need to let the economy go on the road."

The prince dies first and comes back to life, all of which will be sent in by the soldiers.

"The next wave should be played around the bottom half. I'm sure the opponent dare not put the vanguard first. Otherwise, if we exchange the defensive tower, we can dismantle the tower first-they don't stick together and leave the vanguard in the bottom lane. There is no other good choice."

"Yes, we have the right to the top lane. If the opponent dares to play in the middle lane, we will exchange. It is also not a loss."

Xiangguo chewed his gum, "Brothers, both me and the wine barrel are flashing, and F6 will refresh immediately, you know what I mean."

"I have big ones, you guys shoot first." The puppy said that it was ready to let the bullets fly.

"Prince's TP will get better soon, drag the other side to reach the prince." Zoom reminded.

"Able to fight. A stunted prince forced him down just to further widen the gap. The clockwork is not big, and they lack damage. If we fight better, we will earn the same head."

The puppy made the final decision.

The key point is that he has already made a big sword, a pickaxe, and attack speed shoes when he returned home this time, and he is one step ahead of the support distance of the big move. Why didn't he dare to fight?
(End of this chapter)

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