Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 346 The Shining of the Base

Chapter 346 The Shining of the Base
Just as the puppy walked back to the line and caught the approaching pawn line, Xiao Ming pretended to look around and disappeared into the blue zone.

middle road. After Lan harvested the kills, he began to actively push the line to get back the field. Xiaohu had no choice but to throw Gangfeng to eat the consumption of QW, and temporarily blocked the line in front of the tower.

Galio's unusual behavior made Lan vigilant, and before he could say anything, the guards on the river had already seen a woman riding a wild boar approaching stealthily.

"Sister Pig is with me. No, it has entered the red zone."

As soon as Clockwork took a stance, he saw the other party's fake eyes swaggeringly exposed to the real eyes of the red buff grass.

MVP does a good job of defending the bottom lane.

"I'm on my way, come here."

Beyond, who was thinking about where to put Pioneer in his heart, heard the trend of Xiangguo, thought he heard it wrong, and subconsciously asked for double-teaming.

"It's not big, it can be hit, and I can be there first. It's enough to force it to dodge."

"Luo is gone." Max followed up to report the news, "I can come too."

"You guys drag it, show me that I can T."

"You see the situation."

Lan approached the intersection calmly. As soon as the wine barrel came over, he saw the pig girl eating his F6.


Seeing the wine barrel with false eyes, the permafrost bird of the incense pot was punished calmly, and the clockwork tried to snatch it but failed, only a small one was affected.



This is the territory of the MVP, whoever dares to break into it alone will surely lose you!

Being flanked by two sides, the wine barrel E pulls the position and then Q slows down. Xiangguo hurriedly turns Q and goes through the wall to the intersection, and greets the clockwork beside him. two thirds.

Clockwork is active in QA to keep people, and Galio really punches to cover.

"Forcing towards the river!"

Max has walked up to the little dragon on the wall and immediately entered the river.

Clockwork ate a set of taunting Gangfeng, with 4/3 of his HP remaining, before Galio swung his fist, he pulled forward with a QW, waited for the position of the wine barrel, and did his task of pressing himself;

As soon as Max got down the river, he happened to meet Luo who was one step ahead of him and had already entered the grass.

"The policewoman has passed."

While reporting, Maha entered the river from the bottom lane. After the battle escalated, ADD, who was waiting under the tower in advance, looked at the teleportation cooldown.

Luo also found Lao Niu, RNG seemed to have some communication, Galio no longer entangled with the clockwork, and approached Luo with the barrel.

"Stay here."

It’s not good to have a strong will. After all, just finished fighting the vanguard team half a minute ago, the pig girl was revived and immediately invaded. The skills are generally in the vacuum period, but the advantage lies with me. The younger sister cooperates with 2 melee units to quickly stack the marks;

Permafrost was shot out, the old cow was down to half blood, and while being set on fire, Max threw a fake eye to the front pass and continued to entangle.

2 seconds later, the barrel drunkenly ran into Galio and threw Q to slow down the middle field, and the animation of bullet locking was lit in the blue area.


What's the situation now?

The clockwork skill is empty, and the old cow sells too much blood. The policewoman seems to come here first, and wants to cooperate with the trio to kill the old cow first, and then drive the wine barrel and clockwork.

If the AD is not there, everyone in the three-on-three game will lack continuous output, which means that whichever AD arrives first will have the decisive power.

The prince no longer hesitated, pulled to the open space behind the tower and teleported to the front, across the pass where AD and the trio met.

"Withdraw, withdraw, as long as you can delay."

Xiangguo took the lead and turned Q and then pulled, Luo followed E to the side of Zhumei, Max was also in a hurry, just about to chase, Galio got stuck and lost Gangfeng, he had to hand over Earth Smash.

"Xiaohu wants to sell himself, clockwork throws the ball to the barrel, W speeds up."

"After the puppy's big move was blocked by the barrel, he directly chose to return to the line, this wave?"

Miller didn't understand. If Xiao Ming didn't want to fight, and Xiao Ming didn't support her, it would be better for Zhu Mei to run, so she wouldn't waste so much energy.

The wine barrel speeds up to chase, the clockwork takes away the residual blood of Galio, the prince lands, 2 seconds later, the wine barrel Q slows down the pig girl to the limit, the prince EQ picks up the flying W to slow down, Luo slips away alone, and Ueno catches up to three Only then did the wolf kill the pig girl.

"Pioneer, vanguard, demolition."

"Water dragons can also fight!"

Lan was very excited. Without Galio, the son of the tower, winning the first tower would not be easy.

Max had just returned home, looked at the map, and had to interrupt: "Separate people to look at the line."

The pot of cold water dispelled some of the high emotions. Maha was even more depressed about this. He lagged behind the policewoman to support him. He finally walked to the grass in the river, but the policewoman didn't go to the front at all. Return to the line to eat soldiers.

And on the road, the last tower was demolished to half blood by Qing Gangying.

Before Miller concluded that this wave was a loss or a gain, the MVP went up to assist and returned to the tower, and the puppy pushed the line out and ran directly to the middle. Zoom knew that there were only 2 in the middle, retreated and disappeared, and came from the red zone.

After winning a wave, MVP just wants to lower the mid tower.

The Pioneer's Eye was summoned, and the policewoman and Luo had already begun to clear the troops.

"No, you go."

Max has experience, but it was already too late for Nakano to withdraw after receiving the signal.

"Feel this well!"

Luo roared the voice, and the policewoman E took advantage of her position to lift the wine barrel, and QW immediately when the clockwork started;

After the control was over, Luo ate a thunderbolt, went back to the second stage E with residual blood, the wine barrel hit back, the policewoman healed a mouthful, and Xiao Ming, who had eaten Q and slowed down, withdrew.

next moment.

Qinggang Ying hooked the wall and flew out, the tactics swept the clockwork, blue and white flashed, Qinggang Ying turned around to kill the wine barrel.

"This wave is quite spiritual!"

Miller shouted: "MVP used the support on the road to win a wave in the river by virtue of the difference in numbers, but they themselves were not in good shape. More importantly, we used this wave to make the two side lanes form a threat of demolishing towers. , Responding to a wave of poor numbers."

"Who will the head of the wine barrel be given to? It will be accepted by the puppy. Galio and Pig Girl have been resurrected, and we can also take over this little dragon."

"Both barrels and clockworks have poor HP, so they dare not fight us." Wawa followed suit and praised: "We can still defend the middle tower, and getting hit on the head by the vanguard is not a big deal, and the MVP can't make quick gains."

The more the two talked, the more the audience felt that RNG was using non-stop fights to destroy the rhythm of the MVP's advancement.

What does the MVP get?
Headcount, economy?
What about us?
Qinggangying is 2 levels ahead, 38 knives. The prince has crippled half of it, and the female policeman has the upper hand. The most difficult period has passed, and the second thing is to take out the electric knife to speed up the line clearing speed.

After 10 seconds, the water dragon whined. Max was hit from the last round, because RNG ate the water dragon, and the four took advantage of the situation. Maha took the initiative to give up the next tower. Therefore, when it comes to changing lanes, RNG has priority.

The audience looked at this prince, full of shadows of the blue-collar representatives of LPL such as Ah Guang in the past.

Does it not exist?


Team battle entanglement, timely support, daring to sacrifice, how can it be said that there is no sense of existence, not only is there, but it is not weak, it is nothing more than filling a hole.

"Zoom has a big stage to play. ADD participated in the group everywhere, but he couldn't save himself from the fire."

Watching the switch to the bottom lane, zoomEW retains people and fight against the prince, the prince can only run away in a panic, the audience is very happy to watch.

"Our sub-position maximizes Galio's role. Put the puppy on the road to eat alone, the middle assistant defends the center, and the incense pot moves closer to the bottom to make the offensive vision, ensuring Qinggangying's one-on-one environment."

This set used to be the best in the LCK during the transition period. Relying on the advantage of the top laner to constantly tear up the defense line, RNG is also not jerky in using it.

When the incense pot was once again exposed to the red zone, Qinggang Yingdun put pressure on the line, and ADD had to call for support.

"Nosuke wants to keep the second tower, and Maha is at the top of the center line."

The one who is anxious is the MVP side. Before the pig girl can take the position first, Qing Gangying just brought the line in, and the familiar Q soldier starts to force the prince to take the position. W holy shield slows down;
The defense tower slapped Qing Gangying twice, and as soon as Zoom withdrew from the E wall, Xiangguo followed suit and shouted, "Three, three, yo."

Pig sister bumped into the wine barrel on the upper wall of the stone beetle, one stunned him, and the other old cow directly bypassed the side and rushed down the road.

"The clockwork is gone too, you two be careful."

The puppies fought when they found the bottom road, reporting possible information.

"The old cow of the five-speed shoes came very quickly. The wine barrel blocked Xiangguo's face, and Xiangguo couldn't restrain it. Can this wave run?"

From God's perspective, Miller knew that the clockwork had reached the lower high ground.

When the distance was reached, Lao Niu's WQ hit two times in a row, and the prince quickly posted it. Qinggangying's Q accelerated and was still pulling. At this time, the clockwork had already appeared within the range of the soldiers' line of sight. Xiangguo's Q pierced through the wall and threw R, hitting The bull head forms a deceleration field covering the prince.

"The old cow is determined to release the control, and he is still sticky. The clockwork has come and set E to speed up."

One side chases and the other retreats, Lao Niu hits the second Q, 2 seconds later, Qinggang Ying pulls E with one-third of the blood to run, the wine barrel ER explodes the barrel, the prince synchronizes EQ, and only waits for the second to explode back.

At the critical moment, the appearance of the wine barrel also gave the best position. Zoom flashed his big move and sat on the wine barrel at the intersection of the triangle grass.

Restricted by Galio, Tonkatsu dared not get out of touch alone, not to mention the situation on the top lane was not optimistic.

"That's the way to fight! Our lineup is better than theirs, and we can drag the female police equipment."

Miller became more and more delighted, "Clockwork didn't dare to hand-roll R first because he was afraid that Qinggang Shadow Hex would evade the ultimatum, and then we would find an opportunity to fight back, but it was Clockwork's hesitation that allowed Zoom to seize the opportunity."

Qin Ming felt at ease seeing the MVP getting annoyed by the threat of Qinggangying.

"The more impatient they are, the better for us."

U understands the mentality of MVP very well, "They have already lost once, and they definitely don't want to lose a second time."

Qin Ming was amused by U's words.

U is right.

Before the game, Sraoo put pressure on the players, and the MVP people also knew the public opinion of Korean Open. From the inclinations they revealed, they knew that MVP wanted to play the game more beautifully and win more beautifully.

"It won't work that way."

The disappearance of multiple personnel is too easy to arouse the vigilance of RNG, Max said: "It will bring in the line again, let's see if we can squat to the pig girl. Qinggangying is more flexible than the pig girl."

Line up to eighteen and a half minutes.

The two-piece policewoman is in hand, basically in sync with Calista.

"This is the puppy's ability to supplement development, and it has exceeded 30 knives without knowing it."

When no one was watching, the female policeman ate a group of toads, two groups of stone beetles, and the female policeman slackened more lines, and Kalista's last knife suddenly became unsatisfactory.

Qing Gangying came out again with the line, and Zhu Mei really protected her.

This time, the mainspring did not disappear on the road, which made Zoom with the line feel more at ease.

Just entered the tower.

Before Zoom started the collision game, the old cow appeared, and the prince EQ poked out of the wall, startling Xiangguo.

"Grass, I was squatted."

The old cow WQ Erlian who ambushed in advance, the prince EQ pulls the position, and the barrel Q slows down.

Calista tried to press closer to the red zone, but found that RNG had no intention of covering, so she hurried back to the line to eat soldiers.

But what he didn't know was that the pig girl's position was relatively deep, and Xiao Ming felt that the past was useless, and instead communicated to kill AD.

With little blood remaining on the pig girl, Qinggang Ying had already been pulled to a safe position.

Slowly approaching the center line, Galio came forward, Maha didn't feel anything at first, until Galio punched and pulled the position, and a charging Luo jumped out from behind the wall, which made his heart beat faster.

"Xiao Ming's field of vision card is very good, REW flies away with charm, and Xiaohu accumulates energy."

Maha waited for the ridicule to be purified in seconds, the Q person pulled out, Xiao Ming was weak, and his skateboard shoes couldn't slide.

"There is a chance to kill, waiting for the skill, the blood volume of skateboard shoes, but, Maha is not messed up, once the weakness is over, Xiaohu's punch is well predicted, forced a dodge, Xiao Ming lifted it to Q, and got another bite Wind, Kalista pulls after remaining blood, has already entered the tower, a bit unable to catch up."

Before Miller finished speaking, the baby roared: "Puppy, big move!"

Maha, who narrowly escaped from death, was still not relieved, and let the bullets fly tightly locked.


The skateboard shoes with 2 blood blocks fell into the tower, and the puppy who rushed from the top road to the dragon on the wall was instantly killed without giving any chance to operate.

Maha has mixed feelings.

They have worked hard for so long, but they were all counterattacked by the opponent. They have spent so much effort, but the danger of going down the road is still not lifted, and the development of the female policeman is still smooth, even ahead of schedule.

"Look at Qinggang Shadow."

The wine barrel and the old cow had just rushed to the middle, and saw Qinggang Ying, who had run away before, hunting crabs, and the clockwork was on the way, so he immediately moved forward.

"Wine barrel E, zoom is going to help someone work, hey, do you want to stay on the other side?"

Q slows down, the prince comes from the triangular grass bag, and the line is no longer needed, but the problem is that Galio is holding the justice in his hand when he comes on stage.

"Stop, I'm resurrected!"

After receiving the signal from the incense pot, the rest of the team pulled in an orderly manner.

Qinggangying retreated to the intersection, Galio's ultimate move sat down and knocked 2 into the air, ADD stopped early, and then EQ picked up Galio, but the taunt could not be interrupted.

"Do you have to fight this? The meat outfit made by Xiaohu, the abyss and the gargoyle, are very resistant."

As soon as the gargoyle opened, the three people who were being ridiculed all took a bath. Of course, Xiaohu also took a bath. When Clockwork came to the intersection, Qing Gangying had already beaten the prince back with real injuries.

"The wine barrel still needs to be kept, Xiaoming E and Xiaohu W force the body, twist the clockwork, Luo Erduan E pulls back, the old cow pushes up the Qinggang shadow, and is still entangled."

Fighting all the way from the bottom lane to the blue zone, Xiaohu is also very resistant on the opposite side, and no one bypasses him. Under such a background, a pig girl was killed in a diagonal stab.

"good chance!"

The big move exploded, controlled the bull head to slow down the barrel, and the zoom output without pressure.

More importantly, the upper and middle assistants are all close combat, and they can impose E conditions on Zhumei.

There is blood on the bull's head, the barrel is not in good condition, one-third of the prince's EQ picks up the middle assistant, the clockwork pulls the position closer, QR makes a move, Qing Gangying's ultimate move is the wine barrel that is a little behind, shaking the bull's head to the pig girl On his face, the prince was shocked to the outer wall of the blue buff.

"Oh! Zoom is so big, kill the barrel, kill the barrel, 2 for 2!"

Xiao Ming tried his best, and was accepted by the clockwork. Behind him, Zhumei Yongfeng Wine Barrel, WA killed Niu Tou, and exerted his own influence.

As soon as Nosuke fell, ADD saw that the situation was not good and retreated to the pass, but the clockwork was not so lucky.

"Chasing, chasing, chasing, you can chase, the clockwork flashes, the Qinggang Shadow E wall tactics sweeps and hits the shield, the clockwork slows down, it is a bit difficult to run, the Xiangguo Q blitz flies, the eternal freeze is stunned, the head is given to Qing Steel Shadow—Qinggang Shadow, who is 4-1-1, is going to lead by 2 points!"

MVP, upset.

From the initial loss of the vanguard to the interference of the promotion later, and now that the female policeman has not come, RNG relied on Qinggangying's output to win, and they felt more and more that this game could not find a comeback point.


The puppy pushed the tower with peace of mind, not only pulled out the last tower with residual blood, but also led the line all the way to the second tower, and did not withdraw until Calista came to defend.

With the electric knife, the policewoman pushes the line very quickly. Basically, a few rounds of flat A and a Q are a wave of lines.

When Qinggangying reappeared in the bottom lane, the prince didn't even dare to look at it. The equipment gap between the two sides was already difficult to make up for by manipulation. The MVP wanted to zoom up, but Galio's ult didn't improve. Rubbing blood, making the prince uncomfortable.

After 2 minutes of aggrieved transition, the two sides began to make eyes around the dragon, and the second tower became more and more precarious.

"I can only let it go, it's useless to go too little, and it's easy to be exposed if you go too much."

Max said bitterly.

"At 23 minutes, zoom single-handedly unplugged the second tower and continued to send it to the high ground."

Send the line into the high ground, zoom into the red zone to sweep, help the team seize the field of vision, and compress the activity space on the opposite side.

In 25 minutes, RNG snowballed steadily, and Qinggangying hoarded the line again.

When the clockwork appears on the top lane, Calista hits it, the old cow lines eyes in the upper half, and the little tiger circles the field of vision from the three wolves to the toad, clicks on the explosive fruit and goes down the wall, and then from the triangle grass to the stone beetle, all the way Within the protection of one's own field of vision.

Just when Maha wondered why the policewoman and Luo were making up the middle line, and went down to the high ground, Qinggangying suddenly hooked the tower and kicked the prince unconscious, R followed by AQ and pulled W to sweep.

"Little tiger jumps big, the prince has nothing to do, it's too late!"

The linkage between Qinggangying and Galio destroys the tower-defending ADD, and Qinggangying, who is anti-tower, pulls the position to cooperate with Xiaohu to demolish the height.

The MVP, who was already under a lot of pressure, also became ruthless. He didn't return to defense at all, and the four directly rushed to the dragon.

"MVP has to fight. There are still 23 seconds left for the prince to be resurrected. At most one front tooth will be lost on the front, but the problem is that we have double TP."

Halfway through the big dragon, the puppy and Ming have already appeared in the red zone, covering the pig girl's vision;
The dragon still had 6 blood, so he dropped his real eye, and was quickly pointed out by Calista. But after knowing the situation of the dragon pit, the trio went down the river from the right and began to see.

"Do you really dare to fight to the end? The dragon still has [-] blood, and the little tiger is on the front, leaving the green steel shadow to continue the demolition."

MVP's plan to rely on Dalong to force people over went bankrupt.

RNG is more cunning and calm than they imagined.


Lan kept urging, and his body position had been pulled out of the dragon pit. Such a narrow terrain was born for Luo, and the MVP dared not get too close.

But the question is who?

The gargoyles in the front row are all gargoyles. It is a joke to kill Galio and pig girl in a short time.

The puppy is in the cloth clip to ensure that he has a better output environment when a possible team battle comes.

"Galio hit the ground, straight to the front, a strong wind, the middle and lower to Zola, the wine barrel was left alone in the dragon pit, so he had to go first."

The tug-of-war has always been the most tangled, Dalong began to recover blood, RNG is not in a hurry at all, anyway, Qinggangying is very comfortable.

"Open, open, revive in 5 seconds, send troops on high ground, must open."

Max observed the situation and knew that they were blocked. If they dared to withdraw and RNG opened the baron, they would not waste time here.

In fact, MVP never thought that one day they would be beaten to death by the LPL using the split line. If the opponent is an LCK team, maybe they can accept a lot.

"I want to fight, but Calista Q comes over and wants to stay, but the pot fights back."

The team battle was about to break out, Xiao Ming still communicated with Zoom to ask him to remove the crystal, and wait for the order to come down.

MVP uses AD as bait, after hooking the incense pot can't stand it, first left front and then right back, dodge the Q of the pig girl, Galio punches, Lao Niu Erlian watches Xiaohu, the policewoman focuses on Lao Niu, after the MVP Arrange fire pig girls.

Both sides are very fleshy, but the damage of the clockwork is easier to hit and the blood volume is poor.

"Little Tiger is charging up and needs to cover. Xiao Ming is going to enter the arena, but the wine barrel is so big."

Before Galio and Luolaibo could cooperate, they stood on the barrel on the left side of the clockwork and watched Galio push forward as much as possible, forcing them to disperse the formation, isolate the old bull, and throw big decisively. Lo.

As soon as the acceleration ball was activated, Luo, who was about to enter the field with R and E, only fired a big shot and caught an explosive barrel.

"There is a TP in the middle line, whose T is it? The prince's."

"MVP has to give it a go, regardless of the crisis at home."

Lao Niu was tortured again, clipped, headshot, slowed down QA, even if he had a firm will, he couldn't stand the policewoman's side, so he was pointed for nothing.

On the other side, the wine barrel, the big bomber of Hu Xiaoming, also sent Galio to sneer at the double cs.

"Calista's purification is lifted, the clockwork QW slows down, the pig girl lives in the clockwork, can you kill the clockwork?"

Xiangguo and Xiaohu rushed towards the clockwork, the wine barrel held two of them, and the clockwork was also beaten to two-thirds of the blood by the wind, but it was out of control, and the double cs began to pull.

When the scene was very tense, the director cut a shot to see that Qinggang Ying had already taken off the crystal, clearing the line and pushing it towards the front teeth.

"Old cow flashing, skateboarding shoes Pokeball, this is not dead."

Amid Miller's pity, the prince landed and went directly to the policewoman to PK.

The puppy was still calm, "There are not enough soldiers in the bottom lane, let's hold it back, and one of you will go one."

"Liu Shiyu go, you are flexible."

Xiao Ming didn't care about the puppy, and the prince alone couldn't kill the AD. Besides, the task now was not to fight, but to steal the house. It would be uncomfortable for the MVP to win.

The incense pot pulls back, pretending to support the back row, Calista is about to chase, Luo EW forces the position, Lan on the side sees it, it's a good opportunity, directly QRW rolls up the middle assistant, cooperates with Lao Niu to melt Luo ;
As soon as the support fell, Zhumei ran to the side of the wall and got into the blue zone with a Q. Before MVP could recover, Galio Gargoyle opened and stored W on the spot.

"This is the incense pot?"

The baby didn't think of what Xiangguo wanted to do at the first time, but the MVP was in a hurry.

"Cover me, I'll TP back."

Lan pulled it out, but how could Xiaohu let it go? After the decision was made, he knew that only the clockwork could go back the fastest, so he flashed W to mock the last clockwork and Kalista who wanted to chase on the left.

The team battle suddenly changed.

Watching Galio entangle the double c, the wine barrel E enters the dragon pit to return to the city, and the old cow runs to the triangle grass.

"If you want to steal a home, there are not enough soldiers. The highlands need someone who can help."

"Nosuke is looking for a place, Xiaohu has no way to look, will there be time, is there a chance."

In Miller's apprehension.

The little dog gave up entanglement with the prince, fled to the outside of the wall, and interrupted the wine barrel with a flat A.

West Eight West Eight West Eight.

Beyond endured the anxiety and resumed B, because the pig girl had already Q on the high ground, and everyone was attracted by the situation on the high ground.

"Little Tiger is still winding up the clockwork, the old cow has returned to the city, and Kalista also flashed on the wall."

Xiangguo W sweeps away the minions, actively resists the tower, and covers the zoom.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, the first front tooth was about to fall.

"Go back quickly!"

Lan was already roaring a little hoarsely.

Xiaohu seems to be staring at him, but Galio is very vulnerable to injuries, and he just can't deal with them in a short time.

"The incense pot is almost dead against the tower, so I can only pull it away first, let the zoom go up, and give the second front tooth a little more time, can you?"

Lao Niu rushed away from the spring quickly, wanting to clear the line, because RNG only had 3 minions left, Maha was thinking about what to do when he went back, and the blue jewelry was photographed, letting the bullets fly to lock on.

At this moment, his heart seemed to stop beating.

Do not!
But it didn't work.

The prince had already handed in the EQ, ADD was so impatient that the operation deformed, he stepped on the clip, the puppy took the opportunity to pull E away, and in his mind deduced the direction of the scattered MVP just now.

caught you.

In the last 2 seconds of returning to the city, Maha was interrupted, and he pressed B several times with a broken mind.

And in the highlands.

Niutou WQ soldier, the residual blood of the incense pot slows down the old cow, protecting the soldier.

The second front tooth was half blooded, Qing Gang Ying removed it too quickly.

Eternal Freeze was shot, Beyond quickly rushed out of the spring, E was knocked unconscious, but with the help of the last soldier, the front tooth finally broke.

"Remove, dismantle! Quickly dismantle!"


In the audience's excited barrage, Qing Gang Ying E went to the front of the spring, opened the distance to Crystal A, Nosuke turned around and wanted to find it, the damn pig girl held the bull's head with a Q again, Max just watched Crystal 2 In less than a second, a cut of blood was dropped.

No, there is still a chance.

I will push you into the spring water.

Max didn't care about the pig girl at all, and pressed the W key, but watched in despair as Qinggangying locked the wine barrel with his big move and pulled it to the left.

This is what Maha saw when he returned to the spring. Nosuke chased and intercepted him, and Qinggang Ying moved swiftly.

"Both Barrel and Kalista are on fire, just a few hits away, just a few hits away!"

Qing Gangying didn't care at all.

600 blood, 327 blood, 68 blood.

As the pig girl finally added a flat A, the crystal exploded and the picture froze.


The barrage is hi.

Any LPL supporter can't help being excited when he sees RNG playing MVP like this.

"I am honored to persevere and see the audience here." Miller watched the day's loss and said sincerely: "No matter what, we have to cheer for our four representative teams. Trust them, trust RNG!"

Miller's voice reached the ears of every audience through the live broadcast room.

Abramovich is sitting in the lounge. He doesn't know how many people will watch this live broadcast, but he knows that RNG has indeed gone a long way in the version.

Pioneer speed push was the first thing they played well, and they also used Pioneer's operation stop loss rhythm to overtake.

The audience only saw the thrilling home stealing, but Abramovich saw how RNG used the soldiers to keep MVP at bay.

It's not that the MVP is stupid and doesn't care about the high ground, but that the matchup between the prince and Qing Gangying is already very abnormal. Yes, if you don't fight the dragon and retreat, then what?
Do you want to keep RNG's big dragon?

Keeping people, those who lost in the road were lost for nothing, Qing Gangying went home without pressure, and used super soldiers to bring pressure on the road.

Keep less, put one back, what should RNG do if it really fights?This does not go back to the fight-and-punishment game that MVP tried his best to avoid just now.

RNG had a lot of problems, and each problem involved different choices. However, the locks brought by Galio and Qinggangying and the control brought by Galio and Luo made MVP feel at a loss.

of course.

They guarded Luo very well. Xiao Ming couldn't play at the regular season level at all. The MVP has been adjusting his position, breaking up the formation and Nosuke's marking of Luo.


Too much blood loss on the road - Abramovich can't help but put EDG in the MVP position, but he can't handle it when he finds out, because Aguang may not even give him the prince, but other front row.

"I need to learn from the scriptures, but I don't know if people are willing to take this lesson."

Abu himself feels that it is a bit difficult for others to teach how to operate around Pioneer and understand the current version ecology.

Of course, some tricks can be seen in the game video, but after all, it is not as good as the person who formulated this set of executive thinking to sort out in person.

EDG hasn't won yet, which worries him.

The layman watches the fun, and the layman watches the doorway.

Redmi also couldn't help admiring, "It's a good idea to put the vanguard and use the bottom lane to fill in."

Mingzhe is still thinking about playing M17, the top players, he can't see how smooth RNG's execution idea is in line with BP's selection.

"How many times have I said the question of impulsiveness?"

"The wave of the river should be sold as soon as it is sold."

The old thief is very concerned about the international stage this time. Hearing that the coach will only emphasize this and that, and can't come up with anything useful, he can't help but say: "From yesterday to now, all the games won, the jungler has a hand Taking the initiative to start a group, I don’t think spiders are suitable for us. We can drag it back and hold it more firmly.”

When jiezou heard this, he was a little unhappy, thinking it was a blame game, "Spider didn't win the MVP game?"

The old thief has played in the playoffs many times, and he knows that the understanding of the lineup is always changing. Yes, the spiders strengthen their confrontation is the lineup they like to play in the regular season, but the problem is that the more the intensity increases, he finds that other teams tend to take fault tolerance. Higher junglers, and their thinking is still what they had before, without even fine-tuning.

"I'm under a lot of pressure if I don't start a group."

Xiyang opened his mouth to support the old thief. He suffered enough from playing JT. He was just a fake front row. When he bypassed the back row, he was exposed to the chain of control. Unlike the lineups of MVP and RNG including SSG, 2 or 3 pieces of meat If you get stuck there, the road will be blocked for you.

Fighting on the battlefield, with old thieves as fortresses, Xiyang thinks it can be tried.

"It's okay, it's okay, we'll talk about the BP issue tonight."

Mingzhe has a soft personality and doesn't want everyone to quarrel.

The team members were silent.

(End of this chapter)

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