Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 347 Master, I got it

Chapter 347 Master, I got it
Was stolen? !
The MVP team members stared blankly at the screen, a little absent-minded.

They prefer to believe that RNG has won them in some other way, rather than this kind of subtle and powerless involvement, which makes them feel like puppets, passively accepting all of this——

How could the LPL team play such a smooth operation? Don't they only know how to fight hard in team battles and fight hard with big dragons?Isn't it the most familiar to us to make breakthroughs by taking advantage of the side lanes, or is it that Shakespeare in our division has been mastered by the LPL?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, it must be a brainstorm, yes, a brainstorm, a blind cat meets a dead mouse.

So who is the dead mouse?

Sraoo frowned when he saw the constipated expressions on the faces of the team members who had returned to the waiting room.

"The intercontinental competition is not over yet! No matter how strong RNG is, they still have to fight against Wanwan? Besides, they may not even pass this level. In such a large competition area, it is normal to have a high-level team."

You can give this point!

Although this kind of defeat hurts morale, after all, you are defeated in the place you are most proud of, and it is easy to fall into self-doubt, but as the coach said, it does not affect the result.


Why is it still uncomfortable, as if something is blocked in my heart.

After a little comfort.

Sraoo looked at ADD, "The last wave, there is such a big clip, how can you step on it? If you don't step on it, you are still fighting on the stage."

speak up.

There was something really wrong with this last game today.

First, RNG unexpectedly released the vanguard, pushed down the tower, and advanced the rhythm to overtake. In the middle, they collided several times, and gradually interrupted the prince's growth rhythm. In the end, there was still a chance to fight. They can win even if they move, and lose a high ground. If they can exchange for Dalong, if they defend well, the bottom line can become their gold mine for line-fighting, even if there is an accident, it will be bulldozed.


Sraoo is confident in his team's ability to defend high ground. Even if the defense is not top-notch, it is by no means so clumsy that it will make mistakes in allocating the power to clear the line, and he will become a big colander.

Here comes the question.

It was a unanimous decision among the team members to decide that the prince should come to the front. They all felt that doing so would bring the least pressure, and it would lead to future stability. Except for the clockwork being watched too tightly, everyone else has a chance to go back, if Calista and the barrel are not interrupted--

Even if the barrel is in a hurry to find the location to return to the city, and the policewoman can flash the basic attack to block it, Kalista shouldn't be locked by bullets flying. What are you doing in the front row of harassing AD?
EQ turned around and stepped on the clip?
You are opposite!

Speaking of this, Maha is also thinking, if he is given another three seconds of output time, Qinggangying will definitely die, if he is not interrupted to return to the city, he can't think of how the opposite Ueno can face them in front of Noxiasuke Lose the main base.

Unable to stop the demolition of the house, I feel uncomfortable.

"I... was always calling Shoujia Shoujia. I saw the policewoman flashing to interrupt the return to the city, and I kind of forgot to be clamped. Mine."

Any explanation is very pale.

Ignoring the psychological urgency and panic is indeed a mistake that should not be made.

But ADD always feels that the pig girl who circles around him is a little unusually familiar with him.

I haven't played a training match with RNG, have I?

Why in this entire game, where to go and what to do, are all within the opponent's calculations, even eating a toad can kill him, why RNG's methods of dealing with him are worse than those opponents who have played against him in several regular seasons Want to get acquainted?

This is my first time fighting a foreign war!
Am I an LCK player or an LPL player?

ADD fell into deep thought.

"Xiba, it was almost there, but we have to learn a lesson after we finish this fight."

The whole game is controlled by the opponent, even if they win the team, they can't make much money. The MVP really doesn't know what to reflect on.

This season, ADD is the pillar of their team. Although this pillar occasionally has problems, he can't fill in the pits and raise his father, but he is definitely not an undercover agent.

Right? !
"Galio is not the problem, confrontation is the problem. We didn't play in the bottom lane, otherwise the opponent would not have so much energy to harass the top lane."

Max cleared up his mood, and said rationally: "Except for the two waves of Galio and Qinggangying, we have already marked well in other aspects. This hero is short of damage. If Qinggangying and the female policeman don't Start equipment early. It shouldn’t be like this in the mid-term.”

And just when MVP was beaten to doubt his life, he kept finding mistakes to explain, covering up his own system and being bullied by RNG.

The living room became lively.

Xiangguo and others who won the game were laughing and joking in the corridor. As soon as they entered the door, the coaching staff looked at them. The players put away some of their emotions and clapped happily with the head coach to celebrate the victory.

The schedule is very tight, there is no place for them to vent.

In addition, Xiangguo knew in his heart that he could win this game so easily, at least more than half of the credit should be remembered by the coach.

Because of the game process, exactly as Qin Ming said, as long as ADD is abandoned and raised, he will not make up his mind to seek stability. He does not have 3 minutes of darkness, and he is not fierce enough to kill a soldier, nor does he stick to the defense tower. He would rather be killed Based on his experience, he must keep himself first and then make a decision. He is always lucky, and the lucky ones like to hide not far away to see the wind direction when encountering a possible tower jumping attack.

That's what ADD does, and that's how Xiangguo finds a location.

Mingzhe watched the scene where the RNG players clapped hands with Qin Ming one by one, and enviously said: "Why is RNG so tacit? The coordination in team battles is dizzying? Everyone can take the initiative to help their teammates pave the way? It's because they maintain a good relationship!"

What he said meant something, he envied that RNG players respected their head coach.

But for the cold-hearted old thief, he also doesn't like to spoil the atmosphere and give opinions in person. If possible, who doesn't want to work together like a real team, and don't seek the three views to match, at least on the field, Everyone can sacrifice for teammates and gain status in team battles, instead of everyone watching and not wanting to take the blame, let others start a team, sell, and cheat skills.


He was really anxious to fight physically.

The second day of the intercontinental competition is over.

The team went back to the hotel.

For Qin Ming, winning the MVP won't solve the problem. No matter how RNG wins, all they get is word of mouth.


The meeting topic of the coaching team is no longer a polite way of talking about scenes.

EDG and OMG are the two most urgent. Unlike WE, they are testing the lineup and trying to use the early offensive KO to praise KT. The other two teams are using the set they are good at. They are far more urgent than WE. sex.

and so.

The most urgent task is to get Qin Ming to speak.

And you must express enough goodwill to make people willing to say more. After all, this is a good thing that people have summed up after adapting to the version. If you want it, can you still lift your chin?

As soon as Qin Ming came down from the room, he saw Abu standing up to greet him with a warm smile on his face, "Hey, thanks to you for making money for the competition area today, otherwise we would have been scolded even worse." Immediately afterwards, he sighed. : "Our delegation has been in Kaohsiung for five days, and we haven't sat together to discuss it. My, I'm not active enough. I apologize."

Mingzhe only smiled slightly, and Aze, the deputy next to him, was very good at watching the situation, "Qin Jiao, I was transferred from the second team after hearing about you and learning your BP ideas. This is you." thumbs up.

"Alas." He turned to worry, "But you also saw that we were so ambitious that day when we represented the competition area, but now we are in trouble, losing 2 games in a row to the provincial team.

People outside are saying that the representatives selected by so many teams are not as strong as a province—it’s all because of my limited ability. Arrangements are good, worry. "

A good meeting turned into an exaggeration meeting.

However, Qin Ming also knew that they would not praise them for no reason, and they would just take pleasure in any influence. He didn't take it seriously, and was flattered by the praise.

Shaking hands one by one, when we arrived at Redmi, Qin Ming said sincerely: "When it comes to learning, I learned a lot from you when I was at VG."

Translating the expression with ears, Hongmi smiled.

The sedan chairs are carried by everyone.

But who is the target? Anyway, if Mingzhe said this, he must be very perfunctory, but instead of the champion bishop, he spoke awkward Mandarin, and shook hands a little stronger, "Let's make progress together."

Nofe, Redmi's analysts, teaching assistants, after everyone greeted together, everyone here actually understands what the theme is.

It's nothing more than a misunderstanding, Wanwan is not as weak as he imagined, and he will be defeated in one blow.

After these two days of competition, I gradually felt a kind of tension that shouldn't be there—he couldn't really lose to Wanwan, right?

In addition, even if you beat Wanwan, if you don't play well and enter the finals to fight against LCK, some people don't have the confidence in the beginning.

They thought it was a seven-day tour of Kaohsiung, and they easily implemented the first competition area in the audience's mouth to earn face. They didn't expect it, the process was so tortuous, and it was so tortuous that they were not confident in what they were good at.

"Tomorrow's game..." Mingzhe just opened his mouth, Qin Ming said affirmatively: "Call the players too, the summer game has only been played for more than a month, maybe there is no particularly accurate idea about the version, since everyone is sitting together , then discuss it together and let the team members understand.”

Qin Ming originally planned to talk about it.

He doesn't want to interfere indiscriminately, but when he comes back, his greatest wish also includes maintaining the LPL better.

After all, his personal interests do not conflict with the interests of the competition area. If the LPL is good, he will only be better.

He can't and can't control other places. He only makes changes within his ability.

From the perspective of later generations, in terms of the game around Pioneer and Xiaolong, almost in the S9 season, the implementation plan for Pioneer is relatively mature. Some teams only know a general direction, and everything else needs to be explored.

But for Qin Ming, he has the experience of colliding with the top divisions (the World Championship), which contains the understanding of countless people. He also has the confidence to raise some allies and still have a certain strategic height.

"It's really courageous."

Mingzhe couldn't help muttering.

He thought he was not so generous, and analyzed the direction of the team's victory, showing the team's winning tactical thinking.

Nofe applauded in admiration when she heard the translation.

The applause gradually sounded and stopped, Qin Ming accepted all this calmly.

He is not for individuals.

10 minutes later.

Xiye, the old thief and others walked in, and Qin Ming took the canyon map from U and pasted it on the tactical board.

Qin Ming's move naturally attracted the attention of many players.

"Coach Qin is going to class?"

"Yes, attack and defend around the vanguard." Emperor Kang excitedly said.

As a jungler, he instinctively has some personal understanding of resource points, but he has never been clear. He often hesitates how to play the vanguard to get more benefits.Sometimes the vanguard's eye is released, and when the game is replayed, from the perspective of God, it is annoyed why I didn't advance/delay, or put it in the middle/side.

Junglers are very greedy and want to have them all.

Everyone is here.

Xiaohu and the others were very familiar with this scene, so they took the initiative to run to the back and give way to the front row.

They have already taken enough tactical classes like this, and the implementation details are all sorted out one by one, which is far more detailed than this kind of big class.

"Everyone, you should still have memories of the last MVP game, right? We let go of the vanguard, but we advanced more smoothly. Why?"

This is Qin Ming's narration style. He hopes that the contestants can sort out their own thoughts first, and then accept the information, instead of being uniformly indoctrinated, without their own things at all.

No matter how good the tactics are, they are all implemented by humans, and the players are not exactly the same. Even if they are all blue-collar workers, AJ, Ah Guang, and Letme all have different judgments on the situation.

"Pioneer lost in that wave. Five-for-four became 2 for 3. Although MVP won, he exchanged too many skills and couldn't continue to push. He was out of shape. Then F6 went to the river to fight again, 2 for 1, and again. We won the battle, but the up and down lanes need to be guarded separately, without the top support and the bottom line, we only rely on the middle and field to put forward the vanguard, and no one cooperates when we hit it, and we are left behind."

"Yes, the MVP has no good chance to play the vanguard."

"The prince's early laning is too bad."

"There is also a problem in the bottom lane. The map is too frequent. That wave of F6 gave way, and he directly sent down the vanguard. The clockwork has a head and can push the line. As long as it comes to put pressure, it may be who owns the first tower."

S7 has no coating, Pioneer is just a tool for breaking towers after all, it is very helpful for advancing and speeding up, but it is not a particularly economically beneficial behavior.

"That's right, this is the decision I made from BP, release the pioneers, and delay the pioneers as much as possible."

Qin Ming continued to lecture: "The economy of a defensive tower is limited after all, but if you are fighting for the vanguard, if the opponent comes to pester you, you will not be able to fight if you come too few. There are also many variables in the release, how to balance the relationship here is actually what you want to achieve."

"Let's talk about vanguard speeding up first. If you want to achieve this goal, you have to have the right to the top half. You can't be weak in the middle lane. When necessary, if the opponent's bottom lane disappears, you have to support it. When it's time to take the vanguard In the process, if you hesitate too much, there will be a situation where the opposite side does not join the team and pushes the line to touch the tower;

But don’t hesitate, how the vanguard team fights is also a problem. For the side that takes the initiative to open the vanguard, they definitely don’t want the vanguard to be robbed. A lineup around the vanguard, you definitely don't want to be dragged by the opponent;

On the other hand, if I am not so eager to be a pioneer from the beginning, can I exert influence from the three links of running map, pioneer group, and group advancement to achieve the purpose of evasion?

This is the general direction, something that has been set since BP.

When it comes to the execution link, there are more variables. For example, in the middle lane, Syndra can't beat Ryze, and Banshee can't beat Clockwork. This is a matter of lane operations, or in the process of fighting for resource points, Vanguard Before you were born, you came to ambush ahead of time, worked together to kill or disable the jungler, and didn't go to the vanguard, and gave the option to your opponent. Does he also have to struggle?
In other words, you think the pioneer can be needed, and you are willing to sacrifice part of your interests to use the pioneer to strengthen a certain position. This is something you think you can win. If you think the pioneer can be avoided, you take the lineup with the mid-to-late curve—— There is also a threshold relationship.

For example, when Pioneer is born, you don’t even look at it, just stick to it, and believe that you can withstand the pressure, but this is a more difficult mode. I generally pursue a simple mode, harassing first, and breaking the rhythm if there is no date.

Of course, this is not suitable for all teams. After all, all tactics serve a purpose, and you will only operate in this way if you think it is suitable.

Just like the MVP match between me and my players today, it was because we first went up the road to form a certain deterrent, and then pursued the sidelines. During this process, the opponent couldn’t wait to break the middle tower. Separation, this led to the next thing.

I hope you can understand this causal relationship. "

Hongmi kept deducing, admiring in his heart, the only thing he missed was that the membrane was not pierced, and the more he listened, the more he had his own ideas. Mingzhe was confused. Is a pioneer so complicated? Nofe was taking notes, he thought Putting the vanguard to make up for the loss with the profit from the bottom lane, which is suitable for their defensive and counterattack style.

"While there is still time, why don't you play a training match to test the pressure you can bear?"

Qin Ming proposed, and everyone did not refuse, whether it was the speed push of RNG's match against DAN, touching the high ground in 15 minutes, or the harassment and involvement of playing MVP, and the rhythm of overtaking, it was all the data they studied.These are two completely different tactical arrangements around the vanguard.


OMG tried 2 with WE.

In the first round, OMG harassed the vanguard. Kangdi hit the vanguard until the residual blood seduced jiezou to go off the wall. The district has fallen.

In the second round, WE defended, OMG took a favorable position, Kangdi staged blood to grab the vanguard, WE retreated, and after 27 minutes, the brother-in-law came out in a three-piece suit, and WE forced the team to win.

OMG dumbfounded.

WE directly proves with facts that even the best tactics are executed by humans.

Jiezou was as weak as a child in front of Kangti, and he didn't know if it was because he had a lot of psychological burden after losing to M17. Anyway, it was because he played wrongly, and even the coach could see that he was out of shape.

"The vanguard is not the key point, but the tactical purpose is the key point. Flat lineup curve and pressure resistance are a process that can be adjusted continuously. In the final analysis, resources also serve the lineup."

Qin Ming concluded with the last sentence.

And the other side.

The people of EDG let go of the burden in their hearts.

The factory manager is very used to eating grass, but he is not very used to pushing forward and continuously exerting pressure. With a clearer judgment on the vanguard situation, he can completely delay the rhythm and stop the loss. Half, being led by the nose by the opponent.

The factory director prefers to hide his body, to be a hunter waiting for his prey, to become the hanging sword of Damocles, this weapon is the most terrifying before it falls down.

"That's how it feels."

The factory manager rode Zhumei, ahhh, controlled Zhumei, made a vanguard vision at 9 and a half minutes, saw the movement on the opposite side, and immediately went to the lower half, and acted quite decisively, as before. The mentality of playing the vanguard is completely different.

I got it.

(End of this chapter)

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