Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 353 Differing Opinions

Chapter 353 Differing Opinions
The fans are excited, the commentators are excited, and the players are happy.

This one played WE's demeanor, whether it's 957's veteran skills, or the tacit understanding between Xiye and Kandi, as well as the brother-in-law's solid game skills, the combined forces have contributed to the current crushing situation.

The audience no longer knew what to say.

The previous game made them extremely angry, and they were ridiculed as third-rate. As a result, the slogan of third-rate has not been hanged yet, and EDG and WE have shown their due strength.

Not to mention that the commentary couldn't explain this change clearly, even the audience couldn't understand it.

Think about it, winning was like constipation before, and losing was also like constipation. There was no happy fight at all. No matter whether you win or lose, the rhythm is very slow.

Now, EDG is playing steadily, gaining the advantage and slowly snowballing, controlling the little dragons, controlling the big dragons, it looks equally unpleasant, but at least the purpose is very clear, knowing what kind of curve to do what kind of thing, it seems that JT has no struggle , the sleepwalker is JT;

As for WE, it presents another style, which is to use the personal ability of the bottom lane to be stronger than that of FW, take the initiative in the bottom half with a strong combination, and understand that once FW fails to go down, Snake will wander around to find opportunities. The stage that gave Kandy free collision, relying on the impact of the line radiation, constantly protruded.

The previous two days and this day are completely different styles of painting.

The baby thought for a long time, said something slowly, and now the state is back.

Miller watched the game happily, thinking about the third game.

PDD felt that the two teams had their own set of things, but inside they had made a decisive decision on the choice of resources, whether it was the factory director's 9 and a half minutes of vision, the vanguard went around the map, Meiko seduced, or WE took a The advance of the Athlon, the success of the female policeman's line-up, and the transfer of the vanguard are all very good use of resource points.

In the dark, I just feel that the two teams have a clear framework from BP design to resource selection, and the rest is the flesh and blood of each player's differences in play.

The Wanwan audience at the scene was still booing, and they were very unhappy with the LPL's win. There was a feeling that the previous LPL was pretending, hiding their strength, and pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger.

But here comes the question, what are the benefits of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
Playing an intercontinental game, you have to play psychological routines?
You must know that before the start of the game, the point situation of the confrontation between China and South Korea is almost predetermined. This is also the main theme of the World Championship. After all, Europe and the United States have not yet broken through at this time. If you reach the top, it will be either a civil war in the LCK or a confrontation between China and South Korea. Everyone is used to it.

But if it weren't for the clumsiness, there would be no good reason to explain why a team can show a completely different look in a short period of time.

What about the third-rate division?

The agreed semi-final, LMS has a 4% chance?

It was agreed to drag it on to the fifth round, and the winner will be decided. Didn't the forum have a lot of discussion posts like this last night?

Locomotive, I can only watch the LCK.

The next situation is already clear.

The LPL with 2 wins has the upper hand. LMS, as the host, has lost 27 kills in total. Of course, they will not give up any hope of qualifying easily.

"Everyone has good and bad times, think about it carefully, and make sure you know what you are doing. After we go back, we will review the choices and judgments we made on the court today."

The members of the Lightning Wolves, who had just lost and were in a rather depressed mood, heard Steak's unhealthy words again.

This is the case with chicken soup. The first time I tried it, I thought it tasted delicious, but if I drank too much, it would get greasy and nausea.

The same is true of the coach's situation. He is in a state of state every day. After pointing out the problem, what needs to be solved is how to solve it, rather than relying on the players' self-consciousness.

But for Steak, he was in a daze when he played professionally.

Sometimes I feel that a certain trend is good, and sometimes I am not sure.

The defeat in the intercontinental game sounded the alarm for him.

Steak thinks that he should add more whips after going back. After this is the World Championship, there is not much time to run in the version, and it can no longer be like the spring competition. The hard work of the whole year needs to have a result, and more importantly, , and now he leads the team.

In the past, Char Siew was here, and Flash Wolves still had a BO1 "myth" against Han Qixia. At least there is a comforting lining, which does not affect the underworld forum to carry forward Ah Q's spirit, but this year's S7, although the steak does not think it is my responsibility, but from the record From the looks of it, apart from still dominating the province, MSI and intercontinental competitions, they have already faded from the blood of the Flash Wolves even the so-called BO1 tricks.

He cares more about the evaluation of the outside world, and no one cares. He knows that this kind of regression of the Flash Wolves has been repeatedly talked about by some Wanwan audiences.

This is normal.

The public is more willing to look forward to slow progress rather than a little bit of regression, especially since the Flash Wolves have no new members to join, just changed a coaching staff, and their foreign performance has slipped from 5 points to 3 points, and they can't even fight for breath. .


He sighed.

Is it because I am too gentle, like losing a game for a while, I don’t think it matters so much, Betty can even joke about herself, saying that she was badly beaten by the policewoman, and she should have banned the policewoman if she knew it.

Snake complained: I'll go roaming, my mouth will grow bigger, who can handle team battles.Big mouth is one of the core of WE!

That's a good point.

Since it was developed by Galio, WE won four consecutive games in the summer season, and two of them are Dazui and Galio. It is easy to use Galio’s insurance nature to escort the bottom lane. As long as you bite the situation and go out, give Dazui 2 seconds to team fight Output space, and the formation is melted.The brother-in-law's performance after taking over the game made Snake very afraid. He didn't think that this was a loss to the policewoman. With so many ADs, the ban is over.

"Who is the third one?"

The steak had a simple communication, and everyone had a little dispute.

The main loser is so powerless, seeing that there are only three games to play, AHQ and M17 are in a hurry.

For the club, it is necessary to show its face as much as possible on the stage of foreign battles. Even if it loses, it may dig out a bright spot, but if there is no game to play, it will be too uncomfortable to lie down and lose.

At this point, no one is willing to sacrifice their own interests.

Reality breaks fantasy.

Not to mention the delay to the fifth round, even the fourth round is not confident. The so-called winning percentage plan only exists on paper.

"The third should be RNG."

It is very reasonable for RNG to draw an end to the semi-finals.

"I recommend my players. We got along well in the summer split. We even won a game yesterday, and we are in good shape."

The others nodded.

"My team members also need the stage. They have more experience, and they need to be more open-minded at this time."

The others still nodded, did they make sense?

It's nothing to do with yourself. If there was still a need for cooperation before, the table is about to fall apart now, so what's the point of meddling.

In this regard, it seems that M17 is more advantageous, but in fact AHQ is more domineering. All circles talk about seniority. AHQ has achieved certain results before this season. After all, M17 is inferior.

AHQ doesn't care about the recent state or not. As long as he has the experience of the competition, M17 is helpless. From this point of view, the M17 players are not stable enough. When they are excited, they are ahead of everyone else. Stay there like they are losers like FW and JT.

"Vote, I vote for AHQ."

"That's good, play the style of the competition area, RNG has played against AHQ before, get familiar with each other, and calm down."

The votes were 3:1, coach M17's shoulders slumped, and he had resigned to his fate.

He can only comfort himself: it is a shame to go up, and it is a victory to give less heads!
They have been defeated by the changes of the LPL delegation, and they are worthy of the audience if they can play a little bit fiercely.

Until the third one is OMG.

Coach M17 froze.

He felt a little regretful. If he knew that the opponent dared to line up like this, he should have fought for it again. If he played well, the team reputation would immediately be paved with gold dust.

He's enjoyed it once, just shared it with JT that time, and it's probably unique today.

He refrained from scolding his mother.

On the other side, on the battle bench, the OMG players didn't think too much, they just played in order.

"OMG Come on!"

The viewers who watched the live broadcast didn't worry about the previous loss anymore. The LPL viewers are very satisfied. As long as you can win, it doesn't matter if you make more mistakes.

As long as you can see the last dawn, you can temporarily forget the previous failures, and the voice of encouragement is louder than before.

Mingzhe saw AHQ on the opposite side, and the words in the lounge before taking the stage came to mind.

"Three to zero win!"

"It's the last one. AHQ and M17's appearance rate is [-]-[-]. It's hard to guess, but no matter who plays, we will do it in our own way."

"What needs to be paid attention to in BP is Zac. FW and JT didn't use the shadow of this hero in the summer games. It's okay to release it, but the jungler in AHQ can play, and he must be banned in the first round."

"Controlling the dragon around the bottom lane, Kalista can put it, but the opponent will not take it."

"If you have Xialuo, take Xialuo. If it doesn't work, you can add a big core to Tam. If they are all demolished, replace Thresh. But I don't think the opponent will ban so many subordinates."

"Can the old thief know Xia?"

"The AHQ team likes to help. Ziv is a bit more aggressive than the top laners of the other three teams. M17 is more balanced. They can play both mid and bottom laners, but their laning is average."

Qin Ming, Abu, Nofe, and Hongmi each counted the time and basically pointed out the direction.

"I see this posture, RNG doesn't even need to play."

In the commentary seat, Miller smiled.

"I feel that based on the state of the previous two games, OMG must be prepared."

Has the coaching staff done any derivation work for this game?
Of course I did.

Strategically protect the position, and tactical BP serves the purpose.

AHQ blue side in the third game.

In the first round of bans, the blue policewoman, Galio, and the prince, Mingzhe took advantage of the opportunity to suppress Zac, Qinggangying, and the crocodile.

The LMS division has already been frightened by the female police. In the confrontation they are familiar with, there are very few people who can play the female police well. In the LPL, most of the ADs who can enter the forefront have a guaranteed female police counter.

"We are targeting Ziv. There are spiders, excavators, and blind monks outside. Is the first floor of AHQ going to help the jungler pick heroes, or should we establish other positions first? Oh, just take the blind monk."

Adversity blind.

AHQ's jungler Mountain doesn't hide anymore. The more stressful the game is, the more players like players with a high operational limit, and the outcome is up to themselves.

Then, jiekou suggested the spider, and the old thief and the setting sun frowned slightly.

"Let's take the one that can be opened for battle, choose one from the wine barrel and pig girl?"

"Pig girl is just getting started, so be on the safe side and get the wine barrel. You can still swing it, so save me." Xi Yang also suggested.

Jiekou didn't speak, he was a little brooding about being dumped before.

The team members had different opinions on the selection of players, and Mingzhe was a bit of a headache. To be honest, both directions were correct. In such a game, especially when the brother team had already set a good example, it was really unreasonable not to win. In order to ensure the winning rate, jiekou took out the signboard Definitely right.

But the old thief and Xiyang also have reasons. In their team, Icon is rarely responsible for the top position of the injury. It has been proved that it is difficult to fight only by Xiyang in the front row. In terms of team battle operations, it is the double c output environment of OMG. It is more harsh, which makes the old thief feel uncomfortable all the time.

After a stalemate for more than ten seconds, seeing that there was no choice of time, Xiyang insisted on persuading: "Take a barrel, I will stabilize it by myself, create opportunities in the middle and lower, and you can also take the rhythm."

Jiekou knew it was different after all, but he took it anyway.

On the first and second floors, the wine barrel Gatam.

Xiaowu meets Luo, but the old thief thinks that Xia is not a good match.

The old thief wanted to win very much, so he exerted influence without knowing it, and demanded something more in line with him.

"See how you get it from AHQ, Thresh Jiaxia? It's locked."

Mingzhe was a little surprised by this move.

He heard from Qin Ming that AHQ would consider letting AD play alone, and also serve as a later-stage support, and he would definitely consider Xialuo, but this combination is not very proficient, and Mingzhe really doesn't believe that the opponent dares to take risks.

But AHQ just took a risk, even if everyone didn't practice much of this hero.

From the beginning of this selection, in terms of momentum, AHQ revealed a feeling of breaking the boat, while OMG was hesitant.Obviously the LPL delegation had the upper hand in the semi-finals.

At last.

AHQ took out Blind Monk, Thresh, Xia, Rock Sparrow (barrier), and Kled;
OMG took out the barrel, Tam, Enchantress, Verus, Shen.

Judging from the lineup curve and strengths and weaknesses, OMG is relatively more comprehensive and more secure. What Xia is most afraid of is that someone can easily force a big move. Icon's enchantress starts from this aspect, and at the same time takes into account the desire to show Heart.

S7's Icon is also really good. AHQ used rock sparrows to stop the enchantress, and used the speed of pushing the line to maintain the match with the stone formation.

"Icon, play with momentum. If the rock sparrow doesn't wear this light shield, it will die directly."

"OMG has pulled out a 500 economic difference by relying on the line."

At 6 minutes and 22 seconds, Icon saw the position of the W side and pressed the EQ to make a shot. He moved to force Yantu, turned around and twisted his waist to trigger the second stage of the chain, and the rock bird who was forced again did not dare to clear the line. Give him a second, at the same time, Jiekou grabbed and forced Thresh to flash.

From the first 6 minutes of the game, OMG played well, steadily and steadily, and the basic skills can pull out the advantage of making up.

As OMG's main double c, it goes without saying that the line consumption is exhausted, and the setting sun has not lost the wind in resisting the pressure, twisting 2 waves of Krye and hanging Q.

But the connecting flight is also close to 7 minutes at this point.

When the AHQ Zhongfu was beaten home, he knew that the wine barrel was under, so the Zhongfu planned to pack it.

To deal with Shen's insurance, nothing is more effective than directly catching Shen, and forcing the big move is actually an accident.

"Be careful in the setting sun, Klein purposely went to the river to insert eyes, don't go there, don't go there, oops."

Xiyang couldn't hold back the temptation, stepped forward to eat the knife, Kled's ultimate move was selected under the tower, the rock bird blocked the road, Thresh stepped on the acceleration to keep up with the second set of controls, and then Kled dismounted to perfectly convert hatred, Sunset flashed and died, failed escape.

"But this wave has changed two big moves, and the bottom line is also profitable, not a loss."

The fact is exactly the same, jiukou knew that Shen was surpassed, and came down again. Xia, who was opposite, wanted to gain experience, and stood in an open space in a tower and was forced to dodge after being circumvented. After 8 minutes, Icon bagged, with Shen, 5 dozen 3 Chase all the way to tower 2, and help both cs get a head each.

The situation continues to be so fiercely exchanged, OMG's experience is always leading, Xiaolong's control is also stable, the only thing that can't be controlled is Kled's development.

I thought that if this fight continues, OMG’s ability to seize opportunities will only become stronger and stronger. The enchantress will be cautious and enter the wild infinitely. After Iocn kills the blind monk with this hand, OMG’s signature coldness and aggressiveness will send 2 waves of rhythm in a row ——

"We wanted to kill Xayah so much, but this ult was annoying, it was out of touch every time."

"Don't you dare to open the wine barrel? There are 3 on the front, and the rock sparrow didn't flash. After the explosion, there is a big dragon."

"Suddenly hesitated."

During this process, the old thief pinged the signal to keep people first several times, and Xiyang also said that he could keep it, but he just couldn't open it.

It dragged on like this for 40 minutes, with a big dragon on each side, and then pushed forward in the middle with a sudden change. When the old thief returned to the center from the river, he encountered a rock sparrow on the side wall of F6, and the wine barrel was next to it.


Jiekou still hesitated, the old thief couldn't help flashing his big move, Rock Sparrow pressed down on the golden body, Kled charged, the old thief had no choice but to pull back, the blind monk suddenly entered the river from F6, and appeared beside him——

"The position of the blind monk, can someone protect it? Old thief, the old thief was kicked back. When Verus fell, the enchantress was not easy to output. W entered, Xia directly opened R, Thresh was marking, Kreru entered No man's land, no one to make up for the damage."

The team battle collapsed, and Xiao Wu turned around to sell, the wine barrel was loaded, and the wonderful E flashed R blasted back to the double c. Icon wanted to try again, but the fatal weakness left by Thresh made him powerless.

47 minutes.

AHQ pulled back a victory.

OMG has become the accusation of thousands of people.

 The breathing is normal, and Nakano is down. Accept a puppy with a declining reaction and a mid-level standard. Of course, from the perspective of training value, the future should be considered, but from the perspective of program effects, sunspots and whites, and personal selfishness, I hope the puppy can Continue to start, at least, the effect of the big dog's appearance is not overshadowed.

(End of this chapter)

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