Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 354 1 bitter tears

Chapter 354
"It's fucking ugly."

"OMG can't be saved, the one in the team battle, I don't know what it's doing."

"Yao Ji has nearly 1000 yuan ahead, and the bottom lane also has the right to line up. This can drag on for more than 40 minutes. The advantage is all wasted, absolutely."

"Brothers, is there a possibility that there is a problem with the OMG earphones, and they are not communicating."—Otherwise, it can't explain why the communication is so poor, and the coordination is rough visible to the naked eye. c There is no output environment, the jungler is forced to open, and before AHQ divides the battlefield, they have already leaked a lot of gaps.

The stage was shining, although there were few cheers.

Sitting in front of the computer, clicking the mouse to return to the data page, he watched in a daze as he hit 27583 output, which was 9 damage higher than the opposite Xia, but he was not the one who won.

Headcount, economy, until the moment the base was demolished, there was not much difference, which is very uncomfortable.

Very unhappy.

No one spoke, complained, comforted, blamed everything, but the scene was very lively. The old thief who removed the earphones heard the audience chanting AHQ and player ID, while the victors Xiaoan, Ziv and others were happy waving hands.

At such a moment, the old thief who is the background board seems to have a blank in his heart. He never thought that it would be hard to fight in foreign wars. OMG finally scored in the forefront this season, and he could seize the opportunity to win honors, but he fell into this situation.

of course.

The semifinals are not over yet.

The journey has not stopped.

With the fourth victory, the LPL representative team will still make it to the finals, but for the old thief, he just...he just feels that he can't even win AHQ, so what can he do in the finals?
Still don't hold back.

LMS lounge.

Looking at the big screen and listening to the voices outside, Steak didn't expect AHQ to win, and the team members of M17 next to him were even more dumbfounded. They always felt that their honor was taken away by their brother team. If you lose, you can still get some sympathy points, but if they lose the chain at the moment of AHQ's desperate counterattack to expand hope, they can all think of how the underworld forum will arrange——

"AHQ finally got a point, alas, locomotive."

"It's really a pity that M17 failed the competition area, otherwise it would make the mainlanders so arrogant."

"Go to hell, xxx."

The mood of the audience changes from moment to moment.

When JT lost, they cursed a few times, and when Flash Wolves lost, they cursed louder and smashed their cans. But when AHQ won, they had hope again, and they always felt that they could still play against the Korean team.

The M17 coach who was still in a daze waited until the people from AHQ happily entered the door, and everyone else looked at him.

Their eyes were somewhat expectant.

He knew what they were expecting, he was just speechless.

In order to break the embarrassment, Steak vowed: "The fourth game must be played by RNG."

Damn, 100% accurate... shit.

Listening to what you say is like listening to what you say.

"Must win."

"In the fifth game, we fell behind first and then chased. The opponent's psychological pressure was greater than ours. It's okay, play better, and don't put pressure on yourself."

If they wanted to play or not before, and now they all regard us as saviors, M17 coaches want to laugh at themselves that their team does not have the ability to guarantee a 100% winning rate, but they dare not say it.

"When playing RNG, pay more attention to the movement of the jungler. I still say the same thing, Xiangguo likes to invade and come here to interfere with your clearing the jungle. Then we'd better assign support to fight him out or lower his status."

"Calista can't be played, the fourth one is our red side, we can only ban it."

"Luo and Galio can choose according to the situation. If the opponent is facing the bottom lane, we will take Galio and ban Luo."

"The prince doesn't think about it?"

"No ban."

The discussion in LMS was heated, and all kinds of possibilities were expected, but the LPL lounge on the other side was relatively quiet.

Qin Ming didn't pay much attention to M17 at all. He really thought that OMG's BP was considered suitable, and the third game should be won. He and his players could concentrate on the final.

and so.

Qin Ming really didn't expect to be ahead of 15K in 2 minutes, especially Yaoji developed ahead of her time and played a suppressive force, and then something went wrong. Yaoji invaded and squatted alone and was counterattacked, bringing 2 waves of bad rhythm, becoming a walk The turning point of the downhill road, but judging from the overall performance, Qin Ming felt that Icon’s pot was not big, at best, he just spit out the matchup advantage, and the threat to the c position still existed, but he couldn’t understand why OMG was so afraid to fight , The wine barrel hesitated to go up several times.

The wave of the river did not open, and the big wave did not open. The opposite side ran, and the wave in the middle, Verus went up and opened.

If it is Abu, it is estimated that the Bible has already started complaining.

But as a member of the delegation, one loss means little to the whole.

Judging from the state, the strength shown by EDG and WE is enough to compete with LCK. If it is only about being out, the difference between 3:1 and 3:0 is considered as training.

Looking at the old thief who became more and more silent.

Qin Ming clapped his hands and turned to his team members: "Let's go, we'll end it."

The little dog thought that he didn't need to contribute much today and was just a bystander. After all, the Wanwan team really didn't make him have a strong desire to fight.

But no way.

Who made OMG play wrong? Let the puppies judge. The biggest reason for losing the game is that OMG played wrongly and gave too many, too many opportunities.

"Junze, you have a rest."

The RNG people went out, and Meiko whispered: "That jiekou wine barrel is not good at playing, whether it should be on it, if it shouldn't be on it, it should be on it again, it is very bad to judge the situation, alas, poor old thief, an AD It is estimated that we are in a hurry to start the team, otherwise this round can be dragged on for 50 minutes."

The factory manager glanced at it, always feeling that there was something in his words.

Do you understand Little Bear spreading his hands?

Abramovich is thinking about the finals again. He doesn't think M17 can stop it. Even if RNG is in the same downturn, M17 can't touch porcelain. The height of the two teams is not in the same position.

"So we can be sure who we can catch in the final?"

KT is [-]% afraid, this team is too familiar, and Deft's hero pool is quite suitable for the version, and the younger brother is not good at this point, SKT, Peanut can't get around, not only the factory manager is out of the shadows, the world championship is back After being lost for a long time, even he found it troublesome. Their team really needs the factory manager to maintain the situation.

Thinking about it this way, Abramovich felt that after being instructed, it would be best for them to touch the MVP. This team has a low upper limit and no star players. They sacrificed the top lane, and relying on the influence of the junior middle lane radiation can even out the top lane losses.

The more you think about it, the better.

Qin Ming had no secrets at all, his evaluation of the MVP mid laner was Hero Coins, and junior players were the best at dealing with Hero Coins, banning two to get one, and establishing an advantage without too much inclination.

This is the optimal solution.

It's just the finals, how will the LCK line up, SSG or KT will be the first?Or send the MVP against the strongest son?
Everything requires speculation and analysis.

The only thing Abramovich can be sure of is that SKT will not be the first to play.

Commentary seat.

"The fourth match of the semi-finals has been confirmed. From our point of view, RNG's top laner will start with zoom." Wawa's headset received the message from the director and followed the report, "Our blue team has an advantage, it depends on where we want to go in this round Force."

"In the last game, OMG was a little nervous, not stable enough, and their skills were rough. Many opportunities were missed, and instead they gave out advantages. I hope RNG can adjust as soon as possible and play the style of our competition." Miller still felt sorry for the defeated OMG.

He watched the old thief struggle all the way from the second team of WE, until this season he encountered a good version, ran into a good team, and had a chance to improve. He also sincerely hopes that the old thief can become famous, not just known by the LPL audience.

In this version with a large proportion of output in the bottom lane (the tank equipment is too comfortable, and it tends to serve the team more and more), the old thief has potential, and the puppy has cards in the entire league, but the old thief is only trapped in the local area. The difference is crueler than the confrontation between the two.

PDD is very confident in RNG, "If you go to zoom, it feels like you need to speed up."

"Enter BP..."

M17 starts with five players, which is a typical team that enjoys version bonuses.

Their mid laner Apex is just not proficient enough for heroes who need to keep moving and find opportunities to break through. When Ryze and Enchantress were very popular, he was very ordinary, but now, he can take , the collocation of the team, on the contrary, is more effective than some original LMS mid laners.

This is the version.

Others can win with 5 points of effort, but you have to go against the trend and use 8 points of effort to still lag behind.

In addition, judging from the collected information, M17 does not have a very mature main attack direction. They can implement most of their tactics and have a wide range of choices, but in Qin Ming's opinion, they are not proficient in anything.

Of course, a bit of beautification can also be said that there is no particularly prominent shortcoming. The three lines are relatively balanced, such as the top laner 3z, a typical wild faction in the small competition area, with rough skills and poor understanding of the line. I still don't like to make visions, my advantages are not strong enough, and my disadvantages will not be preserved, so I always go with the big team.

The jungler Taizan has average talent, average planning ability, and his style is more rhythmic. He is a bit of a beggar's version of Kandi.

The assistants Dee, Dreamer, and the younger players in the background are biased towards the team in the middle lane, and the upper and lower points make up the output. Because the AD position has a bad sense of smell, the effect of using Verus is mediocre.

Can you see it?
This team doesn't have a strong end point at all. The Flash Wolves also have a unique wild assistant to seize opportunities. Once they get up and attack quickly, JT has a big brother in the middle. The whole team revolves around the big brother, and F6 is also given to the big brother.

What about M17?He likes to play backhands and lacks offensive means. In the early stage, he relies on the luck of the jungler Taizan. In team battles, he defends his position and seesaws.

Qin Ming turned his thoughts around, waited for the referee to confirm, and directly banned the snake girl.

"Snake girl, goodbye."

Fearing that PDD would not understand, Miller explained: "If M17 is released suddenly, Snake Girl can effectively limit the follow-up entry and output the front row. This is also one of the most commonly used heroes in Apex. I played 6 times in the Spring Split and won. 4 innings."

Seeing this move, Wanwan bluntly said that they did not dare to release the signboard of Apex, but they couldn't see that M17 directly suppressed the blind monk. How afraid of the incense pot.

"I see, I still want to be handsome." Xiang Guo was upset.

Generally, for their blue side, Qin Ming likes to help him establish a jungle confrontation to take advantage of it. As long as there are not too many bans on a certain lane of heroes, he will do so.

"Second Hand, Excavator, Kalista."

"Third hand, Tam, policewoman."

"Then Xialuo, Galio, the prince clockwork, and Shen are all outside."

"Lu Xian is too." PDD reminded, I don't know if RNG dares to take it.

After a round of bans ended, M17 was quite afraid that RNG would use the bottom lane to push towers to create a rhythm, and then Qin Ming grabbed the wine barrel and handed the multiple-choice questions to the opponent.

"No matter how the opponent chooses, the middle lane must be able to push the line, Xiangguo, you should first grab the position with this hand, and seek confrontation when you catch it."

Qin Ming ordered the development of the early stage, and saw Galio and Jhin locked down.

This means that if you want to stabilize the push line, use Jhin to support it, and when Jhin's critical strike takes shape, it will not be slow to kill the back row.They need a character who can cooperate with Galio to limit the back row and provide a certain amount of continuous damage.

"Xia, Qinggangying." Qin Ming continued: "The opponent is going to be a jungler. In the second round, we will force Luo to be banned, and then we will see how the opponent will play support."

Almost just a move, M17 was seen through.

Just as Qin Ming affirmed, Taizan would be very muggle if he didn’t play the jungler in the second round, taking into account the efficiency of clearing the jungle and coordinating with the heroes on the lane. Then the spider can't play, and the pig girl and Zach are not proficient enough to dare to play.

Qin Ming: "They are going to take the prince."

As soon as the words fell, the original painting of the prince appeared.

Xiaohu and the others are used to the coach's spoiler of the BP. Seeing this scene, they just thought about how to arrange the opponent, "It should be the jungler, follow me into the blue zone at the first level, force the prince to go to the top lane, and set the battlefield to the bottom lane. "

Xiao Ming agrees with the layout of Xiangguo, "The opposite side has to be saved, there is no two-person road gang, you can come here first if you brush quickly. In addition, Qinggang Yingying's promotion to 6 is a turning point, and the opposite side dare not bet on [-]."

"Release the crocodile, I can fight it." Zoom gave his opinion, "He wants to protect himself, I can't kill it."

"Well, this is a head-to-head attack. Let's spread it out and try to create a one-on-one match."

This is the pity of coach M17. He doesn't want Qinggang Ying to appear too quickly, but wants to establish the middle and lower field, and the second round will be supplemented by the top.

But BP is like this, you grab mine, I grab yours, enter the second round of bans, Qin Ming for top lane, press Shen, for support, ban Thresh, M17 blocks Luohe Clockwork, fourth floor female tank.

The combination of Luo and Galio is very good, but Kexia is taken by the opponent, and the opponent can use a big move to avoid it in the first wave of entering the field. From this point of view, the problem of Luo's fragile body will be magnified, and it is not as convenient as the female tank to force the flying feathers.

Qin Ming took advantage of the situation, chose Niutou and Karma, and let Xiaohu act as the hub, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner.

It should be said that this lineup depends on the speed of snowballing. It must accumulate certain advantages before Galio and Prince's meat suits take shape, and then switch operations.

The advantage is that in the face of team battles, you can move freely, and all five people have the skills to adjust their positions, reducing the probability of being killed by concentrated fire.

The fifth hand of M17, the crocodile settled.

The lineup is as follows:

RNG (blue) Xiangguo Wine Barrel, Puppy Xia (purification), zoom Qinggangying, Xiaoming Niutou, Xiaohu Karma
M17 (Red) Apex Galio, Dee Jhin, Taizan Prince, Dreamer Female Tank, 3z Crocodile
Loading screen.

The LPL audience is looking forward, looking forward to a victory.

(End of this chapter)

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