Chapter 379
At the beginning of the transfer period, OMG took the initiative to slow down the rhythm.

In the jungle, they didn't do a good job of dealing with Xiangguo's invasion, and they failed to complete the goal of head swap in the defensive counterattack of the first tower of the vanguard.

During the laning period, the economy is rotten, and Xin Zhao is amazing. This is a very uncomfortable statistic, especially for the OMG players who are playing. Lots of opportunities.

Jiekou, who was the most uncomfortable to be found, stood up at this time and said that he would procrastinate for a while, hold on, and only optimistic about Dalong.

He believes that RNG will definitely use the mid lane right to further frequent linkage and strengthen the offense, but as long as they have enough patience, they can still play in the later stage. He still thinks that Xin Zhao will not be able to perform well in the team. opportunity for a counterattack.

Therefore, Jiekou believes that the key is to develop Dazui on the side, and the center line will be cleared to defend faster.

"It's a big deal. I'm missing half of the wild area. They don't have any damage in the middle. They will definitely rush to move the baron. We will pull with them so that they don't dare to fight to the end."

Jiekou was very calm, and he stopped the restless and fierce mood after being beaten into the game.

It is a good thing to have momentum, but only momentum is easy to pay tuition fees. OMG has paid a lot of tuition fees in the past. At least their current configuration is difficult to be fooled by experienced opponents.

Xiangguo thought that the opponent would send out a large army to trouble him, and waited until the tentative platoon penetrated into the defensive eye and let Xiao Ming hide behind to respond. He didn't see that OMG was impatient to give up the line of troops, so he could only use F6 to open the brush, and then continued make eyes.

The incense pot can wait.

He knew there would be an opportunity for him to perform.

Turn from the top to the bottom to take the defensive tower, top down to grind the middle tower, relying on the deep vision of the red zone to control, OMG Nosuke is frequently exposed in the field of vision, and the defensive power is completely watched by RNG.

"The gap is getting bigger and bigger. Hasn't OMG discovered this real eye? It's been almost 3 minutes, and the vision of this place has seen where Zac and Bron are going at least three times."

Comparing the field of vision on both sides, the gap is visible to the naked eye.

Although it can't be too harsh on the disadvantaged side, but the defensive area at the gate of the highland can't be cleaned, it seems unreasonable.

"Xiao Wu has a bad habit of eye-rowing. He doesn't look at the grass that is very close. Have you noticed?" Ze Yuan said: "He will go in to look behind the red buff wall and the grass in the river view, but he doesn't often eye the grass I don’t really like to explore the location, and subconsciously ignore it.”

When Zach passed by the intersection to brush stone beetles again, Zeyuan said happily: "I haven't found it yet, I feel that this real eye can last until the end of the game."

The middle one tower has not been pushed, who cares much about the grass behind the wall leading to the red zone behind the second middle tower?
But Zac didn't dare to collide with Xin Zhao in the wild area at all. Every time he went to the red zone, he would go around behind the second tower, which made Braum like to pass by here when he followed him to protect the second tower.

At 19 minutes, when the line cleared on the road and came to the middle, the whole team's cannon car wiped out the last blood volume of the first tower, and Xiangguo brushed a river crab and went home, turning the end of wisdom.

"Xin Zhao is going to be the big brother. After the transition of the blue shield, he will start to supplement the attack speed special effect equipment to strengthen the strength of the blood blade."

After replenishing the equipment, Xin Zhao, the fattest player in the audience, began to walk towards the center. While Xia was eating the line, he took the support to clear the field of view of F6. At this moment, the OMG red zone was completely black. Jiekou was worried that the second tower would be worn down too quickly. Dalong's vision is not good, and he immediately hit the target after eating the stone beetle, but this move was completely seen by RNG.

"Come with me, you can get over the second tower, and the line is dead in the middle, and you don't need to rely on other places."

OMG finally showed his flaws.

Under the pressure of vision, Zac just hid on the side of the second tower wall, and the setting sun sent out rescue.

"Yeah, I'll leave a flash team."

When Xin Zhao with the Lulu shield appeared behind him, Big Chongzi cleared the line with Q, his seemingly fleshy body was unable to move at all under the entanglement of the big tree and Lulu, so he simply avoided dodging.

"As soon as the big bug dies, he goes down to the second tower and pulls it out. Hey, RNG signals the dragon? Is it really possible to fight? The big bug has TP and has 18 seconds to revive."

OMG can't stand it.

Sunset frenziedly pinged the signal, "Towtowtow, show me the front."

The depression of being crossed the tower was released at this moment, RNG gave the opportunity, it was greedy.

"The big bug has 10 seconds left to revive, the wards in the dragon pit are clear, RNG really wants to move."

Judging from the overall formation, Xiao Ming puts in the blue zone and pushes forward, Longkeng Lulu and Zhao Xin are big trees, and Xia stands on the left.

"OMG don't be in a hurry, clear the center line first, a scout big dragon with 8 blood, the big bug will be resurrected in 2 seconds, before it's too late, the two sides will fight the big dragon group."

Zac went into the blue zone alone, and at the same time he removed the fake eyes to attract Xia's attention, the big bug resurrected the front of TP, and Bron opened his shield and moved forward, forcing the three of RNG to enter the inside, and the big tree tied Bron.

"This position is a bit poor for RNG, but OMG is well divided!"

The incense pot pretends to be a strong Rush dragon, when the blood volume reaches 2, the big tree is bundled with big moves, the big mouth sprays on the spot, and the imprint is dizzy, Zach has an E face, and Able is out of touch.

"Kill, kill, kill! AD is not here, watch the dragon and watch the dragon."

Jiekou perfectly forced back Xia's position, forced Feiyu all over the sky with a big move, and then flashed Longkeng, RNG had already stopped.

Dalong 1800, Zac was a little embarrassed, Xin Zhao bypassed Zac, who was not too threatening, with the incense burner shield, and rushed into Bron, this time Xin Zhao failed to pick it out, and got a small five backhand.

"Xin Zhao didn't use his ult, the big tree has W to pull it away, Xin Zhao's position is very bad!"

Following the call of the commentator, Xiao Wu yelled passionately. He has kept his skills for so long, and he has been waiting for this moment.

At this moment, Zach was fired from the back row, and Xin Zhao was fired by four. The OMG team felt that Xin Zhao deserved to die.

The imprint is triggered, stunned, the big bug takes Q, Karma gives the shield, the big mouth sheep knife is full, and sprays three times a second;
Xin Zhao's blood volume is very fast, the shield blocks to a quarter, the magic resistance shoes reduce the control time, just moved half a step, the clockwork lost the ball, Xiaohu saw the right time and fully handed in ER, the middle and auxiliary double redemption directly sprinkled , the resulting effect is as if the clockwork does not exist, but in the control effect, the sunset sees the red circle, just after the feast, the second redemption and then raises half blood, Zhao Xin drives A Bron to the third, flashes E to provoke hair The bar, the big move opened the big mouth, the attack speed was full, and the blood demon reappeared.

The effect of Wisdom's End is combined with the Censer Blood Blade, and the clockwork is like a piece of paper. It didn't last for 2 seconds, and its blood volume came to Xin Zhao's side. When the clockwork died, Xin Zhao was full of blood again.

"Xin Zhao isn't dead yet? Still full of blood?"

In Zeyuan's astonishment, Zach was beaten passively by Xia, and when Dazui pulled back to his position, Bron fell to the ground, Big Chongzi was only half alive, Dashu got the Karma Shield and then a W to hold Dazu who wanted to escape Bug, the old thief flashed and ran away, not even looking at it.

At this point, the minds of the OMG team went blank.

How could a Xin Zhao with only one blue shield be so exaggerated?
If the previous tower is overrun, it can still be said that the damage has not increased. It is really not good for seconds. Now that both Cs have output, it is a bit exaggerated to match the big bug with a full R.

Taking ten thousand steps back, the double shield is good, and the shield is only reserved for the jungler, but after a set is played, it is sucked back in less than 5 seconds. What kind of operation is this?
Haven't returned much blood from the beating?
There is no excuse.

The director clicked on the status bar of the incense burner, and saw that Xiaohu's healing amount in this round had reached an exaggerated 4200, which is almost the amount of healing that a star mother with advanced development can give.

"Wo Cao, is it a censer? Does the censer have such a top?"

No wonder the explanation doesn't understand.

It's not just the function of the censer, but the blessing of the wind language triggers the coverage of the double censer, plus the triple healing of the redemption, so that it can be so exaggerated, and the skills of this lineup are all reserved for Xin Zhao, and the superposition is too strong.

"RNG's new routine is a bit fierce. I understand why I dare to choose Xin Zhao. The strength of this pair of shields is stronger than a Chogas full of ults. The incense pot can only be sucked by E face W."

Simple, brutal, and mindless.

Zach got up and was crushed, and once the dragon fell, OMG didn't know how to continue.

They can't hear the commentary and the barrage discussion. They are now full of the god of war who survived a whole set of damage. Why can Xin Zhao be better than the big bug?
Does this make sense?

Jiekou walked towards the blue area in a daze, trying to prevent the line of soldiers buffed by the dragon from dismantling the second tower. Zeyuan couldn't bear it and said: "It seems that Lulu is leading the line alone, but there is another soldier next to him." It's wild."

Just as Zac came out, the old thief didn't have time to spray, and Xin Zhao turned around the corner.

In this way, Zach quickly returned to the spring, leaving the old thief alone.

OMG lounge.

Mingzhe is in a bit of pain, every time he encounters a trick he doesn't know, he doesn't know how to solve it.

He feels that the game he understands is different from the opponent, just like he thinks that RNG will lack damage in the mid-term. As long as you watch Xia, Zach rush in and actively keep people, it is impossible to lose in team battles, but what happened now Facts tell him that even if RNG is reduced by the dragon, it can wreak havoc on the OMG formation.

Half a minute later, Xiao Ming kept the lost Braum, "Lulu slows down with a Q, Xin Zhao pokes again, Braum turns back and makes a big move? It's a bit crooked. Then, Xin Zhao has 11 kills."

Zac had just been revived, and the eye assistant fell down again.

"It's messed up, it's messed up, my heart is upset, the pressure is a bit high, and the operation is starting to deform."

Bron R only R to Karma, who is the least important on the flank, and failed to persist until his teammates came to support.

There are many indications that OMG is obviously overwhelmed by RNG's slightly rough style of play.

There is no experience to tell them how to face a hero unit that is better than a tank, better than a warrior, and more blood-sucking than a vampire. When facing a tank with huge flesh, you can go around and open the back row. When facing soldiers, you can try to pull, The battlefield is divided. To fight vampires, just pay attention to the wave that enters the field and don't let it explode.

But this one, OMG has tried two solutions, both of which are ineffective. Whether it is opened directly or divided and then concentrated fire, the performance of the play is similar-Xin Zhao can always survive until the end and get the E face.

The RNG voice is Xiangguo's wild laughter.

Shangzhongfu all treat him like a dog, and the refreshing experience is full.

In this round, solo kills and solo kills, Icon with a tough style did not make a sound. The supporters hoped that he would stand up, but he was already silent.

"Continue to change lanes, push down to the high ground, and push in a group. Once the second middle tower falls, RNG can use the dragon buff to threaten the third high ground."

Four to one split, four stations on the middle line, let the bottom lane push the pawn line in first to attract people to defend, as long as someone comes over, the frontal team can't lose, wait until the bottom lane is almost worn out, and the middle line will push a wave again to get stuck in the position Turning down again, the Highland Tower collapsed.

"OMG really wants to open, but only Dashu and Xin Zhao can give me the space."

RNG is extremely stable. Once the crystal is taken, it sweeps away the vision of the middle channel, and presses the middle to turn up.

Wave after wave of pawn lines involved, making OMG more impatient. The super pawns on the road quickly entered the high ground, near the top road tower, Bron's W small pawn's ultimate move only hit Karma, and RNG resolutely fought back.

"Bron's big play is a bit flawed, oh, the big tree and vines bind three."

The big tree's big move spreads backwards, Xin Zhao took the lead to E to block Bron, and opened Q to press forward, so that Icon, who was always paying attention to being picked, walked out of the range of Bron's gang eating vines;

The big tree R went to the auxiliary middle, and the little tiger flashed to the clockwork and turned into a sheep.

"Xia flashed RE, clockwork seconds! Once he died in the middle, OMG couldn't fight anymore. The big tree was forcing Dazui's position. Zac flew in, but Braum was already bleeding."

Coincidence? It's not.

Big Mouth was disgusted by the big tree, and Xin Zhao stabbed Bron to death while his teammate removed his front teeth. At Base A, he walked into the spring water to stun the big bug, and was bitten to death by the setting sun.

"Grass, your base A is so slow."

Xiangguo complained with a smile.

In this scene, there is a barrage that sums it up well: "It (the Debang Supervisor) ended his sinful life."


RNG played a smooth censer rhythm, crushing and pushing OMG with a big head score, and the end time was 26 minutes and 07 seconds.

The MVP has no suspense, it was given 12-1-5, the damage accounted for 41%, the injury was 37%, and the participation rate was close to 100%. It should be the summer split, Xiangguo won the first MVP, but I have to say, the statistics are quite exaggerated."

In this version, it is very difficult for the jungler to win the MVP.

Xiangguo continued talking and laughing, Qin Ming gave a thumbs up, "Nice, it's great."

On the other side, Mingzhe understands that the wild zone will suffer, but he is still confused by Jiekou's approach, "You can't help your teammates, you won't show the position in advance? Every time F6 is refreshed, you have to fight? Why are you wasting time? ? You should know how to resist the fall of the first-level blue zone."

"You're too active."

What Mingzhe said was not unreasonable, Jiekou said coldly: "I will pay attention to my problem."

Mingzhe clicked through everyone's questions, including vision.

The bus drove back to the base.

Qin Ming glanced at Able who was still taciturn, and he looked out the window with bright eyes.

In this BO3, Able didn't integrate into RNG's tactical system very much. As a pendant, he played stand-alone most of the time, and there were not many linkages related to him.

of course.

This BO3 also showed the diversity of RNG's offensive directions, but I don't know if Able can perceive this.

For this troublesome young man, Qin Ming has enough confidence to let him understand that RNG does not rely solely on the bottom lane, and the reason why the focus is on the bottom lane is not suitable for all occasions.

If he plays games in the future, taking all the resources for granted, ignoring the sacrifices of his teammates, and not even wanting to say Nice, then is he cooperating with the four teammates on the court, or is he cooperating with the fans?

Who should accept who first?
Gotta talk to him.

(End of this chapter)

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