Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 380 The eyes are full of the future

Chapter 380 The eyes are full of the future

It was not Qin Ming's original intention to make it like this. If he was allowed to control it, he wished that everyone could stand up.

after the game.

OMG fans were extremely excited, and they kept helping hold small meetings under Weibo, guiding public opinion, and intensifying their attacks on Jiekou——

This jungler is completely unworthy of such a good teammate.

The relationship within the OMG team has deteriorated, and there has been some estrangement in the beautiful hand in hand. Coach Mingzhe has nothing to do about it. He can only communicate with the field separately, asking them to be careful not to bring their emotions to the field.

The old thief who was criticized for not paying attention to unity wanted to express his goodwill, but Jiekou coldly refused, and the tacit understanding that had been restored after the first fight became empty talk.

People are like this. They pay too much attention to the eyes of "outsiders" so that they can't see the people around them clearly. Jiekou thinks that the old thief is hypocritical. He behaves differently on the surface and behaves differently in private. Otherwise, why would he complain to the factory manager about not starting a group?
Perhaps, this is what he has in mind, what the old thief thinks of him.

Jikou felt aggrieved.

What he learned from watching the video is the position of the factory manager in EDG, reducing risks, increasing stability, playing games around the map, and not pursuing forced fights. As a result, the more effective AD in the later stage of their team said that he was not proactive enough, and complained to the factory manager about him. There will be no grouping.

Jiekou is confused.

What's even more absurd is that if the early rhythm bursts, AD usually loses, just like the second big mouth develops smoothly in the early stage, the team battle is ridden by Xin Zhao, forced to be attracted by the big tree, and the team fights as long as the front row can't support Stop, turn around and run.

Look at EDG again. When Deft was here, the jungler was not active in the early stage. EDG was also very dominant that year, so why ask him to take risks?
If this is what Icon said, it's fine. Everyone knows that Icon prefers solo kills to snowball.

but not.

This is what Jiekou hates. This can be said in the middle lane, but the AD is not qualified. The beneficiary of stability is the AD whose combat power is delayed. Who is he doing this for?
The fundamental contradiction is that it is difficult to coordinate.

The old thief hopes that when the time comes to collide, the group opening point can be sold on top, creating an output environment, but whether this should be done or not, Jiekou is not the old thief's puppet, he has his own ideas.

Speaking of which, OMG's jungle position seems to be a curse.

Back then when the difficulty of top laner carry increased, and when the high-level top lane c couldn’t get up and forced to take c, the jungler who was squeezed into the upper, middle, and lower lanes could not play the game with the naked eye. What’s even more embarrassing is that this He used to be known as a black-bellied military strategist. He made bold decisions at critical moments and had miraculous effects. As a result, he was quickly scolded as a mentally retarded jungler. He wandered around in the canyon without any key goals.

Both are him, and both are elixir.

Even if everyone has said that the league is a team game many times, whether it is joking, serious, or mocking, no matter what tone is used to say it, the choice is still a problem.

Because many requirements are inherently contradictory.

Some people want to have an advantage in the early stage but don't want to fight, and don't want to play a disadvantaged game;

Conservative has conservative benefits, and radical has radical benefits, it is difficult to turn around and cannot be integrated.

Just when the old thief missed Shijiemei's kick to save the world, would he be dazed when Shijiemei's big dragon invaded the wild and was caught.

I'm afraid it will.

It's just a little thing.

Never should, never should, private complaints were put on the bright side.

Some things cannot withstand discussion. There are saints on the Internet, but saints are hard to find in reality.

For OMG fans, once they accept the setting that Jiekou does not start a group, all his efforts are the source of mistakes.

It's like accepting the old thief's relegation emperor's setting, and will subconsciously ignore the old thief's mistakes in some key rounds.

Labeling is not rigorous in the professional arena, just like Lang Xing said to himself, "Look at the ID and the hero.", "Only by educating forehand and backhand can we grow up"; Who can ignite cinnabar!"

The relationship within the team and the positioning within the team have always been the lingering shadow of OMG.

2: 0.

OMG, who is second in Group B, will not meet RNG again this summer except for the opportunity to wash away the shame of the man-machine game in the playoffs. WE with 5 wins and 1 loss.

Xiaohu and Xiye's fateful battle, Xiangguo and Kandi's contest between two rhythm junglers and different strategy focuses, including whether the brother-in-law with the best data in Group B so far can play a hard hand and teach the rookie bot Able a lesson.

All of these are things to watch.

The audience is looking forward to it.

However, before their decisive battle comes, RNG still needs some small psychological adjustments.

Not to mention anything else, Able's first show was not impressive, at first glance it was even quite rough, far from the prestige he gained in his previous life. After all, Able debuted as the German Cup champion in his previous life, even if it was just preparation, not a stage like the LPL Summer Split. But from a marketing perspective, pure data has far more to say than the so-called strength.

"What champion are you?"

Always the most classic taunt.

Therefore, winning the German Cup has far more marketing value than killing OMG in the summer split. For many people who don't have time to watch the game but pay attention to the LPL, winning is a very broad concept, not as specific as the championship.

In other words, if a team doesn't compare positioning and matchup performance, it's hard to see what's under the surface.

In a round of blood-sucking ez, no one can drop it in seconds in the late stage; in a round of pendant Xia, the double shield will not be given immediately, and the output is not as high as a big tree. The audience will not think whether this AD is not within RNG's tactical system , they will only feel a little mediocre, not to mention that if you fight an old thief, you can take the first tower, at least you won't suffer in the matchup.

This requirement is not high, if Able is regarded as Uzi's successor.

But the content that is being played out now doesn’t meet this standard, and it’s not enough for the height that RNG’s bot lane should have in fans’ minds. When the audience gets used to RNG’s ability to grab lanes and create opportunities most of the time, and liberate the jungler to do things in the second half, fans certainly have a problem. Reason for satisfaction.

Able's profile hit rock bottom.

Originally, as a newcomer, the audience had a vague impression of him, but benefited from RNG's powerful promotional tools and RNG's emphasis on marketing. Before he played, he had a certain label in the hearts of the audience. Powerful, the team battle output is quite good, but the reality is that these two have not shown these advantages, and even exposed their shortcomings.

"Ninety percent off level?"

"The brainless fans of RNG have a good taste, this is your successor? Then why don't you dare to put pressure on the old thief head-on? If you have the strength, you fight, why hold back?"

"In the first game, the next tower fell too early, which made the jungle uncomfortable, and the jungler was arrested. In the second game, except for the big dragon, he played a little bit, and killed a Zac who had no big or E, and was tied up by a big tree. The jungler, the rest of the time is either clearing the line or eating wild monsters, obviously superior, the AD output of the inferior side is not as high as that of the inferior side after the whole game, strong."

Netizens are very aggressive.

The grumpy old buddies analyze Able's role frame by frame and come to the conclusion that he really doesn't have much role.

There is a comment that is very funny: for Jinjiao, Jinjiao can do better than him.

But then again.

The higher the praise, the higher the expected value. Obviously, the script that the audience wanted to see before the game was "Which side is almost interesting in the details of the blood exchange, and which side is likely to be killed by the line", it is not just waiting for the big brother to c first, and the bottom road is stable. Development, Sit back and reap the rewards.

Even if AD has this attribute, the most correct way to open it is not to worry, but the audience has high expectations.

Plus club bonuses.

The audience directly fast-forwards to Able proving himself, suppressing the old thief, and there is no mercy for newcomers or playing a few more games before defining.

Able returned to the base, turned on the computer and was about to rank a few times, and opened the private message in the gap in the queue, and nine out of ten sentences were sprayed.

He is stupid.

He was a little autistic and had a serious sense of dependence. He was typically grateful for the game talent and rewarded him with food, and lived a little value, but he had never encountered these situations.

Being scolded as "garbage" and "dragging xx" is still light, and some of them are directly uploaded to the household registration book, and the network is cleared.

People who have not experienced cyberbullying always think that it is enough to treat these things as air, and those who have suffered are far from daring to describe it in such a relaxed tone.


Words hurt.


Words are not physical attacks, as long as the heart is strong enough.

But have you ever thought that being scolded will cause similar negative emotions such as grievances, and if you don't want to take it to your heart, you will remember it for a lifetime.

This is not one or two people scolding you in reality, but a lot of people who are strangers and have no contact with each other are scolding you.

If it's just food, professional players may just be brooding and make progress with heavy loads, but few people can stand up to words like death and burden.

Or should I say, Able doesn't know why these people are so angry, didn't they win?
Seeing these words, Able was very aggrieved and dissatisfied.

Obviously there is a better way in the training match, but the coach is useless. Can you blame him? The coach means don't give up in the bottom lane, and wait for the middle and field c. How can he actively collide with him, and the team doesn't play around him.


It was rare for Able not to eat, because the game started at 7 o'clock, and Xiaohu and others played the game half-starved, and then came back to eat.

Qin Ming heard about this and asked Director G, "What is he doing?"

"Let's play ranked, did I come down after calling?" Director G looked at Xiao Ming, "What's the situation?"

Xiao Ming shook his head, expressing that he did not understand.

His new partner doesn't take the initiative to communicate with others, who knows what he is thinking.

"Guide G, go and shout, I'm in the office."

Qin Ming just wanted to chat with him. Able's state is a bit difficult to integrate into the team. This is also something Qin Ming needs to solve.

5 minute later.

Able stood in front of Qin Ming, not knowing where to put his hands and feet.

He hasn't been alone with the head coach yet, and he feels a little nervous, more nervous than playing a game.

Director G brought the man and left, closing the door behind him.

The closed environment evokes uneasiness.

When Able came, Qin Ming was thinking about how to train him.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he greeted him and sat down, with a clearer direction in his heart.

In terms of shortcomings, the common problem for rookies is that they have insufficient technical and tactical reserves. If they hang up the line, they hang up and immediately follow up with their teammates. From the perspective of advantages, Able’s lack of traditional AD thinking makes him innovative. Can accept non-traditional AD tactical arrangements such as helping the bottom lane to stretch space and create opportunities.

Again, the fuzzy position is not only beneficial to BP, but also less demanding on conditions, and it is easier to level the upper limit of the opponent.

To put it bluntly, it's just playing around.

After seeing Able's style and hero pool, Qin Ming often puts him together with the Ghost Emperor.

The Ghost Emperor is a typical system AD, which can improve its shortcomings and fit multiple sets of execution ideas without tactical support. This positioning can significantly improve the survival rate of AD, because the Ghost Emperor rarely steals output in team battles. It doesn't need position so much to steal damage——

The output space belongs to the elder brother, and has nothing to do with the younger brother.

Furthermore, functional AD is easier to practice, including one-handed Jhin, and Able can do it. Although it is not so unique, its operability is better than that of a puppy. Compared with the ghost emperor, Able's output firepower is stronger. Give him a stage of c, He can really walk and pull up.

If it is said that the ghost king relies on the range of skills to grasp the distance, then obviously Able prefers to rely on hand speed and concentration, forcing the opponent to come and limit.

of course.

Versions are different.

In S7, there are not many anti-heroes on the road, Kenan is useless, and people can't be killed by electricity, plus few in LPL can play Jess, and Jian Ji is too risky, so now the prince, crocodile, Qinggangying, Gnar, and the front row of tanks, as well as captains, weapons, and Kled who dare not take out their unique skills, if they want to pursue the node of joining the regiment, the front row must be easier to play than the fighters, which leads to the rampage of tanks.

Therefore, the big tortoise relies on the middle and top to exert pressure, the jungler is cool, and the support is looking for opportunities for a long time to support the game, which cannot be done in this version.

You can change the angle.

RNG now has two sets of top laners. Although they are relatively stable in the early stage, when zoom is in, they don't eat the output of the bottom lane so much. This makes RNG have enough structure to implement the big turtle's set.

Ghost Emperor hangs up, Able can also, he has Yasuo, and he is still practicing other more functional "assistances" recently;
The original god Beryl likes to look for opportunities. Supporting the line, Xiangguo can also be used. In this version, the wild area can maintain the level with less wild farming. Xiangguo has always done more things and radiated more. It haunts various places in the wild area and instigates the audience. .

And unlike Fengjiao's method of not giving back to the jungle and only allowing the jungle to interfere, Qin Ming helped establish Xiangguo, how to focus on helping the jungle to avoid it when he is not easy to fight.

In the RNG of the previous life, the most visual scene was that Xiangguo couldn’t continue playing and was forced to play alone. The RNG at that time usually used the jungler’s right to invade the bot lane, and then put pressure on the bot lane to make the opponent’s AD lose troops. , in a disguised form to increase the suppression of the puppy.

But once a team can withstand the pressure, Fengjiao will not give the wild area a chance to find new supplements at all. He has no such concept. And no matter whether it explodes or not, I am very worried before the team battle.

In comparison, the big tortoise is much "smarter". Whether it is for the top lane, the middle lane, or the wild area, they have enough fault tolerance. The team simply aimed at the bottom lane, it doesn't matter that the ghost king is a bit of a trash, before the World Championship, the ghost king was ridiculed by the LCK crazily, the label of the best AD is not less, but the top and middle field are enough c, and the bottom lane has less output. what.

What's more important is that, with more beatings, he either falls or rises. As the saying goes, only progress can be achieved by breaking the defense, reducing the pressure on the bottom lane.

In the S7 summer version, the incense burner represents fault tolerance.

The tactical focus of assisting the incense burner is different from that of the middle lane, but Qin Ming's operation ideas are very similar, and they both think that there is a voice in the wild to fight well.

The problem is still Able.

He can't let go of the communication, the team needs to communicate, not just ask.

He has all the foundations, except that he lacks words.

The Ghost Emperor used to be like this, but he suddenly became confident. Qin Ming didn't know where Able's "confidence" was.

(End of this chapter)

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