Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 397 Focus on Group A Semifinals

Chapter 397 Focus on Group A Semifinals

The semi-final touches the hearts of many people.

Including IG, which has only a sliver of life left, is also watching who will fall into the loser group and compete with them for the spot.

The soft fans are terrified.

Some time ago, the RNG club was not letting go of rumors. Even though Able’s matchup performance was not as good as Iboy’s and lost to EDG, the club still did not release any information, which made the audience suspect that the club has lost its head and will not really not play puppies. Baoding Are you new?

No, no, no?
One day, two days passed, and there was nothing useful to be seen on RNG's official blog except to promote the sponsors. Excited fans continued to harass the Weibo of Xiaohu, Xiaoming, including Qin Ming, U and others, but no one said a word.

Without an official explanation, it is inevitable to think more and more. For a while, everyone compares the RNG management with the EDG management of the Intercontinental Division——

"Isn't that how you sharpen newcomers?"

"Facts have proved that Audi is a badass, what kind of youth training talent was found, a piece of garbage, I think this Able is also."

"Slay the little IG first, then RNG, EDG rush!"

2 days before the semi-final.

The long-awaited official blog finally posted a big list. What reassures the fans is that Uzi is written in the bottom lane line. What makes fans suspicious is that they are familiar with the top laner Hum Ha. The zoom is gone, but it is AD In the substitute column, it says Able.

Grass, there is a shady scene.

What about my big Kirby?
If it weren't for the fact that it was the information given by the official blog, everyone would suspect that it was written by a fake insider just to arouse public outrage and eat traffic. Qinggangying is an outstanding player in the lanes of the LPL. He has played famous scenes. No matter how he thinks about it, he can't figure out why there is an extra substitute in the bottom lane that may not be useful.

Able's Calista, Cannon and Puppies play well?What is the significance of the belt, and what tactical changes can there be?
Do not understand, very do not understand.

Zoom has attracted countless fans in RNG, he doesn't say anything, fans always feel that he is being bullied, otherwise such an unreasonable arrangement would not be possible.

Bullying is loud.

It is reasonable to guess that Letme and Able teamed up with a certain important coaching staff member to put pressure on the management, in order to suppress the puppy. The reason is very simple, the contract period of the puppy is coming soon.

This is something everyone in the industry knows.

Since going to OMG and almost retiring at the same place, the dog's agent has gained a lot of wisdom. Currently, he only signs short-term contracts, and business endorsements are negotiated separately from other affairs. After a 3-year contract, you can become a free agent from 16 to October 18. When you have the opportunity to renegotiate the price, the puppy will have to renegotiate after this year, and if you don’t change the number of years during the negotiation, you will have to renegotiate at the end of 10. talk.

This is a similar short-season contract exclusively for Korean aid. Qin Ming actually knows that there are still indicators negotiations between seasons, such as how to win the championship. In short, as a management, he must love and hate. Many brands have established a foundation for cooperation, and they are willing to cooperate with Fist to create gods. What they hate is that they can't sign a long-term contract. The better the performance, the more stable they are, or the strength they show is reliable. The club has to argue with the agent infinitely.

The nonsense here is not only the signing fee, but also the business endorsement. The latter is not cheaper than the former, not to mention that RNG has never had a complete live broadcast contract. If the platform wants to hold an event, it depends on whether the puppy is willing to cooperate.

There are many things.

If Qin Ming hadn't personally planned this matter, Qin Ming would have believed it. He simply felt that it would be no problem to focus on the bottom half of EDG.

But he knew it was not a conspiracy, and he couldn't bear the mistrust of some audiences.

Capital never sleeps.

As a star player, such a conspiracy theory is considered a match. From the audience's point of view, it would be strange if they were always in harmony.

Just ask, does the RNG club really not want to put pressure on early renewal?
The World Championship is coming soon. RNG currently has the most points. If you win EDG, you will enter. If you lose, you can defend in the loser’s bracket. With such confidence, and the venue is in China, what does this mean to LPL, not to mention others, Look at the enthusiastic voice of the audience, no employer can ignore it.

Tengjing and the Ministry of Sports escorted the team, and major cities greeted them in advance. Who wouldn't want to put more weight in front of such a grand event.

Able is a substitute, and zoom is excluded from the 6-man roster.

The meaning of this is that the audience can't tell whether it is an attempt, or they are really only optimistic about Letme playing. For those supporters who want LPL to defend the Summoner's Cup at home, they don't want any influence on the combat power and the team. change in relationship.

There are signs of palace fighting, which is something that no supporter likes.

The sensitive and fragile nerves of many people are buzzing with excitement from this notice.

Not to blame for everyone's conspiracy theories.

If you don't talk, you don't believe that there are good people in the capital. Ordinary people must develop in a bad direction. After all, a lot of knowledge tells the public that it involves small circles and places where ordinary people have no way to inquire about news.There are the most conspiracy theories out there.

Public opinion is excited.

From the preheating error of the pig and dog war, to Able's being demoted and being worthless, the topic of the alliance is becoming more and more lively.

Because the World Championship is approaching.

Everyone's emotions were also aroused, and the small things in the past turned into big things, and the big things in the past simply turned into nuclear bombs.

Affected by this, Boss Bai, who was really going with the flow, couldn't sit still. A call from the senior management of the organizing committee warned him not to make trouble at this time.

Bai Xing was a little bit dumbfounded.

The meaning is very clear, it's not impossible to negotiate the price, but don't negotiate at this time, anyway, the contract will continue until the Spring Split, so it's not impossible to negotiate a deal a week before the free agent.

No one likes to meddle in other people's "housework". It's thankless, but it's not okay to make too much noise.

As a last resort, Mr. Bai called Qin Ming.

at that time.

Qin Ming was talking trash with Manager Sheng and Ms. Bi with the contestants. After listening to it, he was a little dizzy. He didn't pay attention to it for a long time. The matter is already so big?

As for?

"Let Aran post an explanation and repost it on the official blog? Okay, I'll tell you. It's a small matter. I really don't believe what I can do. Let's finish the game first."

After hanging up the phone, I told Zoom who was staying at the base what to do.

Zoom himself just realized that he has so many people following him.

The semi-final arrangement with EDG, the coach had already talked to him. In fact, he is now looking at the video of 957 every day. Unique casting style, targeted practice alignment.

Open Weibo, edit, Aite RNG.

zoom explained: "I'm fine, I'll be there for the next game."

The news was quickly forwarded by many e-sports media.

After the fire subsided a bit, the trash talk was recorded in the same studio, and Iboy was very surprised when he heard about it.

Before he embarked on a professional path, he heard Uzi and Uzi's ID every day, and he was really good in qualifying encounters, but until today, he was a little dumbfounded after experiencing the madness head-on.

You know, I don't know if I can play as a substitute. IBoy's substitute is Emperor Z. This enthusiasm is even stronger than my victory against RNG 2 weeks ago. Is it true that I have no cards in EDG?

The two teams went home.

On the bus, Qin Ming was very calm.

It's not that he didn't feel the vague undercurrent. Last time he blocked the night contract, but that didn't involve the puppy deeply.

of course.

It's useless to think too much.

The assets involved are too high, and the two sides are not unified. With the goal of the World Championship, winning the game honestly is more important than anything else.

As a coach, he also has his own ass, but under the premise, he is willing to let the players get more fair treatment. After all, he doesn't like that Korean players can use their performance and performance to determine their value, but local players can't get the conditions they deserve. , Even if it is flawed and the value is lost, that is something that can be decided by oneself.

Every now and then, he would be a contract worker, talking about what he had cultivated so that he could not forget his origins, what he would prove on stage, duck, if he played poorly, it was not because he pretended that this person had never appeared before.

for the game.

RNG players are also confident.

The advantage of enough points is that they can look at EDG calmly. For example, IG and EDG won 5 games, but they played a lot of cards.

For example, in the first round, IG aimed at robbing Xia Luo in the bottom lane, and played EDG's Lucian system, and Meiko's understanding of Luo and the incense burner was to learn from RNG to use Lao Niu to restrain Luo, because the performance of Luo's incense burner was not as good as its team start performance;
In the second game, after IG lost, they changed their minds and banned the mid laner wildly, playing strong in the middle and wild, forcing the factory manager Mantis, but the broiler clockwork fatally killed Iboy, which made EDG have some doubts about the mouse and Luo, because they found that if the bottom lane is against the The line is partial to defense, and Xihuang is not so lost. Once the bot lane is a little normal, the variables in the middle and wild are too big, and EDG can't afford to bet on the explosion of broilers;
Entering the third round with this, EDG grabbed Xia in the first round, IG incense burner double AD, and then got out of the plane in the middle and then was defeated by Lucian Conte. The attempt failed again, and Scout Lucian still didn't control;

Knowing this, IG did not dare to let Lu Xian go, and when the EDG censer and double AD took away the plane, they sacrificed the spring. Logically speaking, the plane is not afraid of the clockwork, it is facing development, and once it is formed, the plane will export to the environment Even better, with the blessing of the incense burner, you shouldn’t lose, but if you say that BP can only decide one-third of the direction, the broiler clockwork will be the second key position, Meiko will be stolen to death, and Ning Jiutong will watch the plane, and the two sides will enter the decisive battle Bureau.

So far, EDG doesn't care about the version or not, ban clockwork, and release Syndra. No one on both sides dares to take a hero like Luo with high risks and benefits. , when it comes to the critical battle, everyone is still used to the past experience, not the censer group thinking that is only popular in the second half of the summer split.

In the middle, Ah Guang held four big trees, and the factory manager faced TheShy Gnar, and forced the big tree to transition to the more difficult stages of 3rd and 4th levels. When the big tree suffocated small anti-armor or cloth armor shoes, it would not be able to fall off the tower It doesn't matter, as well as the looming big tree and the titan lock Miaoluo, forcing Baolan to only dare to take Tamm in key rounds, and become more invisible.

TheShy's first playoff performance was not ideal.

It can be seen that there is operation, but the thinking is too hard, the support speed is slow, and the time to watch the line is far more than that of teammates. It's just that Xihuang's performance has covered up the shortcomings exposed by other IG players. The firepower is aimed at Xihuang, so there is no one. Pay attention to the speed of the crowd when playing a group.

and so.

No matter how the outside world speculates, RNG players still think about how to counteract according to the execution methods exposed by EDG.

For example, in the battle between IG and EDG in Qin Ming's resumption of the game, Xiangguo became more and more aware that even though the factory manager and the head of An were both focused on controlling the map, there were still many differences in how the two dealt with things. After all, An Zhang The door is more isolated and helpless than the factory manager. The crown basically does not press the line, but Scout will press, and the intensity of the invasion should be moderated. In addition, the factory manager takes care of the middle lane much more than the head of An, and pays more attention to F6. Calculate the TP persuasion of Ah Guang's unnecessary line.

In addition, the only thing TheShy tried was to lose the big tree and snatch the big bug. Ah Guang's proficiency in using the other front row is not high. In this regard, Qin Ming can easily design a set that can only take wine barrels when he is forced to hit the road, and the factory manager has less options to swing the core (IG attaches great importance to wine barrels, after Kid played the first game, Ning played four wine barrels , there is the first round grab, do not give EDG a chance to swing).

Furthermore, the hero of Wine Barrel is also a confident option for Xiangguo. If there are enough bans in the front row, it can relatively expose Ah Guang outside his comfort zone.

can only say.

Thank you, little IG, because of you, calm BP.

The last day before the semifinals.

The official media asked Qin Ming what he wanted to say to EDG. Qin Ming had a serious face, "They (EDG) showed a strong technical and tactical level in this playoffs. To be honest, I was very nervous before the game. After all, last time In the match, their team's bottom lane put a lot of pressure on me, forcing me to use many ban positions to block the bottom lane heroes."

"Will you continue to do this?"

"of course."

"Ban off the road?" Xiangguo muttered in a low voice, "Grass, I believe you."

That night.

Qin Ming said this to the team members, "If there is no change, it means that the blue team does not need to restrict AD, and the red team bans one. In addition, Iboy's Xia is weaker than his small cannon and Verus. Puppy, you is that OK?"

The puppy shook his head.

"Well, the key is the middle lane." Qin Ming didn't think that the bottom lane had to be considered a lot. Compared with the last match, even if the bottom lane developed peacefully, Qin Ming didn't think it would be a problem. Why, "EDG mostly looked at Scout's personal offense to create additional opportunities. This time it was suppressed by the broiler, so there are not many things happening in this regard, but we must consider this."

Although the words were tactful, Xiaohu understood that he would not be angry because of this matter. In fact, he has passed the rookie period and can win better, so why must he be obsessed with being able to solo.

If you can't beat it, call your teammates.

They are all old opponents. It's not like he hasn't experienced the feeling of getting a strong hero for Scout.

In fact it is.

Because being able to force Scout to play a team hero is a good thing. In Qin Ming’s opinion, Galio, like Xiaohu, can only be used as a specific lineup this season. , That is to say, a very picky individual lacks the ability to drive. He has to encounter problems before he can act. The experience of predicting and creating conditions independently is average.This is because Qin Ming taught Xiaohu a lot of positioning techniques for the resource group launched by Galio, so that he has a little more perspective on the overall situation in this respect than the elementary school students.

On the contrary, EDG uses Scout to call names, and it is a stable horse for abuse. Because of Iboy, if you press hard, you will press hard, and getting caught will not hurt the rhythm.

Training room at ten o'clock.

Qin Ming stood behind the incense pot, watching him play with a little yellow hair to further develop the hand of Q, and beside him was a puppy guide who was also casual in Q shots.

"No, you hit W better than Q, what are you predicting?"

Qin Ming couldn't help complaining.

"It's fine if you win." The screen freezes, and the incense pot cancan, "I've only practiced for 2 weeks, and I don't play AD every day. If I can hit the skill, it's not bad."

"Red and not red are completely two ez, you can't be a level-A master, right?"

The little dog couldn't help interjecting, "It's okay to combine the passive with the A, stack the passive, use the E to do it, interspersed with the Q is even better."

"Hh, after all, it is only strong in the early stage, and I am not online, so there are so many opportunities."

"Come on, which jungle hero is stronger than its pursuit ability? It's your problem." Qin Ming laughed.

"I would rather practice the blind monk for one night, but my Tianyinbo is very accurate!"

"Practice the pulling well, it is sharper than the blind monk."

"The blind monk never gets tired of playing."

"Whether you are tired or not, if you want to get more tactical status, you have to act? Understand?"

"OK OK."

Qin Ming left.

While Xiangguo was obsessed with the hit rate of Xiao Huangmao's skills, trying to get used to the touch, he hated, "What kind of jungle hero is this! My blind monk, my nightmare, my prince."

Every time one more hero is mentioned, Xiangguo will issue N threats.

In the past, he always ridiculed Xiaohu for practicing dubious heroes, but now it's his turn to know what it means.

of course.

Hate it, hate it, you have to play, he dare not go against the will of the head coach.

He wants to win, even if he's pursuing a career in the league for money, not other games.

He disdained to talk about dreams, and said things that he would never think about.

I want money and I have to win, conflict?

(End of this chapter)

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