Chapter 398
A bus is driving on the main road, before the players enter the passage.

In the auditorium, the supporters on both sides had already set up the team flags clearly, and even the live broadcast director glanced at it with interest.

The atmosphere is intense.

Whether it's for a club or a player, this will determine at least one qualifying spot. The team that wins will be the second seed, and the team that loses will have to go to the loser's bracket to seek a place to come back.

Another 20 minutes passed.

The big screen lit up trash talking, which played a good role in relieving the two parties in the lounge. After all, on the day of recording, you can see what the other party is talking about if you turn your head. Looking at each other is evil.

Letme: "I think he played a single hero that day, with only four big trees, and the only one that didn't take a big tree was killed by TheShy alone, isn't that true?"

When the camera was shown to Mouse, Ah Guang grinned, "I just used less, but I didn't expose anything. Four big trees are enough to deal with IG."

It was the first time I saw the edited photogenic video, Xiangguo was there BB, "Are you fucking so gentle?"

Letme was a little embarrassed, "He was sitting next to me, and the camera was facing us, it's weird."

Xiangguo sneered, "If you don't dare to spray, don't dare to spray. Are you afraid that it will be face-to-face? Does he dare to do it or how? Wait and see how I talk trash, learn from it."

Just finished speaking, he switched to the jungle position in order, "He (MLXG) has changed a lot this year, from the carnivorous jungler in the past to the grass-eating jungler."

Xiangguo retorted, "Although I eat less economically, I still eat meat."

The factory manager smiled characteristically, "Did we win IG earlier? If I watched the game, I was eating meat when I played pig girls that day."

Xiangguo: "Speaking of pigs, I think mine is stronger than his. His is a piglet, and mine is a spider, the kind that can invade."

Hearing this, the factory director was very disdainful: "Every time he hits me, he really wants to invade and kill me, but the actual result is not good, and it is easy to take his teammates to send it away. I hope he can send less this time." .”

Xiangguo replied, very aggressive: "I remember I did the same thing last year, and I killed him many times."

The screen cuts to the middle.

Scout, "In terms of scoring, I will give myself a 7 and Xiaohu a 6."

Xiaohu put his hands behind his back, "I only scored 6 points, and I think 8 points are too low. Of course, if it is changed, then I think it is acceptable."

Cut to assist.

Xiao Ming’s trash talk is gentle, “He (Meiko) plays many heroes well——” Xiao Ming smiled at the camera while talking, “He doesn’t lose to me online, and I don’t know how to play the hero pool. Say, that's it."

Meiko also wanted to cooperate with the film crew to say a word to prove who is the first assistant, but it turned out that the two words were out of the mouth. Seeing Xiao Ming's eyes, he also laughed, "Don't prove it, it's quite boring, we I just want to avenge RNG and enter the summer finals, well, I think we are very strong now."

Finally, AD appeared, and Iboy said first: "Everyone says that I am a new generation, is he an old generation, then I think the league should give way to young people - if you rate the opponent, 9.5, I am also 9.5, Because I have Meiko."

The little dog didn't laugh, "Is it only 9.5? Xiaoming and I should have a higher score together. Does this count as a couple or as one?"

Except for the mutual spraying of the jungle position, other positions are inevitably shy.

This has something to do with personality. Even if the film crew reminds them, people like Xiao Ming and Meiko are not wild enough or open-minded enough. It sounds like they are giving encouragement to their opponents.

of course.

The contestants do have private friendships, and the audience doesn't care so much about the contestants' verbal skills. This is just a bonus item, not a must-have item.

The posters of the two teams hit the screen, causing the barrage to surge.

Everyone knows that there will be a winner tonight.

Because everyone knows what the strength of these two teams represents.

On the contrary, it was the semi-finals in the other half, which was far less discussed than this BO5, and those who were interested directly called out the final rehearsal.

From this point of view, I can't say wrong. When the summer split entered the second half, when it was time to really fight for the bayonet, WE was a bit inferior to RNG or EDG, and the turnover rate was much higher than these two teams. Let alone a SN, if it wasn't for OMG's own problems, then they wouldn't be able to make it this far. Everyone felt that SN had some luck. The two winning teams had internal conflicts and were still in a period of shock.

"... I still say the same thing, if you have to seduce, find them AD. If you have nothing to do and no resources, you can only squat to try and find them AD. In this kind of game, find their least experienced link."

After chatting too much about BP and lineup, Qin Ming directly judged, "Whoever's performance is most likely to be unstable, we should go to him."


Hearing the head coach calling himself, the puppy raised his head.

"You have a heavy task in today's game. In terms of BP, I will lower the AD, focus on the mid-upper, and include the wild area, so your heroes will be limited."

"I'm OK."

Xiaogou said it very simply, even if he hadn't played against Iboy, but only the BO5 in the replay, Xiaogou didn't feel too much pressure to deal with it.He was confident that if it was him, the Western Emperor would be even worse.

"Okay, let's kill their morale in the first round and come up with something new."

Both sides took the stage.

Iboy stood where he should stand, secretly looking at the puppy.

The juniors always have this kind of thinking when dealing with the seniors: He is strong, he stands tall, but his position is not stable, and he is young and quick to respond, so he will definitely be able to pull him down.The world belongs to young people after all!
The puppy didn't notice that anyone was looking at him, or that there were already enough eyes from the audience.

Enter the battle seat.

After the referee explained the scene, he took out the form and checked it.

Zeyuan’s partners Wawa and Miller had just finished reading the oral broadcast. Zeyuan first predicted the direction of today’s lineup, “I still think it’s the same as the last BO5. Athlon Pioneer, the LCK side basically selects BP around these points."

After Scout used Lucian to win IG, Faker also used Lucian to win SSG on the same day. Basically, in the playoffs, everyone stopped hiding. Since Lucian shined at MSI, even if everyone knows that this is someone who is not stable. The tightrope-walking hero, but this casting restrains the mainstream speed control core such as the rock sparrow, and the mid-laner plane with dual AD incense burners is even more unique. If you take it out, you have the right to line. With a jungler who is good at doing things, that kind of deterrence is time. Always be on the opponent's heart.

Someone said it.

Isn't the stone man and Syndra able to fight?
That's right.

The latter is that E has to be released in place, interrupting every forward attack, and then there is a set of fusion stage at 6. The former is resistant to beating, and it is not afraid of consumption after a small anti-armor. The disadvantage is that it is stupid, and the big move is easy to be avoided. Being walked, but for IG, they actually have no conditions to let the broiler play the stone man. If they want to hide Syndra, they will be banned in the second round. This is the reason why their BP suffers.

Of course, even so, 2 clockworks still save the world, but from the analysis of the lineup, IG is very passive, and the things that can be taken are supplements after EDG's thinking. Every time it is finished, if EDG continues to play normally, IG will be small inferior.

Furthermore, Lucian only needs experience and decisiveness in team battle positions, but he has few natural enemies and a high first-out intensity. He just wants to turn his advantage into a victory, and he needs a higher understanding of the hero himself.

"Entering BP, EDG's blue side, RNG took the initiative to ask for the red side, this version generally seems to be more comfortable for the blue side." Waowa said.

Zeyuan affirmed, "Big data is like this. If I remember correctly, the winning ratio of the blue and red teams seems to be 5.7 to 4.3.

Because how to put it, the value of the red side is the value of helping the top lane to get heroes, but in this version, except for the LCK side, Jess is also used, and other divisions are not played. "

Zeyuan began to recall, "I remember that the top laner of the aircraft team was solo killed by Khan with the big bug. It seems that the 2-0 Jess was single-killed by the big bug who ordered the level 2 ult. It is not so stable to take the head , It still depends on the player ID. If you kill Jayce in various ways like Khan, he can also kill Jayce with big bugs. Besides Jayce, which is convenient for speeding up, is there any special OP hero for the top road in this version? No.

Like Gnar, Kenan, and Prince, the confrontational relationship inside is not so severe. EDG is not just like four big trees coming here. As long as the flesh lives and someone behind provides a shield, it can force a team battle. I still think that the incense burner more important. "

The big bug hits Jess, and Jess beats the big bug. It's an old classic.

With gargoyles around, it's hard to calculate the damage. In front of the big bug, it's not so easy to predict the health status.


Accompanied by a sound effect.

EDG killed the plane first-hand, and Hu Jiuwan's reputation deserves respect.

"RNG backhandedly banned the spider? I remember just now Xiangguo said that his pig was a spider, why did he ban himself?" Zeyuan laughed, feeling quite contrasted.

Miller analyzed seriously, "However, the factory manager hasn't played with spiders much recently, I think he still prefers wine barrels, pig girls, and excavators."

After Zac's Q distance is cut, the BP priority is weaker than that of pig girl and wine barrel.

EDG's second ban, Zhumei, forced Xiangguo to make a choice between the wine barrel and the prince.

In the first one, Nofe wanted to try out the front row that didn’t work well for starting a team. Will Xiangguo continue to use blind monk to fight against him like last time, and the hero of blind monk has more pressure to start the rhythm than the barrel .

When Nofe updated the information to support the judgment, RNG blocked Calista and knocked down the big tree with the third hand.

So far, EDG's first three-handed aircraft, pig girl, and rock sparrow have released Xialuo, Galio/Prince Clockwork, and Dazui/Verus Lulu.

The most important thing to consider in this version is fighting tanks. Dazui, VN, and Verus are all higher status than in the past, especially when playing Galio, it will either snowball in the early and mid-term, or it will really hurt if you can play special effects in the later stage, otherwise the first Bo enters the field and has to pull well to catch the group.

"Take the wine barrel and grab Galio and Luo from the opposite side. We have the cow and the clockwork, and it's okay to take Lulu. We have Fengnv to fight. First determine the upper field."

"The wine barrel can be shaken." Zeyuan agreed, "Anyway, there is no rush to lock down the road, and the two sides basically don't target AD very much. There is a lot of room for choice."

Qin Ming backhanded away Galio and Big Chongzi, just as he had analyzed with his team members before, just to test how Aguang would be after he lost the big tree and Big Chongzi.

"RNG is very targeted at Mouse, so let's see if EDG should simply use the barrels on the road."

"Take Xialuo? It's okay, there are very few ADs who don't rely on flash to avoid entering the field." Zeyuan was slapped in the face as soon as he finished reading, "This? RNG third floor supplement ez? Locked?"

This option was unexpected.

Can ez play?
can.It's just that the speed of tanking is a little bit slower, especially when the censer is equipped with a shield, it is not uncommon for Q to suppress one-third of the health after a long time.

A very risky option.

Wa Wa guessed: "Counterpoint Luo, ez can use E to avoid its attack, could it be because of this consideration?"

"It's a bit unreasonable to only look at the laning." Zeyuan disagreed with this statement, "Choosing the incense burner means that the confrontation is not very high. It’s better than ez, I think Xiaopao is outside, RNG is more guaranteed in this late game.”

Nofe didn't understand either. In the second round of bans, he continued to target Nosuke, and knocked out the blind monk and Karma. Anyway, the jungler would not be played in the first round, and the second round must be targeted. In his opinion, as long as the factory manager does not fight against RNG Uncomfortable, then the rhythm is not a big problem. This season, the factory manager is extremely adaptable. It can be called another peak state after S5. He must prevent the opponent from riding on the face——

Although it is not afraid to say it in trash talk, in fact, as long as the family knows how to do it, it is enough.

"RNG is aiming at the mid laner, remove Ryze and Lucian, let's see what the fourth floor wants to get? Verus, let's play it brightly. Sure enough, RNG chose Lao Niu."

5 seconds after showing Verus, Niu Niu came out, and Nofe looked very relaxed, "Get out the excavator, the bottom lane has the right to line, you swipe from top to bottom, and dig through the bottom lane!"

Lao Niu's first-level weak batch explosion, plus an ez that eats Q hit rate, the establishment of a strong position in the lower half is not enough, and as long as the rhythm point of ez magic cut is strangled, Galio must lack damage. It's time for team battles to come slowly.

The excavator and the snake girl were locked, and the wine barrel was given to Ah Guang, who was the younger brother in the team. He was also used to this, and he tapped the courage of the colossus, and quietly listened to the factory director's arrangement of the route.

"Light up Verus again." Seeing RNG's small movements, Zeyuan couldn't help but said, "It's not a hint to take this, it's a bit messy."

Before he finished speaking, Miller said in surprise: "Locked???"

"Ah?" Zeyuan's shock was conveyed to the audience through the live broadcast room with [-] million popularity.

The barrage was full of question marks, but the subsequent split became ez, and the puppy used Verus.

ez jungle starts.

This is the blue ez manual that Qin Ming obtained after experimenting and grinding in Able's double-cultivation ez because of the lack of finances, sucking blood from the team, and thinking that it would be difficult to transition in the mid-term.

The advantage of Archangel ez is that there is no shortage of mana and fault tolerance. It is more demanding to be placed in the AD position. It is a bit difficult to support the team that can play in the mid-term. But on the other hand, if you change your thinking, after knowing the meat tank version, AP When the damage is not easy to repair, the ez double repair is really valuable. Even if the opponent replenishes the magic resistance more, it has its meaning. Not to mention, ez is really strong in pursuit in the wild terrain.

This change is bold, but it was born in a reasonable version ecology. If playing AD is compared with the opposite bottom lane, then playing jungle only needs to be compared with popular heroes such as stupid pig girls. If you change the conditions, the perspective will naturally be different .

Everyone in RNG is gearing up, and everyone in EDG is staring at the screen, not knowing what to do, because this strategy has never even seen rankings. After playing wild for several years, the mouse jungler is still experienced. What kind of thinking and planning is your ez jungler? I really don't know.

With a daze.

Enter the canyon on both sides.

The factory manager was forced to change his mind, "It's not easy to go down the road, I'll control the river crab."

After 2, Verus and Lao Niu started to gain momentum, and facing the line bully, Xia was able to exchange blood at the first level.

"How does ez play in the wild? Its efficiency in clearing the wild is relatively average."

The first game of BO5, both sides are very rigorous, Xiaohu gives the eye in F6, the duo lane gives the eye in the blue zone, Letme stands guard in the triangle grass, and goes to the lane when the line of soldiers comes, which makes EDG a natural judgment ez Blue is open, but in fact, Xiangguo is one person who hits red at the first level.

Under the watchful eyes of countless spectators, ez knocked down the blood bottle and paid the penalty, quickly went to the wall of the Dalong Pit, leaped down, and then entered the grass on the side wall of the middle tower from the pass, and inserted it in the blue buff camp Ornament eyes.

"Wow, this is not going to be killed."

4 seconds after entering the grass, the excavator wandered over and started A blue in front of ez, Zeyuan's thinking was a little opened, "ez has red, can kite, and the general hero's level 2 swap wild area is not necessarily With such a method of continuous output, who would have thought that the mining opportunity that is almost full will be missed, and if you change to another blind monk to invade, you will not be afraid, it is nothing more than fighting and punishing each other, fearing each other."

The thinking of the jungler ez is simple and rude, that is, brainless exchange. This is in the fog, and the active side will always have room to maneuver.

What's more, Xiangguo doesn't need to wait for the blood line. When I saw the excavator QA three times, it came out and stuck to the side. AQ slowed down. Just like I said that day, Q is not so good. All right.

The second law of ez jungler was born, no-brain level [-] is popular, even if the opponent detects it, it can't be said that it is a loss to exchange wild areas.

"In the field attack at 2 minutes and 07 seconds, the factory manager never thought that someone would touch his face. The attack speed stacked up and continued to slow down. The excavator ran up the road, but the question is can it escape?"

Once, twice, when the excavator came to the side of the wall, the blood volume has been reduced by more than half, and then a QA, the incense pot refreshes E, and the AEA takes away the excavator.

There were cheers at the scene.

The battle broke out much faster than everyone thought before the game.

The factory manager didn't panic, knowing that he didn't learn E, so he just saved a flash. After Xiangguo harvested his first blood, Xiaohu, who was pressed by the snake girl in front of the tower, yelled Nice.

Kill people, eat blueberries, eat toads, and then control the river crabs, and remind the excavators to go down the river.

According to the optimization process during the training game, eat half of the area and go back to your own blue, and then go back to upgrade the blue jungle knife, make up for the goddess' tears and straw sandals, and save some wild to eat.

Different from Kandi's jungler ez build idea, the rune energy echo is paired with an archangel, instead of the traditional three phases without upgrading the jungler knife to do a rundown.

Qin Ming experimented a lot, and found that if the ez wants to speed up, there is no shortage of output. On the contrary, it is too risky to use the three phases, but the Ice Fist Talisman can carry the angel shield. Poke in front of the team forces the opponent to replenish magic resistance, which can affect the opponent's equipment production environment. This is also the essence of the double repair of the S8 Stealing Rune. With the same economy, it is impossible to single-up tank equipment in either direction. Any skill you get is 2. kind of harm.

To put it bluntly, Kandi's build style can't break the rhythm, once he breaks, he will be instant. No matter how many kills he is, he is just a crispy AD. The possibility of being dug up by an excavator is very high. , it is also fault-tolerant, as long as the transition takes a few minutes, the survival rate can be improved immediately and more Pokes can be played.

One of the main reasons for choosing Galio in the mid lane is that the intensity of the team start is high, and the second is to borrow ez to increase the speed. In the middle of the transition, add a layer of insurance.

The factory manager ate the crab, and Verus got into a difficult situation when he stood a little conservatively.

The bottom lane is controlled, the middle lane is under pressure, and there are no wild monsters in the wild.

"The excavator passed by the middle road, there is no chance, if you go up, the big bug is in this state, do you want to catch it? No."

And in the next road.

Iboy was also tormented by stealing points. As soon as he leveled up, he couldn’t change at all. He found that every time he wanted to lose Q, the puppy could move to avoid the feathers of the second stage of Q and then backhanded with E. In this way, he changed. Can't afford it.

"The bottom lane was suppressed by 6 knives. Xia has no blue, so I have to go home first."

4 and a half minutes back to the first wave, and when it was back online, Puppy immediately handed in the EQ speed push, let Xiaoming go to the wild area, and at the same time Xiangguo entered F6 openly.


The factory manager is miserable.

Even if Meiko is only a few seconds late, but if there is a three-on-three confrontation, the bottom lane will be white-spotted.

"Snake girl is in the hinterland, Luo W forced position E to return to the excavator, and covered the factory manager to punish the big bird, but in this case, Luo suffered a few injuries, and his blood volume was only a little more than half."

Xiangguo Q dies a small one, and immediately runs down with the old cow. The excavator has to deal with the remaining mobs, and the alignment is restored in the middle. What about the stone beetle after 20 seconds?
can only let.

And just when the excavator went to exchange, the big bug returned to the first wave home, and the comfortable little ice armor and straw sandals returned to the line.

RNG entered the game so quickly that EDG, who wanted to play the operation position in the first game, was unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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