Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 468 Pissed off!

Chapter 468 Pissed off!
News of the coach's change of home came out.

DAN is still in chaos, IG is ecstatic, soft fans cannot accept it.

But no matter how the outside public opinion surges.

But Bai Crescent consciously was hit on the head by a lucky gift package.

Because DAN was being acquired, the team was very chaotic, and he wanted to leave. Just when RNG invited him, he came to the interview with the idea of ​​giving it a try. Unexpectedly, as soon as the news that Qin Jiao went to IG was confirmed, he immediately I was notified that the position of head coach of RNG was his.

Xiaobai was very excited.

Looking at the doubts and private messages from the outside world, he didn't take it to heart.

He is very willing to lead an all-China class. As early as 16, when he went to DAN, he also felt that he had some qualifications to form Quanhua.

As the saying goes, Lang has affection and concubines.

Considering Qin Ming's last words, Bai Xing chose White Crescent from the list of candidates.

nothing else.

Only he looks a little more reliable and is made in China.

same day.

Qin Ming met Su Xiaoluo.

As he thought, Su Xiaoluo took him around and introduced the division of the club.

"Next door is the Dota branch."

"Here, it's your office, just around the corner is where a team trains."

"By the way, if you want to change these desks and office chairs, you can tell me now. In addition, if the interior decoration needs to be customized according to your personal needs, you can also talk about it. Mr. Wang said, I will serve you."

"The service is too heavy. We are colleagues, and no one serves the other."

Qin Ming counterattacked lightly, and said directly: "Well, that's it. Later, I will help G to guide the entry. The position is assistant coach and player management. Also, after Chris leaves, the remaining team rosters of the IG coaching team will be given to you. let me see."

Su Xiaoluo felt that the visitor was not kind.

For the bishop, it is very common to bring someone into office. White Crescent also took his old brother Bai Yueguang to the post of RNG. Without a right-hand man, how can he be freed from chores?

But today, Su Xiaoluo's first impression of Qin Ming was aggressive.

Who doesn't know that when Chris left, he would definitely take his confidant away. To keep IG stable, there must be someone supporting the logistics management. As a result, on the first day of taking office, he didn't say a word of politeness, and directly delineated the territory and moved towards him. Reaching out with the power of personnel, this...

Su Xiaoluo resolutely endured it.

At this stage, once a conflict arises, don't think too much about who is scolded for being ignorant.


Su Xiaoluo sent the roster.

For Qin Ming, his former coach Chris was just an old man who had enjoyed the benefits of being closed in the e-sports circle. He had no special skills. Apart from being experienced and able to adapt to team management, Qin Ming did not comment on him in other aspects.

But looking at this list, analyst Dodaysareover, team leader Aning, assistant coach Wu Shuo, and Qin Ming want to have an investigation on their deputy.

this day.

DD (I don't know his real name, let's just abbreviate it like this) knocked on the door of the office and met Qin Ming, the coach of the second championship.

DD's first impression of him was good.

It looks very gentle.

"It's DD, how is your relationship with your colleagues?"

Come here, are you asking me if I am popular?

DD is very proud of this, "We get along very well."

"But I heard that you often go to xxx (a certain bar) for a drink?"

Young and conservative?

DD restrained his smile, and said cautiously: "I just go for a drink at night, not often."

"Will you take the players there?"

"Well, Rookie and the others are richer than me, and they like to treat guests."

We can't hide this matter at all, and DD doesn't want to hide it either.

As he said, the salary he got compared to the salaries of the players is a fart. He has no right to be extravagant.


Qin Ming suddenly fell silent, and after a while, he took the printed version update content and handed it to him. Under DD's confused eyes, Qin Ming asked, "What do you think after reading it?"

"How do you feel?"

Qin Ming looked at him strangely, "The impact of the preseason changes on the game ecology. Don't tell me, you never pay attention to version updates, and don't take the initiative to analyze possible changes?"

DD is dumbfounded, don’t think that my position is an analyst, I really know how to analyze, I’m only gold in my TM rank, and I don’t usually play games, if you ask me which bar has a good atmosphere, I can give advice.

Under Qin Ming's gaze, his lips moved several times, but he didn't say anything useful after all.

"Green row eye knife is gone, eye stone is gone, wild monster compensation experience is gone, river crab has adjusted the refresh time, talent runes have been recast... don't you have anything to talk about with such a big fist move?"

"Well, I think this is a weakening of the LCK."


"Doesn't SSG like to make eyes? Now that there are no eye stones, there are restrictions on real eyes." DD bit the bullet and said.

"Do you think RNG doesn't do wards? I'm asking about the main difference, what will these changes add?"

"It will increase... it will increase..."

Seeing him stuttering to the point of sweating, it reminded Qin Ming of falling asleep at school and being called by the teacher suddenly. This is such a state.

Qin Ming gave up, "It will increase the risk of uncertainty, it will increase the collision—forget it, you can tell Manager Su Xiaoluo that you have been fired together with your two good colleagues. In addition, help me bring In a word, Manager Su, please don't meddle in the coaching personnel, doesn't he like to scout for passers-by, go scouting more, he is busy with high scores in the canyon."


DD really wanted to explain that he was useful, but after thinking about it for a long time, he really didn't know what else he could do besides eating, playing and chatting, being a little brother.

When he froze, Qin Ming waved: "Okay, I'm going to work. Please go out."

DD left the office disheartened, and hurriedly went to Manager Su to find a solution. He must stop this irregular personnel struggle!

You can't fire me just because I'm not yours!

But don't want to.

Before Qin Ming came to IG, he talked with the staff in the circle, and they agreed that the management of IG was very loose, and Wang Sicong only distributed coins.

But he really didn't expect to be so loose, it really broke the lower limit of his imagination.

A coaching team, the whole TM cooking, this is Su Xiaoluo's management art?

After a few minutes.

DD knocked on Su Xiaoluo's office, with a crying face.

"What did he do to you? Did he scold you? If you scold him, you will accept it. I can't persuade you."

Su Xiaoluo felt that she could not close the relationship with Qin Ming, so she simply spoke up.

When Wang Sicong solemnly reminded him not to disturb the coach's work, Su Xiaoluo knew that the interview before Qin Ming's visit was absolutely suffocating!
"No, he didn't scold, but maybe, I have a little misunderstanding with him."

DD's words are very clever. As a worker, without this ability, he can't coax those immature players who are quick to make money.

after all.

Sprinkling money to make people happy is also a skill, and you can't panic after spending it.

"I can't do it either."

Su Xiaoluo looked at this close friend who flattered him very comfortably, shook his head and said: "You bear with it, seeing him as a monster, we are not counting, but liquidating together."

"No, he just met me, asked a few inexplicable questions, and then he was going to fire me, saying that his team couldn't tolerate me."

DD anxiously said: "Listen, is he slapping me in the face? It's obviously slapping your ass, just because he brought someone into office. It's only been a few days, and he can't wait to clean up the team and get rid of you." Mark of."

DD suddenly misses Chris. Although Chris BP is stupid, poorly adjusted, and only yells big things in the replay, this person knows how to live in peace, unlike Coach Qin, who has the right to execute orders with one move. I don't care about the feelings of my colleagues!

When the time comes, the grades will be poor, so why not bully everyone together, ah no, give Mr. Wang a very reasonable explanation.

The local coach is too ignorant of the rules!

When Su Xiaoluo heard this, she was really upset.

DD took the opportunity to add fuel to the flames, insisting on giving the champion coach a taste of workplace strife and teaching him that not all orders can be executed.

"It's not just me, Aning and Shuoshuo will also be fired. He just clears them all, makes room for him, and then speaks ill of you in front of the boss."

Good guy.

Su Xiaoluo originally thought that it would be too much to bypass him as a manager and not pay for the interview treatment.

Being reminded by the boss, he was doubly angry, but for the sake of grades and for the family, he endured it.

For Wang TieCong's longing for the crown, he decided to put aside his personal grievances, but Qin Ming was really unreasonable, so impatient, Su Xiaoluo felt that he couldn't bear it.

What live in harmony?

Facing me, IG big steward, don't give any respect!

Su Xiaoluo patted DD's shoulder, because he couldn't reach it, DD had to squat down a little bit, "I see, you go to communicate with Aning and Shuoshuo. In the evening, President Wang will come to inspect, and then I will be like this... "

The private talk is over.

DD remembered one thing, "By the way, he asked me to bring you a sentence."


"He said you should draw cards, just go find passers-by, and don't interfere with the others."

In an instant.

Su Xiaoluo's furious fire broke through the sky spirit cover.

Provocation again and again, again and again, three and four, really not human!

 In the broken hand incident, Su Xiaoluo insisted on wrestling his arms after drinking too much, not smashing the trash can, that Ah Ning was fired only after making a video.As for analysts, IG fans know it well. They used to lead the rhythm in the fan group, admiring Ning Lan and hating Ah Shui.Anyway, it's all about making food, picking out fire...

(End of this chapter)

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