Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 469 Impression and Data Presentation

Chapter 469 Impression and Data Presentation

Later, Qin Ming met Wang Saicong with his team idea.

Just like what he said in Wangjiang Pavilion, he is indeed no stranger to this IG.

Whether it's reviewing the games they played against, or helping IG simulate BP and offensive content during the training camp, from these aspects, it is not difficult for him to understand the style characteristics of IG members.

For IG in 17, they have gone through transformation in the wild, experienced the broken wings of the Western Emperor, and experienced hard battles in the playoffs. In just one year, IG has not been particularly stable from top to bottom, except for the central assistant. A fixed appearance.

It can even be said that it was not until the last 2 weeks of the summer split that they began to sprint that they established a style of play centered on the middle field and radiating to the bottom lane.

At that time, Ning's traits had already taken shape in later generations. For example, the opponent's open field thinking was too fancy, and the team's offensive rhythm was accidentally interrupted, so he would become very confused and subconsciously wait for his big brother to stand up.

But the better point is that his confusion is not because he closes his eyes and opens up the wild area to improve his development, but stays on both sides of the middle lane and learns Kid's Dafa of protecting his father.

This is not unexpected.

After all, he was still an AD in the Spring Split, and if it wasn't for his lack of talent in the AD position, he wouldn't have transitioned into a jungler.

People move to live, trees move to die.

He is a typical example of a move in the league.

The position of the jungler does not need to have a high level of sensitivity to distance. If this shortcoming is removed, Ning's play in the playoffs is still qualified. The winning game has something to do with him, and the loss is not the one who is most blamed. .

If you count the time, then he can be considered excellent.

It only took half a year to enter the role, and there was some discord, which is very normal.

Talk about playing wild.

In the 17 playoffs, IG relied entirely on personal offense to create opportunities.

For a long time, this team is not very good at using top strength. As the headmaster, Rookie has a lot of strength, but he doesn’t know how to use it. He seeks breakthroughs during the laning phase. the difference.

So ever.

As long as the laning is not blown, there are too many teams with a tacit understanding better than IG.

Because IG's entry coordination is very scattered, this is also the reason why Rookie alone accounts for 8% of the team's highlights. Because of the chaos, it becomes more prominent that there is one person on the show, otherwise such a team will not be able to enter the playoffs. If it can, then it must be It was because of team battles that there were many operations to turn the tide.

For example, when playing EDG, the clockwork pulls double C, Syndra pushes 3... Such a shot seems to show that Rookie is very strong, but it also shows the helplessness of IG.

Who wants to have only one endpoint if the need arises?

After all, there is always a moment of slack when the burden is too much. It is not that Rookie is infallible, he will be anxious, and he will also be bullied.

Even so.

IG's midfield system is still very rough.

There is a lot of unity, but there is little linkage, and there is no mechanism for forming positive feedback.

In addition, not to mention IG's poor vision and lane change, if you buy Duke, you can't perform well, and if you don't give tactical support, then why buy it.

of course.

It's not that IG has tried to let Duke play. They have tried to select a lineup with fast line clearing and excellent flanks.

Because it’s not just being driven by the opponent, there are too many other people who take risks and look for opportunities, and there are too many people who get lost. They can’t figure out the node where they should clear the line on the top road, what to do, and what to do less.Maybe there was this concept before the game, but it always backfired when playing.


IG has no sidebands, just reset the sidelines, and then unite. This is also the favorite way of passers-by. Let’s not care about the sideways. As long as the pawn line does not threaten the defense tower, come over and unite. If you don’t arrive, I will be killed If it is open or I have not played it, then there must be a problem with the top laner. If you don’t come, you have the enthusiasm to win the game?
As for the position, that is also confused.

The formation of IG is that whoever is faster will be the vanguard of the first wave to attract attention. .

He was always the one who was a little dull.

and so.

Seems like a lot of bugs?

But as long as the advantages keep pace, unity is a very effective pressure, and if you take risks to find opportunities, you can tear the line of defense if you find them.

In other words, IG relies on personal strength to fight independently, and it is an existence that can be used as a guarantee system.

No matter who you hit, as long as it feels hot, you can hit it.

Although it is simple, it is also rough. Just hand the ball to Rookie and let him take over. It may not be possible to c every time, but his c rounds account for most of the rounds. With this ability to stabilize c, it is difficult not to hit something. .

It just means that teams with high tactical literacy are more adaptable and can use more and less labor-saving methods to achieve their goals.

It's like breaking a problem. There are more than a dozen solutions, more than a dozen!As for you, not to mention the solution, it depends on how much advantage you have in the middle, so that you can flexibly adjust the threat level.

As for the command...

On the list, Baolan's name was marked.

Many people like to deduce the cause from the fruit, because the champion, so xxx, then there is no room for discussion.

There are many factors for a championship, such as status, version, timing, place and people.

If you fall into stereotypes, it is not too deep.

In some people's eyes, S8 Sapphire Blue is the absolute support of Shiyi, but in some people's eyes, it is so rubbish that it can't be played in LPL at all, and it is purely a team bonus.

What makes the audience's evaluation so polarized?
Even, this is not what black fans say to fans, but most people really have such doubts.

Furthermore, the meaning of adding a qualifier is because the state of Baolan S9 has declined, so let’s not talk about him, but starting from performance and daily life, after the baptism of the World Championship, Baolan has obviously improved in terms of experience.

So is it possible that when a team is not playing well, it will fluctuate a lot?
In these ups and downs, because of winning the championship, some people's impressions will be refreshed, subconsciously forget about S8, and IG's bot lane is actually a short board.

Since it is a short board, there must be a reason. Is it because the tactics are not supported and was sacrificed, or is the memory really covered up by winning the championship? How little does it appear to be?
To find out.

Qin Ming introduced other data into the traditional hexagonal index.

For example, the auxiliary’s effective field of view rate and effective first move rate; such as the round kill, multi-kill, matchup economy, damage conversion and free reward of the c-position, the map control of the jungler, fight punishment, round rhythm, and the economy and economics of the AD position. Damage representation rotation threshold.

It's not a big project.

A lot of game data is recorded, but few people are willing to summarize it into a framework. Of course, in the future alliance, many teams value data.

From the point of view of impressionism, Baolan, in view of the first and fourth lines, Schrödinger's swing, makes people think that he is split, but judging from the portrait——

Note that a premise must be introduced here, that is, the advantageous game and the balance/disadvantage game are completely two concepts.

After delineating the scope and various conditions, it is very simple to apply them inside.

In 17, Baolan's initiative rate was only 6.5, and his effective team start rate was around 5%. It is worth noting that his performance in the balance/disadvantage game was not that bad. The team start indicator dropped a little, but this is a normal fluctuation and should not Some people will regard the situation of mutual fear as a task that must be completed.

In terms of horizontal comparison, Xiao Ming's initiative is [-]%, and the effective group start is [-]%, which means that most of the time he can hold the power to start the team battle and drive to the target unit.

Note that there are many factors to play in a team, and this is limited to what the support should do, which is to start a team battle or protect the platoon. If it is further subdivided, here we only discuss the first move, not the winning or losing, because the winning or losing of the team battle is not completely controlled by the support thing.

In other words, what do you use to distinguish the first-line standard?
Or data performance.

Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, most of the supports who can stand in the LPL still have first-hand command and decision-making. Even if you put aside this experience in judgment, the first-hand indicators of LPL supports are generally around 6%, and the good point is 8%, which is excellent. Ninety percent of the elements can be touched.

From this point of view, Baolan is impartial and just passes.

If this indicator is used to set up an advantageous game, because of the advantage, the active side has more power to go first and more power to tolerate mistakes. Even if it is not played well, under normal circumstances, it will not lose the pants.

In addition, in order to distinguish the forced position is also a kind of group start, take a certain classic atmospheric game as an example (IG played against GRF in the second round)——

The river titan's big move forced Xia's big move, and all the opponents turned to the red zone. As a result, they were shown a perfect team by Angel and Kashajia.

Some people say that Baolan is very important. If he is not as big as him, the opponent will go like that. But think about it the other way around, why doesn't he dare to Q, Q forces R, and then locks it with a big move, wouldn't it be better.

It was hunting at first, the team members were already in position, and the dragon had the advantage, the voice was full of Kai Kai Kai, and then it became skills forcing the position, and Baolan was on the tenth floor.

But if you watch Titan's continuous empty Q operation, you may understand why the game ended like this. It's not that only Titan's ultimate move can force the skill, but the Q empty hook wall is hit back, afraid of being dragged. Q will not be empty then.

There are actually quite a few such lenses in the S8.

At that time, many people complained that the bottom lane was not good enough, "bot lane state", and it seemed a bit bad to say this only after winning the championship, so everyone stopped standing up, and waited until S9 lost, and then came a wave of liquidation.

and so.

There must be a decline in S9's state, but in S9 Ah Shui became stronger, but no one mentioned it. A stronger Ah Shui brought Baolan and changed from a first-line support to a second- and third-line support after the World Championship. The gap in this is unheard of.

As for the poor vision, that is the whole team's problem, but the poor vision in the bottom lane must be inseparable from the support.

In summary.

If Baolan is the first line, then he is an overrated player.

Just a few points can prove that Baolan has never played an important role in the team before the right time, place and people.

Second, it is said that the Western Emperor ruined the playoffs. That is because everyone subconsciously focused their attention on the C position. People who play mediocre stealth will not even have such fierce scolding, because they have never been heroes and have been forgotten. .In fact, for a professional player, the most painful thing is to be forgotten, unknown, on and off, no one cares.

You know, even Dinghuang can control the thunder and lightning in the secondary league. Just looking at these games, he is simply a genius AD. On the other hand, Ah Shui is not old enough. Zoom is on the same team, and they all become the ones who are on the bench.

After coming out of the Internet cafe team, zoom moved up in the middle of the secondary league, limited by the style of eating and development, and looking more at the team as a whole.The secondary leagues don't give that kind of integrity.

But what about support, what is the way to support c games?
Of course, the assistant is definitely the one who needs the strength of the team the most. It's just that he doesn't ask for help in the snow, just looking at the icing on the cake, he still doesn't do enough.

For many teams that are just on the fringe of the playoffs, their main support performance is also remarkable, but when it comes to the World Championship, just being remarkable will become a breakthrough for others.

Purely from the six-pointed star, the portrait of Baolan is too curled up in the middle circle, and he is careful not to extend it. This is very similar to him.

Generally speaking, it’s no problem to adapt to LPL, but if you go up, it’s a bit out of reach, and it’s easy to affect the operation because of your mentality, and the more mistakes you make, the more mistakes you make.

"So, your plan is to sell Duke, Kid, and West, and start trial training for support?"

Wang Sicong admits that he doesn't know enough about the champion coach.

He didn't think it was necessary to save money for him, but when he thought about it during the RNG period, he only bought a new player to place the order, and the result was not bad.

However, as the representative of Scattering Coins, Wang Sicong still asked a very layman's question, "Is Duke just making a move like this? He rotates with TheShy, can he play a role in RNG-he is the runner-up top laner."

"I can't find his position. And to be honest, if you want to shoot, you have to lower the price. His style is very tactical, and his adaptability is not worth the price."

Wang Sicong said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if it's expensive, you can afford it—it's not just him who loses the game, he's quite strong and more reliable than most of the top laners."

Wang Sicong still watched the games played by his own team. Although he was gradually replaced by TheShy in terms of playing, Duke could also stabilize the morale of the army at certain times.

This is his impression of the runner-up top laner.

But for Qin Ming, he didn't want to think about the bad things that happened in another time and space.

Just look at the joke about subduing TheShy in the so-called rotation. Whoever thinks this is a very good and logical operation must not have seen how unfamiliar Duke is with his teammates after he came on the court.

A substitute who seldom touches even in training games, is replaced in a crucial game, just to emphasize the importance of orders, who on earth doesn't respect victory?
Coach Jin has a hundred ways to resolve conflicts, but he didn't want to lose face, so he chose the stupidest one, and lost another one when Jian Ji missed a knife, which hurt morale a bit. It is the art of the coach's on-the-spot adjustment to be praised by the editor as calm down before he can play the fifth round.


The editor is the camera in the lounge?
I don't know if I can play better if I calm down, but I can see that I almost closed my mind.

So how do you ask Qin Ming to evaluate the performance of this colleague?
Change to the white crescent, the white crescent knows that it will be open in the field, and the fourth one will be used next.

If it was Hart, Hart would persuade and continue to encourage.

For the steak, at most the steak will let the teammates choose a meat, lock the road in advance, and don't give him ideas, but these people will not bring up a substitute who can't integrate into the team, just to ensure the authority of the coach.

Take a ten thousand step back, even if you have such a need for a substitute, have you talked about this possibility during the training camp?
Have you talked about your respective tactical arrangements?
Presumably not.

Moreover, Qin Ming was not at all optimistic about the prospect of Duke playing in his hands. This had nothing to do with his witnessing the decline of Duke's strength.

To put it simply, Duke needs tactical support, and TheShy also needs it, but the former can no longer rely on its own laning to squeeze out an advantage in front of strong teams, while the latter can.

The same 100 yuan economy gives TheShy he can take advantage of his opponents. As for Duke, Duke needs to use experience and awareness to play split-line games. This is Duke's comfort zone.

For the top laner, for the offensive top laner who wants to control the game, the strategic position will change a lot if the lane drops a little.

one more.

The positions of the two overlap too much. Who would want a shrunken version of the top laner? What's the point of such a rotation?
Same-sex repulsion?
torture each other?

Letme has a better understanding with the other four players. Let him play conservatively in the lane, attack first in team battles, and cooperate with the second screen. How about Duke? Duke does not necessarily have such a tacit understanding, and he is not the first two start team in SKT.

and so.

Doesn't Coach Kim understand this?

Of course he understands.

Otherwise, Duke would not have played in the training match, but he still insisted on that day, which was a violent conflict of ideas.

TheShy pursues happiness and reaps satisfaction in the process of winning, while Jinzhuzhu puts the collective above everything else.

This group is not the militarized execution mode of IM, which cuts off the edges and corners, but in his team, as long as he has the voice of the head coach, there is not much discussion. Allow too much free play.

"No." Qin Ming shook his head.

"Is that so?"

Wang Sicong waved his hand and said: "Then let them stay until the end of the contract, so that we can get together and leave. We are not short of that little money."

Qin Ming followed the topic and said, "Then West should go to the second team, he can still play."

"Well, you arrange it. You keep Manager Su busy with the trial training assistance. This kind of notification is suitable for him."

In Wang Sicong's eyes, Su Xiaoluo is the one who does such chores.

was talking.

There was a knock on the door.

As soon as Su Xiaoluo came in, he saw his boss chatting happily with the coach of the team.

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm here to handle the roster, it's Aning and the others."

Qin Ming casually mentioned, "If they stay in the team, it will have a bad influence."

"Oh. Then resign them as soon as possible and pay them a month's salary. By the way, you can inform them about the trial training and make an appointment for those assistants to come and try."

 I really like a sentence that was concluded 19 years later: In places where monsters gather together, talents are limited and cannot be upwardly compatible, but they are hard-working and obedient players.In addition, Baolan is really slow to practice heroes, and he must be familiar with his hands, otherwise he can play last month, and he will not be able to play next month without high-intensity practice.

(End of this chapter)

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