Chapter 470
After half an hour.

Wang Sicong left the club and got into his luxury car.

The next day.

Those who should leave leave, and those who should come back come back.

In the afternoon, the players returned to the team one after another. Qin Ming was also in the training room, meeting the players officially for the first time.

Rookie smiled. When he knew that the new season brought a champion coach, he was expecting something to change;
TheShy didn't look up, just stood aside and played with his fingers silently.He doesn't know what changes have taken place in the team;

Duke's eyes were complicated. When he saw Qin Ming, he thought of the S6 finals. Perhaps there is a good saying: All encounters in this world are reunions after a long absence.

Ning and Baolan's eyes were hot. Baolan had heard Zoom's appreciation of Qin Jiao in the private chat;

Ah Shui showed an interested expression. He is about to log into the LPL, and he is excited and unfamiliar with this stage.

It was such a group of people, including Kid and the battered Xihuang, all looking at him.

Facing them, Qin Ming said, "I will be the coach for the next season. I have watched your games..."

Everyone looked up one after another, wanting to hear the evaluation of the champion bishop.

"To be honest, it's terrible. You maintained this configuration last season and stopped in the third round of the playoffs. It's not that there is something wrong, but that others are more organized than you."

A series of data came out of Qin Ming's mouth.

It's hard to imagine that a team with TheShy, Ning, Rookie, Xihuang, and Baolan in 17 will be humiliated when they face EDG for the second time in the knockout round.

"Do you understand yourself? Do you understand the gap with EDG?"

Drums don't need heavy hammers.

When it comes to EDG, no one can be happy when they think of being fucked 2:6 2 months ago. Those memories seem to be yesterday.

"In the laning, the upper and middle lanes both obtained the lane right in the early stage, and then, what did you do after the lane right?
The jungler is raising his level, the top lane is obsessed with oppression, and the bottom lane has no thought of moving. Aren't you just handing over the rhythm to EDG?They took a lineup that played better in the mid-to-late game, but you don't intend to disrupt their rhythm of dragging back. "

"They don't give it a chance."

Ning couldn't help it anymore. As Dongbeiyin, he always spoke out and didn't care if he offended people.

"Then do you want to say that suppression is useless?" Qin Ming asked back.

"I didn't say that suppression is useless, I said that EDG is very stable, and we are losing money in the bottom lane."

"Very good, did you wait for that opportunity? Who is holding the mouse and don't know how to move it?"

Qin Ming exported the video and cast it on the electronic screen. It was IG playing EDG. The most regrettable fourth round, TheShy's top laner hit A Guang Dashu, and the clockwork crossed the line in the middle to exchange blood. After 8 minutes, there was no explosion. .

"With such a lineup, you will play better in terms of impacting the opponent's state."

"On the pawn line, in addition to the resistance in the middle and the resistance in the bottom lane, EDG has to take care of more things on the entire defense line."

"Tell me, are you more effective offensively?"

Qin Ming easily grasped the main tone of the communication and spoke with facts.

"However, the responsibility for this result lies with the coaching staff, and I don't blame you." Qin Ming changed the subject, "It is a common problem of many teams not to know how to use their advantages to expand."

"Look, what have you learned after watching EDG win 3:2 in the first round?"

Qin Ming saw Nofe's calculations from the perspective of the coach, "He just felt that the pressure you gave was not enough, so he dared to boldly choose the lineup with six qualitative changes, and then control the next rhythm.

This is a conspiracy, and you really have no way to break through. This advantage in playing lanes is not enough at all. It only needs a wave of counterattacks, and EDG can get back everything that should be obtained, and it will make it difficult for you to come back. "

Ning was confused, "This is from God's perspective."

"Okay, then let me simulate the content of your upcoming special training-the wave of 5 and a half minutes, you have to go home without blood in the bottom lane, and the opponent will definitely send the line in and then go home, right. They are in good condition, but the mana is weak , I’m sure I’m not afraid of being caught by the jungler.”

Qin Ming randomly selected a situation.


"At this time, the bottom road is behind a small part, so what will happen to me when I come out of the spring, I will let the support center, because the middle road needs to untie the line——

Of course, if you don’t go to God’s perspective, it’s not bad to do so. The support first leans in the middle. At this time, AD goes to the bottom lane to push the tower line to the side of the wall. The support can stand in the middle for 7 or 8 seconds, so For some time, whether you will increase the intensity of the confrontation, or the opponent will untie the line and squat back, the initiative is in your hands——

Even if none of the above happens, does the auxiliary loop coincide with the node of the opposite loop? "

"Also, the upper mid laner has the upper hand, and the bottom lane is good. You know the opponent is looking for stability. Can the mid laner try to go up? Damn, Ah Guang retreats, returns to the middle lane, and invades the jungle. The top laner dares to play the lane for 20 seconds. Would he be willing to let it go for 40 seconds?


Go wild.The performance is confident, is there a [-]% probability that the jungler is back squatting?

So what will happen if the middle lane, which has obtained the right to line, goes down at this time?Is there a chance to catch the bot lane that presses the line? On the other hand, when the bot lane fights, the jungler is actually down, and the opponent will act. At this time, there are 2 top laners, can you surpass——

Why do I feel that there are a hundred ways to force the opponent to fight, but you seem to be so difficult, do you not cooperate, you can only unite when you fight for resources and are forced to fight back? "

This question made them a little stumped.

Then they heard Qin Ming continue to say: "The ugly words are up front. With me, the starting lineup is all about competition. If the game is not right, after I remind you, the state is still very bad, then I have to consider whether I need to change." Come down, so don't think you can relax with no one behind you, no one, I can go find it.

Moreover, such slack is not only reflected in training and competitions. "Qin Ming glanced at Rookie and Ning, "As a professional player, I don't want to restrain you. You can play when it's time to play, but I don't like to overplay.I hope that during my coaching period, I will see less of this kind of crap. "

"Also, have you watched RNG's games?"

The crowd nodded.

Who doesn't envy the night of the bird's nest.

Qin Ming pointed out: "Then your hero pool should be expanded, and you can master as many as you can. Next, I will make a table. According to the version changes, you should practice more. You don't want a certain signature, but you want to show it."

"Okay, in the next few days, some assistants will come over for trial training, Ah Shui, you stay here."

The team members sat in their respective positions and opened the canyon to get familiar with the familiar feeling.

Hearing the last sentence, Baolan was a little dazed when she turned around.

Could it be that he couldn't escape his role as a substitute after all?
What made him even more disappointed was that the coach only talked about support.

Baolan knew that, when he heard from zoom that this coach was very pragmatic, he knew that there must be something in him that was not recognized enough.


Ah Shui behaved very well.

"Well, you must be the judge of the trial training support. I can give you a general direction. In the new season, I need a player who is more decisive in laning and has a certain independent judgment on the timing of roaming. Do you understand me?"

Ah Shui is thinking about Baolan at the moment.

These two points are almost Baolan's weakness, because Baolan usually doesn't like to command, and listens to him more during the laning phase, but when it comes to team battles, naturally he will listen to whoever has the loudest voice and the right idea.


the next few days.

Qin Ming became even busier.

He needs to formulate two sets of tactical frameworks in the general direction earlier. In his mind, in fact, a kind of line-playing linkage based on the advantage of the matchup must be based on the mid-lane cut and active collision. laning talent to break the game;

The second is to transfer all members based on Ah Shui's order, carry forward TheShy's style of hitting the line, put the main battlefield in his area, and force the opponent to fight.

But under these two frameworks, rich details, but not suppressing the personal habits of the players, the workload is quite heavy.

Another day.

Qin Ming kept the information well, and left after seeing familiar and unfamiliar faces leave traces one after another.


Qin Ming, Ah Shui, and Director G sat together and talked about the trial training.

"Ah Shui, tell me your opinion."

"I... just played a few rounds and didn't see much. I just feel that these few are okay and I can keep up."

Ah Shui clicked out a few lists.

Among them are PRW's assistant Nanfeng, NON's assistant prophet, YM's new generation hero assistant Qiya, and Missing who is new to the profession and is about to join ME.

"What do you think, Director G?"

"The first one was okay in laning, but he hesitated in the fight. I don't know if he didn't let go. The second soft support is good, the third is also good at protection, but the roaming is more active, and the fourth one is not very good. Come out, it seems like everything can be—

He has passed all the indicators you set, but none of them are considered the most outstanding. "

After analyzing the portraits, I can roughly describe the initial styles of several people.

But looking at the long river of time, the prophet and Qiya are more suitable than Baolan. PDD strongly recommends Qiya, hoping to realize that the second-generation champion support comes from YM. But to be honest, if you need to provide protection, Baolan is also Okay, Qi Ya, who prefers backhands, is not the character he wants in his mind.

In Qin Ming's consideration, this assistant who competed for the post must be a character who can act as a vanguard, connect to the field, and train heroes quickly.

speak up.

Since LDL will become the status of transporting players, the second team of IG has been operated independently and has become SDG (Mrak made his debut here), so his plan to rotate the second team went bankrupt before it was implemented.

Looking at the four that Ah Shui picked out.

Qin Ming suddenly felt a little strange, he felt that three of them were very similar to Baolan, and he even wondered if Ah Shui liked to rely on the Internet.

Keeping this in mind, Qin Ming gave his judgment, "Communicate with Missing and sign for one year first."

What made him make this decision was Missing's greater plasticity.

First of all, young, 17 years old like Ah Shui. Secondly, thinking of the future time and space, Missing's sense of team battle developed in JD, and the talent for platoon protection revealed in WE period, Qin Ming knew that there are such two in the support position. Personal choice, there should be no lack of competition.

(End of this chapter)

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