Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 472 The Magical Use of Duke

Chapter 472 The Magical Use of Duke (Chapter [-] Please Subscribe)
come back to the office.

After a while, Duke came over.

It was not until two weeks later that Qin Ming had time to solve this problem.

For him, IG is a football team. West is still young and can be sent to SDG. If he gets ahead and is favored by other teams, he will have a future;
Kid's style is fixed, and his own habits are very bad. It can be said that he and his posture have successfully spread the loose atmosphere in the lounge. Even if the rules are set, they don't abide by them all the time. He is too oily;

Only Duke, in other words, is fine in his prime. Even if he declines, his experience and understanding of the game are better than many top laners.

In this way, since it is difficult to compete with TheShy, then find something for him to do, and it is good not to waste it.

Stand in front of the coach.

Duke, who was taken away by the poor content of the regular season in 17, no longer had the vision he had when he first came.

He is very sure that he will go back to serve in the military and does not want to go out again, because he knows that there will be no second club that will pay him a high salary and support him like this.

His serious expression once made Qin Ming suspect that he had resentment in his heart, but in fact he didn't. In terms of heads-up in the team, he couldn't beat TheShy most of the time. This is something the whole team knows, and e-sports is better than other industries. The reason lies in this, without strength, dare not speak hard.

"Coach, are you looking for me?"

"Well, you should know my arrangements for the new season. I will reuse TheShy."

"I know, I accept."

Duke had already been mentally prepared. When Chris could endure TheShy's daring and daring style in the summer split, he understood that there was not much left for him in the IG team. "My contract expires in one year. Maybe then, I'll go back to serve."

Qin Ming took the liberty to ask: "How did you skate like this? You were not like this a year ago."

Duke smiled wryly. What can he say? He can say that the LPL environment is very different from what he thought. He can say that this is the most irresponsible coaching staff he has ever seen. They can’t even give much advice after exploring the version.

"It's all over, I'm still fat."


Duke is fat.With a big heart and a fat body, I don't care about many things anymore, and I have lost my vigor.

Qin Ming continued to ask: "Do you think if I ask TheShy to practice a few tanks, he will do it?"

"He is willing to practice, and he will definitely be able to master it. He has this talent."

"Did you say the word Ken?"

"Yes." Duke didn't hide it. "Actually, during the Spring Split, Coach Chris tried to start TheShy, but he didn't want to play in the front row. He always asked Rookie to help him get heroes. Coach Chris got angry and said he didn't obey.

He doesn't like to resist pressure, and his desire to attack is too strong to be suppressed. "

"Can you solve it?"


"I said can you help me solve this problem, and urge him to practice a few front row moves to enrich the hero pool."


Duke was even more confused. I have to take care of the elderly, who the hell is willing to supervise, and, am I not a player, how can I become a training supervisor and do logistics.

"Anyway, there's still one year left in the contract, can't you find something to do? Could it be possible to play ranked every day and use the club as an Internet cafe?"

Qin Ming arranged his whereabouts in a very natural tone, "You also know that some of TheShy's bad habits are serious, but I can't be around him every day. Now, I entrust this task to you, I believe you, you can Talk to him well."


"Don't be too happy, just do it."

Duke is speechless, how can I see that I am happy, does this head coach have no empathy?
I, the runner-up top laner in the World Championship, have no matches!
old age!

I have to take care of the starting top order who replaced me!What kind of world is this?
"Are you going to do it?"

Seeing that he still didn't go out, Qin Ming issued an ultimatum.

"Okay, I believe IG will become different in your hands."

Under the power, Duke bowed.

After thinking about it, in addition to playing ranking, it seems that the days of cooking and sleeping are not so easy, and it will help, and the wages will be more confident.

Let's sort out the team properly.

The transfer period has ended.

Judging from the transfer situation, the next year will be a prosperous year, not only will there be more sponsors, but also the sponsors will become more proud.

For example, Jiang Erdai of Rare Earth Group acquired LD to form DMO, Fun Plus signed 7 freelancers to form FPX, and Player Kingdom acquired another quota to form Rogue Warriors;

Belle entered the arena and won DAN, who was bloodbathed on Lingshi Road, and renamed it TOP. Bilibili invested 8 million, snatched the right to broadcast the S game for 3 years, and acquired the broadcast right of the league by the way, and acquired IM to form the home team BLG .

For these newly entered teams, the buying operations are all generous.

For the audience, this year's winter transfer period is simply the year with the most melons——

"RNG renewed Uzi at a high price."

"Letme left, zoom got back on its feet, fans are generally satisfied with this operation."

"The former Lightning Wolves, known as the wolf king, Kasa joined hands with YM champion Qi Ya and world champion top laner Letme to join RW, and the RW manager declared in a high-profile manner that their goal is the World Championship!"

"The original team of IM Majia former Rox team mid laner Kuro, perhaps, BLG will be the team that needs the least adjustment, let's see the performance of this team in the spring split."


This is the season with the most LPL transfer operations in the past few years. The frequent actions of the club have made Korean netizens dumbfounded.This is the power of capitalization?

The other teams are very lively.

Only IG fell silent, and at the end, the big list was released, and fans discovered that apart from Duke being removed, there was only one small support among the rookies.

"As expected of you, Beggin, you saved Mr. Wang money when you came to IG."

"Isn't this a good jungler? That Ning played so mediocrely, so this is also here."

"Alright, Ah Shui is ready to play, and there is a rookie to assist."

"I hope I can achieve good results. This year's competition is so fierce. I feel that RNG, EDG, WE, and RW are not underdogs, especially RW. Doinb passed from JD, and the old thief Sima also officially announced his entry into the team. The money is too big—— —

Gathered 2 champions, the top [-] jungler, and the most eye-catching support and relegation emperor in the secondary league. "

"RW's ten-year-old fan came here uninvited."


The fans of each team were discussing the roster very lively, but Qin Ming was on the phone with U Gus.

"It's really lucky this time. I wanted to ask Ah Guang for a price, but Cui Ge told me that RNG's cash flow is a problem, and it can't solve the contract of the two champions. I saw this opportunity and made an offer to Manager Sheng. In addition, Letme is also willing to come, so the matter is settled."

U Gus, who was the head coach at the beginning, has a full sense of accomplishment.

The formation of this RW team is an opportunity for Doinb to take advantage of the remaining half-year contract to showdown with the management because his good brother Clid went to Korea for development and felt unconfident to bring JD to compete.

For JD, a big-name mid laner who can't keep it, if he doesn't send it out during the winter transfer period, once the contract expires and becomes a free agent, there will be no leverage at all.

As a result, Doinb hit it off with the Player Kingdom, taking advantage of the opportunity to bring in the battered old thief, and Qi Ya, who was competing for trial training by many clubs, to fill the lower half of the frame.

When U Gus joined the job, his task was to find Ueno. Just as Lightning Werewolf was thinking about it, Casa came over for a trial training. The first one he looked for was RNG, and because of cash flow problems, RNG had no spare time to add fresh blood, so he was rejected by U. Steal together.

"I told Casa that our team is full of veterans with experience in major competitions, and he agreed, and the invitation went surprisingly smoothly."

Feeling U Gus' attitude of letting go, Qin Ming encouraged: "Then you work hard, and we will see you on the field."

The phone hangs up.

After all, RNG did not fully retain the champion configuration.

In fact, the matter was far more serious than what Manager Sheng said. During this time, while Bai Xing was busy settling in the home court, he used the Humiao platform to contact Uzi. After several rounds of negotiations, he offered a package contract of 6000 million before successfully retaining him.

On the other hand, Letme and Zoom both want to confirm their status, talk about money and play opportunities, and when White Crescent's persuasion is ineffective, on a night to determine the main force of the new season, Uzi and Xiangguo voted for Zoom, and Xiaohu Xiaoming abstained— —

The latter didn't seem to have made a choice, but everyone knew that in terms of potential, zoom was superior, otherwise Qin Jiao wouldn't use zoom as a unique move.

Just like what Xiangguo said, "I hope my top laner can c."

The only advantage of Letme is that it does not take up resources. In the update of the preseason version, there is no incense burner, and the cost performance of all-out guarantees is reduced. RNG does not need a top laner with an average damage ratio.

It sounds brutal.

But in e-sports, strength speaks for itself, talent speaks for itself, no one wants to be born like this.

that day.

Letme dragged his suitcase and left, and was once again abandoned by the team, but the difference from last time was that many outsiders were interested in him.

Another week.

The German Cup starts.

The fans who dreamed of seeing the new look of IG's main force were disappointed, and the RNG fans who wanted to see the champion team were also disappointed. The two teams didn't even bother to participate in the German Cup.

One sent Kid and Duke to fight casually, and the other sent Able, mixed with the rookies of the second team. In the final final, BLG fell in front of EDG.

"Congratulations EDG!"

EDG won the sixth German Cup.

During the entire German Cup, Able used a small cannon to complete pentakills, and the names of the three new generation ADs were blown again. In addition, the collision of the new version and the new map showed a different style.

Compared with S7, S8 is undoubtedly much more exciting.

After the K Cup, KZ (LZ changed his name) top laner Khan bluntly said that this is his version. After 3 months, he still can't forget SSG's play style of choosing Kenan and Gnar's refusal to communicate by lighting up the map's vision and helping wither ended them.

He felt powerless in that kind of game.

Another day.

Ah Shui and Missing came to the office with angry expressions.

"I heard that you almost got into a fight in the training room just now? Why did Ning mess with you?"

Qin Ming sat on the chair.

"Anyway, it's not me who wants to do it."

Ah Shui said angrily: "Missing reported the information. He didn't notice that he died in the river. Instead, he blamed us for not reminding us when we got off the road. We clearly reminded him, and he said why he didn't come to support. I asked him why he didn't go up the river to exchange river crabs. , he scolded people."

"Call Ning over here."

After a while, Ning arrived. He looked very unconvinced. He felt that he had a reason to be angry. Ever since Qin Ming arrived, his good brother Baolan had been replaced by a newcomer.But Ah Shui and Missing are like glue!Scumbag!With a new love, forget the old love!

"What's the situation?" Qin Ming didn't like to listen to one side.

"It played like a dead man in the bottom lane. The first-level invasion took advantage. I came in two groups to control the river crab and speed 2. The opponent's AD was reliable, and he was as motionless as a piece of wood."

"I clearly said to play a wave in front of the tower with the second liter and 3, but you don't listen to it yourself-there is a line in the middle, if you see someone, you go to the river, will you lose something?"

"Hehe, you can get there first in the middle of the fight. You don't understand who has the advantage and who has the disadvantage? If you don't understand, just follow the command."


Ah Shui wanted to say something else, but Qin Ming didn't want to listen.

There will be a period of running-in for this kind of thing, but Ning's character is that he never hides it. He was fine yesterday with his family, your brother and my brother. The day after tomorrow, he will be unhappy about a little thing and throw his face on the spot.

If Xiangguo is the least quality player among all the players Qin Ming has ever met, then Ning is the most careless but caressing player among all the players he has ever seen.

"I just don't understand why I'm so cowardly. It's not that I don't want to help out. You help me first, and I can't help you after I gain the advantage? A little pawn line is nothing."

Ning didn't seem to see Qin Ming's irritable expression, and continued to push the blame to the next road.

"I greeted in advance - the coach."

Missing was almost red-eyed, and he couldn't bear to feel wronged. He didn't expect that the first lesson he learned when he first entered the LPL was to be dissed by his teammates.

"Okay, okay, can you be quiet?"

Qin Ming looked at Ning, "Why are you so noisy every day?"

"I talk about things."

"All right, all right, you go out."

His tormentor went out, leaving Ah Shui and Missing in the office.

"Little Lou, you are my general, but it doesn't mean I will take special care of you, understand?"

Missing listened to the coach in awe.

"It's normal to have your own ideas. Some things in judgment can't be counted one by one according to the tactical manual."

Ah Shui calmed down, "He talked too much, I really don't want to quarrel with him."

"Then next time you quarrel with him, speak out your thoughts, so what if you speak louder when arguing? Is it possible to solve the problem by being kind? Then next time we meet again, he will still command you. Do you still not listen?" listen?"

Qin Ming said bluntly: "What's the point of bumping and stumbling during the running-in period? If everyone doesn't talk about it, if everyone is friendly on the surface, we will make progress?

Don't be ridiculous, the championship is won by fighting and snatching, but not by being gentle and moving.Of course, if you can't do it, whoever does it will get out. "

The two were scolded and left with a muddleheaded mind.

Walking in the aisle, Ah Shui complained: "What's the right or wrong way to play? It's just which one to choose."

Ah Shui is young, but he has enough understanding. In fact, he is right. Most of the time, he is doing multiple-choice questions around offense and defense. It is nothing more than which one to choose. But for Qin Ming, he only needs the most effective means.

(End of this chapter)

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