Chapter 473 Do you want to be so coquettish (please subscribe, third update)

On January 1, the East and West draws were completed.

The eastern side gathered RNG, EDG, IG, JD, SN, TOP, LGD
The west has WE, RW, SS, OMG, BLG, FPX, DMO
"Nest grass, strong in the east and weak in the west."

"Stay strong, RNG, set off for the second consecutive championship!"

"SN has Snake, Maple and Char Siu joining in, and with a group of Ueno-nominated Wolf Walk, Hacker and Crystal, let's meet IG, the top laner on IG is old-fashioned."

This is the initial impression of the audience in the early days of S8.

On the 15th.

5 points.

RNG's fight against EDG was staged on time. In the pre-heating topic of the pig-dog battle, Uzi and the factory manager did not start. The two took a break as usual, but one was recovering from a shoulder injury, and the other was in poor condition.

In this way, RNG defeated EDG 2:0 and had a good start to the Spring Split.

In this BO3, Xiaohu's state is brave and the plane has triple kills, zooming a captain and Aoun, and even using Aoun to kill Ray's crocodile solo in the second round, making the commentator exclaim that he can't understand Aoun's damage;
Secondly, Iboy completed a solo kill in the lane, and Able paid the price for his carelessness. But in the team battle, Ornn E collided with 3, and the small cannons were harvested at will. Many teams don't know how to prevent Ornn from entering the field. RNG played good teams again and again, keeping people ahead of time by a thousand yards.

"Ornn is a bit perverted, the perfect template for a tank, TM can also knock out equipment."

"Where did EDG find the baby? This Haro is not bad. He has played back and forth with Xiangguo. What is this Ray? Is Ray smart? Can he be single-killed at level [-]?"

"Looking at the information, this Korean aid made his debut in our LSPL for 15 years, then went to North America for a while, and now he is back in LPL."

"The De Cup looks okay, and kicked the whole audience with a green steel shadow, why is it so rubbish today?"

"Don't think about who he beat?"

"Indeed. Zoom is a domestic top laner. Ray is really not good enough."

In the post-match interview.

White Crescent talked confidently: "I am very satisfied with our state."

"What is your goal for this year?"

"The defending champion."

This is RNG's new season manifesto.

Immediately afterwards, the second game between IG and SN was staged. In the background, the hackers were eager to try.

"It's up to me to catch it!"

The snake on the side looked like a housekeeper, "Wolf, Aoun, can you play? This hero is so strong, it will automatically lead by 3000 yuan in the late stage."

Wolf shook his head, he actually practiced, but he really didn't have the proficiency of Zoom, he was still familiar with his old hero pool in a short time, "Look, Gnar, Qinggangying, Crocodile, Kenan, Barrel, Vampire , I can play all these.

I feel like TheShy won't take Ornn either. I've fought against this guy before, and his laning is very fierce. If he plays Ornn, I'll take the vampire and we'll fight together. "

Char Siu nodded, and returned to the coaching seat from the commentary. He was also in a state of groping for the new version, "This version doesn't have enough vision. Let's grab the pig girl first. We will play a small group of 2 to 3 people."

In the thinking of char siu, without the eye stone, the uncertainty increases, which highlights the strategic position of the pig girl.


Commentary seat.

Miller and Zeyuan were still chatting about the wonderful performance of zoom in the last BO3, "I watched the replay carefully, in fact, I really can't blame Ray for not being able to react. Aoun first made a brittle start with QW, and then pretended to look back, Ray thought Greedy and angry, was knocked into the air by the card cooling, and wanted to bite when he landed, but was blocked by the second bellows flame.

The operation of zoom is very detailed, and the damage is not easy to calculate. Who would have thought that Aoun could single-handedly kill a half-blooded and angry crocodile. "

The two chatted for a while.

Seeing the host go up, Ze Yuan smiled and said, "Here we come, the IG game."

"To be honest, I have little expectations."

"Who isn't? I guess many viewers are also looking forward to what kind of changes IG can make. After all, last year they were almost able to compete for tickets, and their own strength is not weak."

"As for Coach Beggin, many RNG fans don't understand that he left RNG to take over IG. It's like he left the Snakes to take over RNG."

All these things have increased the visibility of this game.

Backstage lounge.

RNG, who won the game, did not leave, and they also wanted to observe how IG changed.

In the spotlight.

Players on both sides take their seats.

"What's interesting is that this round is Ah Shui and Missing's first stage show."

"The three new generation ADs in the LPL, Iboy is becoming more and more mature, and has become a relatively stable thigh of EDG. Able has performed frequently in team battles and has great potential. Now only Ah Shui has not impressed us."

"Who said there is no impression." Zeyuan started to talk, "Isn't it an impression if you don't play professionally to become famous and become a small anchor here?"

Speaking of this matter, the barrage is very stalking.

The camera cuts to the battle seats.

IG's red side, SN's blue side, speaking of which, SN's configuration this season is not bad. The Lightning Wolves' central and auxiliary double stars, Fenfen went to the bench. decision making.

That's right.

Last summer, SN's command position was Ueno.

However, the command of the wolf line is biased towards a single perspective, and the hackers lack experience and the overall situation, resulting in some mistakes in offense and defense.

And during the recent training period, with Snake taking over the command, Wolf Xing obviously felt much more comfortable.

"The two sides entered the BP, SN side blocked Yaoji, Rambo and Qinggangying, IG side pressed Galio, Chaffinch Gablon, and chose to release Calista, Xiaopao, Zhumei and the top zoom performance Perfect Ornn."

The content of the German Cup is not much different from that of the S7 World Championship, except that there are no incense burners and eye stones, as well as some new heroes and the weakening of Galio.

As a new groping version, many people are waiting for others to take the first step.

When SN snatched the pig girl, Qin Ming backhanded away Syndra and ez.

"He's going to crush me."

Maple didn't expect to be underestimated on the first day of playing LPL.

Although your Rookie is indeed very strong, don't be so murderous.

"He went out of the middle first, we can go out later. Grab Han Bing Jia Ri Nu."

Ice is the signature of Crystal. After the new version, the incense burner was sent, and the functionality became popular again. No one is madly pursuing the two attributes of AD's arm length and output threshold.

"See what IG's third hand is? Tam, no problem. This is the hottest bot lane combination in the German Cup. Let ez steal money, and Tam will keep ez developing. I just don't know how proficient Missing is."

Miller was talking.

SN aimed at the top lane, banning Jian Ji, Qin Ming blocked the vampire, and banning the crocodile on the opposite side, Qin Ming removed the captain.

"Still haven't banned Ao En, let's see if you want to take it or not?"

Wolves dare not.

He hasn't forgotten how he was educated last season. Anyone who can play well can be killed alone. If he can't play well, wouldn't he go to jail?

Immediately afterwards, a blind monk appeared on the fourth floor of IG.

"IG's lineup is a bit lacking in the front row, it's pure Poke pull."

Zeyuan commented on these four hands.

"Yeah. Why don't you make up a big bug on the road? I still remember the scene of TheShy playing EDG in the playoffs last year, forcing the big tree to flash at level 4. He played this hero very hard, and his Q was only used to consume .”

SN voice.

The char siu was communicating with the team members: "He still has Gnar and the big bug, what do you come out first?"

"Give me Kenan, I will develop, and you guys can help me."

What Langxing thinks is to get out of Kenan first, not afraid of being targeted.

Char Siu agreed with this idea, "You come to Ryze, he presses the line, and the pig girl can slow down to force skills. And they want to play Poke, you look at the situation and start a team to give Kenan room to play."

The lineup is set.

A very solid set.

Seeing Kenan's selection, Qin Ming asked Director G to help communicate with TheShy, "I'll give you Syndra, can you practice more on Sion when you go back--the training match the day before yesterday, your Q release timing was really unskilled .”

TheShy frowned.

If Syndra fights Kenan, it must be very handsome, right?
But the price of being handsome is to practice the front row at night, isn't it worth it?

"Hurry up and decide, or I'll get you the prince."

"Syndra! I want Syndra."

Xiao Mian, I still can't subdue you, Qin Ming thought in his heart, and kept his face on the surface, "Back to Zoe, this is a scene where I just want to see the advantage and then take over the group, find out my own position."

In many eyes.

Zoe locked in that this hero was released after the end of the World Tournament. Once it was released, it immediately became popular in the high-end rounds of the Canyon.

However, this is not a reason that the commentator can understand.

"Ah??? I chose the wrong one. Is it because the little assistant was a little nervous when he first came up, and the hero the coach wants to choose can't be found."


The two commentators did not believe that any team would consider the top laner Syndra, which broke their three views on watching the game.

At 25 seconds and 22 seconds, Zeyuan said anxiously: "Hurry up and signal to the referee, otherwise the game will start."

next moment.

Syndra changed to go on the road, TheShy smiled and pointed out the comet.

IG's first show shocked the league, and the popularity rose.

(End of this chapter)

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