Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 484 Don't play like this

Chapter 484 Don't play like this

Alinaar's deterrence on the consumption side is only within the normal range. If the Sword Immortal is not greedy, the consumption will be normal. The captain who steals money should be able to maintain a small advantage in the first few levels. If he grinds on supplies, he will probably be the first to be grinded home. Gnar.

Jianxian is not satisfied with such a result.

Gnar has a T. As the level increases, the dominance of the lane is not so easy to grasp, so he wants to snowball through solo kills to expand inequality and create barriers.

Coincidentally, TheShy also has such an idea.

The biggest advantage of Alinal is that after the change in the positional relationship, it can obtain higher killing benefits. Simply put, it is more suppressive.

Different from Quick Step Gnar, Aery's attack interval is very suitable for Gnar's boomerang, but once Gnar can frequently push the line into the tower, it will be a kind of torture for the captain.

TheShy is good at this kind of torture.

off the road.

After Zac left, Ah Shui took a minute and a half to send the cannon car line in.

Having nothing to do, the two went to the river for a stroll.

But for some reason, no one reminded Eimy of this.

"The river crab is still there, Ning is going to steal the stone beetle, Zach is coming here at this time, he is about to collide with the duo!"

Eimy's wild plan is very strange. If Ning sometimes has that kind of weird little idea burst out, the representative skill is to return the carbine and grab the head hard, then Eimy's little idea makes people feel at a loss.

Zeyuan watched him eat Lan with his own eyes, walked around the imaginary but non-existent view of river grass, and then squatted for 8 or 9 seconds, waiting for Calista to jump forward in the second wave line to seek an opportunity to consume and exchange blood. flash.

After wasting such a time of clearing the jungle, Zac himself suffered a small loss, and then Eimy turned around and ate his own blue zone. Seeing that Ning was taking the lead in the top lane, he first countered a group of F6, and then turned back to control the crab.At this time, the next line of troops goes in.

"Come here, Eimy didn't notice, he handed over the E."

The river crab walked to the upper side of the river, and Zach, who was standing in the open space, charged the E to fly the river crab. When Ah Shui saw such a thing popping up in his line of sight, he was ecstatic.

What's the extra gain here?
"Rookie can rely on the cable, Kalista slows down, and Amumu plays a Q-flash." Zeyuan commented: "Fortunately, it is close to the wall, and if you slow down a little bit, the card flashes a yellow card to keep up, then I can't run away."

I remember thinking about it: "Go down the lane, and my teammate Yuuki is not pushing the lane to cover. Does Eimy just flash himself away like this? Then what's the point of squatting in front of him?"

"I don't know." Ze Yuan chuckled, "I only know that Qian Jue is happy, and the captain can't match the line, this is another wave of soldiers who dare not eat."

Go online and enter the tower.

Sword Immortal's anti-surpassing eyes saw Qian Jue hitting the stone beetle. He tried to call his teammates for help, but the teammates couldn't see.

"There is a difference of 14 dollars in making up the knife. The captain also suppressed 5 dollars in front of him. Now IG Ueno is connected to it. I feel that the connection is about to be disconnected."

"Be ruthless. When the card reaches six, fly straight up. Don't worry about it. Let Gnar be invincible on the side. At that time, the lineup of LGD will be difficult to play, because they need a stable side environment, and then ez will occupy the center. Poke, crowding out resources."

No one knows how to write scripts better than Taewon.

If it is deduced from the situation, this is a high-probability event. The captain is now in a situation where he can’t match the line, but he bites the bullet. If he kills again, he will basically be at level 2, and if he hits level 2 on the road, it means he is facing up. It's over, it's not safe to stay in the Tower.

of course.

Knowing how to do it and doing it well are obviously two different things.

5 and a half.

Rookie used the last dematter to clean up the gun truck ahead of time, went home to make up the CD shoes, and sent them to the line.

At 5 minutes and 56 seconds, the captain retreated early.

At 6 minutes and 09 seconds, Rookie tried to lean towards the river, and saw that Gnar led the line in and blasted. There was no one behind the tower, so he didn't press the big button.

Then 11 seconds passed.

Level 5 Qian Jue came to the road, and Ning was sure that the captain could not be out of line, so Gnar's wave of soldiers only had long range, and maybe the captain would come back.

Before Ning was in position, he came to the red buff grass and saw Zach, who was not full of blood, coming from the direction of F6.

"Can kill, can kill, look at me."

QWAE hangs up, Zach saves his E and flees for his life, Ning pulls his position in advance, knowing that this guy has not flashed, waits for E to pass the wall and directly crosses and heels, and the two come to the grass in front of the outer wall of the high ground.

"Zac's blood volume is very fast, Qian Jue is very flexible, and another QA, less than 500 blood, what about cards, why don't the cards fly big?"

was talking.

The canyon lights up [Destiny].

The Yuuki line is not needed, and we will support it in the future.

next beat.

Rookie saw Tamm who disappeared in the bottom lane appear on the high ground in the middle lane, and knew that if he didn't control it, Tamm could save Zac.

The situation is urgent.

Ning took the first step down the tower and kept shouting, killing, killing.

"The card was given a yellow card, and Zach fell to the ground. This position is a bit good."

Zac turned into four pieces, and 2 pieces of tissue scattered to the side of the second tower. Ning quickly punished the farthest piece, resisted the second tower, and pulled out of the range. After 2 seconds, Tahm flashed, and Rookie made up the damage to kill The passive on the other side of the tower was licked to slow down and suffered damage from the defensive tower.

"Snake Girl is here, can the two of them leave after killing Zach? Rookie flashes, but he can't move."

Yuuki blocked the retreat from the partition wall of the F6 aisle. Rookie really wanted to twist a Q and pull it with a yellow card, but the Snake Girl directly slowed down with a big move, hung W, and spit venom to make a phase.

"The card is about to fall, go on the road, Gnar ER hits the wall, gives a W, the captain eats oranges, and throws the bucket forward."

Sword Immortal didn't lose his composure, he used the pawn line to hide from the second Q, and then hit two consecutive barrels to run away, but he lost his position and was in poor condition, Snake Girl didn't dare to chase Qian Jue, who was less than half health .

1 head for 1, total head 3:1.

It seemed that the battle was fierce, but Qin Ming looked a little sad.

The reason why this wave is like this is that Rookie is too careful in line-to-line and line-to-line. Ning hits someone in the wild at the first time, and he draws a red card to clear the line. Maybe what he thinks in his heart is that he can go in the line and then hand in R. ——

From Qian Jue's E encounter to chasing to the vicinity of Tower 2, it took 8 seconds. He could completely kill the jungler before Zach escaped into the tower and continue to push forward, instead of being reacted by LGD, it needed to rely on Gnar advantage to dissuade the pursuit.

Seeing TheShy's action, Zeyuan praised: "The sword fairy went back by the line, and the tower soldiers disappeared immediately, but TheShy saw the wild area fighting, so he chose to go around from the side, and the result was halfway around, and the remaining When the soldier saw the captain coming, he jumped over the wall to force himself into position.

This choice is quite good, and it will definitely not save the card if you try to save it. "

"This wave of communication between the middle and the wild is not detailed enough? I feel that the cards can be placed earlier."

The two commentators muttered for a while and continued to watch the situation.

Rookie knew in his heart that he was flying slowly, and was a little annoyed.

In Qin Ming's eyes, Rookie's cards are not used to leaning towards his teammates whenever there is trouble.

The reaction of this pattern to the stance is that he seldom advances to stand to one side, and will not take a step to the side to check the direction of the wind.

If Qin Ming had to say it, his position was too upright, always thinking that Q would get more minions.

He made a note of this, and planned to go back and teach the positioning homework of "LPL's last card".

of course.

The rhythm of the game is still in the hands of the players.

Missing saw that Tam didn't flash back to catch up, and ez was chasing soldiers, deliberately disappearing into the river to put pressure on it, so that Snake didn't dare to stay in front of the tower, but in fact she was going back to the city.

This subject has been taught.

Excuse me, the middle lane is temporarily wired, Zac has been resurrected from the bottom up, and Gnar is not angry, what will LGD do?
Missing doesn't care what LGD decides, he just avoids the balance of top lane being pulled back.

"The support is hit, Yuuki, don't stand in front of the tower, go to the red zone and see the top lane."

Gnar is arrogant.

To that stop, like an idiot, really just press the line like this, don't you treat us as human beings?
10 seconds later.

The snake girl clicked the explosive fruit and went down to the side of the dragon pit. Eimy squatted by the back wall with the triangle grass in her sight, and saved E to save.

"Amumu came from behind the tower, Ning was rushing this way, the captain failed to hit the second barrel, and the barrel was A again!"

A cloud of shadows appeared under his feet, Jianxian immediately released E, and predicted the jumping position, but who would have thought that TheShy saw the jungler approaching, instead of retreating, he jumped forward to the left, and shot A in advance to drop the barrel.

The situation is a little provocative.

Zac landed on the Q, and the A minions collided.

"Can this wave really kill? A speeds up from the third ring. Captain Bucket made a mistake!"

Jianxian is a little numb today.

In the second attempt, he moved a layer ahead of A. Unexpectedly, Gnar used a fake hand-raising action, causing him to think that there would be a general attack shot. As a result, the handsome QE second company failed to trigger, and the barrel under his feet Got ordered again.

3 seconds later.

Zac took another basic attack, and his blood volume dropped to three-fifths. Snake rushed over, TheShy stood against the wall, Q went to the mid laner to slow down, and before Zac made another Q, he rushed to Snake's face Out of the hinterland.

"Slow down in the hinterland, Gnar stopped suddenly and turned Q, Snake wanted to catch up to E, Yuuki! Didn't you realize that your position is very dangerous!"

Amid Zeyuan's roar, the second bush flew out of the bandage. Jianxian saw the situation and turned back to wait for E's CD. One front and one back, LGD's formation was out of line.

PYL was a little embarrassed when he heard that the assistant was on the top, "You dodge, can Ueno stay for a while?"

Gnar was already one tower closer than Snake. TheShy moved forward and slashed, regardless of Ueno's damage. After 2 seconds, Qian Jue was exposed to the triangle grass. After handing over the flashing Snake and eating a boomerang, LGD suddenly found himself was packed.

"It's hard to help on the road. IG has done a good job of protecting TheShy, and the biggest problem is that Gnar is almost at level 7, and the captain is still at level [-]. LGD lacks a key speed bump skill, otherwise Gnar will not It's so comfortable to retreat."

All the reasons can be attributed to the chain reaction in the early stage.

Ueno has nothing to say, Snake Girl has not yet made a big move, Missing easily cooperates with TheShy to complete the goal of retaining people, and waits for the card to come.

This time, Rookie did not lose the chain.

If he recognized it in advance, then his sense of support is still good.

Trianglegrass saw the figure of the card, and the LGD trio was very entangled. Gnar was the only one in the front, and Nosuke was waiting for the stone beetle to steal the way. The domain was released, but the open space was still locked.

"It's hard. Down the road, PYL wants to go beyond? Kalista used the Q skill to hide her tongue, so it seems that Ah Shui doesn't have to give up this wave of tower knives."

Big hit on the road.

Qian Jue E held the captain, just to keep people, Amumu broke free from Zac's restriction, Q saw the snake girl trigger aftershocks to absorb damage, so that cards can come to replenish skills.

Then, Qian Jue output Zac, Gnar jumped E to press forward, the yellow card first set the mid laner, followed the card to Zach behind A, Qian Jue jumped forward to eat the captain, at this time, IG's handling He seemed very mature. Qin Ming always felt that all his team members liked to harvest, and when it was time to harvest, their thinking was clearer.

Maybe it's killer instinct?
Heads 6:1.

IMP, who went from the Q to the purse, is very used to this mode.

In the past three years, he has been fighting all the time, and it seems that he can't do it anymore, so he feels at ease with Q Doll, thinking about having some barbecue after losing, and finding a place to have a drink or two.

Infected by this emotion.

Ah Shui soon discovered that ez was a little less careful about positioning than before.

Half a minute passed.

Due to one person staying on the line, when the assistant returned to her position, Calista's blood volume was only half.

Judging from the situation, the upper tower is about to be ordered off, and IG will enter the transition period around 8 and a half minutes.

Originally, after changing lanes, Kalista would go to the middle lane to play, and everyone continued to develop peacefully, but when the next wave of soldiers came in, Ah Shui threw a trinket ward at the line grass, and after 5 seconds, the red square red The buff refresh point, Ning bumped into Eimy.

IMP saw that the jungler was not there, Kalista jumped around to delay the creeps from entering the tower, and then missed the Q prediction, and went up with E without even thinking about it, and stole money by basic attack trigger.

When I have a bad temper?
"You haven't been beaten, have you?"

Ah Shui yelled and jumped to receive R, pulled out the spear to eat soldiers and slowed down by the way, Amumu threw himself, because Tam was almost in the distance, IMP handed over the golden body to avoid the first wave of control, PYL also understood, went up and stood still, ready to swallow leave.

But that's it, Gnar T, who has well-controlled anger, went to Xiancao, and Amumu QR Tam, also counted as controlling two people.

"Something went wrong, this E was handed in too casually, and he went on the road to clear the customs. TheShy is always ready to help."

It's not that Cheng Lu doesn't like support, if the support can be eaten by someone, then he is more willing.

Gnar landed, ez turned to dodge the boomerang, and sold the support without looking back.

"TheShy is still chasing, and it will become bigger in the next second. Can this Q hit?"


IMP's deceitful move made the 55's predicted deceleration fail to take effect. Seeing ez running back to the tower, IG killed Tam, and the three joined together to grind down the tower.

Amumu's blasting shot, IG's economy expanded to 2.4K, almost all of which was Ueno's advantage.

"Brother Guan, you can think of a way for LGD, I feel like I can't hold on anymore."

Seeing that the first game is likely to be a flat push, remember to be free to talk.

"No idea, who can they look at now? The ez ice fist didn't come out, even if it came out, it would have to stack the Demon Sect, the captain dropped almost 50 knives, TheShy was digging again, and you found out, Qian Jue has four marks Yes, there has been a small improvement."

In fact.

The situation is more serious than what Zeyuan said.

After repelling Zac in the wild, IG Shimonosuke ate the first wind dragon, took advantage of the situation to force another wave, and waited for the tower to be pulled out, and Nosuke was completely liberated.

From the perspective of the lineup, if a rhythm lineup can have such a big advantage, Qian Jue can boldly pursue the mark.

Furthermore, LGD during the transition period can be regarded as the least disciplined LPL team, and the feeling of being lethargic should not be too unreasonable.

10 minutes.

Gnar took it to the second tower, went to show the captain, classic into the tower to press the position, forced the barrel to eat the damage and hung the boomerang back, did not give the captain a chance to make up the output, and then turned back to occupy.

The Sword Immortal, who was already invincible, didn't have a good solution, so he could only give up his position.

In this way, the blood hole that was poorly made up for the knife could not be stopped at all, and now that he had the talent for blasting, it was uncomfortable for both the tower and the person, and he couldn't resist a few rounds at all.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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