Chapter 485

Why does the S8 speed up?

In addition to the changes in the wild area, blasting made great contributions.

Its existence, in disguise, forces the disadvantaged party to rely on fighting to stop losses, reducing the comfort zone for tower operations.

The upper river was pitch black.

LGD Nosuke leaned towards the stone beetle, and before PYL gave instructions, a bandage flew out from the side of the wall, followed by the triangle grass and walked out of the card.


be cheated.

PYL just wants to lose his eyes and try to make Zach kill him.

"Give the control skill to Tam, PYL didn't flash, can you run one? Zach? Hey, no."

Qian Jue hung E to slow down, and chased Zac for a while. After the small wooden hammer came out, Zac flew out, and the distance was quickly shortened.

According to the theory of canyon relativity, if I speed up and you slow down, it means you stay still.

9 seconds later.

Missing stunned Zac with another Q, and this time he was really dizzy. Both Nosukes were killed in battle, and the heads were 9:1. Ah Shui wanted to get an assist because he didn't touch it at the back.

In IG's tailwind situation, getting assists is also a matter of discernment.

"Brother, can you kill in the bottom lane? They are all playing vanguard." PYL was not discouraged.

Ups and downs, PYL has seen more miserable things than this. Ma Datou was so high-spirited at the beginning, but in the end, he would go to jail if he said he was going to jail. Even if you are the champion top laner, you can’t play the game without the help of your teammates. !

Encouraged, Sword Immortal's silent heart was ready to move, he was 70 knives behind, if he didn't get back some face, where would he put his image?

Imp is leaning on.

TheShy is still very arrogant, if you cover the ID, you can know who is who, because the seduction into the tower has nothing to do with the posture of the defense tower.

Q out of Alley, the defensive tower that was just about to hit the minions turned off the fire and re-gathered energy.

ez rushed to the battlefield in three seconds with an ice fist in his hand.

"Want to catch TheShy, is it easy to catch?"

next beat.

The captain opened the line to clear the line and keep the people, raised his hand A and released the second barrel, and Gnar's anger rose a bit.

"Cards can't fly, teleportation is on CD, but be careful that Gnar gets bigger."

Gnar didn't retreat for the first time, and IMP jumped to a position 200 yards away, hanging A to slow down and QW all hits.

After chasing for 6 seconds, Gnar retreated to the ruins of a tower, and his size skyrocketed.

"Can you kill it? Gnar is half blooded, and IMP is maintaining his position."

next beat.

Gnar suddenly turned his head and jumped E, the captain pressed the golden body in seconds, and TheShy flashed to predict the position of ezE, and shot ez to the outer wall with strong force.

RAWQA, pick up the stone and hit it again, the ez blood can't be pulled away, and he was taken away by the slasher. The fierce Nelton looked at the captain all of a sudden.

Seeing this scene, Ze Yuan subconsciously said, "Why did you provoke him!"

Hei cut speeded up, and after 8 seconds, the bottom lane was quiet, "2 against 1, 2 counter-killed, I feel that LGD can think of a move."

Zeyuan was not joking, "The captain is almost 80 knives short, even if IG sends a wave to destroy the dragon, LGD still can't recover from the disadvantage, let alone come back. Their lineup is logically based on the strong period of ez. .”

Remember to say: "I'm waiting for the card to fly next time, and I want to see where it flies."

This time, Rookie hasn't made a standard big move yet.

Gnar continued to grind the second tower, forcing LGD Nosuke to come over to defend. IG took advantage of the situation and released the vanguard, and demolished the first tower in front of Snake.

As a result, pressure appeared on LGD's vision on both sides, and PYL began to play strangely.

He didn't say he couldn't, but it just made people feel that he didn't have any driving force to make a comeback.

12 and a half.

With the card on, Gnar was about to enter the high ground. Missing and Ning came to the side wall of the blue area to squat. After squatting for a few seconds, they saw Tam entering by himself.


Tam looked into the grass, Qian Jue hung up his skills first, Amumu QE pulled forward, 3 seconds later, Tam dodged in front of the second tower, ez still wanted to save, Ning slowed down and killed Tam with an ice fist.

"This Qian Jue is too fat, black cut attack speed shoes."

Ning kills the support, Amumu helps block and slow down, and Qian Jue jumps Q to pull away.

LGD seldom defends personally, Ah Shui just sends the center line to contain the force, and in the bottom lane, TheShy is even more inappropriate. He doesn't care whether the opponent will divide people or not. He sees the captain hand over the bucket and escort the remaining soldiers in. Injury, AQAA hits three rings and accelerates in.

"It's starting to get higher and higher. Is there anyone who can take care of this Gnar. Another E, the barrel didn't explode, and the captain had to dodge."

Of course LGD couldn't stand being bullied like this.

"Is this going to be 1 vs 4? TheShy is forced to the front teeth, but the high ground has not fallen yet!"

The captain took a bite of the orange and returned to half blood, knowing that his teammates were relying on him, he tried to keep people with barrels, but Gnar didn't give it a chance. TheShy saw an ez coming from the front of his field of vision, turned his Q in a small position, and pressed forward On the contrary, IMP kept his position carefully, afraid of being chased.

The picture is very comic.

The highland soldier was eaten by the tower, and Gnar was trapped near the crystal, but he looked as if he had returned to his own home, very confident.

Another Q, ez moved, dragged for a few seconds, Snake Girl and Zach arrived, a shadow flew out, TheShy turned left and was caught by IMP to turn around, as long as the hang slowed down, the big guy would have confidence.

"Kill kill kill!"

Gnar became bigger, Yuuki was rushing forward, and the ez closest to him were 200 yards away. Suddenly, Qian Jue Q entered the high ground, and the canyon lit up [Destiny].

"Zac's big move is immune to control, and he took Danar to the front tooth tower. After taking a round of damage, TheShy handed in E and then pulled-oh, Ning!!!"

Dodge E to decelerate Snake, level A and turn W, and hit damage. At this moment, Yuuki subconsciously sprays R to save the state, Qian Jue twisted his waist to avoid petrification, turned around and played QA to speed up, Snake flashed to Q, thinking Pulling the body position, Qian Jue made an emergency stop and was not poisoned, and the whole operation idea was completely mastered.

Three seconds later, the snake girl was killed in front of the front tooth tower. Hearing Ah Shui's yelling awesomeness, Ning said inwardly, "Give me the resources, as if no one can control it."

Due to the death of Snake Girl, LGD lacks damage, the card lands and the yellow card hangs on ez, the captain drives to slow down 2 people, Q out of two consecutive barrels and stand close to Gnar...

"Amumu came over against the high ground, but the team battle was about to end. In this wave, Ning cut the back row to death by himself."

ez was chased to death, and the captain orange made a Q before he died, and cooperated with Zach to take Gnar away, ending TheShy's sinful round.

In front of the camera.

TheShy showed his teeth, and couldn't hide his smile. He was really happy, because only the ranking can make the waves higher, and it's very cool to play like this.More importantly, he knows the coach won't scold him for it.

"The captain finally started to eat meat, but what are you going to do with Qian Jue?"

The card follows another yellow card, Qian Jue jumps Q silk blood, PYL stubbornly saves Jianxian and sells Zac.

"It's useless, 3 died, Ah Shui has already sent the line to the high ground in the middle lane, and IG demolished the tower very quickly."

When his teammates started killing, Ah Shui silently demolished the tower. He was the one who most wanted to get off work.

"What should I do? The captain is being watched, Rookie is very bad, just don't let the captain touch the pawn line, it's okay if you hit me, but don't hit my pawn."

Card held the yellow card and stood on Shangsuke's face. PYL was very angry. Seeing the three consecutive barrels slow down, he went up to follow Q. The two were blindfolded by the card and forgot about the hidden Amumu.


Amumu suddenly flashed to the left side of the main crystal, spread out the field to control Shangsuke, the next shot, the captain turned W, Amumu followed Q, Qian Jue jumped up and killed him, and the captain lay down in seconds.

"Snake girl revived in 2 seconds, but Shangfu fell again. Let us congratulate IG for winning the first game at 22 minutes and 19 seconds!"

Seeing that the total headlines were 17:2, Zeyuan couldn't help but said: "I really can't choose a lineup with the best three routes for IG, how can Ning play like this.

Not to mention that Eimy wants to do things by himself, even if he doesn't go to the bottom lane to force those two dodges, he doesn't have to play——

He only got 2 reds in this one, and Qian Jue ate the rest. Moreover, Ning didn't brush much, but he just controlled the mark to control the buff, and then messed with the captain, so he played too smoothly. "

"I can't help it. Anyone who sees Gnar like this will do this. If he continues to fight, it will cost him a hundred knives."

I remember imitating with a smirk: "I, Sword Immortal, have never suffered from this kind of suffering. At the end of the summer split last year, we both killed each other solo. Now that it's the new season, you come up and fuck me up, and then ask the brothers to withdraw money together. It's me, I can't stand it."

The sword fairy went down with a cold face.

He felt bad.

209 vs 118 in terms of last hits, who can play this game, not to mention, this one didn't hit a few double barrels...

compare to.

Qin Ming glanced at Rookie after the game, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident: the cards need to be practiced more.

"Except for the top laner, Nosuke played very well. Missing, you have improved."

Missing smiled embarrassingly. He felt that he hadn’t done anything. Anyway, he won very easily. Before he knew it, he played three small rounds. His KDA has already ranked first in the support position, and his participation rate is not low. With assists and a very low death rate, there is no team like IG that can complete the crushing without selling too many supports.

But Qin Ming is not wrong, as long as Missing's tactical running cover is in place, even if the frequency is not high, but for Ning, this has already given him a relatively easy chance to kill the jungler.

It's just that the jungler is cool, TheShy is having fun, and Ah Shui is the incarnation of the machine, but it is not good for Rookie.

He hadn't felt this emotion in a long time.

Very complicated.

I don't know how to explain it clearly, but I feel that he has become an outsider, winning or losing has little to do with him, and like in the past, he always feels that he has a heavy burden, and if he is a little lax and aggressive, it will ruin the team's hope of a comeback.

But why is he not so important now, but he misses the feeling of being placed with high hopes by the whole team...

"Rookie, you still have an old problem. You don't change your mind enough. Playing cards is different from other heroes. Although it has a strong ability to push the line, its purpose is not to push the line to the front of the tower without taking damage. You have to use your brain. There is this concept at any time in the game, don’t pay too much attention to the position of the line, but focus more on the pace of the jungler.”

"When we come up with such a lineup, we need you to call for the series, so you can't lose your voice."

When Qin Ming pointed out these things, Ning was very happy. He just wanted to say that he could win if he played more with this tactic.


Rookie thought for a while, and asked, "Can you get me an explosive one? The snake girl on the other side is very good. I hide from Q and always want to order him."

"The content that should be practiced at night cannot be avoided."

"Don't hide. I'll practice." Rookie was a little numb, "I just don't want to think too much, my mind is a bit messed up now."

"Well, that's fine, then try the No. 2 tactic."

As soon as I heard the No. [-] tactic, Ning was devastated. Why did labor and management be used as tools just after having a good time? Why can't they be mid laners?

But in Qin Ming's eyes, changing the dean's thinking is not a short-term job, or that sentence, Rookie has been the dean for too long, and he kind of forgets where to focus on the response.

"If we change tactics, how should we adjust ourselves? I don't want us to miss many opportunities because we are too independent, understand?"

It is not a good thing to be too gentle, and to be too strict to indoctrinate the players as machines.

In a professional team, the coach must be the one with the loudest voice, but it doesn't mean that he wants to scare the players and only dare to call him a tyrant behind his back.

This scale is not easy to grasp.

If you are too gentle, you will often let the players step over that identity. When you want to show your prestige, your team members will only think that you are playing tricks. It is not that Qin Ming deliberately emphasized Rookie's mistakes in front of the players, but he wants to take this opportunity to tell everyone. The people of the team, even such a veteran in his hands, are not safe.

If there is a problem, find it and seek change.

(End of this chapter)

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