Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 486 Why is it the bot's turn to get hurt?

Chapter 486 Why is it the bot's turn to get hurt?
second round.

LGD still wanted the red side.

Brother A knows who the thigh is.

IMP is very strong, but so what, a player who doesn't know how to regulate his emotions and life, Brother A really doesn't know how to help IMP return to the top.

In this team, as Hart's next coach, he has no real power himself. Brother A usually laughs at himself with his friends, saying that he is not even a BP coach in LGD, because his players always have ideas. A set with a few lineups is a game that should be played.

As for playing?

Schrödinger's play.

Even Brother A doesn't know what kind of energy this group of people can explode together. When they were strong, they almost chased JD back in the second round.

"How does LGD ban people?"

How to ban?Just ban a few strong ones.

When there are 2 operation monsters in a team, and a strange person in the bot lane hero pool, who can you target, unless there are ten bans in the first round, or you should honestly build your own lineup, don't think about destroying it .

IG three bans: male gun, Kenan, vampire, or a bright card. Except for Rookie who thought about it and said goodbye to ban Galio, he wanted to come to Snake Girl. The audience knew that the unconventional male gun was knocked down, just to pave the way for Ning's Qian Jue.

Someone is going to ask, isn't the leopard girl also brushing fast, but the problem is, neither of them know leopard girl!

When testing the hero pool, Ning complained that Leopard Girl was a trash hero, and asked him to try it out, but the effect was poor, the proficiency growth was too slow, and Qin Ming simply sealed her because her style didn't match.

This is nothing.

It's impossible for a player to be good at everything, as long as he can hide his shortcomings and come up with other substitutes, it's fine. Uzi doesn't need Jhin or Delevingne, and it doesn't prevent him from killing randomly.

"LGD blocked Zoe and Jess, will it remain the same? No, Qian Jue was blocked by the third hand."

Eimy is annoying this hero.

In fact, Qin Ming thought a little too much. Ever since the sword fairy came, his male gun was forced to be sealed, because in a team, there are always people who want to form a team to keep people. What's more unfortunate is that during the training match, the teammates unanimously felt that this The task suits him.

Therefore, Eimy kind of forgot what it was like to find someone to fight with a large lead bullet at level 6 in S2.

On the first floor of the blue square, a blue steel shadow appeared.

"Is Qinggang Ying coming out so early? Is it too early?"

The hero is locked.

PYL yelled: "It's a bit of a pretense, opposite."

"There is a sword girl in the second round, I will take it."

The sword fairy was serious, and his tone contained murderous intent.

Only IMP doesn't care too much, "I'm still ez? I think it's okay to take the policewoman."

PYL refused: "Don't, don't, really don't, you take the policewoman, we are at a disadvantage in the field, who will stand up."

This is a bit hurtful, but the top Yuuki really didn't do anything, and the one-handed snake girl became someone else's TOP background board.

"Take ez and Galio, and if he takes a card, you can fly with him. Let's be more flexible in the wild area. How about the pig girl? They will grab the pig girl, and we will be princes."

ez, Galio lock, disassemble the two-seater combo.

Seeing that LGD really selected people like this, Ning was not very happy, but he would definitely not refuse to help Delevingne.

"What do you mean, Delevingne's unique skills, right? The little anchor wants to show his strength in front of IMP!"

Zeyuan said in surprise: "To be honest, this version of ez is so popular, I really want to say that whoever comes to Draven Zhizhi will take away the quality weapon, and the third wave will forcefully push the tower, and if it is hooked, it will be forced to dodge. "

This is the understanding conceived by the university to play the new version of ranking.

Is ez strong?

The weak period is easy to transition, but the strong period is prolonged. Once you get a head or steal money and use your strength, Q feels good and can quickly form an equipment advantage, and then the cycle will be good.

Delevingne and Titans on the second and third floors of IG.

Compared with the Thresh, the Titan jumping tower is more fierce, and when you take it out, there is an aura of I want to jump over you.

"Damn, I've been underestimated."

Both PYL and IMP have this perception.

Although they lost a year last year, the scene of two people being single-killed is definitely not uncommon, but the problem is-IMP is a bit strange.

Kalista, the leader, doesn't have a strong sense of presence. It's not that she exploded on the road and Qian Jue killed randomly. Your suppression is not enough for the money I stole.

LGD made up Tamm on the third floor, brought weakness, and treated with ez.

In the second round, Qin Ming blocked the wine barrel and blind monk to further suppress the wild area. LGD also had a similar idea. Everyone didn't choose the jungler. I can grab it on the fourth floor.
Remove spiders and princes.

"LGD got the pig girl, what else is there in Ning Hero Pool?"

"Take Nightmare?" I remembered to suggest, he just felt that Beggin also likes to use this hero as a combination.

In the anticipation of the barrage of Kayn, Mantis and even the poodle, IG showed its hole card, "Auun, snake girl? Qinggangying jungler???"


I remember saying, "I thought the BP in the first round was quite normal, and IG didn't want to work hard, but I didn't expect that their work was the second round. Maybe they want to keep winning streak? Now that they have won a round, it's ok tried?"

"I think your speculation is not unreasonable." Zeyuan sighed: "Qinggangying has all the junglers here, will this hero be very hurt, can he finish half of the wild area?"

With this doubt.

Brother A helped Jian Xian take Jian Ji.

In the countdown stage of selecting people, Sword Immortal took a deep breath and wiped his sweat with a paper towel, and clicked on Indestructible Blast. He believed that the opposite side would also click on this set of runes.

Loading the game interface, it’s really good, but for the secondary department, TheShy chose shoe biscuits, and Jianxian asked for a stopwatch and shoes.

First class.

Relying on the Titans, IG entered the blue strongly. After paying the price of being 2 times by ezQ, Ning succeeded in losing an eye to the blue zone.

Wait until minions come online.

Ah Shui saves Q and hits red 3 times, and then pulls the stone beetle to the extreme, and draws out the double axe.

Judging from the information found in the eye position, the pig girl is not in the blue zone to open the field, and the duo will go online first.

"In the bottom lane, Missing was licked, and he used ez's damage as a pawn. IG is very murderous, and it is so urgent to grab the second. With double axes, LGD can't push it."

Zeyuan could see that LGD wanted to let go, and he was a little surprised why Titan was in such a hurry to lose blood for nothing.

But soon, he understood why Missing did this, because Qinggang Ying directly punished the red and rushed down, approaching the grass under the river at 1 minute and 50 seconds. At this time, the second wave of the bottom line came to the front of the tower.

Stunt, level 2 catch!
"LGD doesn't know this information. The back row is short of 2 soldiers. If LGD wants to retreat, it depends on Missing's initiative."

LGD retreated in a timely manner. Logically speaking, the new line of soldiers will arrive soon, so there is nothing wrong with retreating at this time.

To Pyl's bewildered senses, the Titan flashed across the rear row and hooked himself.

"Wood grass."

In the next moment, Qinggang Shadow EE flash kicked, the red buff slowed down, and the Titan set the passive for another 0.85 seconds to hang up the ignition. Draven caught up with 1 ax and 89 HP.

"Weakness hangs on Qinggang Ying, and the treatment speeds up to hand over the flash, but the red buff is scalded and can't move back at all. Ah Shui followed the dodge, and then an axe, Tam turned back to Q, Ah Shui followed with a basic attack, 2 minutes No, IG got first blood!"

Q can't run without looking back, PYL's attempt is just struggling.

As long as the location is a little distance from the tower, this set is almost a must-kill. The only fly in the ointment is that the glory does not stack much, and the bounty cannot be added much.

Zeyuan admitted that he underestimated IG. If he had never practiced this hand coordination, he would never believe it. The damage is so stable.

"This gives Draven a first blood, and IMP's life may not be easy."

And in the middle.

As soon as the camera cuts to the past, Rookie makes a wave of body position first, grabs the second turn and hits the Q hit, shoots the phase to chase after the spray, the skillful EA intersperses, keeps up with that snake girl, it seems that this one is the real poisonous snake.

"Galio only has a quarter of his blood?"

Eimy is paralyzed, shouting in both the middle and lower lanes, but what can he do, he is just a level 2 little pig girl, not to mention the purification of the snake girl belt, Dolan Jie goes out, it is clear that he is fighting to the end.

But, he couldn't ignore it.

It’s okay for PYL to shout. This kind of level-robbing Draven, ez has no chance to play. Ah Shui saw the distance from W to accelerate up and it was just an axe. ez couldn’t rely on Q to rely on the line.

The troublesome problems don't stop there.

After the cannon cart was eaten by the detoxifier, the IG two-person road went online again, and there were three long swords lying in Draven's equipment rack, which made PYL's head dazzled.

"Another axe, Ah Shui made too many little moves."

In front of the Titan Tower, pressure was turned on to turn on W to block Q, so as not to let ez eat soldiers. When ez was forced to come over to tie A, Ah Shui immediately used W to speed up A and then pulled, relying on the panel attack, forcibly lowered ez's blood line.

At 3 minutes and 29 seconds, Tamm was promoted to 2 soon, and Delevingne and Titan were three levels.

The status under the ez tower was changed too badly, Eimy came to help eat the line.

"Ning is here again, Rookie is also leaning in, LGD doesn't seem to react."

Yuuki was stunned. When he reminded Miss, the Titan had already played the Q hook to Tam, and the pig girl quickly played Permafrost. Tam had already eaten the axe three times, AAEA, Qinggang Shadow cut in, and EW slowed down.

"Titan carried the tower three times, Ah Shui healed him, and he carried it to the limit. Here, level 2 Tahm was sanctioned by Draven when he played E. Eimy wanted to keep the green steel shadow, but the W of Snake Girl persuaded him Withdrew all his thoughts."

Ning Kang walked out at once, Ah Shui switched to A, then Rookie dealt damage, the pig sister flashed, and Ah Shui walked out of the defense tower.

"This offensive is a bit sharp. I found that Ning's Qinggang Shadow is to catch people. You see, he ate a group of F6 and river crabs. He immediately stepped down and prepared to jump, just in time to meet Draven and enter the tower with a big line."

Ze Yuan was full of praise.

But the worst is yet to come.

The essence of the No. [-] tactic is a set kill. As long as the rhythm continues, Eimy can only be led by the nose.


The 6-minute stopwatch is better, which is very comfortable for a tower crossing combination. With the stopwatch, anti-tower aggro transfer has become the easiest child's game, and it can even waste 2 to 3 attacks from the defensive tower.

Yuuki played Miss.

IMP shrunk to the open space, he was still dizzy after this blow, he didn't understand how the situation was so bad.

"Ning Zang's online grass, with Missing's real eyes, LGD is guessing, guessing the position of the jungler."

The defense tower was attacked by A one after another, and soon, a new line of soldiers came, and there were 5 tower soldiers left. With the pig girl leading the battle, PYL first made an eye shot at the intersection of the blue zone through the wall, just in time to see the snake girl coming .

"only one."

next beat.

Titan hooked the pig girl, before Tam approached, Qinggangying EW slowed down and approached, PYL hung Q to slow down, swallowed the half-blood pig girl and retreated.

"Galio teleports, but IG has decided to kill. At this stage, with the Dravenfell Warhammer in hand, he can fight very well."

The output hit Tamm one after another. After 4 seconds, Galio landed and stored W, Ah Shui flashed forward, and E forced an ez jump to slow down Tamm.

"Titan's Remnant Blood opened a stopwatch, Tamm opened a gray shield and couldn't hold it, so he also opened a stopwatch, but it was guarded by IG Ueno, and no one can save it."

The hinterland was covered, and he got up and lay down, followed by Tai Tan with a W and retreated. Before Rookie changed resistance, Ah Shui was already impatient to hack.

"It's so powerless, the ez damage is hitting Snake Girl's body for scraping, but every output of Draven is hitting the flesh."

After the revision, Galio did not have the frankness of S7, and fell under the Draven ax a few times.

"Jack, anti-tower."

TheShy, who was very boring on the road, still had the heart to read out 2 simple words that he had just learned.

In 6 minutes, LGD exploded.

A 3-0-1 Delevingne, hitting Tahm with an ax is one-fifth of the blood, PYL said to play with the head.

In 7 minutes, a solo kill signal came from the top lane, but the general situation did not change.

Speaking of it, this wave was caused by TheShy. When he was standing against the wall, Jian Ji just couldn't touch it. As a result, he suddenly hit E and sent flying, WA knocked out Fragile, and then opened R to keep people away.

When calling the sheep, he schemingly adjusted the position of the empty sheep to force W, but Jianxian was not fooled, so he fought him instead. When Jianji ate the second bellows flame and the HP was less than 300, TheShy pretended Withdrawing, flat A to Q suddenly flashed, and the mind-eye knife was triggered, and the sword fairy opened the side of A very quickly and the back of Q, blocking the way back.

At this point in the game, TheShy chuckled a few times.

But as Zeyuan said, this solo kill is not enough to quench your thirst.

IG's lineup has to hit Qinggangying to six, Zeyuan knows how convenient it is to cross the tower. As long as the distance is enough, it doesn't matter how many displacement skills you have in ez, and how much you can protect Tum, IG just leads the line into the tower, Qing Steel Shadow kicked in for R, then Tai Tan took control, and Ning Kangta pressed the stopwatch to delay.

In addition, Rookie looked at Galio too much, and PYL started to get sick in the mid-term, and his vision was stolen by himself. In less than 18 minutes, LGD's bot lane highlands were gone, which made Jianxian play a hammer.


(End of this chapter)

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