Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 487: Don't Target Your Fist

Chapter 487: Don't Target Your Fist

"Get off work and get off work, little c."

Ah Shui put on his coat and stepped off the stage holding the peripherals.

In the data panel released after the game, Delevingne ranked first with 1 injuries, a record of 6-9-1, and won the MVP.

On the contrary, it was TheShy's Aoun's first show. He followed his teammates with a very ordinary attitude and got through the damage. He didn't break out of the reputation like Zoom and Letme. This can also be seen from the audience's comments——

"There's something about this Qinggang Shadow. Brothers, see you in the canyon."

"Don't go, your teammates won't have the advantage."

"Hehe, slow-moving people like you are still criticizing, and I've already opened a round for the smart ones—huh, my teammates didn't help me, I did three groups by myself and was almost killed by the first AD in the canyon. My suggestion is that you have to play the male gun for the top score, take out the c position with 2 guns, and control the outcome in your own hands!"

As the audience said, Qinggangying's jungler is too much of a team, the advantages and disadvantages are extremely obvious, not to mention the disadvantages, the wild garbage, the state cannot be maintained, and there is no way to control the resources alone, and the advantages are that the early burst is not low, maneuvering The sex is full, and it is convenient to keep people after six.

It is not suitable for one-on-one battles in the wild after the level is raised, but it is definitely suitable for small-scale collisions. It has the ability to drive to the c position far beyond the horizontal line. It is most suitable for dealing with lineups or speeding up towers.

Backstage lounge.

Qin Ming glanced at the curve data given by the electronic screen, and was satisfied. This is basically the mileage goal that the No. 2 tactic must achieve. Like this, speed up the pace to roll the snowball, force the opponent's inferior to fight, and keep losing money. It is qualified.

Just like at this moment, Qin Ming explained the execution method of this lineup to Director G, "Our advantage is the ability to play lanes, and Qing Gangying is the hero who can best combine the ability to play lanes. Why? Because its offensive effect is more effective. Open, the first wave of EE Flash has a farther range than Zac, and can also make up for the burst, quickly helping the lane to establish an advantage.

For us, the more powerful the lane is, the greater the deterrence it can give. At this time, as long as a certain lane has the ability to jump the tower, it can keep hunting and breaking through, biting the economy. "

To the post-match interview.

When Yu Shuang asked Ning why he thought of taking a hero like Qinggangying to play in the jungle in the second game, he said carelessly: Because his teammates are very strong, he can win with a dog in the jungle, and there is no need to do anything.

Hearing this, the scene was full of excitement, and Yu Shuang was so confused that she didn't know how to answer.

Perhaps at this moment, Ning really thought so. How did he get the advantage in the bottom lane? It was his strong grab at level 2, and the Titan's flash cooperated well. Galio couldn't fly, and the rhythm didn't break.

But before saying this, TheShy was playing with his nails, and no one cared about his nonsense, which made Qin Ming a little dumbfounded: What nonsense are you talking about?Think the rhythm is not enough?

Although he has met many players with personalities, none of them like Ning who praises his teammates to the sky when he is happy, and feels wronged everywhere when he is unhappy. He is straightforward and cares about evaluation. He is willing to be a green leaf and feels When he was a green leaf, his teammates had to respect his sacrifice.

What Qin Ming doesn't understand is that tethering a dog is obviously not a very good vocabulary. Everyone knows how much his sacrifice is for the incense pot who lags behind in S7, but he will not be so "self-deprecating". He made his own meritorious deeds, and ordered Xiaohu to dare to fight and fight all the time.

But rather, after spending so much time together, Qin Ming swears with his IQ that if someone really emphasizes tying the dog in front of him every day, he will be the first to be upset.

Moreover, doesn't he know that the audience loves secondary creations very much?

Can a leash dog win?

Does this mean that what I have played is just to play the game?
But Qin Ming knew that Ning's talents were all focused on rhythm collision and sense of space. There are many blind monks with unique skills, but there are very few blind monk players who can play combo effects with handsome kicks like him.

What is the sense of space, what does the opponent do next, what reaction does the skill encounter, and which output method does the teammate prefer? It is based on this feeling that the position of the next shot can be printed in the mind. Integrate together, isn't this talent?
This is not what the coach can train, because during team battles, the opponent's reaction is an unknowable factor, otherwise those serious mistakes that make people suspect that they should not be promoted as a professional will not appear. Suddenness is what triggers muscle memory.

After a few minutes.

Ning returned to the backstage in a good mood. Based on today's BO3 performance alone, he is definitely a hero in the team, but because he couldn't control his mouth, on the way back from the bus, Qin Ming remained silent, which made the Ah Shui, who won the MVP for the first time, wondered if he was talking too loudly and too complacently, which displeased the coach.

After all, after a good performance, TheShy is very calm. Although everyone can get the answer from his smile, he is really not very noisy, as if he was not responsible for the fight that Gao Gaodi blocked the spring water on the stage.

"Am I being too active?"

Withdrew his sneaky scrutiny and looked at the coach who was frowning together, Ah Shui poked Missing, "Am I noisy?"

"No, how come?"

Missing's personality is relatively quiet, but he likes Ah Shui's personality very much, and it is very pleasant to get along with him.Because Ah Shui always has words of comfort and is always optimistic, fighting him doesn't need to suffer cold violence.

It can be said.

Missing is lucky, Ah Shui may be the kind of AD with the best personality, playing games with him, and growing up in a relatively relaxed environment.

Just like when Qin Ming asked for joint training, he found that Baolan and Ah Shui were together. Although it was not amazing, the performance was OK. Live error rates are becoming more and more common.

In fact, it is very simple to say.

Ah Shui is not a stressful kid, and he won't ruin his action of changing blood because of your skill mistakes. Just BB you, and he will encourage you to change again next time.

In his eyes, nothing is a big deal, and his tolerance is surprisingly high.

Logically speaking, this kind of character is not suitable for a more serious AD position, because as a two-player lane, every AD hopes that the support is an arm extended by him. Since it is an arm, how can there be so many lack of coordination?

"Today's BO3 ended earlier than yesterday, and the total amount is only one hour."

Missing replied: "That's because LGD refused to accept it. It kept fighting with us. How could it lose so badly?"

In this BO3, LGD does not have many operations to avoid battles, and even likes to speed up by itself and get rid of it early.

"Aren't you happy to win quickly?"

"Maybe you are thinking about the card not playing out?"

Missing couldn't give an answer.


When Qin Ming was thinking about the direction of the team, the coaches watched the IG game and were thoughtful.

Neither he nor his team members knew that the turmoil caused by the magical use of runes could be so far-reaching.

Game over for the night.

The LCK took the lead in imitating it. The same line-playing combination combined with a strong jungler, at the node of 6 minutes, produced the most powerful power.

"The stopwatch delays the time, the hatred is transferred, and the jungler turns on another stopwatch, and the tower is just like this!"

Effortless, simple and easy.

In the past, those combinations that could rely on the defense tower to struggle were all cut off. Originally, the damage of the defense tower in this version was average. There is no exchanged capital.

Someone is going to ask, everyone clicks the stopwatch, why is it uncomfortable for the tower defender?

That's because the pawn line can come in, which means that the combination that one side gets must be temporarily in the upper hand, that is, the strength in the early stage is high. At this time, even if the bottom lane breaks out in 3v3, the attacking side will take advantage.

Because they use the stopwatch to pull the defensive tower, and the defender's stopwatch is just unbearable, and it is easy to be guarded. After all, if they can beat it well, it will not be so easy for the line to enter the tower.

When this trend spreads, teams from all major competition areas are getting started with the kindergarten-level snowballing mode developed by IG, which is frighteningly intense.

the next morning.

Fist emergency meeting.

The designers were a little embarrassed looking at the shot of IG jumping the tower like drinking water. After all, in the message of the preseason version, they generously stated that this would be a wonderful version. The result was less than 3 weeks, and the stopwatch and The abuse of blasting forced them to find a way to limit it.

no way.

For example, the unsealed cheats played by IG or the grabbing level of the detoxification device, the designers feel that the intensity is controllable, which confirms the richness of the S8 theme.

But like Alley with Anxiety, Gnar's blasting trigger environment is far easier than other frontlines, and the 6-minute stopwatch alliance, rolling snowballs over towers without damage, forcibly accumulating inequality...

Like these, they don't want to see it.

For Riot, it is a matter of pleasure to take care of viewing and enhance the bloody level. Viewing becomes one-sided. If you choose a strong laning combination without thinking, it will change the taste. Of course, they are satisfied with the recovery of the average time per game in the current version. In S5 and S6, the battle ends in about 32 minutes (not very long and not very short), but I don't want a game with a bad environment in the later stage and serious inequality.

"Let's make adjustments. IG can always lead by more than 15K in 2.5 minutes, which makes it difficult for its opponents to resist the combat power brought by equipment. The reason why it is difficult to resist is that the tower drops too fast and the lack of risk costs for jumping towers .”

"My opinion is to adjust the damage of Gnar's point blast. We only calculate the long-range, and ignore Gnar's vague positioning of long and short hands.

In addition, the stopwatch can no longer be turned on at around 6 minutes. At this point in time, the bot lane can’t rise to 8, but it is an opportunity for the mid-upper to [-] to overwhelm the bot lane. My opinion is to adjust it to [-] minutes to see the effect.

And Aerie.Alley triggers too frequently, so that the sense of existence of those consumable heroes becomes too low, and the damage and trigger time have to be reduced a little. In addition, we have to lower the rules for selling to the store. We have clearly designed the future market, but no one points , on the contrary, they are happy to sell the stolen items and cookies to the store, which deviates from our original intention——

Biscuits are used to increase the uncertainty of blood volume calculations, not to sell them for economy and speed up production! "

"However, these gameplays are developed by players. Professional players are also players."

"We didn't remove this gameplay, we just added some difficulty."

As he said that, another important rule was placed in front of the designer. In the screen, it was a shot of the snake girl chasing Galio E, and Yuuki couldn't fight back.

"Thinking about it now, we have replaced the brand new rune system, but there is no suitable way to equip this rune. I have to remind you that in front of these top laning players, the power of the rune has been amplified, but there is no necessary Countermeasures. We're just making up for those countermeasures now."


Another tactical lesson was instilled.

Ning returned to the dormitory and turned on her phone, just as she saw Baolan going out with a wristband.

"Are you still practicing so late?"

Baolan said in a low voice: "I want to score points."

Ning didn't know how to persuade him, he was a person who could rest early and never practice hard, and he didn't know how to comfort Baolan, he knew that Baolan's talent was average, but after all, they had lived for half a year, and the two got to know each other well.

Putting aside these troubles, Ning opened the background and looked through the private messages, because the BO3 that played LGD three days ago, his fans have increased a lot, and the voices of praise are getting more and more. Most of them say that he is very handsome, until he saw a piece of content, "Go and see JD Xiaofu's prince, there are not many jungle princes worse than you in the whole LPL."

Ning's blood pressure went up.

The next day.

Two days before the match against JD in the third week of the Spring Split, Qin Ming was still taking tactics lessons.

He doesn't know if other teams can see the flaws of this IG team and take advantage of them, but thinking of playing against Redmi next, he still wants to give Redmi a little surprise.

The current situation is that once Rookie tries to integrate, it will show a general downward trend.

The habit of being too clear about the position of the line will always affect the display of other gameplays in the details.

But logically speaking, players like Rookie should never be limited to the middle lane. Qin Ming can't bear to put shackles on such a person. After all, he didn't have the choice to be the dean in the past. Now he has a choice, why is he still using the dean? mode to play?

Qin Ming put it in the most straightforward words: "You hit the blood line in front of the tower, and there are not many rounds to kill after the follow-up line of troops converges. It is actually a very inefficient way of suppression. Conversely, if you can Make good use of the lead and level difference generated by your laning talent, and find the weaker Nosuke, and the role you can play will only be higher."

The densely packed routes on the tactical board and the blockade of key positions all require Rookie to make impromptu decisions.

In short, it is the premise of sacrificing the performance of others as little as possible and maximizing the role of everyone.

The resource allocation of the IG team is irrational at all. Now relying on the cooperation of Nosuke alone, it can only be said that it has reached the waterline of a strong team. Qin Ming still needs to solve the problem of too much mouth opening in the IG team.

Because Ning has nothing to eat, he will be unstable. On the contrary, in the mid-lane to establish an advantage in the middle of the transition, let some resources be allocated to Ah Shui, who sacrificed in the early stage, to make the three-c mode more reasonable and easier to control the rhythm.

In his vision, either the top lane is free to line up, and the middle and wild are responsible for outputting damage, or the middle and wild assistant transitions up and down to enhance the deterrence of the side. Under this large framework, the branch is constantly revised according to the characteristics of the lineup.

Play the video of RW playing against WE yesterday.

Qin Ming sped up and said: "The middle and later stages are more of an overall matter. We focus on the early stage linkage processing, and see how Doinb uses Kaifeng Galio to counter Xiye Ruizi and drive the rhythm."

"Let's look at the first step first. On blood exchange, Comet Ryze will definitely be able to take advantage of the first level. It goes without saying, but have you seen it? He is very good at using the hatred of minions to gather positions. With the help of wind and passivity, he is guaranteed to be in In the case of being less touched, bite the number of make-ups.

Matching like this, and then called to the jungler, flashing and flashing to dispel Xiye's murderous intentions, and then the first wave of returning to the city, he T came out, and sent the line in first, and after 1 minutes, Kasa showed up on the top, he Changed out the sprint gank to go down the road, Ben didn't expect such a thing at all, so he sent a double kill, and the second half began to rot. "

"Here, look carefully."

Qin Ming will resolutely switch out of sprinting, repeating the scene of the opening of the river several times, and then asked: "The grass under the river has eyes, how did he judge that there will be a fight in the next lane?"

Rookie stared at the screen and didn't speak. If he was WE, he couldn't imagine why a Galio appeared at the first moment of the collision. You know, this wave was the first time the brother-in-law crossed the river to exchange blood, and then there was no one. up.

In the dark, it was as if Doinb had written a script, and the brother-in-law just repeated the content in it, because it was a few seconds faster, and the field of vision saw that the 2 people would definitely retreat, and a few seconds slower, maybe they could kill one and play 2 against 2 again.No matter what happens, you won't lose so many chips.

"This is what Doinb is capable of. You will find that there is no sign before this wave starts. The old thief and Qi Ya didn't show their murderous intentions. They just stole points normally, and then WE went up by themselves. Only after they got on, Qi Ya It is guiding the body position."

Qin Ming pointed to the similar shots in the back and threw out the facts, "This is the role of advance. I have taken Doinb before, and his wandering may not work all the time, but as long as he maintains this frequency, he can roll if he seizes the opportunity. .”

"Of course, Rookie, you are not someone's shadow. I just want to tell you through these few shots that you don't have to pursue the success rate to act. You have to seek opportunities, and other people have a stage to cooperate."

Rookie fell into deep thought. Although the picture has passed, the organization process has long been imprinted in his mind. He compared his feelings when playing cards, and suddenly felt that he could grasp something.

"You can't go far with only one set of tactics. When you meet a more mature team, they have a lot of ways to limit our advantages, whether it is BP or tactical choice."

(End of this chapter)

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