Chapter 494 Three Wins
Back to the game.

Rookie's spiritual savior, Missing immediately gave feedback.

Since Thresh didn't dodge and there was only one-fifth of the tower left, he covered behind Jace, and then waited for the pig girl to take her position.

JD's field of vision saw the pig girl scan and squeeze over.

At 9 minutes and 20 seconds, Ning approached the river for the fourth time to help TheShy clear the obstacles, so Miller said that JD had to find a way to sanction Jess's script, which was difficult to establish.

Zhongxia can defend the tower by himself, and Nosuke only needs to protect Daddy, watching ez open the big clear line, there is an eye behind the wall in the blue zone, Rookie in the middle lane puts Zoe to push the line, and lures toothpaste to catch it.


JD didn't take any action, and let him fall to the next tower.

"This is the second game. TheShy broke through the defense tower 2 minutes ago, and beat Ornn 10 knives."

Miller just read out the laning period data normally, but it sounded a little joyful.

In the past few years, most of the LPL's top lanes have been steadily developing, and no one thinks that being steady can't win the game, but TheShy's abrupt laning data will definitely leave a deep impression on the audience.

Just like what Uzi said before: If you don’t press 30 knives in the lane, Uzi has already lost.

10 seconds later.

The water dragon whined.

This little dragon is controlled very slowly, the reason is that the framework designed by Qin Ming does not require Ning to control the dragon so early.

Jess went home and repaired the CD boots, combined with Mozong and 2 long swords, and when he was about to come out of the spring, TheShy suddenly remembered that he had a vision task, so he returned a long sword decisively and repaired a real eye.

The commentator didn't notice this scene.


Jess took off this kind of equipment and pinched TP on his body, which was very uncomfortable for JD.

no doubt.

It is a bit difficult to fight for the vanguard. At this point in time, this kind of terrain is not suitable for people from the disadvantaged side to enter. Moreover, IG has certain experience in how to defend against Zoe.

When fighting Zoe in later generations, they will basically choose a hero with a small displacement, and then stand on the flanks to fight back.

Just like this wave, the toothpaste cleared the midline with Loken, Zoe followed the side wall, and touched Missing on the lower side of the Longkeng mouth with an E shot by feeling. In the last 0.5 seconds when the bubble took effect, the Titan Hook Longkeng fell asleep and stuck. Holding the yellow card and seeing Zoe Lafeixing, the two exchanged blood.

Of course the cards lost money, but that was a warning.

"Pioneer pulls inside to fight, get off the road, Jess sends the line to the river for a stop, and prepares for support."

JD tried a few times head-on, but was caught by ez and cards, and it was not easy to get in. When Jess came to attack the line, the female policeman returned to defense, and naturally he dared not enter the front.

"If Pioneer eats it, will IG let it go?"


Both sides continued to change lanes to develop until the card's ultimate move improved, Ning stood on the lower side, and then Rookie put on the line and turned to the red zone, moving closer in advance.

13 minutes 54 seconds.

Ning was in the lower triangular grass line and saw Jess push the line over, and released the vanguard to circle back to force Ornn to lose his position. In the middle, ez couldn't squeeze the policewoman with the electric knife alone, the green mullah The lantern is connected to LokeN, and Zoe TP is in the second tower.

"JD had an idea. Pioneer hit him head-on, almost hurting and breaking the tower. Ning seemed to be aware of it and wanted to retreat, but Xiao Fu stuck to the upper wall of the dragon pit and wrapped it in advance."

Zoe who landed accelerated towards the red zone.

next beat.

The prince's EQ slows down the pig girl, Ning triggers a deadly rhythm, and 2 junglers stand up.

"Both sides are rushing, Jess is still demolishing the tower, Ornn is leaning towards the stone beetle, and Thresh will arrive first!"

JD wants to regain the rhythm, so he can only use mobility to play more and less.

"Pig sister handed over Q, the prince's big move framed it, Ning's position is a bit dangerous, and he has to wait for his teammates to fight back."

The stopwatch dragged the time, Thresh fell into place, and TheShy hit Aoun with a cannonball from the flank, dropping a fifth of the casual blood.

"The sheep are called out, the card is turned up, where is Rookie going to fly?"

Just when the battle situation is unclear.

Jess accelerated the hammer on the bellows flames, and was brittle and stiff. The next shot, the sheep approached, the toothpaste suppressed the excitement, the hypnotic bubbles separated the wall, and the policewoman followed the big move.

At such a moment, if the imaginary set of instant seconds did not appear, Jess dodges to the back of Ornn and temporarily changed the angle. Casual wanted to play a kickback, but was repelled by E, and the bubble was empty.

"Oh! The card hits the ground to stun Aoun and block the flying star. The choice in IG is to kill first and then the front row. Front, the pig girl's big move can only be thrown to the prince. Ning will take another set of control, and then dodge. Pull back to Ah Shui's side."

The battle situation was divided into 2 parts, LokeN output cards through the wall, and Zoe shot a flying star, instantly down to half health.

But Missing, who walked silently into the Dragon Pit, flashed a Q on the wall to the policewoman. LokeN was forced to change the output target and pull after moving. Titan ignored it and continued to look for Zoe.

Immediately after Ornn E knocked up the card, WAQ set, Rookie's remaining blood flashed, Jess pulled out the accelerator door, tied A to start, Ornn flashed over the wall, and the following shot hit the middle and upper between.

"The damage from this shot is too painful. Missing's ult is handed over to Aoun, and the toothpaste can only be sold."

The front row fell, Zoe was forced to retreat, TheShy got stuck on the triangle grass, and the prince couldn't return to the formation.

"Ah Shui continued to be sticky, and continued to slow down. The two of them could only break out in the direction of ez."

Toothpaste went to the F6 position and wanted to meet Nosuke. After 4 seconds, Prince EQ killed the bloody pig girl. Thresh flashed and pulled the lantern to the F6 open space. Amidst the surprised roar of the commentator, Jess, who chased into the dragon pit, adjusted the angle With one shot and two shots, Thresh was killed on the spot. The prince escaped from the shield, but was followed by the Titan. Ah Shui made up for the damage and took the head.

"Jess has four heads."

"This wave was manipulated by TheShy again. JD wanted to take advantage of the vanguard to release, and the pig girl circled her back to catch a wave of Ueno. Moreover, their focus target was fine. Seeing that Jess did not retreat, watch this battle There is nothing wrong with the strongest point, but it is uncomfortable when the hypnotic bubble is empty.”

"Rookie played well too. He used his big move to cover and blocked the double-c damage, which made Aoun very embarrassed."

Miller and Wawa felt that the hand of cards was played more smoothly, and their words were full of appreciation.


Hongmi held her forehead, not wanting to expect a miracle.

This JD always drove chaotically at certain times, he didn't even know if Xiao Fu was on the opposite Ning bar, why did he like to play jungle so much.

Since IG has ensured that the tower will be taken down in advance and wants to grab the edge, let Aoun seduce, sell the front row to attract Ueno together, and then the prince will use his skills, and wait for the middle assistant to come over, wouldn't it be good?
He had to fight in the river, and the Titans fell into position in 6 seconds. The original advantage of having a large number of people instantly became a breakthrough for being counterattacked because they couldn't kill Jess in seconds.

This wave speeds up.

IG began to be arrogant, and after taking the dragon and the bottom to force, they used the advantage of Jess to send the line to sweep the red zone and force them.

"Thresh couldn't stand a shot from the side. The 17-piece Jess in 2 minutes was too advanced."

The damage is a bit exaggerated.

Even if the green hair couldn't move on the back side, he gave himself a lantern, and after being hit, he lost more than 400 blood. If he hit the policewoman, basically half of the blood would be gone.


The commentator just praised Rookie's card rhythm is good.

Next scene.

The middle line was temporarily cleared by the policewoman, and the card was pushed across the river line and was caught by Zoe. She chose to go to the blue zone alone. The little man squatting on the side of the wall saw the ping signal in the middle, and decisively entered the river to block it. The little man went first EQ pushes the flash to create an environment for Zoe.

Toothpaste lived up to its expectations. It used its big move to cross the wall to pick up the dropped flash, then flashed into the river to accelerate, pulling the flying star to force it out of position, and E, who looked back at the moon, fell asleep on the card.

"I didn't dodge the position, the card is about to fall!"

Rookie was caught, IG teamed up and continued to demolish the first tower, Aoun moved ahead regardless of the line, TheShy noticed and ran the map from the back.

At the same time, the prince didn't care about the card's head, and pulled it directly to the center. When the first tower was broken, Thresh's flanks were pressed and he was slowed down by the ice fist, and he tried to use Q to determine the hook.

At this moment, Yang Lai slowed down ez, pig girl, the prince EQ came to the passage, and was less than 200 yards away from ez. Titan Q looked at the prince from behind, Xiaofu used his big move to evade the control and covered the three of them, and then, casual pre- The front landing point of the judgment ez tower is at the F6 channel to push the sheep out.

"The sheep has won, Ah Shui is in danger, do you want to hand it over?"

This wave of retaining players was very decisive and beautiful. From losing the position of the cards to returning to the rhythm in the rush, JD did a good enough job.

next beat.

Ah Shui saw TheShy's position came to the pass, and decisively handed over the stopwatch to seduce Thresh and the policewoman. In the circle, the Titan gave Thresh a big fight, and the pig girl was fighting with the prince. The moment they were knocked off, there was a gap in the position of the subordinate. , Ning threw his big move at the policewoman, fired a cannon from a distance, rubbed Thresh's body, and beat the policewoman to a third of her blood.

"Lalala, kill the assistant and force to dodge and leave." Lumao kept communicating, and Toothpaste was calling to see his position.

Jess met Aoun, drove W to beat the front row, followed Titan to eat Thresh Q, the ez stopwatch ended and flashed into the tower, and when the assistant was headshot by the female police clip, he was taken away, all JD went River station.

"Do you want to chase, give the lantern, Aoun gathers a large force to pull towards the river, pig girl drives W and wants to keep people, toothpaste, toothpaste sleeps, it's time to sleep again!"

Zoe, who was approaching from the red buff aisle, used the side wall E to reach the pig girl. After 0.5 seconds, Ning turned in Q and pulled, but still got the flying star, and her blood volume, which was already dissatisfied, was less than half.

JD Ueno immediately turned around to stay, and the three of IG covered and walked into the tower.

Just when everyone thought that IG was losing money, JD pulled the center line again and took a breather, Mozong quietly turned into a magic cut, Jess suddenly turned around and QE threw the gun, stuck Ornn back to the station, Thresh and the policewoman entered Pulled in the middle and back, when the bodies were temporarily squeezed together, they shot out with one shot.

"Oh!!! This shot!!!"

LokeN didn't react and melted directly, Thresh was bloody, Aoun was less than one-sixth, Jess opened Youmeng and chased Aoun point, the next shot, Ah Shui stretched, and hit Aoun E's stiff position.

In an emergency, Lumao planned to sell himself and give the toothpaste to E at the same time, but TheShy suddenly shifted the target A to kill Thresh and eat Zoe's bubble before Thresh hooked.

"ez is about to harvest!"

After Ah Shui grew up, EQ slowed down Zoe. Before the toothpaste pulled the flying star, Ning sold himself and knocked back the prince who turned back to pick Jess, and then adjusted his position to block Zoe's damage with his body.

"Jess is not dead, JD can't fight anymore."

The final struggle failed, Ah Shui chased Zoe, Jess got up and killed the prince in a hammer form, and continued to chase Aoun. After 7 seconds, the distance was enough, TheShy shot blood, ez made Q and killed.

This wave is over.

Lumao's voice was a little helpless, "The big dragon is gone."

Toothpaste said angrily, "Hey, it's time to go."

Hindsight is of course useless.

Jess's three shots were really devastating, turning the 5v3 situation into an IG-style endgame in an instant.

"Jess has six heads. Ning eats the fruit to restore blood, and wants to use the big dragon. Rookie's resurrection is sent to the dragon pit. The four of them are not in a hurry. They still want to wait for the resurrection of the Titan, and give it a status."

40 seconds later, Jess, who made up for Xiao Qingyu, continued to lead down, and the three of IG pressed the middle, followed the situation of the pawn line in the bottom lane to adjust the speed of the pawn line, and then let the card get involved in the road.

JD can't control it for the time being, so he can only clear the center line first, and when IG Nosuke goes to the red zone, the second tower can only be given to IG.

"The bottom lane can threaten the high ground, and Rookie will also be brought into the upper second tower immediately. There is not much time left for JD. Can you find a chance to open a wave?"

The Titan returned to the center and left an accessory eye in the highland passage. Missing knew that Jace's value in the offensive consumption side was infinite.

14 seconds passed.

The second wave went off the assembly line and entered high, and the middle road was still deadlocked, but there was a second tower. IG understands that the high ground on the road needs to be defended separately.

Ning Ming turned around, Rookie stood in the open space to check the situation, and waited for the center line to re-enter. Just as the second tower in the center was about to fall and JD Shimonosuke was about to retreat to the high ground, Jess turned on Youmeng and went in.

The classic one person is taller, the other brothers are tearing down the tower.

as predicted.

Being rushed by TheShy, for a while, JD didn't even want to watch the other two highlands, he just wanted to solve Jess and put 2 to develop.

"Play phase, twist your waist to avoid Ornn's blazing charge into the wall, Jess' damage is a bit high, and it's a close-up light-speed cannon, Ornn only has one-third of his health left."

in a panic.

Casual called the sheep, failed to complete the deceleration in the first paragraph, was waiting for the big move to get close, Jess cut the hammer form, the experience of being interrupted twice in the past made casual make a wrong decision.

That's right.

He handed in the bellows Yanxi, but the imaginary E didn't make a move. In a hurry, the sheep came behind him, and it rushed out and hit the air.

"The sheep have passed! Ornn is about to fall!"

Due to the failure to hit the fly, Prince EQ was twisted and failed to keep up with the control. In the next shot, the three of IG demolished the high ground tower in the middle, and Kakashi pushed it onto the road alone.

Ah Shui and Rookie just watched Jess shoot Ornn to death, and then flirted with the prince.

4 seconds later.

Jess got the hook, the policewoman set the trap, and Zoe pulled a long-distance flying star.

next beat.

The accelerator door appears.

LokeN crossed E to move his body, Nosuke left the direction of the muzzle, the toothpaste had just crippled Jess, when he returned, he caught a shot firmly, and the Ah Shui Highland who had predicted this scene in advance expanded, and the card opened its destiny .

"Precise barrage hit, Zoe's remaining blood was withdrawn to the front teeth, trying to open the position with the card, but Rookie found a good spot, the artillery yellow card, and then took a flat A to take away."

The situation became 4 vs 3.

Because TheShy made JD put too much energy into it, when the crystal exploded, during the anxiety, Lumao took an aggressive position and got the pig girl's big move. Just as the prince wanted to cover with EQ, he was also hooked by the Titan.

"Titan's R is as big as 2, and LokeN is clearing the line, as long as the line is cleared."

After 4 seconds, Thresh fell first, the prince opened his shield and retreated, and Missing went to see the policewoman, but LokeN just cleared the line regardless. In the last 3 soldiers, Ah Shui jumped face and hit the output. In JD's despair, the artillery was full Yes, another yellow card.


At 23 minutes and 12 seconds, IG flattened the base, with a head score of 5:15.

(End of this chapter)

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