Chapter 495

"Play with snakes."

"Qiaoqiu is on the road, don't c."

"Why didn't I see how strong this top laner is before!"

IG fans are happy. The three wins in the new season don’t seem like much, but for the fans who have been tortured for two years, it is a good start. The most important thing is that so far, no team can be forced out. The full strength of IG.

Red rice has a similar feeling now.

When he saw how well Jess was shooting, and how often he seized very tricky angles to shoot, he had to sigh, the star player's blessing to the team's upper limit.

What is missing from JD.

What is missing is a breakthrough hand under strong pressure.

LokeN is more than stable, suitable to set off the team, the toothpaste line is qualified, not greedy for money, the husband is normal in reading, and his performance is not bad, but when several people are grouped together, none of them can take over the leadership well after the transition. Complete the tough task.

To put it bluntly, JD can do a good job of rallying the front line, making visions, forming a group and leaving some people to do such dirty work——

In addition to not being strong enough, it is unstable to get an advantage, and it is not easy to take advantage of a disadvantage. In uncomfortable games, you cannot unconditionally believe that someone can bring feedback, and try to bet on a position to struggle.

Redmi couldn't even believe that IG was vacillating between TheShy and Duke before this, and I don't know who will start.

Duke: Excuse me, excuse me!

Another day off work early.

The IG players have become very accustomed to this sudden end of the game.

Back in the background.

Redmi didn't say something like "professional players who lose games are rubbish". What's the use of saying things that are useless to growth and progress?

Even if it is spraying, if you want to wake up the players, you have to scold to the point, pointing your nose and saying what is not done well, sending a big rhythm, it is no more meaningful than pure emotional venting.

of course.

The worst thing is that when the team members' mentality collapsed, he said "I am also trash" and put the whole picture in silence, which made everyone unable to do anything.

Isn't it cruel to be 2:0, and the total of 2 rounds does not exceed 50 minutes?


This is being crushed, not a small loss, or not winning because of one or two waves of skill coordination mistakes.This kind of failure, Redmi does not need to review——

I have been crushed too hard, and there is actually not much room for review, because I can't learn and can't do it.

the reason is simple.

It is impossible to match up with TheShy in the top lane.

Even if the decision-making effect for the road is useful, the actual benefits are a bit unequal compared to the energy you put in.


Today's game proved that the gap between the players is too large, and Hongmi doesn't need to say these things that will only make people upset.

There are some things that you know in your heart, and getting paid is not for talking nonsense.


Redmi's replay starts with the soldier line.

Tell casual plainly, against the operation monster like TheShy, line is more important than anything else, line, can mix, at least you can keep the level, and keep the level, at least it is convenient to use the team's general trend to make up for the economic gap on the road.


In a lot of blood exchange rounds, you have to quickly make a trade-off between the last knife and the consumption. You have to fight smarter and be more thieves. For example, when you are overwhelmed by a card grass crossing the line, or don’t get hit, just wait until three soldiers are about to die. , Go up and take a hit, or you would rather be beaten, but also ensure the last knife and vision, and insert it as soon as you see it.

"If you just think about not fighting back, you will be unstable. Your biggest problem now is that you are not proficient in your positioning. When you can't match up, you will get stuck in the distance or seduce very quickly."

This is the tragedy. TheShy saw through the casual tricks at a glance, and got no positive feedback at all.

TheShy, who is in good form, is so scary.

The replay is over.

Casual silently typed out the customization, and used Jess to abuse the man-machine. He imagined everything that happened today.

The counterpoint was exploded, who can be blamed?
Is the jungler enough to take care of?
In all fairness, Xiaofu is strictly implementing the pre-match arrangements.

Even in the middle of the road, the voice prompts several times to rely on...

The middle and the wild are like this, and they haven't been able to defend, so the opponent's jungler is playing better?
Casual don't think so.

Even if you are playing ranked, if you encounter such a fierce top laner, then you don't need to say hello...

Thinking of this, Casual was extremely frustrated, and what was even more frustrating was that he found that he was not as smooth as TheShy when playing personal games...

Am I really that bad?

Looking back on his 2-year career, it was the first time that casual was so weak. He was not unaffected. He was squeezed into a substitute by his elder brother who liked to fall ill in his later years, and he was never promoted. At that time, he had a strong unwillingness;

There is no linkage in the secondary league. Sometimes they are trained by the military, and they just complain a few words about the top laners, who have not been trained by the military.

Only today.

He really found himself away from the LPL starting top laner, as if there was a gully——

Why is his Jess smoother than mine.

Depressed, confused, painful...

He felt ashamed when he thought of the coach teaching him how to make the right choice in every matchup round during the review.

Frustrated, Casual opened the post bar and posted: Who can teach me how to smell the experience?
He played the game poorly.

To make matters worse, the GIF picture of him being shown was circulated in the anti-stress blame bar, and the comments were quite lively.

The finishing touch comes from the blunt toothpaste.

When the time came to 1:[-], Toothpaste, who had always had a stable schedule, was about to go to bed. When passing by the seat, Casual grabbed the toothpaste and said in pain, "Am I really that bad?" He couldn't figure it out, and hoped for someone to comfort him.

Both of them are from the secondary league, and they have played against each other in the past. Although they are not familiar with each other, the same experience makes Casual think that they can find a common topic.

Toothpaste was not very tactful, "Actually, I think it would be nice if you can not die on the road. It's normal that you can't beat it. I didn't kill Rooike alone with Zoe."

Casual was so ashamed that he threw away his hand and was hit hard.

Waiting for Qin Ming to pay attention to JD is already a matter of their kneeling three times in a row. At that time, due to the instability of the first half, they were always at a disadvantage and entered the transition period, and the tacit understanding in team battles was declining.

IG's next game is against TOP.

This season's TOP is similar to JD, because the trivial matter of the acquisition has affected the club, their transfer period is to take over the original team, plus Lies and Moyu.

Needless to say the result.

A crisp 2:0.

Now the whole LPL knows that if you play IG, you can't pass 2 moves on the line, and you basically have no hope of winning.

Like these 2 rounds, TheShy comet Rambo, the captain of the version of Lies, Rookie winds up with one hand, card 6 jumps the tower and kills solo, the moment the hidden ball is upgraded, Moyu's Ryze is crushed.

after the game.

TheShy explained why he took Comet to fight the captain, and why he could complete a solo kill at level 2.

Through the mouth of the translator, he said that if the first-level E skill is well placed, the captain will not be able to eat the line, because the damage from 2 harpoons plus the comet hit is enough to knock out the captain's 260 HP, and then hit the second set of skills, Come over to the opposite side to make up Q soldiers.

At this time, it is very simple, grab the second, flash up, play Q, hide E, play red temperature (red temperature can put the cooled second E), add a level A, and the damage is just enough.

Just as the host and the audience were shocked by TheShy's blood volume calculation, he added with some regret: Alley's frequency was cut, and his tone was so helpless: Otherwise, I would consider bringing Alley to fight, so that it would be convenient for the fire under the tower.

When Lies heard this, he almost vomited blood. You are not satisfied that I was solo killed by the second level, and you want to roast me under the tower.

But on the day Alley was cut, TheShy was a little sad. He really felt that this rune was very suitable for him, and it was very suitable for the intermittent blood exchange frequency.

With four wins.

Everyone in IG is full of interest, especially after the last BO3, it will be the annual vacation.

Excitedly, they ushered in BLG who had just won RNG.

speak up.

The only one left unbeaten in the Eastern Division is IG.

before the game.

Many viewers voted that IG would win, and the probability of 2:0 is as high as 72%, which shows the weight of the audience's judgment.

"Never work overtime" has become a meme.

The IG players enjoyed it.

But judging from the BO3 of BLG playing RNG, the original IM team injected by station B, after getting Kuro to join, the whole style of play has not changed from before, and it still focuses on resisting pressure, but the big core in the middle has In order to perform better, they had more confidence to drag back.

To know.

Excluding IG, the average game time of most teams is 30 minutes to 34 minutes. BLG is special. They played 11 small rounds, mostly 1:2, or 2:1 others.

And most of these small rounds ended at around 37 minutes to 40 minutes, especially the three small rounds against RNG, with an average time of 41 minutes and 27 seconds per game.

The night before the last game of the annual holiday.

Qin Ming chatted about BLG's confidence in being able to delay the Spring Split like this.

It is probably because the eye stone and the eye knife have been removed from the field of vision, and their shrinking style of play is rarely found.

In other words, they give less chances, give you the wild area, don't touch the big dragon, and BLG's iconic line-clearing core, even if something goes wrong, they still have the capital to continue grinding.

On the whole, they are not stronger than before. This can also be seen from their loss to JD. BLG's game is more than a mistake. If the gap is too big, they will also make up for it.

On the way to the venue.

The players are all joking about AJ, because of TheShy's brave performance, now the test of the top laner is not the counter-kill those "fake" stats, but what he can do in the hands of TheShy——

Demented (being single-person jumped over the tower at least 2 times, and the last 15 minutes was more than 60);
Moderate meaning (Small-scale collisions did not win, there is no way to be overrun by the jungler, and the difference in CS is controlled within 40);
Withstood the test (the level can be bitten, the more powerful it is to fight back, the difference between the last knife is within 40);
Strong (solo kill TheShy, counter pressure during the laning phase)

Canonization (without the help of teammates, single-player TheShy).

For the time being, no contestant has completed the last two links. What the audience can see is either that the contestant lost his mind under the heavy pressure, or was crushed in the tower, and Ning came over.

In short, each has its own tragedy.

Not to mention, the top laner who was beaten by TheShy can easily affect the performance of the next game. The victims here include Jianxian, Wolf, and casual, all of whom made varying degrees of judgment errors after beating IG.

The most serious one is casual, in the e-commerce contest of playing SN, the little husband and pig girl caught at level 3, he played Sean to fight vampires, obviously E slowed down, forced flash, and then pig girl Q flash forced Xuechi, he You only need to flash and charge up to get up, and you can kill the wolf. As a result, you made a mistake in accumulating Q, and put it half a beat early. In a very funny posture, you let the vampire go back to the tower, avoiding the impact.

"It's all up to you, AJ, it's time to prove yourself!"

"It's a joke, Xiangjiang's number one top laner is a waste of fame."

"Ning likes to hoard the thread and catch it. Pay attention, and I will help you look around." The jungler Sks was relieved, trying not to put pressure on AJ.

Everyone knows that the most difficult part of playing IG is the top lane. No matter how bad the mid lane is, you don't need to communicate. If you don't communicate on the top lane, you won't even gain experience.

Moreover, TheShy's style of play is too strong, so that Sun Dayong has no confidence. He came with a tempered attitude, and he didn't even mind showing similar views.

"Basically, we can only help the middle and lower heroes to win heroes, and we can't stay in the second round for the top lane."

Sun Dayong is aware of the weight of his cards, if he can't beat it, he can't beat it.

He is not like other teams, spending energy on the road to prove something, holding this deck of cards for 2 years, how to play the role of the team, he thinks his players already understand very well.

and so.

Sun Dayong said it directly enough, "What we can see is the late game and the wild area. If we can hold back, the chances of winning will increase. IG hasn't played much in the late game. This kind of team is likely to pass through the time area that they are familiar with. After that, the turnovers increased. What we have to do is to try to grasp this."

influenced by the outside world.

AJ couldn't calm down.

Commentary seat.

Zeyuan and Miller laid the groundwork and roughly introduced the data style of the two teams——

"It is worth noting that IG's finishing efficiency is very high. They can always pass through the line, accumulate a lot of snowballs, and then take advantage of the trend to overtake the tower to force the group. As for BLG, I believe that the audience who have watched their games are very clear about them. Have enough toughness."

In fact, there was still something in his heart that Zeyuan wanted to say, but he didn't say it in the end.

That is, if other teams play IG, if there are too many disadvantages, they will take the initiative to speed up. After all, one of the main purposes of everyone in the Spring Split is to train. Not many teams like to grind in desperate situations. If it is not done well, the mentality of the players will be hit even more.

But BLG is different. Even if they lose all the outer towers in 20 minutes, they are willing to continue playing like this. From body and mind to willpower, they are full of bladder games.Maybe there is some experience in holding back urine.

Enter BP.

This is not the first time Qin Ming has fought against Sun Dayong, and he understands what he wants very well.

Because he was on the blue side, Qin Ming decisively blocked the czar of the former Rox team's mid laner Kuro, the bot lane hero ez, and Road's well-played Braum.

Qin Ming's goal is very clear, which is to give BLG fewer heroes who feel too secure.

In the same way, the point of BLG's fear is not to thread the thread, remove Zoe, remove Jess, and add a vampire.

To be honest, there are a lot of heroes who can support their fathers on the road. Sun Dayong tried his best to get rid of the kind of rogue characters in the team. This season, because AJ is one year older, he still has anti-stress experience, but the exchange of blood is getting rougher.

If we were only 600 yuan behind in matchups before, now we are watching 800 yuan, and the pressure on the team has increased.

"IG grabbed the Titans, no problem."

Zhumei is outside, but if BLG takes it, Qin Ming will be able to form a lineup with a strong Lujia meat-eating jungler. He is not afraid of BLG taking Zhumei, because BLG's rhythm is slow.

"Looking at what BLG thinks, I feel that we can leave a Conte for AJ. If we play TheShy, the pressure will be a bit high."

BLG chooses one or two, and takes away the clockwork and bull head.

Qin Ming continued to make up the blind monk and Xia according to his own ideas.Xia is a good choice for the bull head, and the consumption is stable enough.

Then, BLG released Bobi.

"Bobby, is it really good for AJ to release heroes so early?"

Sun Dayong didn't want to look at the lane at all, and Poppy is BLG's favorite position idea, with three-dimensional offense and defense.

Enter the second round of ban.

Qin Ming got rid of the wine barrel, got rid of the pig girl, Sun Dayong got rid of Galio, got rid of Syndra, followed by the fourth floor to replace the wheel mother.

"BLG's lineup is so slow, should we completely abandon the early stage?"

Seeing that Ryze and Kenan are supplemented on the left, IG emphasizes rhythm and small combo cooperation, and does not need to pay too much attention to the connection of skill groups. Ryze, Kenan, blind monk, and Xia can all play their own, and then come A strong person is responsible for series connection.

This is the essence of casting that is most suitable for the No. [-] line-playing tactics in so many days.

Faced with this, Sks seemed to have heard Zeyuan's questioning, and locked the poodle on the fifth floor.

"Bring the ball into the field! It's not just the cooperation of the bull's head and the clockwork."

Zeyuan was a little surprised by BLG's final choice. He thought that BLG would just stop resisting and just delay the later stage. He didn't expect that the breakthrough they chose was in the wild.

The lineup is settled.

IG (Blue) Titan, Blind Sin, Xia, Ryze, Kenan

BLG (red) Clockwork, Bull Head, Bobby, Wheel Mom, Poodle
The barrage is winning five consecutive victories on IG, but BLG doesn't seem to want to give up easily.

 Orange melon really has that serious disease! ! ! (The server exploded today. Fortunately, I have nothing to save, otherwise it would not be as simple as getting angry).

  Today is lazy, one more.

(End of this chapter)

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