Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 695 Before I fight, I will make a magic resistance shoe

Chapter 695 Before I fight, I will make a magic resistance shoe

The lineup for both sides is as follows-

RW (blue) knife girl, pig girl, wine barrel, gemstone, piano girl

IG (Red) Qian Jue, Hanbing, Lulu, Enchantress, Sword Fairy

Qin Ming can understand RW's determination to take the initiative.

In the regular season, RW has tasted the taste of losing a team in the mid-term, knowing that if the rhythm cannot be opened in the early stage, the mid-term operation is bitten, and the team will be forced to make mistakes in the later stage-too many people have tasted this sequence.

Whoever is IG's opponent must find a way to change.

In this regard.

The solution given by RW is to ban Akali and Sword Demon, and use Daomei to strengthen the strength of the midfield, ensure the safety of the midfield and the river, and let the side play as support.

This is made by U Gus, which they think is the optimal solution.

under ideal conditions.

The sword girl has grown up, the resource group has gems as pendants, there is a group with high fault tolerance like the pig girl, there is a wine barrel to check for leaks, and there is a piano girl who has developed to the late stage to supplement the AP output that was not available in the early stage. How do you look at it? The lineup is selected They are all three-dimensional.

of course.

It's a pity that Ugus was banned for Death Song, otherwise, they could have threatened to force the group earlier.

to this end.

The countermeasures given by Qin Ming were not clever.The sword girl was purely forced, and the demon girl was forced to be helpless. If you don't choose a flexible hero, the space for team battles is too narrow.

But choosing a hero with high mobility means that it is impossible to supplement the front row.

to be frank.

IG's strategy of robbing Qian Jue has been used by RW. If Qian Jue is replaced by Zach, it may be better to cooperate with this one.

But having said that, at the BP stage, if you buy it and leave it, if you don’t play Qian Jue, maybe RW will not insist on a lineup with four guarantees and one guarantee.

What does Daomei mean in Doinb's hands?
The commentators, the insiders, and the audience are guessing, and they don't fully understand the idea.Four days ago, RW also showed fear and incompatibility with Daomei.

Why did you dare to lock it in the first round when you played IG four days later?

Doinb has never played Daomei, but he has played ranked, which gave the audience the impression that they have no skills.

This hero is very skillful. Although the strength is high, it is not impossible to counter it. Compared with the double-fat tank designed in the old version and Tetsuo who killed the AD with the third Q, after all, the operating threshold is there.A sword girl who misses E, the killing power is quite limited, against the sword girl, first pay attention to E, and second, pay attention to it cooperates with the jungler to make a strong kill.

In addition, there is nothing special to pay attention to.

In the audience's understanding, Daomei is a hero who dares to play with geeks. It's so fun to cut back and forth in team battles, and the crispy skin is scary when you see it, but this kind of hero can't be compared with Doinb.

The audience thinks so.

enter the game.

RW knew that the winger would suffer a bit in the early stage, and did not plan to play a first-tier team.If you learn E at the gem level, you don't need to play in the bottom lane.IG has already shown the essence of Shuangpi Nai, that is Gou!
No matter how you do it, wait until the mid-term, as long as the big brother is strong enough, the ability to counter the situation is top-notch.



On the small map, the signals of the two teams continued to light up.

RW voice.

"A small change of blood on the line, they are almost two, we will withdraw."

"Pay attention to your online time, don't be squatted."

"Yes, we don't need to rush into the rhythm. During this laning period, I will focus on maintaining the laning in the middle."

"no problem."

After negotiating.

RW conservatively filled the ward position in the triangle grass, and followed the old thief to the red buff, ready to help the jungler open.The bottom road will definitely not grab the second, third and fourth wave lines, and you have to be careful when Ning comes over.

This is the idea of ​​the old thief.

Shuangpi Nai's laning strength is very average, and Hanbing and Lulu are the combination of line bullies among line bullies. IG will definitely make up their minds to fatten up the lane first, and then look for opportunities to play sideband containment.

In fact.

Both sides know what the other side wants the situation to be.

IG wants to gain more advantages in the early stage and make up for the lack in the mid-term. If the avoidance operation is done well, there is a chance for Jianji to fight two or three, and then take the opportunity to build a big dragon and win by playing the line of troops.

RW wants to reduce losses in the early stage and keep the position in the middle lane. After reaching level [-], Xiaolong, Pioneer, and Daomei can radiate regional resources, and find a way to fully control them.

From Qin Ming's perspective.

With the help of the two-person road, Kasa Zhumei became popular normally, which means that RW knows very well not to deliberately save the front, and fall into unprovoked disputes with IG.

RW has practiced this style of play so well that he doesn't need any communication.The BO5 they played against RNG also had a good rhythm in the middle and wild, and then radiated to the bottom lane, so that the old thief had the environment to make up the line to recover from the disadvantage.

Instead of frequently fighting in the bottom lane from the beginning, enter the familiar link of RNG.

the other side.

Ning Dan became popular, knowing that the crabs in the river are very stable, and he can probably control a mark first.

Bottom soldiers gather.

Ah Shui observed that the opposite position was very timid, and Missing occupied the grass and wasted all by himself. He slowed down the tail knife and prepared to stock up and send it in. Let RW go down the road thanks to the extra knife economy.

"IG should be able to grab the second in the bottom lane, and the old thief gave up fighting."

"It's still not easy for Qinnv to replenish the line in the early stage. It hurts Lulu to touch people, but Gemstone has learned W, and the blood line can be controlled."

RW puts out the line in the bottom lane, and Qin Nu only uses QA to make up for the remaining blood soldiers.At this time, Lulu will use grass to consume, but the ice distance is not enough, and it is not uncomfortable to be protected by gems.

For the Shuangpi Nai combination, if they can get an extra pawn in front of them, it will be profitable.


IG went down the road to 2, and Qian Jue's three groups of wild crossings ate crabs and came down to the tower on time.

However, Qi Yati went to the aisle to repair the jewelry eyes, and seeing Qian Jue protruding from the triangle grass, the two backed away, not caring about their own experience lagging behind.

"IG doesn't want the opponent to eat the lane in the bottom lane. Rather, he is hitting the stone beetle, and the old thief wants to harass him."

QA Qianjue, Ning eats the big one, seeing that there are not many minions under the tower, Q crosses the wall and leans towards the center, then Shuangpi Nai repositions and continues the confrontation.

As the level rises, Qin Nu learns milk, and gems have E. No matter how Missing dares to consume, she will have a certain ability to fight back.

In theory.

If you want to force Dolan's ring 2 red Qin girl into empty blue, normally speaking, at least level [-] or so (Qin girl pay attention to use less W to return to the health protection state, but to replenish more residual blood soldiers).

Ah Shui has played this routine himself, and knows that the strength is not bad, and it is very suitable for shortening the laning gap in the bottom lane.In the past, when he first started practicing this method, he had imagined that Qin Jiao didn't trust him, but he didn't expect that one day, the old thief would use this method to deal with him.It turned out that a senior like the old thief would let go of his pride and the so-called AD soul for the sake of being a champion.

On the stage.

Crystal was even more emotional.

He thought of S6, Qin Jiao also taught him the same way, to give up the so-called mentality that a strong man must have an advantage.There is no such reason.It's just an artificially imagined burden. It seems that this game bows its head during the laning period, and if it is timid in the face of a blood change, it will be ridiculed by the audience.

And today.

U Gus faced Qin Ming, and the old thief he trained also inherited this philosophy.

Winning is more important than proving someone is better.

Unless you feel that you are more comfortable playing than winning, that you are more worthy of honor and ignore your teammates, otherwise, there will be no matchup with a necessary advantage.

Battle seats.

Successfully controlling the core of the control, Ning told TheShy that the jungler is on top.

next beat.

TheShy was intentionally between the remaining blood soldiers and the body of the wine barrel, and suddenly played Q to trick the wine barrel E.It can be seen that Letme is a little nervous and wants to seize the opportunity to counterattack.

It's just that after Jianji pretended to have a Q flaw and actually made up the knife, she immediately pulled back.Casa didn't care either. If TheShy didn't give it a chance, the situation would develop in the established direction.

Why is he confident.

Rookie was annoyed because of the talent Doinb brought.With the existence of bones, Rookie must consider breaking them before changing his blood.

But here is the problem.

How many sets of skills can the Enchantress use in a wave of soldiers?
What's more, Daomei Q's dead minions will return blood, Dolan's shield will reduce the output of basic attacks, and Daomei is playing on the line. How do you play the threat of bleeding.

The Rookie belt is ignited, just trying to increase the bargaining chips for breaking through the middle.

Doinb doesn't have such a serious intention to kill, he brings TP, first understands the laning, and then thinks about cooperating with his teammates.

The game lasts 4 minutes.

Nothing happened.

Jian Ji Xiaoya and Hanbing Xiaoya are all within RW's calculations.

They also don't think this pressure knife can play a big role.

Ning is also troubled at the moment.

Obviously, there is a rhythm on the side lanes that can be caught, but Letme is more stable than the old thief. How can I break through?
Something has to be done.


Qian Jue went home in the first wave to upgrade the blue punishment, and went straight up.The wine barrel has never been home, and it seems that the mana is not enough, so it is not easy to rely on the line.

"Can the middle lane move?"


Knowing this sentence, I also know that the early stage jewelry ward is cooling down. If Kasa wants to keep it, the ward he lost when he controlled the river crab is likely to be on the triangle grass. It is impossible for RW to prevent the demon girl from moving first.

In the lens.

Ning came to the red zone and Q down the Dalongkeng.There is a blind spot in the river altar. It seems to be placed in the middle of the road and can see the movement of the enemy, but in fact, IG has stuck to the wall many times to avoid it during training.After all, the river altar has a limited field of vision, and many heroes with small enough hero models are easy to get around.

The point is just to stick to the wall and walk three steps, and you can avoid it on the upper side, probably in the area close to the grass.

"Ning's movement around the field of vision, he has ideas about wine barrels."

"Letme's mana, can you still release E?"

The wine barrel flashed, but being outflanked, Zeyuan felt that the pressure of death was still great.

not only that.

Rookie picked the time when the wave line just reached the second tower, and retreated and went up the road to kill.The enchantress has a displacement, and it is also convenient to take a detour.He knew that Doinb's eye position was given to the lower side, W went to the blue zone, and did not see Kasa.

"IG, classics help TheShy take the head!"

At this point.

It is already possible to give Letme a death sentence.

In order to force the dodge, Rookie did not come out first, and Ning broke the pull wire.

"Oh, Letme probably thought only Qian Jue was there."

Almost blue.

The wine barrel flashes neatly, and when Qian Jue beats her, Letme thinks that Jian Ji will make up the flash to stay. In this case, even if she is given a blood and Jian Ji does not flash, she can accept it.


"Rookie is here too, what about this chain? It's very accurate, directly block the dead corner."

that's it.

Rookie didn't hand over the K's head, but waited for Jian Ji to chase after him, and gave it the head. IG knows that the key to this game is on the wing, and they have to guard against Daomei head-on, and they cannot let Daomei kill her.

One blood sent out.

Kassa didn't care.

With such a huge laning pressure, it is of course good if there is no accident, but there is no need to think too much about it.

The lens turns.

Kasa pushed the line in the middle, let Yaoji save a few soldiers, followed Daomei back to the city, and Kasa leaned down.In this way, RW used the intimidation of Daomei TP to force the IG duo back, making Qinnv feel comfortable.

can only say.

The junglers on both sides are very good at taking advantage of short-term strategic advantages.

On the big screen, every move of both sides is exposed to everyone.

Daomei didn't hand in the T-line, and Rookie had to go home after removing the tower soldiers.

Wait until the next wave of middle roads converges.

Doinb didn't waste this round of clearing the line first, and decisively left the real eye behind his own red buff.From this position, you can see about half of the dragon wall. If Qian Jue jumped up from the small dragon pit, as long as he didn't guess that there were eyes here, there was a high probability that he would be discovered.


RW continues to move up the ranks.

Ning was in a hurry to do things.

5 minutes.

Ning repeated the same trick, trying to avoid the field of vision around the dragon pit, and was arrested by RW.Qin Nu accelerated and ran away with the gem.

I would rather not believe in evil.

Go back to Q and go down to the dragon pit with the assistant to control the first water dragon.After 20 seconds, at about 5 minutes and 55 seconds, he changed his mind and squatted down from the line to let the assistant leave the position and give up the oppression.

speak up.

It is these two gank routes that Ning likes most.It is simple and effective, and the efficiency of cooperating with line optimization is very high.

Lulu is out of place.

Of course the old thief wants to eat more soldiers.At this time, the pawn line is in front of the tower, and the jewel will take the initiative to delay the advance of the E pawn.Waiting for the gems to turn E, Ah Shui W slows down 2 people, before the old thief can turn E, Lulu suddenly turns around and turns into a sheep, Qian Jue jumps out E to Qi Ya, and collects the fire gems.

"Ning is too good, this wave is coming from online, Qi Ya should sell himself."


A wave and a half of soldiers immediately entered the tower.

At this point, Qi Ya has already communicated to sell by himself, but IG didn't want to let go of the opportunity in the next lane, Han Bing took a side step to slow down Qin Nu, Lu Lu and Q.


"Whose T? The TP from Daomei, Doinb wants to save the road."

This is no way.

The three of IG concentrated on killing gems. Seeing that Qi Ya crossed and got the treatment of Qin Nu and wanted to operate, Ning could only supplement output with Flash and cooperate with Lulu to kill gems.

Just like this, the Qin girl turned around and hit the damage with QA, and the sword girl landed on the Q soldier as a pedal, and Ning had no choice but to sell herself.

"Who is this head for? Doinb accepted it."

"This wave is hard to say, Lulu got the head of the gem, and IG had 2 dodges from Nosuke, only forcing the gem's dodge and Qin Nu's healing, and Qian Jue was accepted by the sword girl-I think RW is small Earn, what do you think?"

"In terms of economy, IG must have made a profit, but in terms of combat power, I think RW has made a profit. The death of Gemstone and Qin Nu gave RW very little negative feedback. Their combination was originally unbeatable."

IG voice.

Ning Qi said: "I shouldn't be greedy, otherwise I have a chance to run away."

"My mine, I thought I could kill them all if I kept them."

Hearing Ah Shui say this, Rookie said: "It's okay, I can't hold back whether to kill Daomei or not. He has a big move, so I can't fight him to the end."

Hit the road.

Daomei teleported down and closed her head, the wine barrel Q killed a few soldiers, and automatically went to the open space to see the direction of the wind, not giving the enchantress a chance.


The focus of the commentary booth is naturally on Nakano.

They know that if IG still wants to play the previous offensive effect, IG must find a way to fight back Daomei, and can't let Daomei play the game of pushing lines.

This point, RW also understands.

Doinb went out to go offline, and the old thief went to make up a wave. When Daomei returned to the city, Doinb didn't pay attention to anything else, and a magic resistance shoe appeared in the equipment column.

"He's so steady," Miller said from the bottom of his heart.

Although the head economy has not been transformed into combat power, but from another perspective, it is also a headache for the magic and anti-shoe enchantress.

(End of this chapter)

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