Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 696 Sword Lady Is Not Suitable For Team Playing

"He is magically resistant to shoes."

Hearing Missing's reminder, Rookie was a little dizzy.

It's a bit embarrassing to say.

Rookie thinks that among so many mid laners who have played against each other, only Big B makes him feel particularly difficult.This kind of difficulty does not mean that the laning changes, or that the details cannot keep up, but that Doinb can always simplify the complexity and relieve the pressure in the simplest way.

Enchantress beats Daomei, is Daomei under pressure?
Still a little.

Electrocution plus ignition is very likely to hit a gap in the bleeding line. At this time, if you call the jungler to come over, 2v2 will easily gain the upper hand.

This is also why Doinb chose to release the line until he was at level six before starting to push the line, allowing IG to find a way to break the midfield control formed by Daomei at this time.

Rookie can not communicate with Daomei, and it is not difficult for Yaoji to do this.

But here's the problem.

Your side has to press the line in the bottom lane, and you can't get out in the middle lane, how dare Han Bing put pressure on you?If you can't suppress Shuangpi Nai, how will the effect of Han Binglulu's selection come from?

In the words of the coach: This bot lane cannot be just Xiaoyou.

If you don't take advantage of Shuangpi Nai's anti-stress and big brother's characteristics, before 20 minutes, you are half a piece ahead, then you can't play.

The camera came to the middle.

Daomei, who made up the magical anti-heel flare, is very arrogant, and uses the rear row of the red side as a pedal in her position.

Crystal commented: "Just now I took a head for Daomei in the bottom lane, and Doinb will play very comfortably. Because in RW, it only depends on whether Daomei is well developed, other lanes are not so important."

"That's right, Ning is leaning in, is he planning to make a vision?"

Daomei was four soldiers away from sending in, and Yaoji suddenly stepped on hiding E, turned around and twisted to hide E, and before the second chain took effect, she made up a QA to trigger the electrocution.

After playing this set, Doinb hesitated for a while before starting to send the line.Just like this, when the pawn line reaches the red defense tower, it will be immediately blocked by the new pawn line.

As a line sender, this kind of pawn line position is definitely not very beneficial to melee heroes like Daomei.

IG is also taking advantage of this.

Taking advantage of Daomei's front row, Yaoji's CD is good, she stepped on her face and Qian Jue Q crossed the wall, and rushed out from the upper side to hang E.

Doinb knows that he is still meat.

He wasn't so flustered that he handed over his flash.

He first Q the soldiers to restore blood, and then opened W to resist the enchantress and broke out later, taking advantage of the situation and disabled 2 more soldiers.

"Sword girl Q Xiaobing hides E, this E predicted Qian Jue's position!"

Very simple operation.

E presses the pursuit position, whether Qian Jue chases or not, Daomei will run down the river.

This wave is over.

Daomei knocked off the blood bottle with half blood, and slowly recovered.When Daomei circled back to the center line, Yaoji pushed forward, and Ze Yuan thought it was just Ning coming to consume a wave.

Unexpectedly, the center line turned into a knife girl pushing forward again. Qian Jue scanned the blue area of ​​​​the blue square and walked around, and then covered it from the upper side.

"Casa is also nearby, 2v2 is about to start!"

Casa noticed IG's thoughts, and the radar squatted back.If Daomei is full of blood, he is not worried. Based on the explosion on the other side, Daomei at least has the option to dodge and run away.

this wave.

There are junglers on both sides, and both sides are acting in the middle. Doinb is playing me like pushing lines, Rookie is playing me watching you push.

Daomei has just Q to the back row of soldiers and entered the attack range of the demon girl. Rookie starts QA, waits for Daomei to turn around and move, and then steps into the pawn pile to hang E.

In the next shot, Qian Jue came out the same way, and Doinb turned on W to take the damage, which made the enchantress burst out and only knocked out its bloodline of less than 200. Doinb came up with an idea, almost at the end of the chain, Qianjue hung E, pig girl showed her head and killed, sword girl flashed to the right side of Yaoji, intending to R Yaoji, and then passed on Qianjue's body, triggering the disarming field.

He's fast, Rookie is faster.

Enchantress RE chained, dodged to her defense tower, and adjusted her position.

"Rookie reacted very quickly, and Doinb only reached Qianjue. Yaoji's outburst hit Daomei without pain, but Qianjue's output is quite impressive."

Casa was afraid of making mistakes, so communication focused on Qian Jue.

Ning just hit the second hit, before triggering the third ring, Daomei broke free from the chain with a sudden face, and Qian Jue handed in Q, and then Qian Jue was kicked by the pig.Casa Q went to the ground to pick up W, but the second stage of W didn't trigger, so he immediately pressed E to play Permafrost.

"It feels like Qianjue is going to fall first, Rookie hangs and ignites, and Qianjue can't come out with A. Triumphant back, Doinb runs towards the river, but Rookie still has displacement."

Let Daomei run for 3 seconds first.

Rookie waited for a CD, stepped on the QA, Daomei turned around and fought back very viciously, but fortunately, Ignite restrained Daomei's reply, Rookie took another general attack and got the head, and Jianji came to cover on the road, Kasa did not continue to chase.

One for one, the jungler for the mid laner.

Zeyuan commented: "IG got caught consecutively and killed Daomei."

"This wave is very dangerous. Doinb's flash R is very thoughtful. If Rookie hadn't reacted, IG would have exploded in this wave of matching pig girls."

Less pedals stack passive and conqueror, which has a great influence on Daomei.

RW voice.

Doinb yelled: "Hey, it's okay, it's okay, when I finish the three phases, I will bleed my blue shield and see who can second me."

Kasa ignored it and focused on reminding his teammates: "Qianjue is six behind me. I'll catch the wave according to the situation, and be careful of getting caught in the bottom lane. It's really not good. I can give it a tower. This is not important."

The next tower is really not important to Shuangpi Nai.

Moreover, the bottom lane lags behind in experience, and the probability of qualifying for kills is increasing. The safest way is of course to avoid risks.

The camera cuts back to the middle.

The Enchantress was normally cooperating with Luden, and Daomei took out a red crystal.


Qin Ming knew that the test was coming.

Casa is very experienced. Don't look at Ning's presence in front of him is higher than him, but Zhumei takes the lead in the wild and will grab a short starting round.

RW also knows that it is best for them to complete the cooperation before Qian Jue reaches six. When Qian Jue reaches six, 2v2 is hard to say.

The shot cuts to the road.

Letme successfully resisted the pressure, only 7 knives behind Jian Ji.Don't think about going to the show when playing wine barrels, you can stabilize the game in all melee combat.

After all, the comet plus anxiety can easily offset the opponent's killing intent during the laning phase.

And TheShy is very greedy. Tiamat, who came out first, grabbed the line and wanted to use the boost efficiency to reduce the frequency of barrel Q.The way to deal with it is correct, but the push is fast, and the body position cannot be maintained at the warning line. Kasa just asked a little bit if he had inserted the eye, and got an affirmative answer that he did not go to the river. He immediately chose to get down from the upper side and squat into the river. on the grass.

This location is classic.

If the line delivery is successful, most of the top laners will lean towards the river. Of course, because it is TheShy, his habits are different.After he sent the line in, he even tried to threaten the barrel with a blast.

"Casa is here, who's going first?"

Afraid of being blocked by the sword of the mind.

Letme came up with Q to test, and then handed over E to cover the pig girl to connect.

talking room.

Facing the wine barrel with a Q, TheShy suddenly turned to Q the wine barrel, and when Letme changed direction, Jian Ji R pig girl accelerated——

"The E of the wine barrel is a little bit far away!"

"A flaw twisted pig girl W, TheShy's thinking is too clear."

It's not easy to kill at this time.

Pig Girl and Wine Barrel only have a set of bursts, and the burst output is about [-] (the full set is full, and Jian Ji does not have any operations).

Seeing this, Kasa communicated with the wine barrel to hand over the R, and his own Q was blocked, forcing the sword girl to dodge to open the distance.

"Mine. Get more blood and he'll go home."

"It's okay, he didn't flash."

Casa doesn't like to talk in-depth about cooperation in the game.The best situation in this wave is to cooperate with the defense tower to kill the sword girl. The best situation is that the sword girl has no flash or skills and can only go home.

Although neither of the two was achieved, the goal of guaranteeing a flash was achieved.

That's it for missing output.

The only problem with Letme is that the QQ consumption is not ideal.He tried different timings to consume Sword Girl, but he was always evaded by TheShy.

Thinking of the previous waves of probing confrontations, Letme still has lingering fears.Unlike other top laners, he was tortured in S7, and he is very wary of TheShy, and he has the habit of probing first to leave room, which makes it easy for TheShy to avoid it by moving.

There are good and bad things about this mentality of putting yourself in a vulnerable position.

The advantage is that TheShy does not call teammates, and it is difficult to break through the defense line. The disadvantage is that the threshold for teammate gangs is also relatively high, because the exchange of blood cannot be called intense.

Fortunately, sister Zhu didn't have a Jiaotong University.

After Kasa helped untie the line, he swiped 2 sets of wilds, and then crouched in the middle.During this time, Qian Jue tried to persuade the RW duo to quit the triangular grass, but generally speaking, Casa didn't think there was any surprise.

Going in from the middle line, the enchantress didn't resist.

Casa has nothing to do, and plans to cast a glance at the blue zone of IG to see Qian Jue's movements.

Here comes the funny scene.

Qian Jue was fighting a toad, when Kasa came over, Ning pulled the wild up to the side, knowing that Dao Mei would move first.

Between entanglements.

Kasa was about to give up fighting for punishment. Unexpectedly, Qian Jue confidently Q went to the Three Wolves area, and Toad suddenly broke away from the hatred, and the punishment fell to less than 40 HP and was not cut off.

"Uh, this wave is a bit messy."

Casa was not polite, he bowed and punished, accepted the toad, and in Lulu's warm farewell, took off the pigskin and returned to the river.

This is just a small episode.

But it also shows that the fight between the two sides was not particularly serious, and being robbed of Toad, Ning complained to himself in his heart: Pulling a wild mistake, you won’t be scolded if you go down.

Hey, I didn't mean to!Princess Frog mistaken me!
After the blip.

Zhumei returned to the city and went out to the key small slag, and the speed of clearing the field increased.


Casa continued to implement the strategy of focusing on the center and watched the next tower be ground.

Soon, at 8 minutes and 57 seconds, when he went down the river and saw Qian Jue passing by, Kasa knew that the next tower should be gone, and wanted to seize the opportunity Qian Jue saved to come and engage the enchantress.

Relying on magic anti-shoes.

As soon as the pig girl is in place, there is a frosty aura on the sword girl. The Q back row is looking for the enchantress. As long as the E hits, there is a chance to kill it, because the most OP place for the sword girl to match the pig is that the pig girl follows the control very fast, and the control chain Relatively stable for a long time.

Doinb has tried his best to hide his intentions, put a 2-layer mark on the flat A, hit the E on the enchantress, step back on the W, and grab the double E.In the next second, Yao Ji turned around and triggered the chain, and Daomei A made a third strike. Kasa felt that there was a chance and emphasized to keep people.

"Sword girl Q catches Yaoji, A makes a fourth move, Pig girl and E catch an R with a backhand."

"Yao Ji's blood volume drops quickly, and Rookie still has big hands, so she can run to the red zone."

Passive trigger.

At the critical moment, Rookie's IQ occupied the high ground, and he manipulated the fake body to walk towards the passage, and he foolishly attacked Daomei.

Both were lied to.

In desperation, pig girl QW finds a fake body, trying to force her to step on her.At this time, Daomei has a CD reduction of 10, and a Q skill every 7 seconds. With a control chain of 2 people, this will improve Q at most 4 seconds. It is not that there is no chance to catch up.

"This fake body moves too realistically, Rookie, he is really calm when he is in danger."

Daomei took a step closer, and the "fake body" was immediately pulled away, with a corrupt recovery effect on her body.

"Wow, this guy."

Big B felt that his IQ was insulted.He sighed a few words, but didn't feel anything.

Although in this wave of offense and defense, IG earned a next tower, Han Bing pushed a wave of lines, and IG will probably control the first water dragon, but these losses are all within the estimate, which can be regarded as RW voluntarily giving up part.

on the map.

Qinnu was patching up the line in the second tower, and Kasa went back to the red zone, and inserted eyes into Xiaolongkeng. Seeing that IG pulled Xiaolong to the outside, he could vaguely see Hanbing helping.

And in the middle.

Doinb saw that Rookie didn't come home, and his blood volume was not good. He knew that Kasa reminded Lulu that he was not there, but he still felt very safe——

With my blood volume and magic resistance shoes, let Han Bing come with Lulu!

If the enchantress doesn't return, why should three quarters of the sword girls return.

Where the director didn't pay attention.

Lulu leaned over first, Jian Ji sent off the pawn line and went to the thread grass, Letme mentioned Jian Ji to go home.

Letme knows that TheShy doesn't like to run to support before the winner is determined in the laning period.

But he was wrong.

The change of IG has never been a certain point.

TheShy is keenly aware of the mentality of confrontation in the middle.He saw Lulu covering the Yaoji to eat the thread, but Daomei didn't back down, so she probably didn't pay attention.

"Does the enchantress dare to step on it??"

After eating the shield, there were four pawns left. Yaoji stepped on the pile of pawns, Doinb followed suit, and the familiar one-sided E and Q pawns were ready to get stuck.

Here, Rookie has an obvious flaw. Lulu is on his lower side, and he runs up, but Doinb thinks that Rookie wants to play tricks. If he predicts E, the enchantress W returns to the position and pulls away. If you don't pay E by yourself, the duration of the second stage of E is only four seconds in total.

But the problem is that Yao Ji's blood volume is not much, only about 370.

The moment the shield disappeared, Dao Mei launched a basic attack with Q face, and E grabbed back.

The enchantress didn't press W!

Big B was ecstatic in his heart, even if he got a chain on his body, he was ready to finish with AW and kill.


"What is this? Support from TheShy!!"

Ah Shui Hedao followed with an arrow, the chain hit, Jian Ji Cao Cong fought face-to-face, and then the crystal arrow continued to control, and finally, Lulu followed Bianyang, Jian Ji took another QA to take away the sword girl.

Doinb: ...

"Oops—it's okay, it's okay, they killed me with the big ice move."

The water dragon whined.

The sword girl who got the head didn't affect him going back to wire.

Crystal boasted: "If one can't do it, I'll have two. If two can't do it, four of us will cooperate to kill you. In this wave, Doinb is a bit pretentious. He thinks he can delay time, but what IG wants is to delay time."

"I think it's okay." Zeyuan didn't hide that he was optimistic about RW's lineup, "This wave of deaths, the heads are very dry, TheShy just advanced the time to synthesize greed, and it is still very difficult to break through the wine barrel with a single point. Unless Letme couldn't figure it out either, so he insisted on breaking his head with Jian Ji."

Zeyuan was right.

It took so much effort for IG to kill Daomei once. Just looking at the economic panel, IG's nine-and-a-half-point lead by one thousand and one seems to be a lot, but most of these economics are due to the last hit lead from the bottom lane.

Throughout the first half, RW bit hard.

At the scene, the game situation was in a very subtle balance that was slightly tilted to the side of RW. IG seemed to be aggressive in attacking, and the transition between offense and defense was stronger than RW, but it didn't quench their thirst at all.

"If IG wins in the vanguard group, it's actually just delaying RW's debut."

Ze Yuan started writing the script.

Barrage, the Rogue Warriors panicked——

[Senior colonel, be merciful! 】

[RW what's wrong with you, you are so optimistic on stage. 】

[Can you brag about the IG, the equipment of Jian Ji, I am very panicked. 】

As if hearing the shout of the barrage, Zeyuan said again: "I think, no matter how leading the pioneer group Jian Ji is, it is not as useful as the barrel. Jian Ji is not suitable for teaming."

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