Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 697 Sword Girl vs. Sword Fairy One-on-One

Chapter 697 Sword Girl vs. Sword Fairy One-on-One

Jian Ji is really not suitable for team play.

The short legs are not good for Q to reach people, there is not enough displacement to get close to the target unit you want to output, and the body is fragile, so it is not easy to trigger the blood recovery array with the big move.

Compared with Jian Ji, Letme is very simple. After the cloth armor shoes, prepare to make an abyss, add a little AP output, and then turn into a golden body and half flesh.

In this version, the wine barrel prefers to go out of the abyss. First, it is cost-effective. Second, the RW lineup lacks magic damage. The amount of mana is easily not enough.

For this pioneer.

Neither RW nor IG wanted it. RW thinks that Jian Ji's combat power is mediocre, and she only has Ice, which is not difficult to deal with. IG thinks that I have an advantage, and I must fight. If I don't play this game, I can't play.

Essentially speaking, IG is a relatively passive side, and RW can give up if they can't do it, but they don't want to give up their tower pushing resources so easily.

of course.

Since IG quickly resolved the tower and had the right to switch lanes first, when it was close to the vanguard refresh, IG first got the right to see the river, and Han Binglulu joined Sword Fairy to force the wine barrel back and grind the tower first.

"Pioneer group, Doinb hurried home and touched a long sword and a real eye."

"In the middle line, IG pushed a wave first, but the old thief was guarding, and the support followed the middle field."

The last 10 seconds.

Jian Ji disconnected from the line, and when Han Bing Lulu approached the river, Missing acted as an eye to protect Jian Ji's field of vision when she came back.


Daomei showed her head in the blue zone, with the implicated symbol of the gemstone W on her body. TheShy looked behind her, there were four soldiers left, and she was not in a hurry to retreat, and continued to get stuck in the barrel.

For IG, they wish RW could see Jian Ji first, and they pulled the vanguard out to fight low blood volume.

But RW also knows that Jian Ji is very flexible.

The real eye is inserted to exclude the vision of the blue zone and hide the pig girl's position.

At such an intersection.

Han Binglulu confronted Daomei Gemstone, Yaoji leaned first, Jianji went back to the upper tower, and the wine barrel came from the side.From IG's point of view, this is three-on-three, and the position of the pig girl is unclear.

From the perspective of RW, they know the approximate position of IG, and they know that Qian Jue should start to move forward.

"Ning wakes up the vanguard. IG's position is not bad. The old thief can't get through for the time being, but RW's formation is more solid. When the barrel falls to the front, RW's middle and upper field are stronger than IG's body."

The side with a stronger body has more initiative.

Thousands of ice arrows were fired to slow down the sword girl, and the enchantress suddenly crossed the wall and played QA.At this moment, RW grasped the situation that Yao Ji turned around and only had her assistant in front of her. In the shadow, Zhu Mei threw out her big move, and the ice exploded in the movement of Ah Shui and Missing to form a speed bump.

"Casa is empty, but Doinb rushed up and got a sheep, but the gem has E, and its E cooperated with Daomei's rush and fainted Ah Shui!"

Ah Shui was selling, and the gem pig girl and wine barrel crowded the intersection to respond. The next second, the ice was so big that Daomei walked A and pulled, wanting a kite.

"The knife girl is hurt, and the control time is so short!"

The magic anti-shoes help Daomei get stuck, Doinb uses the simplest double E to pull back the eager Lulu, and Zhumei collides with Q.

Lulu is very brittle, and Qian Jue gave up the vanguard to output the front row.

It's just that Qian Jue's equipment is average, and Dao Mei has gems to give her shield to restore blood, so she can reduce Dao Mei's blood volume to a quarter, and Lulu has already given R to Qian Jue before she died.

"Qian Jue's size became bigger, and he didn't hit Knock Fly."

IG was the first to die and assist, and the conflict broke out for five seconds before Jian Ji joined Han Bing from the top lane.

"Qianjue's position is also not good. Letme hits an E, Rookie steals a set of damage from behind, and E reaches the gem."

Rookie handed over his skills, and the old thief chose to enter the river through the pass and face the enchantress.

At this time, Daomei moved to avoid the output for the time being, the barrel fought with Qianjue, the gem caught the chain, and stood on the left rear side of the formation.

TheShy glanced at the positions, Ice W slowed down the three of them, Jian Ji Q wine barrel, the gem moved forward, suddenly Jian Ji turned around and hung R to speed up, and cooperated with Ice to gather fire gems.

At this moment, Gem made a big move, and a brilliance fell from the top of Daomei's head.

"TheShy made a Q, the gem flashed back to the blue zone, Ah Shui and Flash continued to slow down, can IG solve the gem first?"

It can take a long time to wait for R to fall.

But Ice has a strong pursuit ability in this kind of local battlefield. Sword Princess E played slow down, and at the last point, Q followed by second stage E followed by Tiamat to destroy the two flaws on the back and left at the same time, and instantly cleared the gems blood bar.

The blood recovery array is triggered, and Ah Shui steps on it to restore full blood
On the front, Qian Jue was waiting to die. At the critical moment, Doinb noticed the old thief's position, and just about to remind him, the enchantress pulled behind the wall.


The enchantress' attack did not block the old thief's vision.

It's just that the old thief didn't expect that TheShy would press the heart knife while handing over Q to pass the wall--Qin Nu's sideways big move was blocked, and she was dizzy after eating, and the ice partitioned the wall with thousands of arrows. Piccolo girl.

Something is finally not right for RW.

There is only one second left in Yang Ling's life, so killing Qian Jue is not a problem, but the pig girl in the barrel has no output, so this wave can't be fought.

"The old thief died so naturally. IG still wanted to fight. Ning wanted to struggle, but when he got up, he was slowed down by the pig girl. He couldn't move at all, so he was taken away by the knife girl's Q."

"RW run up, how long is the enchantress skill CD?"

The wine barrel ran a little slower, and IG accelerated again at the altar. In the end, Letme persuaded him to retreat with a big move and forced him to chase away.

As far as RW is concerned, Daomei is big, but it is difficult for Jiutongzhumei to enter the arena, so fortunately she let it go.

Miller calmed down, and suddenly said: "I heard that IG is not easy to answer?"

Zeyuan complained: "Why did RW come from this opening? Jian Ji's disconnection caused the speed of the barrel to follow a little slower, and Ah Shui blocked Mising very well. Don't look at Lulu being fired by RW. Seconds, but Lulu ate enough control skills, and made a big move before she died, which made Qian Jue resist for a long time."

In a word.

It's not that I didn't predict correctly, but that RW was too anxious.

Crystal commented: "I think Ah Shui's equipment is better. He added Q in this wave of ruin, and he has been pulling the kite on the side. In addition, IG set fire to drop gems, and the position of the piano girl is very poor. IG won by relying on manipulation. Vanguard."

"But it's okay, the wine barrel pig girl is not considered meat at the moment, Doinb first bares a pair of magic resistance shoes, and the output is also average. Just like this, the knife girl almost hit the harvest."

Gemstones and pig girls magnify the deterrent power of knife girl's protruding face, which is quite enough to watch.

"The main thing is that Doinb's flash is not good. He can't touch the ice at the first time, so he can only turn around and kill the support."

Ze Yuan didn't take Han Bing's meritorious service to heart.

After the IG vanguard got it, he didn't rush to summon it. Instead, he demolished the upper tower first and let Jian Ji take it down.

12 minutes.

IG leads by 1.7K, Han Bing Lulu occupies the center, Lulu hangs on the shield and speeds up, Ah Shui steals output in front of various towers, and frantically puts on his face, hoping that the opponent will be angry.

It's just that RW's command system is still very clear, knowing that the middle tower will not be able to drop for a while, so let's develop first.

Anyway, Daomei is about to have a three-phase, and the pressure on the enchantress' side road becomes greater.

IG puts its hopes on Jian Ji.

At 13 and a half minutes, Jian Ji went down to the second tower in 2 waves, and in the side wild area, Kasa encountered Qian Jue who jumped up from the dragon pit, took the initiative to show off with W, and pulled away with Q;

At 14 minutes and 11 seconds, IG held the center line, Ah Shui found a shadow, aimed at the area [-] yards behind the wine barrel, and shot a crystal arrow.

The director's camera followed the big move of the ice, and in the bottom lane, after the wine barrel handed over Q, Jian Ji Q came up and opened E and was broken by her belly. The red zone hit Qian Jue.

"Be careful of the cold."

Seeing the crystal arrow flying past, Kasa pulled back and reminded.


Crystal Arrow hits.

"One arrow, hit!" In Miller's shout, Letme remained calm, he knew that he was very fleshy, and Jian Ji would not die after hitting the blood recovery array.

Standing up with more than 300 blood, Letme calmly made ER combos, first walked to the side to lean on the pig girl, and R landed on the way of his E.Just like the escape combo performed by Flandre in the Asian Games, TheShy faced this kind of shot, even if he blocked the control with a sharp knife, so what, anyway, the barrel has already opened his body.

When Ueno met, Qian Jue was pushed in the face by the pig girl, without any thought.

"Doinb is demolishing the road, and Rookie just wanted to hit the middle, so like this, the last tower was replaced by RW."

Rookie has been on a bit of a hunger strike.

He knew that he was developing with Daomei on the road, and would only be widened, but it was not so easy to catch those who were alone.

One attempt failed and the previous tower was demolished.

At the same time, the little soldiers sent in by Sword Fairy were eaten by pig girls, and TheShy didn't have much blood, so he didn't dare to continue pretending. TheShy was still thinking about the coach's warning to play meat, so he didn't dare to make it too obvious.

To be honest, no matter how strong Akali and Daomei are in this version, no matter how high the upper limit is, the hero who has played the most on the road, judging from the performance of each competition area, is still the version of Shuangenjia Crab Sword Demon.

That's why IG gets more fluff.It's because they don't adapt well to the version, but the heroes they often play are different from everyone else.

Even if Chinese and South Korean crabs play less and Europe and the United States play more, but there is no team that has as much work as IG, but they can still win.

Enter mid-term pinning.

RW needs to beware of IG's sudden vanguard hitting high. More than once, IG likes to raid a wave of downsizing, and then suddenly form a group, protecting the vanguard and hitting a high ground, so as to reduce the difficulty of climbing high and amplify the side threat.

And when RW paid attention to the matchup on the lower side, and when Kasa blocked Ning's actions continuously, Rookie set his sights on the gem.

Gem doesn't have magic-resistant shoes, it only has a pair of straw sandals. Since the laning didn't get any money, making the holy shield has already exhausted the deposit.

It's about 20 minutes from now, so I'll see you in about [-] minutes.

This is the assistant position.

The reason why Rookie is eyeing gems is because gems have an eye-catching task, and Qin Nu's level is up, there are big and W, so it is not a good target for killing.

As an Assassin, playing a Tsar would like to play Knock-Up instead of leaving a big move to push multiple.It is conceivable that in Qin Ming's coaching map, Rookie adapts to the rhythmic position in the mid-term.

Compared with 17, Rookie's activities are ridiculous. Although sometimes these activities will not bring benefits, but at least, his activities are very wide, and it is difficult for opponents to guess.

At 14 and a half minutes, RW knew that Jian Ji had disappeared, and there was a high probability that B grass would go home.

follow closely.

Kasa leaned in, and Qi Ya automatically joined the jungler, ready to spread his vision.

Hanbing and Lulu came to harass her.

Casa didn't take it seriously: I'm a pig girl, who dares to touch me!
"Rookie, Rookie is very tricky to find this position, and I don't need it on the route. Doinb is developing very well."

The enchantress is hiding in the blue buff camp.

The pass eye was removed by RW, Lulu Q to the gem through the wall, Han Bing received all arrows, and the next shot, Zhu Mei walked 2 steps in, the gem was about to throw a defensive eye, suddenly——

A figure flew out, stepped on QE twice, and the combo was so fast that Qi Ya didn't even see the chain clearly, and the screen went black.

Qi Ya: ...

"The pig girl is very meaty, the pig's skin was knocked off, and IG didn't go after it."

"A dry head is still more than thirsty."

Rookie killed someone and went back to the city to go on the road, his figure in a hurry.

On the contrary, Doinb ate the pawn line and turned back to form the stone beetle. When the demon girl was released, he returned to the defense to catch it. Once back and forth, the economic growth rate was faster than that of the demon girl.

However, Rookie has produced Luden and mage shoes, and the ring has been touched, so it is definitely not a match with Daomei.

Another wave of artillerymen.

The enchantress W disappeared through the wall, Ah Shui blocked the line of sight of the soldiers, and shot Qin Nu with an arrow.

"The old thief is flashy and big, and the gem is nearby and quickly return to defense."

Lulu accelerates herself, E soldier hangs Q to slow down, and wants to cooperate with Yaoji for a second AD, but Gemstone makes a big move, Qin Nu gets up with residual blood and milks herself first, R faints Yaoji.Even if he got the chain, Han Bing almost missed the distance and couldn't keep up with enough damage. When the light fell, Qin Nu E stepped back and escaped successfully.

The camera cuts to the top road, and Daomei is grinding the second tower, so Rookie hurried back to the top road.

Zeyuan commented: "IG is in a hurry, but they have to be in a hurry. Jian Ji can't break through the wine barrel for the time being, and it's not a way to let the sword girl develop. It's just going down the road like this. I think the old thief and Qi Ya There are also defenses."

"The key point is that the old thief didn't even flash. The next wave will continue to play the piano girl, and the old thief still has room to operate."

Doinb is not used to it.

Yao Ji just returned to the top road, and saw Qian Jue eating the crab mark from the view of the river, Doinb directly resisted the consumption of Yao Ji, grinding the upper second tower to only one-sixth, and Qian Jue put pressure on the bottom road like that, RW The second tower is still very healthy.


For the second dragon, RW took the initiative to fight for the first position.Daomei made Purple Rain Forest, the economy is second only to Han Bing, and the second fattest in the game. If you count the heroic characteristics, Hanbing dare not compete within Daomei's attack range.

Knowing that RW wants to fight for Xiaolong, IG intends to release the dragon and tear down the tower.

God's perspective.

TheShy went back to the city ahead of time, and Ning summoned the vanguard on the high ground on the road, taking advantage of the 20 seconds before Xiaolong, came to join his teammates, delaying the rhythm time of RW.

Due to the delay in communication, Han Bing and Lulu stood very far back, and Yao Ji was basically the only one who tried to stick to the formation.

The first time.

The enchantress crosses the wall in the blue area, QE wine barrel, dare not covet A, for fear that she will not be able to come back;

The second time, when WCD is ready, go find the pig girl to harass, but RW is determined to eat the dragon, and the people who set the fire are very united.

Before Yao Ji dragged to the third W, all RW members stepped on the piano girl to speed up and pull back to the middle. On the way, Ah Shui didn't even dare to touch a W, for fear of being forced out of skills by Zhu Mei.

"RW's return to defense is too fast, and Pioneer can only hit out once."

At 17 minutes and 04 seconds, Pioneer was dealt with by Daomei, and both sides entered the development period again.

Facing the threat of Daomei.

IG communicates to kill wave sword girls.


Qin Ming knew that this was not a good thing to do.

as predicted.

IG wanted to take advantage of Daomei to go to the second tower area, and after a double-team was broken, they would gather five people to kill Daomei.

But Kasa saw that Jian Ji didn't show up in the bottom lane, Han Binglulu cleared the line and disappeared, and her own red zone eye position was not ranked. Where can IG go?

In many cases, team battles broke out in the default of both sides.

After receiving the reminder, Doinb did not retreat very quickly, but used himself as a bait, preparing to fight at the ruins of the first tower.

"Gem Girl is not here, Sword Girl is in danger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Rookie took the initiative to go up and stay, but Doinb knew that there were IG people around him, so he didn't fight back immediately. Instead, he used the confusing action of opening E to twist the chain.

Holding the single E, Daomei retreated, knowing that her actions were exposed, Qian Jue QW crossed the wall, was forced by Daomei E to move forward, and failed to stay in the first place.

no way.

Ning waited for the second Q to finish, and then switched on the deceleration. At this time, the IG went up the river and saw the gem and the piano girl rushing.

"RW wants to fight back, but Qian Jue's damage is not bad!"

Just finished speaking, Daomei's outburst taught the commentary a lesson.

Doinb was turning his head, and suddenly threw a big move and hit Qian Jue, Q followed by AAQ, Qian Jue showed a disarm, and only 300 blood remained after eating this set of output.

If it weren't for Ah Shui's big move to freeze Daomei, Qian Jue's big move would have been used to protect himself immediately.

"Doinb's W, resists a lot of output!"

Doinb has quick eyesight and quick hands, and when he ate the crystal arrow, he instantly opened W to take the injury.Out of IG's field of view, Zhumei has already walked into the grass, 800 yards away from Daomei.

Just when RW felt that the wave was stable, Qi Ya stepped on the acceleration and passed the dragon pit, and saw Jian Ji jumping down.

Crystal then commented: "TheShy taps the explosive fruit to go down the wall, and Gem takes the initiative to go up and open E to sell himself, so that the old thief can continue to rush to the front."

3 seconds.

The wine barrel fell to the ground and entangled Han Bing and Lulu, and Qian Jue, who still had the strength to explode and walk away, released the lamb spirit to protect itself and exchange blood.

Just as Sword Girl Q turned around and dropped Qian Jue in seconds, Pig Girl swung her big shot and just hit the Enchantress who stepped on her.

"Qianjue fell first, Daomei took a sip back, Qinnu came over immediately, with the blessing of Koizumi, what will IG use to fight RW!!"

Daomei just doesn't die.

Doinb's backhand cooperates with Qin Nu to flash a big move, the demon girl in a split second, seeing her blood volume getting more and more, and the wine barrel is turned on W and is very resistant, four seconds of ice, and still has one-third of the blood left.

no way.

Lulu accelerated the ice retreat, Jian Ji cut gems on the flanks, TheShy glanced at the map, and went back to the middle to eat the line.It was such a spiritual switch that made Doinb choose to hand over T to protect the middle tower.

Active frontal groups did not win.

Zeyuan began to brag about his judgment: "The lineup is just like this. RW only needs to ensure the development of the sword girl, and IG is very difficult to solve."

"Look at this wave, IG kept the sword girl like this, and Doinb dragged his teammates a little bit, and IG couldn't fight. Because IG has no front row, whoever gets the face of the sword girl can't play, and the output environment in the back row is very poor."

After half a minute.

Go on the road and demolish the upper second tower.

The upper and lower fields join Daomei to advance to the center line, Jianji hides in the grass on the lower side alone, and all IG members come to hit.

RW did not intend to group.

But in the Smash mode, IG didn't care at all. Jianji caught the action of the pig girl exploring the grass, Q pig girl moved, and R handed it to the piano girl who didn't flash.

Waiting for the old thief to pull back immediately, Ning flashed out from the F6 camp and E Liudaomei.

In this way, Jian Ji's cut-in attracted the attention of Zhumei, the wine barrel qin girl, causing Dao girl to stand too far ahead, failing to catch the Qin girl's E, and retreating the slowest.

In 7 seconds, Daomei was killed in battle, and Jianji's one-fifth blood was pulled away, and IG hit back a little inexplicably.

Zeyuan said to himself, "Kill the head."

However, Ah Shui found out the hurricane by relying on this head, and had his own core equipment.

the most important is.

When Jian Ji and Wine Barrel continued to confront each other in the bottom lane, Doinb failed to attack the target in a short period of time, and Rookie stole the gems by roaming, forcing Qi Ya to flash.

Only 22 seconds later, the enchantress circled all the way to the lower side, cooperating with Lulu's transformation of sheep to force the pig girl's big move, and drove the pig girl back. With this power, the sword girl successfully demolished the second girl with a blast. tower.

"Rookie is still doing his best!"

Compared with the Enchantress, Ning was a little silent and silent.

But the reason why IG won all the games is not because a certain point is temporarily extinguished and there is no way to organize an attack.

What does it mean to go down the second tower?
It means that the battle line is stretched.

No one cared about the consequences of Jian Ji, that is, TheShy caught the wine barrel with the line by squatting on the grass.Speaking of which, Letme was already careful enough, he only walked around the ruins of the first tower, and his position has not yet reached the ruins of the first tower, but the sword girl who rushed out of the triangle grass is very unreasonable, he just handed in E, and the sword girl directly locked Killing heart.

Chasing all the way to the high ground, in front of the pig girl, forced out the flash that the wine barrel had just turned.

In this regard.

Doinb communicated that he would defend Sword Girl alone.

At about 19 and a half minutes, just looking at the equipment, Daomei has a small lead, and Jianji has a 2-piece set with magic resistance shoes. It has more cloth armor than Jianji, and Doinb doesn’t think he can’t beat it.

Is the result——

Daomei took the initiative to take the IG to the next tower, and Jianji Q crossed the grass under the wall to cut off the retreat.

The first time the two sides exposed their sights, Doinb habitually exchanged faces.With his outfit, Q is one more in four seconds.

Sword Girl A greedy Q out of the loopholes to speed up and then pull, waiting for the next Q.

Doinb also has a plan. When Jian Ji makes the next wave of poking in the face, he first fights against the A-stack Conqueror, but the single E fails to deceive the mind and eyes, and immediately hides E on the way with the Q soldier.

"Oh! Block it!"

None of these actions work.

Sword Girl W blocks and controls, Doinb would rather Q's back row pawns enter the tower than faint, then, Daomei's Q soldiers turn around to face A, the ultimate move hits, Sword Fairy front Q out of the range of the ultimate move, pulls forward, and next The flaw brushed on Jian Ji's face and was pierced by its general attack.

Now, Doinb didn't want to fight anymore. Although Jian Ji made a big move, greed and flaws are too attractive.

Dao Mei's remaining blood took the initiative to retreat, crossing the wall, TheShy did not chase.

(End of this chapter)

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