Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 698 Very Imaginative Team Battle

Chapter 698 Very Imaginative Team Battle
"This is the tenacity of IG. Doinb wanted to wrestle with TheShy, but in the end his own flash was played out."

"In this wave of duels, TheShy eliminated three flaws, and basically grasped the direction of refreshing the flaws during the duel."

"It's still a bit pretentious. Jian Ji's blood sucking is no worse than Dao Mei's, and you have discovered that there is no TheShy controls the distance very well. My younger sister's hands are longer than Jian Ji's, but in terms of pulling, she is still not as good as Jian Ji."

Doinb failed in the one-on-one duel, so he stabilized his mind and prepared to play a push game with Jian Ji.

But for Ze Yuan.

The rhythm of the bottom lane suddenly slowed down, which made him feel that the script was a bit off.He originally thought that RW would gain the upper hand in this game for about 20 minutes at most, and IG would wait for death slowly... Oh, no, IG will come out to fight a wave, send out crystals, and start the second game.

But I didn't expect that relying on Rookie's semi-hunger strike, and Ah Shui's daring to fight, several times of collisions, RW did not have the substantial combo effect they wanted.

Logically speaking, Daomei carries gem E, and there is Zhumei gang next to her, so it should be easy to mess up IG's formation.If the former's cooperation difficulty is 5, the "organization" difficulty of IG's lineup is at least around 9.9.The reason for not giving full marks is that there will be a more abstract five-guarantee-zero system on the wild card side, and no one will output the system.

It's not that IG has too few output points, it's too much.

It is useless to limit the 2 points in the traditional sense of light.


The squatting awareness shown by Rookie made RW unable to spread his vision.Kasa is not afraid of being an eye, and goes into the blind spot with a dull head, but the pig girl is exposed, and the Qin girl who eats the line in the middle will also feel the pressure.The old thief reminded his teammates more than once that Ah Shui was murderous and his position was very aggressive.

Furthermore, compared with the original time and space, IG pays more attention to the side attack, and also pays more attention to the operation of the pawn line, and the operation is much better.The balance on the wing is the indicator that really determines the change of IG's rhythm.

As long as the side lanes are not bad, IG has room to drag.

of course.

If the RW rhythm cannot be opened, we will continue to seek stability and procrastinate.With Daomei dealing with Jian Ji, the pressure on the wine barrel is greatly reduced, because the enchantress will not fight with the wine barrel of the golden body of the abyss.

Until the third fire dragon is refreshed.

Doinb went home, bought a watch, and enhanced the entry limit.

About 23 minutes and 37 seconds.

Qian Jue only managed to find one and a half pieces, and almost paid for the cannon to enhance his stealing ability.

For IG, difficulties still lie ahead.That is, once RW is the first to form a group, with Qin Nu in the center, their front and rear formations are too solid, and the side consumption threat of the enchantress is very low.

Just like the vanguard group, when RW falls behind to pick up the group, Nakano Suke also finds someone to drive at random, so don't be too decisive in forcing skills.

Ning saw that the position was occupied, and Miss Zhu entered the blue zone to find a position. Missing communicated: "This fire dragon is not easy to pick up. Let's squeeze the center line and go up, depending on the situation."

The first move in operation is to avoid the main battlefield and control the layout on the flanks.

This method cannot be said to be very effective, but it can be said to be very effective.Because as long as you have the determination to dare to touch the big dragon, the other side will definitely be afraid of this kind of exchange.

Of course, RW is not stupid.

IG didn't come, the middle line was pushed, they left the old thief of Casa to continue to fight the dragon, and Shang Zhongfu leaned over to entangle.It is also known from the calculation of time that it is difficult for IG to quickly rush off the dragon and leave the little dragon they move first.

"RW is very smart. The little dragon has [-] blood, and the big dragon has [-]. Qi Ya threw a real eye into the grass. Does IG dare to fight to the end? If not, let Jian Ji take it."

Ze Yuan gave advice.

But in the camera, IG showed an indomitable momentum. Facing the approach of Daomei, Ah Shui got Lulu's shield, and went over to occupy the kite area by himself, and the remaining four continued to fight.

"Ah Shui's position is very good, Dudududu shot straight, it still hurts a little bit on Daomei."

In 2 seconds, more than 300 blood of Daomei was destroyed.

Han Bing hit the floor repeatedly, without repeating the angle of pulling her body, which made it difficult for Daomei to lock Han Bing.Since his teammates didn't show up, Doinb didn't dare to make a big move. Q and E in the air increased his hit rate.

"The big dragon has five thousand blood, and the pig girl can reach it in a short distance. There is a piano girl to speed up, and it will be very fast. IG wants to fight hard, Qian Jue has already reached half blood."

The RW formation already has a substantial threat.

next beat.

Lulu accelerated Han Bing, all the staff pulled up, and Jian Ji Q went up to the wall, waiting for someone with predestined relationship.

Just after Zeyuan finished speaking, IG did not dare to really fight to the end.

However, Casa felt that he could take over and force IG to form a team, because he felt that his own battery life was very strong.

RW obeyed the command, the pig girl turned Q into the dragon pit, and the blood volume of the big dragon stabilized at [-] and then fell downward.

"RW wants to take it, what about IG's position?"

At this time, Ah Shui retreated to the corner of the wall, and RW lacked vision.In their field of vision, they only saw Qian Jue and Yao Ji hesitating whether to get closer or not.

"I'm a piano girl. Look at the location."

Ah Shui roared.

Rookie entered the field first to attract attention, and WQA hit the barrel on the front side. Letme didn't think much about it, and turned on the top position of Drunk and Furious, so as not to let the enchantress touch her AD.But when the wine barrel moved like this, the angle exposed a bigger flaw, and the arrow of the ice hit the Qin girl at the opening along the wall of the dragon pit.

"IG wants to collect Huoqin Girl, RW is in the guarantee, and Doinb's E is very stable, scaring Qian Jue away."

The control provided by the crystal arrow has one second left.

Taking advantage of the fact that Daomei didn't have E, IG changed instantly. The enchantress avoided the wine barrel and wanted to focus on the fire, but was bumped by Letme first, but at the same time, the chain made a move and was eaten by Doinb who was stuck;

On the side, Qian Jue jumps Q towards the blue area to output the wine barrel, Han Bing eats the shield and stands in the position and is about to output, Letme has quick eyes and quick hands, flashes R and blows back to Han Bing, blasting Fei Lulu, just lost a big moment, Missing and On the big move.

"Ah Shui was a little out of touch. He was bombed back and got Daomei R again. TheShy, TheShy did the same routine. He wanted to cut in from the side. The old thief got up to EW to recover blood. Piggy turned around and Q Sword Fairy, and was controlled by Sword Fairy instead!"

RW is wary of Jian Ji.

Otherwise, Kasa would not stand firmly beside the gemstone, not rushing to gather fire and ice.He knew that Ah Shui had flashes and purifications, so as long as Han Bing wasn't killed immediately, Qin Nu Gem was chased by Jian Ji, and the frontal battlefield would become Dao Mei's desperate output, but she was pulled repeatedly by the three cores.

Having suffered such a loss, of course Casa must be a good bodyguard.

"The Qin girl is very good at pulling, and TheShy wants to chase, but she can't catch up at the first time. Jianji gets angry, and hits the pig girl backhand, but the pig girl is very fleshy, so she is not afraid of being beaten."

was talking.

Ah Shui eats the damage, and the remaining one-third of the blood goes to the inside of the dragon pit to slow down the knife girl, trying to delay the time.Ah Shui held Flash in his hand, but he refused to waste the opportunity to hit output until the wine barrel was half full, and joined Daomei, Ah Shui had 300 HP left and flashed on the wall, and the backhand W continued to trigger the deceleration.

Daomei has magic resistance shoes, and QCD is fast again. Although the big move failed to achieve good results, but on RW's side, Qinnu is temporarily invincible. Turn the gun around and deal with Sword Fairy's threat first, the rest are worthless.

RW thinks so, and does the same.

But they underestimated the distraction of IG. Qian Jue Q took a step before crossing the wall, put E to Qin Nu at the limit, released the enchantress out of the barrel, and Lulu hung a shield for Qian Jue behind her.

"Rookie still wants to find Qin Nu, the old thief backhanded a big R to Yao Ji. Gem made a big move, Dao Mei E was good, and Yao Ji's clone was hit."


Qian Jue continued to output damage, Qin Nu took a sip back, QA knocked out Qian Jue's 300 health, the position of the dragon wall, Ah Shui went down to the lower side of the river, hurry up and join the group.

In the blink of an eye.

RW was surrounded by IG. Before Rookie died, he lowered the blood volume of the piano girl. Even if the gems were shining, the five players were invincible, but RW's output points were always only 2.

At the critical moment when the pig girl was being beaten, everyone thought that Kasa would fight Jian Ji. After all, being close to the face is the easiest way to hit, and at the same time, it is also to prevent Jian Ji from rushing into the back row.


Casa successfully predicted where Qian Jue's next Q would be.

"Oh! Qian Jue didn't use his ultimate move, and was killed by Qin Nu with a QA! Is RW going to win a big victory, Jian Ji R hangs up to Zhu Mei, wine barrel E turns better, what else can IG do!"

The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

Rookie violently entered the field and ate the output environment squeezed out by the skills, which was destroyed by the pig girl, and Qian Jue failed to hold down the piano girl.What's even more embarrassing is that Lulu can't make it through, and Missing is going to run up. With only Jianji Hanbing left, Hanbing's blood volume sucked back is less than 500 blood, and Daomei QAA can kill her with a W.

Just then.

Jian Ji knocked out 2 flaws, Q went to the left of Pig Girl, the wine barrel was about to hit, and the gems were given to E at the same time, and the control was hit on the Xinyan Dao in no particular order. Ji Ge blocked and controlled the wine barrel that fainted on his face. Before Daomei Q got on it, TheShy flashed EA's greed and then received a 242 crit, killing the delicate Qinnu in seconds.

"TheShy is still operating, kill the Qin girl and take a sip, Ah Shui is still pulling, the purification second solution slows down, Kasa is a bit overwhelmed, choose to return to Q and return to Daomei. On the side, Missing leaned back, Lulu gave Speed ​​up, Jian Ji seems to be able to fight very well, the wine barrel and pig girl are two and a half blood, it is useless to stand beside the gem, it is just a gem without a big move!!! It can't protect anyone!!!"

Ups and downs in team fights.

Counting from the see-saw, this wave of groups has shown each other for 1 minute.Han Bing's position hit from the lower side of the triangle grass to the inner side of the dragon pit, and then ran from the upper wall back to the lower side of the river. At this time, he still played his mission, trying to make RW take care of one and lose the other.

The sword girl is very annoyed by the slowdown. It takes time to break the Q and wait for the CD, but the teammates can't wait that long. Seeing Jianji hit and hit and become full of blood, Doinb, who is about to turn around, directs Qiya to retreat, and the sword girl pulls up and down After taking two or three steps, he finally chose to chase Han Bing.

This time, Ah Shui had nowhere to run. He had reached his limit. Before he died in battle, he even took a breath of broken pieces and ran near the line of soldiers, only to be caught next to Daomei.


When the team battle was over, Miller couldn't help but take a deep breath.He was almost out of breath just now.Kasa's godly angle, the unreasonable sword girl with full resistance, and the repeatedly changing buff on the Qin girl can change colors in almost 2 seconds, and the damage is also very powerful.A qin girl knocked off the blood bars of Yao Ji and Qian Jue.

At the same time, IG's multiple points of harassment and pulling on the position even beat RW's Kami Nakano in circles, not knowing who is the best.

"I can only say that this wave of teams still has no winners and losers. IG is slightly ahead of RW economically and slightly ahead of RW in the number of towers pushed, but lags behind RW in terms of dragon control and lineup curve."

"What does IG want to do? IG still wants to fight Dalong??"

Thought it was over, who would want IG to choose not to let go of the opportunity.

One's own middle field was revived first, and the opponent's jungler was 12 seconds behind. There was no reason to dare to fight.


TheShy Qingbo went online, and Lulu went home and set up a shield to speed up.When Zhumei was 9 seconds away from resurrection, Yaoji rushed to the red zone, and Dalong was beaten by Shangsu until he had [-] blood left.


Ugus palms began to sweat.

Even a bystander like him finds this kind of thing scary. He has just finished the team fight and handed over most of his skills. IG still dares to steal Dalong and pretend to be black under the lights.

"RW's field of vision is all around the river grass, and they don't know the situation in the dragon pit at all."

Just finished.

The Enchantress appeared on the wall of the dragon pit, and in the sight of Doinb eating the F6 cutting screen, W plunged in.

"Do you have eyes? Something is wrong with IG."

Doinb ran towards the river while reminding.He stopped to make money, but he just saw through IG's ruthless move.

By this time.

Miller's heart was lifted by the situation again, "IG is a little hurt when it hit Dalong, Doinb is rushing, Qi Ya will come here soon, how long will it take for Kasa to revive, and it will take three seconds, I feel that IG has a chance!"

Four thousand blood of the dragon.

Before Yao Ji arrived, she stole for about seven seconds, and because of this, Jian Ji's blood volume dropped to a quarter.

Daomei turned into Shanghe Road from the middle road alone, and her position was already exposed.

Rookie communicated to block, starting with one set and knocked out one-fifth of Daomei. Doinb held the chain Q Yaoji, and must check the field of vision.

Here, Doinb noticed that IG was playing very reluctantly and got the chain. Seeing that Lulu Jianji was about to follow the output, he stored W on the spot to withstand the explosion.During this period, Dalong has been assisting.

"Doinb's outfit is very resistant, Qi Ya is here, give the shield to Q."

"I got 2 Sword Girls E, and the Sword Girl Conqueror stacked up very quickly."

The camera cuts close.

I saw the passive conquerors full of sword girls, one by one A to repost the nearest person, and issued Q, the sword girl's residual blood blocked and lost the attack speed, but before Rookie hit the output, Letme revived and sent the grass real eye in the blue zone .

The commentator was still busy observing the close-to-hand combat inside the Dragon Pit, but no one noticed that the location of Lulu Jiadun's gang had already been targeted.

At this time, TheShe was preparing to make a breakthrough and fight again with some blood. Suddenly, a beer man rushed over with an unrivaled charge.

"The barrels are here too?! E Shan hit 2 of them, Brother Shy fell down! Lulu has to die too!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Rookie went to the wall.

RW watched Dalong return to Qiqian, and was ready to take over.

They knew that the enchantress would harass them.

Qi Ya was also ready, but Qi Ya didn't expect the demon girl's skills to be so accurate.During the remaining vision time on the wall, he saw the enchantress pulling upwards, so he only planned to get an insight into the position and prepare in advance.

As soon as the eye was inserted, the enchantress came across the wall, QA triggered the second stage, and the blood volume was reduced by a quarter.

5 seconds have passed.

The enchantress went down to the river, and the Qin girl came from the blue area.The old thief didn't care, he just wanted to be a big dragon.Seeing that the task was completed, Qi Ya retreated to the middle of the formation, and just as Kasa was about to hand over the punishment and eat the dragon steadily, the enchantress double-stepped into the field to hide E and Q, instantly clearing the gem's blood volume.

Rookie's computing power is still terrifying.The resistance was sprayed out by the dragon, and the gems couldn't afford the damage at all.

Qi Ya didn't care.

The team got the big dragon, and the assassin only dared to retreat, and he had money on his body to get the bird shield. No matter how you look at it, the next round is RW's advance round.

Zeyuan sighed, and followed Miller's regretful tone and said: "Daomei is still too lazy. IG only has TheShy as a threat to it. Others are too slow to deal with it, and it is too troublesome."

"This wave lasted for about 3 minutes, and the big dragon recovered three or four times. The blood lost was enough to take 2 big dragons."

Crystal joked, "I almost couldn't catch my breath."

"I don't understand. If you want to be a professional commentator, you must know how to keep your breath."

The three in the commentary booth even had the time to chat outside the field.

For them, whether IG loses or RW loses is an internal matter of the LPL. Besides, RW and IG are the kind of teams that like to form a team to expand their advantages, and the confrontation is very exciting.

The lens turns.

IG took advantage of RW's big dragon to return to the city, and Rookie walked around half of the map, from his own red zone to the intersection on the side of the three wolves, and then entered RW's F6 grass from here.

Rookie's assassin instinct strikes.

He knew that if RW wanted to organize and advance, they would definitely stick together on the center line and split the lanes depending on the situation.Passing the center line and unable to get out, Qin Nu still had to guard the tower for him.

In other words, if you want Qin Nu to play a role, you have to attack the center line first, and then operate the side lanes.

Chat room.

Qi Ya rushed to the front alone, leaving the team to take a shortcut.

The reason why Rookie dares to be alone is very simple.

Flexible, Qian Jue came to squat, and he was left on the high ground. He is different, and he can rush back to organize defense if he can't consume it.

"Huh? Here it comes again, Rookie stands out again!!"

QREAW ignited.

There are 2 layers of Luden veil rings and big sticks, and the gems are only one thousand and sixty blood.

After getting hurt, Qi Ya didn't react: Someone here?
He forgot to press the bird shield, the second stage E didn't trigger, and the blood volume was almost bottomed out. He ate and ignited and burned. The gem subconsciously gave himself a shield and then pressed E. Rookie took a step sideways, waited for a QCD, and then the general attack followed the Q Take the gems.

Auxiliary is down.

RW pushed forward with the guard of the piano girl, wanting the cannon cart to wear down the defensive tower.

During this period, it is no longer easy for the enchantress to steal output from the flanks. RW won the first tower as she wished, and walked to the second tower. At this point, Ah Shui relied on the Q saved by the pad knife and the shield given by Lulu , Boldly occupying the position, Dududu slowed down the three of them.

"Does Ah Shui dare to fight so much?"

The sword girl has limited frontal combat capabilities, and the enchantress can't steal key people from the flanks. Qian Jue is purely insurance.When it was difficult for his teammates to make a sound, Han Bing alone wanted to prevent RW from advancing and splitting.

RW tried to fight back.

Pig girl was twisted when she played Q, W played sideways to slow down, the barrel and E planned to blow back, in a critical moment, Lulu accelerated, Hanbing instantly put on wings, the general attack slowed down non-stop, but the position was very enchanting, first one Step sideways to twist off the second stage of Zhumei's W, and then when she retreated 2 steps, she suddenly stepped forward and continued to A Zhumei.

"Letme is so big, it only hit Qian Jue, but didn't blow Qian Jue back."

Ning also planned to keep the ice cold and give it to R. Who knew that Ah Shui moved better than he thought, but he was blown to the right instead.

This wave of Ah Shui's position show completely cut off RW's idea of ​​starting a group.Lulu has already made a crucible, and there is an invincible gem missing on the front, and the pig girl has been beaten to half blood, so what else do you want to do if you don't leave now.

After such unsuccessful attempts.

RW is getting more and more defensive towards the enchantress.

no way.

He has been stolen too many times, now that Qi Ya sees the enchantress, he has a PTSD attack, how can someone steal like this.

If the frontal push fails, Sword Fairy Biandai is not afraid of a one-on-one fight.

After operating for 3 minutes, RW felt that Shanggao was not prepared enough, and planned to eat Xiaolong and continue to procrastinate.

"It's been 29 minutes, and the real pros and cons of the two sides have not yet been distinguished!"

As Yao Ji made a hat, Qian Jue got a cannon, a big sword, and a stopwatch, Ah Shui got three and a half pieces, and Jian Ji successfully made a resurrection armor. Correspondingly, the wild monster-eating sword girl got Langton and The giant's belt, Qin Nu's 2 big sticks, and the pig girl made a knight's oath to hang on Qin Nu.

"Both sides have key skills. RW has to be careful of Rookie stealing the back row, and IG has to be careful of Daomei and Gem's brainless rush."

The midline is cleaned.

One and a half minutes before Xiaolong refreshed, TheShy had already gone to the top lane.

Letme let him fall to the second tower on the road, watched Jian Ji disappear, cleared the line and went home to make up his condition, and joined his teammates first.

"RW can be seated first."

"The field of view is very careful, and every time I let the pig girl in."

RW was very worried about being harassed by the enchantress. As soon as he landed in the river, Rookie hit a Q on the wall to trigger Luden, and the information of the enchantress kept ringing in the voice.

7 seconds.

RW stands in a good position, Xiaolong's upper wall and the IG blue area are their eyes, and the upper river channel that is left out is the battlefield area reserved by RW.

"They are clearing the middle line, we open the dragon."

When it comes to the fourth little dragon, if you control two fire dragons, then the imprint attribute is still very powerful.


Enchantress clears the field of view with her teammates from the front, Letme goes up to harass, gets drunk when she gets the skill backhand, and gets back to full state when she gets the piano girl W.

Letme wished that IG would drive him off, and they fought back.

Another 3 seconds passed.

The fire dragon's blood volume has been reduced by half, the RW formation is relatively backward, and the wine barrels are kept in touch 400 yards ahead.

"TheShy wants to go back again. There is an eye position for RW on the wall of Longkeng, and the old thief QA through the wall. The output is quite impressive."

A QA knocked out more than 300 blood of Jian Ji, forcing Jian Ji to turn in Q and then pull.

I can't seem to squeeze in.

Yao Ji circled around the blue zone, IG didn't dare to open the barrel, Missing looked at the formation for a few times, and suddenly followed up and said: "Jian Ji finds a position and drops the minions, they have no vision."

Rookie understood in seconds, "When you drive people over, remember to kill the gems first."

After TheShy understood, Jian Ji stood on the real-eyed grass T to the little soldier who had just arrived in front of the second tower. RW was too eager to hold the center line, and didn't deal with the bottom lane at all.

In other words, it doesn't matter to them that the pawn line is stuck in front of the ruins of a tower in RW.

It is this kind of irrelevance that is caught by IG.

Ning and Ah Shui continued to play with the barrel. Letme pressed Drunk Rage for the third time to test and seduce. His teammates ate the fire dragon. Seeing that IG was desperate, RW was about to give up and leave.

The old thief turned on E to speed up the four of them. The moment the barrel returned to E, Ah Shui and Ning started at the same time. One caught Lulu and accelerated to chase in and hit a basic attack.

The wine barrel was opened, and RW was just about to pick up the group.

3 seconds.

The wine barrel was only half full, and Hanbing suddenly shot Daomei with an arrow. Before RW could understand the situation, Rookie took the lead, squatting on the triangle grass, and stepped on the faces of Qinnu and Baoshi, forcing them to retreat Walk.

This time.

There was a gap in the front and rear rows of RW, but the old thief didn't think it was dangerous. Seraph came out to add gems, so there was no reason to be seconded.

"TheShy, TheShy has entered, genius imagination!!"

Using the front as bait, the Enchantress came to persuade her to retreat. Rookie threw half a set of skills on the Qin girl, the gem took the initiative to stand up and eat the chain, the old thief backhanded WQA, returning blood and consuming, and the W of the gem was still hanging on the knife girl.

Qi Ya wanted to wait for Dao Mei to release her control and release E, and planned to temporarily pull down her position, and wait for Qin Nu's WQ to get better, so that she could fight off the enchantress and make a contribution.

Available in God's View.

The sword girl extreme card minion's field of vision Q has reached the lower side of the triangle grass.When the gem eating chain was over and the two of them pulled back, they crashed into Sword Fairy's arms.

Yao Ji copied E to Q, Jian Ji REQA instant gem, Qi Ya only had time to press big.

"The gem is down! The Qin girl was blocked by the sword girl, and the old thief was forced to dodge into the dragon pit."

"On the front, sister Dao is hitting three by herself, and sister pig wants to cover Qin girl."


No matter how bad the sword girl is, she can't compete with two physical dual-cores in separate positions. Although she is invincible, she slows down too much.

Lulu transforms into a sheep and has Q skills. Ice goes to the pass to output output. Qian Jue sticks to the wall of the dragon pit and pulls. As long as she is hurt by the sword girl, she will drive away immediately and follow up.

that's it.

In Zeyuan's tone of not daring to question, the old thief couldn't find an environment to repeatedly refresh his skills.

"Sister Dao pressed the stopwatch, Kasa wanted to run to the blue zone, but the wine barrel was down, and the old thief was also rushed in by Ning and cut to death."

IG did not go after the pig girl.

Kill the wine barrel, Qin girl, Han Bing Lulu guarding the knife girl, IG Zhong Ueno has already set the target on the lower road highland.

"No way, this can be defeated by IG??"

The speed at which the sword girl and the enchantress demolished the highlands was astonishingly fast, and the enchantress was four hundred by touching them.

It took 21 seconds.

The crystal was broken on the road, and Kasa really wanted to defend it, but Qian Jue's big recruiting guards made him helpless. He planned to punish the gun car, dragging the top line of his body until the gem was revived.

But a sheep spirit lives, and all IG members turn into slaves, and no one cares about him at all.

first round.


(End of this chapter)

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