I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 205 Fenrir!The black swan has appeared!

Chapter 205 Fenrir!The black swan appeared! (seeking subscription)

The enchanting woman retreated step by step, but the area in front of her was completely covered. No matter where she retreated, the pressure she faced would not be substantially relieved.

But the woman was still backing away, and at the same time, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Suddenly, the enchanting woman who was retreating was pressed against her back with both hands.The retreating body instantly froze and stopped abruptly.

The palm was very warm. The moment it landed on the woman, she clearly felt that the pressure she was under was decreasing...in the end, the woman only felt that she was out of the scope of the opponent's domain. Standing where she was, her body was extremely relaxed. The stretched posture stands upright in place.

That is another shadow hidden behind the enchanting woman, the fifth person here.

He blocked the mountain-like coercion as easily as holding a cup of black tea.The golden field covered and terminated in front of the woman, and the golden behind her was like an electric light that had been unplugged, slowly being swallowed by the re-emerging darkness.The fan-shaped golden field was cut with a small opening, and the golden edge representing death and her face were only three centimeters long.

Behind the woman is a very ordinary figure, whose face cannot be seen clearly, and whose figure is also lacklustre, as if she is still wearing pajamas.

"Sai, don't be afraid, with me here, you don't have to be afraid, let alone panic."

He said nonchalantly,

"There are people here who have the 'Bronze Throne' as his barrier and are fearless, and there are people who have the Philosopher's Stone as his barrier and are fearless. You don't have any of these, but I am behind you."

Mai Tokuro straightened up and stood in front of the man, standing in the only short gap between the golden and the dark, as long as the golden field was pushed a little further,
She will face the heavy force like a mountain crushing again, until her internal organs are broken and her body collapses.But she has nothing to fear, because the man stepped out of the shadows.

"Understood, you are my barrier." Said Mai Shutoku.

"No! No one can be a barrier for others, only you can be a barrier. What you need is to hold the weapon in your hand and cut off all obstacles! Be a useful person to me!"

The man's voice was harsh.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and pressed slowly on the back of Mai Tokuku's head,
"I give you blood, and use blood to refine your soul. You will never be able to reach places that cannot be reached, but wherever you go, they will shine brightly! I give you a sword, and anyone who rebels will be killed. One is called 'Heavenly Feather Cut', and the other is called 'Bloom All Yuhun'!"

The release of a calm realm is like throwing a small stone into the water, but this stone has stirred up huge waves! !

Mai Shutoku closed his eyes, and opened them suddenly in the next moment, and every corner of his pupils was filled with blazing golden flames.

In just an instant, she was completely reborn, just like the little figure in front of her, the death-like domain surged out of her body, blowing away the death boundary that was pressing in front of her.Another golden field exploded!

She draws her sword with both hands,

Left hand "Tian Yu Yu Slash"!
Right hand "Budu Royal Soul"!
The body jumped forward.

The two long swords flowing red purple and molten gold cut two cross cracks in the golden field.With the cross as the boundary, the domain is born naturally.The scorching bright purple electric light wandered in every corner of the field, making a loud noise like thunder.

The heavy oppression suppressed in the space suddenly shattered,

The mountain was chopped up!
Mai Jiude held the long sword in both hands and walked forward slowly. She walked into the golden field of the small figure with golden pupils. The new purple electric light field flowed on every inch of her body, one gold and one purple. Two different electric currents The shooting collided, and for a while, there was lightning and thunder, and light and dark handed over.

Mr. Kentucky and Patsy clearly felt that the pressure around them dissipated.Every inch of skin on the whole body becomes comfortable to breathe.

"Alchemy field!" Percy hissed.

Like the domain in the Well of Annihilation, Budu Yuhun stimulated an alchemy domain.This kind of domain does not require living bodies, but only alchemy products can be produced.

In the past, this was just a miracle imagined by alchemists, not a real technology.Because it is the "speaking spirit" that produces the domain, and the speaking spirit is only used by life. No matter how alchemy refines elements, refining silver into gold, refining sulfur from volcanic ash, all you get are dead things.The field of alchemy is different. To achieve this effect, the alchemist must use the four basic elements to reorganize something with the "essence of life". This kind of thing is alive and can release the field.

But this is the theft of theocracy, the technology of imitating life from dust.

Forbidden technique!

"But how is it possible!!" Percy seemed to have seen something completely incomprehensible.


The ear-piercing sound of thunder flickered in the space, and the purple lightning roared like a howling thunder dragon.In an instant, the body wearing Mai Tokuku confronted the small figure.

One big and one small are tall and slim, one gold and one purple fight against each other, bursting out with fierce crimson flames.

One side is as thick as a mountain, and the other side is as sharp as electricity,
This is a life and death confrontation between spear and shield.

The confrontation between the two became more and more intense, and the "Tian Yu Yu Zhan" in Jiu Toku Mai's hands was roaring and exciting all the time.It seems that something exciting has happened.The space is full of the flurry of swords and swords left by their collisions.

Colliding, colliding, colliding with the baseball bat in the hands of the little figure.

The power carried on the baseball bat is like the root of the mountain from the earth, endless and surging like the sea.

But the injuries on the little figure became more and more serious, and there were more and more severed marks.With the seamless cooperation of Tian Yu Yu Zhan and Budu Yuhun, and under the superimposed suppression of the opponent's dual domains, the baseball bat in the little figure's hand can only play a defensive role.

at last!

Jiu De Mai's body suddenly jumped up, and his slender body bowed up. The dazzling purple electric current was like a car of flash bombs roaring at the same time, shining instantly in every area of ​​the space.

Mr. Kentucky and Patsy only felt that their vision was covered by rich purple, and they couldn't see anything for the next moment.

Purple is purple, purple is everywhere.

When they opened their eyes again, they saw the enchanting figure of Mai Tokuro standing upright in front of them,
Tian Yuyu Slash with one hand, and Bu Du Yuhun with the other.

Her figure is like that of Hua Mulan, the female general in charge of a battlefield fortress, with her majestic appearance and her hair, her brows are as sharp as lightning.The ponytail behind him fluctuated up and down in the gust of wind.

And the small figure that was fighting with her has disappeared, and only a broken baseball bat is scattered on the ground.

KFC set its sights far away,
I saw that at the end of the other side of the altar, a huge pit appeared in it, and a little girl covered in injuries was nailed into it by a steel bar.

Thick black blood slowly flowed through the cracks in the bronze tree pattern on the ground like crude oil.



Office of the Principal of Kassel College.

A ripple suddenly flashed across Fu Nian's plain eyes.

"Fenrir! The black swan has appeared!" Yermungandr's voice seemed to have a hint of disbelief.

Fu Nian sat there blankly and looked at the principal who was setting up something opposite.

He wanted to know what happened.

But he still can't seem to speak!

"Leave the Long Nu Ling under your control, take it back to me!" Fu Nian rarely heard the grievance contained in Xia Mi's voice.


Will she feel wronged?
Fu Nian touched his head in disbelief!




PS: Black swan: Refers to very unpredictable and unusual events.

(End of this chapter)

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