I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 206 The big brother

Chapter 206 The Expensive Brother (Please Subscribe)

"Has something happened, Headmaster?"

Fu Nian looked at Angers who was on the phone with a helpless expression.

"The ice cellar of the college was attacked again." Anger said this extremely terrifying thing lightly.

After speaking, he looked at a certain document on the table with helpless eyes.

He was really helpless. He was still telling the other party about the dangers of exploding blood just now, and persuaded the other party not to use exploding blood frequently. As a result, the academy was invaded again in the next second.
And it was initiated by being disintegrated from within.It was the ice cellar that I had always thought to be foolproof.

Anger's helplessness is not whether the enemy can take out the dragon body, but that the topic of transferring the dragon body is currently being discussed by the school board of directors. Once the opponent catches this excuse, the pressure he faces will increase.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, if you have too many debts, you don't have to worry about it. If you have too many mountains, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you add another one to the three mountains, as long as you don't get in, you will look like an old hooligan who is unreasonable.

However, Frost has nothing to do with himself.

Thinking of this, Angers made a decision and nodded.

He looked up at Fu Nian in front of him.Just as he was about to speak, he froze in place suddenly.

Look at the empty seats.

For a while, the helpless smile on the corner of Angers' mouth worked harder.

"Norma, where's the person?"

"Principal, five seconds ago, Fu Nian went out with the sword of arrogance, one of the seven deadly sins." Norma showed Angers the surveillance video of the campus.

I saw that at the moment when Ange said that the ice cellar of the college was attacked again, Fu Nian's figure was suddenly illusory, and he carried Han Bafang on his shoulders and rushed out of the door without hesitation.

Looking in the direction to go, it is the ice cellar under the library.

Ange smiled even more on his kind face, but shook his head helplessly.

There are not many good students in the Heart Department Academy now.

Angers is very satisfied with this S-class, it is strong, loyal, and has few requirements.The only thing I was looking forward to was that Fu Nian would be able to use less burst blood.

"Call Fu Nian. Tell him what I emphasized tonight." Anger said to Norma.

"Principal, this Norma may not be able to do it."

"Huh?" Anger was taken aback.

"Fu Nian's cell phone is right in front of you." Norma's voice was icy.

The corner of Ange's mouth twitched suddenly, and when he rewinded the video, he found that when the other party was carrying Han Bafang to go out, he seemed to have completely forgotten the phone in the corner, and didn't even look at it.

"However, please rest assured, principal. According to Norma's judgment, Fu Nian's body is currently affected by the dragon's blood emotion to an extremely low degree. Even," Norma hesitated for a moment, continued, "It's not even as good as the principal you received. Explosive blood has a big impact."

Angers squirted out the fresh tea that he just drank in one gulp.

"So, for the sake of your own health, principal, please try to avoid turning on the blood burst to improve your strength in battle. After all, you are also an S-rank in our academy."


"So serious?"

Fu Nian was walking on the way to the library on campus, his brows suddenly frowned.

The third floor of the ice cellar.

Mai Shutoku looked at the small figure lying among the debris of the ruins.Step by step towards each other.

In her hands, the golden domain and the purple domain covered her body from left to right. Under the blessing of this power, she was like a god from heaven, making her slim figure even brighter and more beautiful .

"How did she become so strong?" Fu Nian couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at Mai Tokuro in the darkness.

"Someone rewritten her bloodline, giving her unimaginable power." Xia Mi's voice appeared in Fu Nian's mind.

"She's a Deadpool? Not like that."

"She's not Deadpool! It's different from our way of instilling power through dragon slavery. This method is more clever than ours. In the history of thousands of years, there are only three guys who can use this method to achieve this effect! Even Brother now," Xia Mi's voice was rarely serious.

"It can't be done either."

"Have we met the big guy?" Fu Nian's voice was rarely serious.

"I met a big guy." Xia Mi said firmly in Fu Nian's tone. "He didn't want us to take Norton out."

"Impossible!" Fu Nian's eyes flashed brightly.

"No matter who is here today! Norton must be taken out!"

"A dear brother."

"No matter the cost!"

The roaring dragon chant roared in every corner of the space.

Mr. KFC and Passy looked at each other suddenly, and for a short while, both of them saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

They are not people with slow perception. Just for a moment, the coercion that was originally weak but still omnipresent suddenly disappeared.

In the line of sight of Jiu Toku Mai, the thin phantom covering the little girl's body suddenly trembled violently.The surrounding domain dissipated at this moment, like a bubble floating in the air, shattered by her light touch.

Mai Tokuro was taken aback.

This is?

In the next second, before she had time to think about the problem, the answer automatically appeared in front of Mai Shizutoku.

The head of the small figure in the ruins ahead suddenly lifted up, and a sea of ​​golden sand slowly emerged from the dim golden pupils.The rustling sound of flowing each other appeared in the ears of Mai Tokukutoku, Mr. Kentucky and Patsy like a hallucination.

The two looked at each other blankly, neither understanding what had happened.

But visible to the naked eye, Mr. KFC's body suddenly tensed up, and the hands leaning against the bronze wall began to glow with a bronze luster.

His tense manner soon reached its peak.An inexplicable throbbing emerged, as if a real giant dragon was slowly waking up and walking towards them.

He was ready to turn around and run away if the situation was bad.

Passy also vigilantly clenched the old-fashioned flintlock gun in his hand, and the bullets refined from the Philosopher's Stone were ready to fire at any time.

Mai Tokuro frowned tightly, staring at the figure of the little girl in front of her who had a completely different aura from before,
The sound of rustling quicksand is still reverberating, but the golden color in the eyes of the small figure is becoming more and more dazzling. The sun's newborn brilliance shines on every corner of the space. Different from the previous golden light, the current golden color is mixed with a Red gold.

Liuhai Jinsha boiled tightly, the sound of bubbling bubbles was like boiling golden rice porridge, and the surrounding temperature began to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The huge coercion is like nearly a hundred meters of sea waves slowly advancing behind the little girl, and the suffocating oppression covers every corner of the space little by little.
From front to back, from top to bottom, in all directions, advancing waves, covering giant mountains.The entire space seemed to be frozen in an instant, and power oppressed every corner of the space.

The flowing air, floating hair, and flashing lightning all stopped at this moment.

Every inch of air in the space, every wisp of dust is tremblingly welcoming the arrival of the throne.

Paxi felt that he was sweating all over his body, the hot air and the cold body had an extremely conflicting heat and cold confrontation, cold sweat mixed with hot sweat, flowing down every inch of his body.

A crisp sound of dislocation of bones resounded in the air, followed by a series of crackling sounds of dislocation of bones.

In the shocked eyes of Jiude Mai, the little girl's body slowly began to change in an extremely strange posture, long sharp claws grew out of her fingers, and a large piece of blue-black dragon scale slowly emerged from under her white skin , grows at an extremely rapid rate the moment it comes into contact with the air,
Dragon scales covered her petite body in an instant, and the next moment, her body swelled suddenly, and the scales stood up like a piece of steel thorns!The bony spurs on her feet, knees, and elbows protruded through the skin. It was her black bones growing outward from her body, turning into bony sharp blades.

"Dragon Transformation Phenomenon." Such a word inexplicably emerged in Jiude Mai's heart.

The Tianyu Yuzhan and Budu Yuhun in her hands were trembling, trembling violently.

Mai Tokuku's heart was getting colder, she knew that this was not like the two weapons shaking excitedly as before, but telling her to retreat, telling her to get out of here quickly!

They are afraid!
Is there something scary coming out? !
Mai Tokuro's burning golden pupils looked at the scorching hot imprint of the small figure, and the imprint exuded an extremely terrifying coercion, so frightening that the moment she saw it, she felt as if she was being looked directly at the barrel of a tank.

The power brought to him by the boss is simply difficult to fundamentally resist this level of power.

The little girl slowly took the first step, and the moment the opponent landed, the invisible field spread like ripples across the space.

The long-lost gravity field smashed down every inch of the space like a boulder.The resulting ripples began to boil.

The golden and purple domains covering him were instantly pierced.

Mai Tokuku felt as if his back was hit by a high-speed sports car in an instant, and a mouthful of sweetness poured into his throat.

Behind her, Paxi knelt on the ground directly. There was not a trace of blood flowing from the broken knee, and all of them were held in place by the invisible force field around them and could not move.

The only person who was relatively relaxed was Mr. KFC near the door. His whole body was covered with bronze luster, and he was propped on the wall with one hand, and his two huge eyes were rolling between the eye sockets.

The little figure continued to take another step forward.

The gravitational field from top to bottom suddenly doubled. At this moment, Mai Jiude only felt that the power shrouded in her body by the boss was finally broken. The dual domains on his body became fragmented and disintegrated like a mirror hit by a stone.

A mouthful of scarlet was finally spurted out along her chest.

The domains of Fudu Yuhun and Tian Yu Yu Zhan covering her body became weak, and could only barely float on the surface of Jiu Toku Mai's body, resisting the gravity field that came from beyond her ability.

 Thank you very much [Negative Road Lichen] for your 2333 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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