I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 207 A Dust-Free Land!Whose spirit is the place of no dust

Chapter 207 Dust-free land!Whose words are the dust-free land (please subscribe)


Paxi's body was directly crushed to the ground, and the lines of his brand new suit became disintegrated, his head stuck tightly to the bronze pattern on the ground.

The golden light and blue light between the eyes were suppressed extremely dim.

Not far behind him, Mr. Kentucky also hunched over his body, his grim eyes revealing a sense of tenacity.

He miscalculated.

He should have left this broken place earlier, facing him now is not a Deadpool at all, because no Deadpool can have such a powerful force, such a powerful domain.

Similarly, what he is facing now is not a dragon king like Norton. This kind of suppression from the depths of his blood is something he has never had when facing Norton at close range.This force made his mind dizzy at the moment, and his spine seemed to be carrying a huge mountain weighing hundreds of millions of tons, making it extremely difficult for him to breathe.

And this power will continue to double with the little girl's steps, if the other party takes the third step! !


There was a hint of ferocity in Mr. KFC's exposed eyes.

Once the opponent takes the third step, he will absolutely lose his fighting power, and lose the only possible chance to escape.

in front of him.

Mai Tokuro stared at the third step the little girl was about to take, lying on the bronze floor, unable to lift her eyelids due to gravity.

Stepping forward step by step, with doubled power and oppressive coercion, she knew what she would face next. The powerful power she thought she had was in front of the two steps on the opposite side. Become fragile like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water.

My own life and death are now completely controlled by the little foot of the little figure, which is barely enough to hold. When the foot falls, the surrounding gravity will probably be doubled on this basis. crush everything.

By the way, this place has to be turned into a lava-like volcano.Mai Shutoku looked at the red bronze wall in front of him.The scalding temperature is not the most deadly factor now at all. In the face of the mountain-like power suppressing above, this is simply a trivial matter.

When the time comes, even if I am protected by the two domains, I will not be able to withstand the pressure of the other party at all.

at the same time,

In a shadowy place outside the door of Mr. KFC, a black figure leaned against the wall, feeling the mountain-like pressure from the door.

"Have you grown to this level? It's really surprising." There was infinite emotion in the voice, but also a deep sense of unwillingness.

Looking at the darkness at the end of the passage, he thought about Mai Shutoku who was left inside by him.

The corners of the mouth fluttered up and down.It seems that some difficult decision is being made in the heart.

The corners of the floating mouth suddenly turned up, and the thick fog hidden in the darkness of the figure was suddenly reflected by a golden light, which was clearly bright and dark.

"Women are really troublesome! Brother, let me borrow your strength!" A wave of floating power slowly appeared from the figure, and the darkness was like a curtain, slowly revealing the unfathomable darkness beneath the depths while flowing. Taboo to touch.

It seems that a giant dragon is awakening and raising its head.

Everything around stopped still, and the trembling air seemed to be slowly brushed by a pair of big hands, making it smooth and seamless.

The awakened giant dragon hidden in the abyss seemed to be stunned, and slowly retracted into the abyss of the valley in the still air around it.

The figure stood quietly in place, feeling the inexplicable throbbing around it.There was something inexplicable in the eyes.

Mai Tokuku also looked at the figure that disappeared from his eyes in an instant with inexplicable eyes, and looked at his intact white fingers.

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

The expected gravitational field did not superimpose, and he was still firmly suppressed on the ground.

But the small figure in front of him has disappeared, along with the baseball bat on the ground that was cut into pieces by Tian Yu.

Suddenly, a dull slam sounded behind her.

It seemed to be the sound of a heavy object colliding with a head.

Mai Tokuro couldn't see the scene behind her at all, but it didn't affect her ears to distinguish the position.

this direction?

It was the place where the previous one named Passy was.

Mr. Kentucky stared blankly at the movement of knocking Patsy unconscious with a stick. The power contained in that small arm made him feel his scalp numb for no reason.

His eyes moved to his thick and muscular arms, and he felt very ashamed for a while.

But soon, he knew that he was wrong, what a shame!You should run away, right?
Along with the thought, there was also a sense of horror from the bottom of my heart.

He only felt that the moment he opened his eyes and blinked, the small figure in front of him, which was less than his waist, disappeared from the spot again.

In the next second, Mr. KFC saw a huge stick zooming in front of his eyes, followed by the sound of tearing from the breaking wind.

But what made him even more horrified was that he found that he couldn't move his body at all, and the space around him seemed to be imprisoned by force. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the confinement of blood.

Sorry brother!
The huge figure of Mr. KFC bombarded towards the door like a cannonball.

After a burst of smoke, a huge human figure appeared on the giant gate.

The little figure didn't care about what happened to the figure that flew out, and walked towards Norton's dead bones on the altar with the baseball bat in his hand.

After half a minute,

A small figure, holding a huge dead bone nearly one and a half times her size in one hand, and a baseball bat nearly her height in the other hand walked slowly past Mai Shutoku.

The faint sound of his feet touching the ground was getting farther and farther away from Mai Shutoku's ear.

The gravitational field imprisoned on her body also became weaker and weaker, so that it completely dissipated into nothingness in the end.

Mai Shutoku turned over and leaned against the still hot ground, lying quietly on the bronze pattern and looking at the dark dome.

For a moment, she actually had a very peaceful feeling in her heart. She didn't have the expected excitement of life after death, nor the disappointment after the mission failed. She just silently looked at the darkness above her head, feeling the air that began to flow around her. .

She didn't know why the other party ignored her and passed by.According to the strength of the opponent, when the third kick landed just now, there would not be any vitality here.

Jiu Toku Mai has no doubts about this, unless the boss saves her, she will not have any chance of survival tonight.And she sincerely doubts that the boss can really save herself from the other party's hands? !
she does not know,

But that is no longer the point.

Because the other party didn't do that, didn't even look at her, just walked past him silently.

As if he didn't exist, even if he couldn't hide his heavy breathing, he turned a blind eye.

Why on earth?
For a moment, Mai Tokuku was in a state of confusion, looking at the black sky above his head, his eyes were silent and clueless.


"Principal! There has been a major change in the blocking of the executive department!! The opponent has torn through our first line of defense and is heading towards the school gate!"

During the call, the voice of the deputy director of the executive department revealed unconcealable anxiety and fear.

Every mistake is fear.

If you really saw the scene where countless bullets were suspended in mid-air and did not dare to fall, you would also be as shocked and speechless as they were.

They would never have imagined why the ability that the Dragon King possessed yesterday would appear on such a dead waiter girl.

Under the intensive live ammunition attack in just a few minutes, none of the nearly ten thousand rounds of brass large-caliber live ammunition entered the opponent's body, and all of them were suspended in front of the little girl, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking them, which also attracted watching them.

The little girl lowered her head, her shining golden pupils looked straight at the lawn in front of her, and the crimson lava flickered through the gap between her breaths through the blue-black scales.In the collision of scales, gold and iron, there is still a trace of scorching steam.

Within a range of less than one meter around her, densely packed brass bullets buzzed tremblingly like bees.

This is what scares the deputy minister the most. This scene is so similar to the scene where Norton countered them with live ammunition last night.

The next step is to melt the live ammunition, and then when the wrists fall together, the live ammunition will return towards them at an extremely fast speed!
"A dust-free land! Whose speech spirit is a dust-free land!!"

The deputy minister frantically shouted at the executive departments behind him.

But no one answered him, and everyone's speech spirit is not a dust-free place.

"Let them evacuate quickly!" Schneider's voice sounded in his ears.

He knew that there were really not many executive department commissioners in the college who had a clean place, and even if they really had a clean place, they might not be able to stop the opponent's counterattack.

Because not everyone's clean land can be as indestructible as Fu Nian.

"Minister! We are already the last line of defense of the college! Let's evacuate, and the keel will be handed over to others!!"

"Retreat!" Schneider stood still and looked at the little girl who ignored them and walked towards the school gate step by step.

Even if they were so far away from each other, they could still feel the terrifying coercion of the Dragon King on each other that was so terrifying that it almost collapsed.

Is he Deadpool or Dragon King? !

The commissioner of the executive department looked at the front door and couldn't accept it.They are the direct people who felt the power of the dragon in Norton last night.The scene now is very similar to yesterday.

No one told them that Deadpool can have the coercion of the Dragon King!
(End of this chapter)

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